Why Don't Atheists Contribute To Society?

When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?
I am not an atheist. You think everyone who isn't a Christian or isn't religious is an atheist? What a stupid jerk.

You might try Google before you ask stupid questions.

From the American Atheists website, here's a list of non-religious charities who are providing aid and relief to Katrina victims.

American Atheists Home /

Helping the Victims of Katrina…
“All we have is each other…”

AMERICAN ATHEISTS urges all fellow nonbelievers to contribute to the rescue and other humanitarian efforts in the devastating wake of Hurricane Katrina.

A number of secular, non-religious aid organizations are active in this relief campaign. They do not incorporate a religious message in their operations, nor do they proselytize to those in need.

AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS (Founded by Deist-Unitarian Clara Barton)
HANDS ON HUMANITY is a project of the Universist Movement. It is operated by Atheists and other secularists, and is concentrating on the Birmingham, Ala. area. It has applied for non-profit status.
The MASONIC SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA has established a Katrina Hurricane Relief fund and accepts on-line donations.
NETWORK FOR GOOD (has numerous listings for helping groups, both religious and secular)
HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES (Our winged and four-legged friends need help, too!)
If you have been displaced by the Hurricane Katrina tragedy and need employment, and are currently in the Houston, Texas area, Gary may be able to help! His is a family (all proud Atheists) business. He needs a quality bench jeweler for manufacturing and repair. Please be fluent in English and a nonsmoker. Contact Gary at [email protected] or call 713-451-1321

But did any of these actually help anyone? I was down there during Katrina with my church group and saw none of these rep[resented. Were they at a tailgate party or something? Many of the church groups were shown on the news. I saw absolutely no atheists groups shown on the news. Were they afraid of publicity?
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of Christian there is.

Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of atheist there is.
I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.

Another one who claims to know the mind of Christ. Simply amazing the condemnation of those who speak for Christ. These would have stoned both the woman caught in adultry and the Christ.
I am not an atheist. You think everyone who isn't a Christian or isn't religious is an atheist? What a stupid jerk.

You might try Google before you ask stupid questions.

From the American Atheists website, here's a list of non-religious charities who are providing aid and relief to Katrina victims.

American Atheists Home /

Helping the Victims of Katrina…
“All we have is each other…”

AMERICAN ATHEISTS urges all fellow nonbelievers to contribute to the rescue and other humanitarian efforts in the devastating wake of Hurricane Katrina.

A number of secular, non-religious aid organizations are active in this relief campaign. They do not incorporate a religious message in their operations, nor do they proselytize to those in need.

AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS (Founded by Deist-Unitarian Clara Barton)
HANDS ON HUMANITY is a project of the Universist Movement. It is operated by Atheists and other secularists, and is concentrating on the Birmingham, Ala. area. It has applied for non-profit status.
The MASONIC SERVICES ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA has established a Katrina Hurricane Relief fund and accepts on-line donations.
NETWORK FOR GOOD (has numerous listings for helping groups, both religious and secular)
HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES (Our winged and four-legged friends need help, too!)
If you have been displaced by the Hurricane Katrina tragedy and need employment, and are currently in the Houston, Texas area, Gary may be able to help! His is a family (all proud Atheists) business. He needs a quality bench jeweler for manufacturing and repair. Please be fluent in English and a nonsmoker. Contact Gary at [email protected] or call 713-451-1321

But did any of these actually help anyone? I was down there during Katrina with my church group and saw none of these rep[resented. Were they at a tailgate party or something? Many of the church groups were shown on the news. I saw absolutely no atheists groups shown on the news. Were they afraid of publicity?
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of Christian there is.

Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of atheist there is.
I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.

Another one who claims to know the mind of Christ. Simply amazing the condemnation of those who speak for Christ. These would have stoned both the woman caught in adultry and the Christ.
LOL What an idiot.
Most of the food banks in this country are run by churches, btw.

Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.
Oh please! You people are so full of BS. Any hospital or nursing home that is run by a church, and they are few, not most, are run for profit. You people are so full of self righteous, sanctimonious shit--Christ would not even recognize most people who call themselves Christian as followers of his teachings. Pathetic. You are all destined to eternally burn in hell.

My MY. Hate and condemnation. You're the type who would gladly volunteer to throw little children into the fire.
But did any of these actually help anyone? I was down there during Katrina with my church group and saw none of these rep[resented. Were they at a tailgate party or something? Many of the church groups were shown on the news. I saw absolutely no atheists groups shown on the news. Were they afraid of publicity?
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of Christian there is.

Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of atheist there is.
I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.

Another one who claims to know the mind of Christ. Simply amazing the condemnation of those who speak for Christ. These would have stoned both the woman caught in adultry and the Christ.
LOL What an idiot.

I'm an idiot? I'm not on here condemning everyone to Hell. You are.
But I protest. YOU voted for Obama and the Democrats who set the policies of the government.

I sold that product before 2008. This has been going on for a lot longer than that.

Impossible to fix these problems when the GOP refuse to raise taxes one cent.

The GOP can't raise or cut taxes. The GOP is not in charge.

I thought the House was in charge of the purse strings?

I already tried to tell you that the House has passed 372 Bills, many bipartisan, that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid won't even assign to a committee. Yes, the House does control the purse strings but they cannot spend money that Congress has not fully authorized. You know that.

You are half right.

In some cases, committee chairs -- not Reid -- may be blocking or moving slowly on these bills. In other cases, senators are working on their own alternative bills on the same topic. Meanwhile, the claim oversells the degree of bipartisanship in the House; a majority of the Democratic-sponsored bills she cites are relatively minor pieces of legislation.

Ultimately, Republicans placing all the blame on the Democrats and the Senate, but experts agree that it takes two to tango. Both parties and chambers have played a role in creating the current legislative dysfunction. On balance, we rate the claim Half True.

Yeah. Right. The House is blocking 372 of their own Bills in the Senate. You have topped the scale on puny excuses in defense of your Party.

Politifact check dot com babe.
Most of the food banks in this country are run by churches, btw.

Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.
Oh please! You people are so full of BS. Any hospital or nursing home that is run by a church, and they are few, not most, are run for profit. You people are so full of self righteous, sanctimonious shit--Christ would not even recognize most people who call themselves Christian as followers of his teachings. Pathetic. You are all destined to eternally burn in hell.

My MY. Hate and condemnation. You're the type who would gladly volunteer to throw little children into the fire.

LMAO You are something. You know, if I were you, I would take that brain you've got back and ask for another one, hopefully one that works. :rofl:
Most of the food banks in this country are run by churches, btw.

Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.
Oh please! You people are so full of BS. Any hospital or nursing home that is run by a church, and they are few, not most, are run for profit. You people are so full of self righteous, sanctimonious shit--Christ would not even recognize most people who call themselves Christian as followers of his teachings. Pathetic. You are all destined to eternally burn in hell.

My MY. Hate and condemnation. You're the type who would gladly volunteer to throw little children into the fire.
No, no she isn't. What a horrible thing to say of another, even just to make a point.
Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

????.....so you figure he drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit BEFORE he got elected so he could GET elected?......gotta love liberal logic.....

New Orleans & Detroit were by design. They may not have planned on the Hurricane but their response after sure was not the same as a year before when a hurricane hit Jeb Bush's state of Florida. The US Government was there the next day with sparkling water and ice to keep them cool.

Detroit's bankruptcy is just like all the corporate bankruptcies. They ripped off the Pensions. The whole middle class disappearing thing started probably before Reagan.

Oh and as for Snyder. He hasn't written one bill. ALEC and the corporations now write the bills and the GOP run Michigan government just passes what they give them. They don't even read the bills.

Don't believe it? Google this like I just did "who writes republican legislation" and ALEC is the first thing to pop up.
Most of the food banks in this country are run by churches, btw.

Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.

Is it really on the waterfront?
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of Christian there is.

Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of atheist there is.
I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.

Another one who claims to know the mind of Christ. Simply amazing the condemnation of those who speak for Christ. These would have stoned both the woman caught in adultry and the Christ.
LOL What an idiot.

I'm an idiot? I'm not on here condemning everyone to Hell. You are.
You don't even know how to read. I'm not condemning anyone. I'm saying those like you are destined for hell because of the way you use Christianity and the name of Jesus to promote evil and anti-Christian thought and behavior. Try to read and understand with more clarity.
Most of the food banks in this country are run by churches, btw.

Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.
Oh please! You people are so full of BS. Any hospital or nursing home that is run by a church, and they are few, not most, are run for profit. You people are so full of self righteous, sanctimonious shit--Christ would not even recognize most people who call themselves Christian as followers of his teachings. Pathetic. You are all destined to eternally burn in hell.

My MY. Hate and condemnation. You're the type who would gladly volunteer to throw little children into the fire.
No, no she isn't. What a horrible thing to say of another, even just to make a point.

The friend you're defending is the one who came on here condemning people to hell. No one else is doing so.
And I think GM, Chrysler and Ford secretly loved it. They got the unions to take huge concessions.
yeah especially GM....getting the federal government to buy the company and give it to them was a HUGE concession.......

I think the CEO's of the Big 3 would love to go bankrupt and kill the unions. They pretty much bought out a lot of the old timers and anyone working at the big 3 doesn't have it as good as they once did. But still at least those workers make more than the non union shop workers I know in Michigan. They all make $10 or maybe a little more per hour. They are considered "non skilled". Fact is to the GOP and rich, most of us are non skilled. A monkey could do your job they say. So that's why we organize and that's why we need unions. Even if you don't work for one, unions lobby our politicians for the workers. Who else lobbies for the worker?
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of atheist there is.
I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.

Another one who claims to know the mind of Christ. Simply amazing the condemnation of those who speak for Christ. These would have stoned both the woman caught in adultry and the Christ.
LOL What an idiot.

I'm an idiot? I'm not on here condemning everyone to Hell. You are.
You don't even know how to read. I'm not condemning anyone. I'm saying those like you are destined for hell because of the way you use Christianity and the name of Jesus to promote evil and anti-Christian thought and behavior. Try to read and understand with more clarity.

But I do understand. I understand where your heart is. So does everyone else.
Most of the food banks in this country are run by churches, btw.

Many hospitals and schools are run by Churches. Day care also. Our local Waterfront Mission of which I am a volunteer, is a religious undertaking that offers meals and a bed to the homeless and displaced veterans. There are also homes for unwed moms-to-be and shelters for abused women that are run by religious groups. The Salvation Army is a large religious group that offers emergency assistance.
Oh please! You people are so full of BS. Any hospital or nursing home that is run by a church, and they are few, not most, are run for profit. You people are so full of self righteous, sanctimonious shit--Christ would not even recognize most people who call themselves Christian as followers of his teachings. Pathetic. You are all destined to eternally burn in hell.

My MY. Hate and condemnation. You're the type who would gladly volunteer to throw little children into the fire.
No, no she isn't. What a horrible thing to say of another, even just to make a point.

The friend you're defending is the one who came on here condemning people to hell. No one else is doing so.
Liar. I didn't condemn anyone to hell. You are incapable of clear thinking.
Wow, what a jerk. Worst kind of atheist there is.
I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.

Another one who claims to know the mind of Christ. Simply amazing the condemnation of those who speak for Christ. These would have stoned both the woman caught in adultry and the Christ.
LOL What an idiot.

I'm an idiot? I'm not on here condemning everyone to Hell. You are.
You don't even know how to read. I'm not condemning anyone. I'm saying those like you are destined for hell because of the way you use Christianity and the name of Jesus to promote evil and anti-Christian thought and behavior. Try to read and understand with more clarity.

Notice most everyone who believes in heaven also believes they are going?

I love it when two theists meet and one tells the other they aren't doing it right. When I was a theist I got offended now I just laugh.
Who besides unions represents labor? Then fuck off. We already know you hate the American workers. We make too much.
the unemployed ones don't......

What do you think about Walmart, McD and Factory workers who are making below poverty level wages? Do you think the corporations that make great profits should be paying above poverty level? I do.

Think about it like these companies are using the us tax payer to subsodize their profits. On YOUR back. Because these workers often have to get foodstamps because they don't make enough.

So either the employees have to unionize or the government has to pass a minimum wage increase. I'd rather the companies just do it out of fear of either. Too much greed. If they can't ship the job overseas they want to hire illegals to do it on the cheap. Anything to not pay an American worker a fair wage.

This brings everyones wages down.
I am not an atheist. What a fool you are. You post sanctimonious bullshit about how wonderful Christians are, in complete conflict with the teachings of Jesus. You make broad, sweeping assumptions about people who are not Christian and whether or not they contribute to charities and help people in need; you express yourself in a vicious, mean spirited way about anyone who isn't Christian, and on and on. You are everything a true Christian who actually follows Christ is not meant to be. He would reject you as one who follows him because you clearly don't.

Another one who claims to know the mind of Christ. Simply amazing the condemnation of those who speak for Christ. These would have stoned both the woman caught in adultry and the Christ.
LOL What an idiot.

I'm an idiot? I'm not on here condemning everyone to Hell. You are.
You don't even know how to read. I'm not condemning anyone. I'm saying those like you are destined for hell because of the way you use Christianity and the name of Jesus to promote evil and anti-Christian thought and behavior. Try to read and understand with more clarity.

Notice most everyone who believes in heaven also believes they are going?

I love it when two theists meet and one tells the other they aren't doing it right. When I was a theist I got offended now I just laugh.
I am not a theist. I am going by what Jesus supposedly said and supposedly stood for. What Christianity is all about. I have no interest in this at all other than noting the hypocricy of so many who call themselves Christian. LOL I am most definitely not a theist.
If those Christians could have helped only other Christians, they would have.

not true. We would even help you

I'm going to agree with you there. In 2013 I lost the roof of my home in a tornado. A group from your LDS Church came out and helped with putting tarps over my roof as a temporary fix until I could get someone out. They were extremely nice, and one of the little girls that came with the group wanted to take my pug puppy home with her. I even offered to donate money, to go towards their relief efforts, and they refused to take it.

I have no doubt that there are some very decent people who belong to your Church. I just don't agree with your religion, just as you don't agree with my lack of.

It isn't a matter of not agreeing with you. It's the misrepresentations I have a problem with.
If those Christians could have helped only other Christians, they would have.

not true. We would even help you

I'm going to agree with you there. In 2013 I lost the roof of my home in a tornado. A group from your LDS Church came out and helped with putting tarps over my roof as a temporary fix until I could get someone out. They were extremely nice, and one of the little girls that came with the group wanted to take my pug puppy home with her. I even offered to donate money, to go towards their relief efforts, and they refused to take it.

I have no doubt that there are some very decent people who belong to your Church. I just don't agree with your religion, just as you don't agree with my lack of.

It isn't a matter of not agreeing with you. It's the misrepresentations I have a problem with.

You're just in denial.
If those Christians could have helped only other Christians, they would have.

not true. We would even help you

I'm going to agree with you there. In 2013 I lost the roof of my home in a tornado. A group from your LDS Church came out and helped with putting tarps over my roof as a temporary fix until I could get someone out. They were extremely nice, and one of the little girls that came with the group wanted to take my pug puppy home with her. I even offered to donate money, to go towards their relief efforts, and they refused to take it.

I have no doubt that there are some very decent people who belong to your Church. I just don't agree with your religion, just as you don't agree with my lack of.

It isn't a matter of not agreeing with you. It's the misrepresentations I have a problem with.

You mean the way that gays are misrepresented as pedophiles and atheists are misrepresented as being anti-religion and Latinos are misrepresented as being illegal immigrants and blacks are misrepresented as being welfare queens?

Who is it that does all that misrepresenting?

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