Why Don't Atheists Contribute To Society?

When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

We not only contribute we encourage others to contribute more. For example, we wanted the bush tax breaks to go away and have that money go towards the problems we need solving.

We're just smart about our contributions. I'd rather my taxes go up and our government actually solve the problem, rather than me donate money to a charity and only 4% of that money goes to help the people it was intended for.

And if it weren't for smart atheist scientists you'd all still be living in caves and eating raw meat. It wasn't the masses that were intelligent. The DeVinci's and Michaellangelos and Plato's and Socrates are a very small percent of the human race. The people who invented the internet, the gas engine, how to work with steel, invented electricity. Most of you would be monkey's if it weren't for 5% of humanity. The rest of us are just along for the ride.

So when theist brag that the masses believe in god, that doesn't surprise me at all.
Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.
the unemployed ones don't......

What do you think about Walmart, McD and Factory workers who are making below poverty level wages? Do you think the corporations that make great profits should be paying above poverty level? I do.

Think about it like these companies are using the us tax payer to subsodize their profits. On YOUR back. Because these workers often have to get foodstamps because they don't make enough.

So either the employees have to unionize or the government has to pass a minimum wage increase. I'd rather the companies just do it out of fear of either. Too much greed. If they can't ship the job overseas they want to hire illegals to do it on the cheap. Anything to not pay an American worker a fair wage.

This brings everyones wages down.

Working at Walmart can hardly be considered high-tech. Were Walmart unable to fill open positions at low hourly wage, then market forces would cause them to raise wages. To my knowledge, Walmart forces no one to work for them. Such jobs will always exist because there are always a number of folks who simply have not the ambition to gain the necessary training to move up the food chain. Such jobs should be held by college students and such and not by any family's primary bread winner.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

We not only contribute we encourage others to contribute more. For example, we wanted the bush tax breaks to go away and have that money go towards the problems we need solving.

We're just smart about our contributions. I'd rather my taxes go up and our government actually solve the problem, rather than me donate money to a charity and only 4% of that money goes to help the people it was intended for.

And if it weren't for smart atheist scientists you'd all still be living in caves and eating raw meat. It wasn't the masses that were intelligent. The DeVinci's and Michaellangelos and Plato's and Socrates are a very small percent of the human race. The people who invented the internet, the gas engine, how to work with steel, invented electricity. Most of you would be monkey's if it weren't for 5% of humanity. The rest of us are just along for the ride.

So when theist brag that the masses believe in god, that doesn't surprise me at all.

My people weren't living in caves. My people called themselves "The Human Beings". My people considered themselves to be civilized while considering the white folks to be barbarians. We were of the five civilized tribes and formed a confederacy long before the white folks did.

Yes, your government is doing a fantastic job of solving problems. Massive unemployment, massive underemployment, more folks on food stamps and assistance programs than at any point in history, more folks working in part-time jobs. Tell me more about your government and how it is helping.
Another one who claims to know the mind of Christ. Simply amazing the condemnation of those who speak for Christ. These would have stoned both the woman caught in adultry and the Christ.
LOL What an idiot.

I'm an idiot? I'm not on here condemning everyone to Hell. You are.
You don't even know how to read. I'm not condemning anyone. I'm saying those like you are destined for hell because of the way you use Christianity and the name of Jesus to promote evil and anti-Christian thought and behavior. Try to read and understand with more clarity.

Notice most everyone who believes in heaven also believes they are going?

I love it when two theists meet and one tells the other they aren't doing it right. When I was a theist I got offended now I just laugh.
I am not a theist. I am going by what Jesus supposedly said and supposedly stood for. What Christianity is all about. I have no interest in this at all other than noting the hypocricy of so many who call themselves Christian. LOL I am most definitely not a theist.

What Jesus "supposedly said"? LOL!!
Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.
Oh please! You people are so full of BS. Any hospital or nursing home that is run by a church, and they are few, not most, are run for profit. You people are so full of self righteous, sanctimonious shit--Christ would not even recognize most people who call themselves Christian as followers of his teachings. Pathetic. You are all destined to eternally burn in hell.

My MY. Hate and condemnation. You're the type who would gladly volunteer to throw little children into the fire.
No, no she isn't. What a horrible thing to say of another, even just to make a point.

The friend you're defending is the one who came on here condemning people to hell. No one else is doing so.
Liar. I didn't condemn anyone to hell. You are incapable of clear thinking.

You came on here to attack me. You offered absolutely no facts or evidence to add to the discussion. You attacked me and I have quickly turned your attack back upon you and now you are back-pedaling and in retreat.
If those Christians could have helped only other Christians, they would have.

not true. We would even help you

I'm going to agree with you there. In 2013 I lost the roof of my home in a tornado. A group from your LDS Church came out and helped with putting tarps over my roof as a temporary fix until I could get someone out. They were extremely nice, and one of the little girls that came with the group wanted to take my pug puppy home with her. I even offered to donate money, to go towards their relief efforts, and they refused to take it.

I have no doubt that there are some very decent people who belong to your Church. I just don't agree with your religion, just as you don't agree with my lack of.

It isn't a matter of not agreeing with you. It's the misrepresentations I have a problem with.

You're just in denial.

Right. It's definitely just me.
If those Christians could have helped only other Christians, they would have.

not true. We would even help you

I'm going to agree with you there. In 2013 I lost the roof of my home in a tornado. A group from your LDS Church came out and helped with putting tarps over my roof as a temporary fix until I could get someone out. They were extremely nice, and one of the little girls that came with the group wanted to take my pug puppy home with her. I even offered to donate money, to go towards their relief efforts, and they refused to take it.

I have no doubt that there are some very decent people who belong to your Church. I just don't agree with your religion, just as you don't agree with my lack of.

It isn't a matter of not agreeing with you. It's the misrepresentations I have a problem with.

You mean the way that gays are misrepresented as pedophiles and atheists are misrepresented as being anti-religion and Latinos are misrepresented as being illegal immigrants and blacks are misrepresented as being welfare queens?

Who is it that does all that misrepresenting?

Not me so I am not sure where you're going with this.
I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.

Another one who claims to know the mind of Christ. Simply amazing the condemnation of those who speak for Christ. These would have stoned both the woman caught in adultry and the Christ.
LOL What an idiot.

I'm an idiot? I'm not on here condemning everyone to Hell. You are.
You don't even know how to read. I'm not condemning anyone. I'm saying those like you are destined for hell because of the way you use Christianity and the name of Jesus to promote evil and anti-Christian thought and behavior. Try to read and understand with more clarity.

Notice most everyone who believes in heaven also believes they are going?

I love it when two theists meet and one tells the other they aren't doing it right. When I was a theist I got offended now I just laugh.

They aren't Christians and you well know it. These are just stupid people who spout an evil and hellish doctrine of fundalmentalism hellfire and brimstone to the feeble-minded and unlearned. These are a blight and a shame upon Christianity and destroy Christ's work on the cross. Please don't judge all Christians by these nuts.
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of atheist there is.
I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.

Another one who claims to know the mind of Christ. Simply amazing the condemnation of those who speak for Christ. These would have stoned both the woman caught in adultry and the Christ.
LOL What an idiot.

I'm an idiot? I'm not on here condemning everyone to Hell. You are.
You don't even know how to read. I'm not condemning anyone. I'm saying those like you are destined for hell because of the way you use Christianity and the name of Jesus to promote evil and anti-Christian thought and behavior. Try to read and understand with more clarity.

I looked Hell up on my world globe and was unable to find it. Could you give me directions to it?
Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

????.....so you figure he drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit BEFORE he got elected so he could GET elected?......gotta love liberal logic.....

New Orleans & Detroit were by design. They may not have planned on the Hurricane but their response after sure was not the same as a year before when a hurricane hit Jeb Bush's state of Florida. The US Government was there the next day with sparkling water and ice to keep them cool.

Detroit's bankruptcy is just like all the corporate bankruptcies. They ripped off the Pensions. The whole middle class disappearing thing started probably before Reagan.

Oh and as for Snyder. He hasn't written one bill. ALEC and the corporations now write the bills and the GOP run Michigan government just passes what they give them. They don't even read the bills.

Don't believe it? Google this like I just did "who writes republican legislation" and ALEC is the first thing to pop up.

You mean kind of like Nancy Poloski and the Democrats pushed the largest tax increase in American history down the throats of an American public who were opposed to it without even reading it before they passed it? I get it now.
And the Native Americans...actually the earliest settlers (that we know of) provided much to society.. My favorite is the dragging of two sticks behind a horse or picked up by one end and dragged by human power. Fantastic use of leverage and elbow grease. The spear and the bow and arrow can hardly be ignored as major contributors to getting animals from the range to the dining table....oops ! getting a little ahead of myself... the dining table which keeps food a safe distance from the dirt benieth one's feet wasn't really much use to NA's.

Can't leave out the "spoken" history either. It worked so well for other societies. No real need to write anything down.

You guys ever get tickled seeing white guys claim "Indian status"?

Like ... I'm 1/16th NA... Ha...Ha... THAT means my great ..great ...great ...great grammy was raped by marauding bands of starving NA's out searching for ANYTHING edible.

Wolves...bears..turtles...ya, now it all makes perfect sense.

My FAVORITE contribution is the NA's recruited to add mystery to WWII Army communications... Makes sense to me... the NA's could barely understand their own language and with nothing written down who's the wiser...right?

I don't really blame Y'all for trying to keep whatever you have left as something to remember with dignity. Fortunately for you there wasn't that much... finally packing light has been shown to have had a usefull purpose.
And the Native Americans...actually the earliest settlers (that we know of) provided much to society.. My favorite is the dragging of two sticks behind a horse or picked up by one end and dragged by human power. Fantastic use of leverage and elbow grease. The spear and the bow and arrow can hardly be ignored as major contributors to getting animals from the range to the dining table....oops ! getting a little ahead of myself... the dining table which keeps food a safe distance from the dirt benieth one's feet wasn't really much use to NA's.

Can't leave out the "spoken" history either. It worked so well for other societies. No real need to write anything down.

You guys ever get tickled seeing white guys claim "Indian status"?

Like ... I'm 1/16th NA... Ha...Ha... THAT means my great ..great ...great ...great grammy was raped by marauding bands of starving NA's out searching for ANYTHING edible.

Wolves...bears..turtles...ya, now it all makes perfect sense.

My FAVORITE contribution is the NA's recruited to add mystery to WWII Army communications... Makes sense to me... the NA's could barely understand their own language and with nothing written down who's the wiser...right?

I don't really blame Y'all for trying to keep whatever you have left as something to remember with dignity. Fortunately for you there wasn't that much... finally packing light has been shown to have had a usefull purpose.

Of course we won't bother to mention corn, peas, beans, peanuts, tobacco, etc. For your own edification though, this Human Being is 3/4 Cherokee and 1/4 Seminole.
And the Native Americans...actually the earliest settlers (that we know of) provided much to society.. My favorite is the dragging of two sticks behind a horse or picked up by one end and dragged by human power. Fantastic use of leverage and elbow grease.

Yeah, they didn't do that until Europeans brought them horses.

My FAVORITE contribution is the NA's recruited to add mystery to WWII Army communications... Makes sense to me... the NA's could barely understand their own language and with nothing written down who's the wiser...right?

And the Native Americans...actually the earliest settlers (that we know of) provided much to society.. My favorite is the dragging of two sticks behind a horse or picked up by one end and dragged by human power. Fantastic use of leverage and elbow grease. The spear and the bow and arrow can hardly be ignored as major contributors to getting animals from the range to the dining table....oops ! getting a little ahead of myself... the dining table which keeps food a safe distance from the dirt benieth one's feet wasn't really much use to NA's.

Can't leave out the "spoken" history either. It worked so well for other societies. No real need to write anything down.

You guys ever get tickled seeing white guys claim "Indian status"?

Like ... I'm 1/16th NA... Ha...Ha... THAT means my great ..great ...great ...great grammy was raped by marauding bands of starving NA's out searching for ANYTHING edible.

Wolves...bears..turtles...ya, now it all makes perfect sense.

My FAVORITE contribution is the NA's recruited to add mystery to WWII Army communications... Makes sense to me... the NA's could barely understand their own language and with nothing written down who's the wiser...right?

I don't really blame Y'all for trying to keep whatever you have left as something to remember with dignity. Fortunately for you there wasn't that much... finally packing light has been shown to have had a usefull purpose.

Of course we won't bother to mention corn, peas, beans, peanuts, tobacco, etc. For your own edification though, this Human Being is 3/4 Cherokee and 1/4 Seminole.

Fabulous...but can you hold your liquor?
And the Native Americans...actually the earliest settlers (that we know of) provided much to society.. My favorite is the dragging of two sticks behind a horse or picked up by one end and dragged by human power. Fantastic use of leverage and elbow grease. The spear and the bow and arrow can hardly be ignored as major contributors to getting animals from the range to the dining table....oops ! getting a little ahead of myself... the dining table which keeps food a safe distance from the dirt benieth one's feet wasn't really much use to NA's.

Can't leave out the "spoken" history either. It worked so well for other societies. No real need to write anything down.

You guys ever get tickled seeing white guys claim "Indian status"?

Like ... I'm 1/16th NA... Ha...Ha... THAT means my great ..great ...great ...great grammy was raped by marauding bands of starving NA's out searching for ANYTHING edible.

Wolves...bears..turtles...ya, now it all makes perfect sense.

My FAVORITE contribution is the NA's recruited to add mystery to WWII Army communications... Makes sense to me... the NA's could barely understand their own language and with nothing written down who's the wiser...right?

I don't really blame Y'all for trying to keep whatever you have left as something to remember with dignity. Fortunately for you there wasn't that much... finally packing light has been shown to have had a usefull purpose.

Of course we won't bother to mention corn, peas, beans, peanuts, tobacco, etc. For your own edification though, this Human Being is 3/4 Cherokee and 1/4 Seminole.

Fabulous...but can you hold your liquor?

Don't drink. I told you I was civilized.

Let us list the contributions the white made to the Native American society which was already in place before the white invasion of America:

Let's see. The whites introduced diseases and plagues. The whites introduced war. The Indians aided and fought along side the whites in their battle for independence against the British. The whites introduced treachery. After the Indians aided the whites against the British, the whites turned on the Indians and took their lands. They forced marched the Cherokees off to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears. 4,000 Cherokees died on the march. The whites polluted the clear streams and rivers. The whites filled the clean air with smoke and carbon pollutants. The whites killed off the animals nearly wiping out the buffalo entirely.

Interesting to note that oil was found in Oklahoma where the military had relocated the Cherokees. Some of the Cherokees got extremely wealthy off the deal. Now the Creeks, brothers of the Cherokees are taking the white man's money in their casinos and the tobacco the Indians grew is killing off the whites in droves.
I hate to burst your bubble..but Indians had diseases and "plagues" before the horrible white man came. And they also had war, and treachery.

Seriously. Please don't parade your ignorance so. It's embarassing.
how does such an obvious joke of a troll thread go for this many pages?

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