Why Don't Atheists Contribute To Society?

When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?
We help independently.
Here are the sources. Which of these do you maintain isn't *reliable*..and why?:

  1. Atheists and Agnostics Take Aim at Christians The Barna Update, 2007.
  2. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  3. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  4. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  5. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  6. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  7. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  8. Brooks, Arthur C., faith and charitable giving Policy Review, Oct-Dec 2003, p.2.
  9. Stossel, John and Kendall, Kristina Who Gives and Who Doesn't? ABC News, November 28, 2006
  10. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  11. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  12. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  13. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  14. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  15. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  16. Review of Key Studies on Caring Volunteering Pursuit of Happiness Happiness is understandable obtainable and teachable
Do you distrust USA today? Pew Research forum? Arthur Brooks, ABC News?

Atheism and charity - Conservapedia

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief. This corresponds with evidence which shows social and community bonding, rather than spiritual engagement, explains why religious people report greater satisfaction with life. Atheists, by comparison, may also simply be unhappy with the level of distrust and persecution they receive from their compatriots.

Christians may be good to their neighbors. At least the ones that look like them, talk like them and go to the same church as them. Just don't be a stranger because you may get met with a shotgun to the face.

Who cares? Maybe you should start a thread about that.

In THIS thread, we're talking about the fact that atheists are LYING when they claim that atheists have contributed just as much, and contribute just as much ongoing, in terms of philanthropic giving of money, time, materials, assistance, education, etc.

We might and you just don't know how much we give. And do you mean you give more TOTAL or do you mean like if you had $10 and I had $10 too are you saying you would give more than me?

I think if an atheist had $1 million and you had $1 million, you may give something to charity but that's to buy your way into heaven. And chances are you'd give it to your church and your church would keep most of it so only 10% of what you give would go to the needy.

I know atheists who give directly to the person who needs it. So if they give $100 and you give $1000, you actually only gave $40 because the church/charity you gave your money to kept most of it.

We don't give 10% to any church that's for sure. Do you count what you give to church?
I made a statement. I never condemned any atheist for not giving. Not only do you condemn, you lie.

You're making it sound as if all atheists don't contribute to society, which is a ridiculous insinuation. You say you never condemned any atheist for not giving... but you go ahead and say none of them contribute to society. That is crazy. Insane.

I was proven wrong. I admit it. I believe we had a total of three who claimed they did.

You are lying by insinuating that millions of atheists worldwide haven't contributed to society.

Never said that but Koshergrl has whipped you guys with a stick bigger than Adrain Peterson used on his kids and hit you harder than when Ray Rice punched out his wife and you still keep coming back asking for more. I thought atheists bragged about their intelligence?
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?
We help independently.

Yeah, at night in the dark.
Here are the sources. Which of these do you maintain isn't *reliable*..and why?:

  1. Atheists and Agnostics Take Aim at Christians The Barna Update, 2007.
  2. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  3. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  4. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  5. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  6. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  7. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  8. Brooks, Arthur C., faith and charitable giving Policy Review, Oct-Dec 2003, p.2.
  9. Stossel, John and Kendall, Kristina Who Gives and Who Doesn't? ABC News, November 28, 2006
  10. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  11. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  12. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  13. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  14. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  15. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  16. Review of Key Studies on Caring Volunteering Pursuit of Happiness Happiness is understandable obtainable and teachable
Do you distrust USA today? Pew Research forum? Arthur Brooks, ABC News?

Atheism and charity - Conservapedia

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief. This corresponds with evidence which shows social and community bonding, rather than spiritual engagement, explains why religious people report greater satisfaction with life. Atheists, by comparison, may also simply be unhappy with the level of distrust and persecution they receive from their compatriots.

Christians may be good to their neighbors. At least the ones that look like them, talk like them and go to the same church as them. Just don't be a stranger because you may get met with a shotgun to the face.

I'd never ever just up and shoot you Sealybobo. I'm a Cherokee you know. I'd prefer to turn you loose in the swamp and hunt you. The first time I found you, I'd put an arrow in one knee. The second time I found you, I'd put an arrow in your other knee. It would probably take me a whole week or so to tire of the game and finally end it.

Ever see Naked Pray? Great movie. An African tribe caught some English hunters and killed all but one of them one at a time with different tortures. One they baked him in clay alive. One they had a cobra bite him on the face. One the chopped his head off. The last guy they turned loose into the wilderness and when he got 500 yards away, one hunter went running after him. Then the next guy waited till the first guy got 500 yards away and then he took off, and so on and so on. Basically they gave him a chance. The English guy killed the fist guy and then took his spear and shoes and pants and then kept running until the second guy caught up to him. Eventually the english guy made it to safety. He killed about 5 of the 10 hunters before he made it to safety.

If you and your boys turned me loose like that and came after me like that, the same thing would happen to you guys that happened to the Africans. The only way you'd live is if you had a bow and arrow or gun and I did not.
Not to mention the rich get tax write offs you and I don't get. So when they give $1 million, they get some back. If you give $300 you get nothing back. You wouldn't know this because you aren't rich enough to know. I only know because I use to sell a product called "tax economics of charitable giving". None of the information in this book helped me at all. You had to be rich to benefit from the loopholes.

Also keep in mind that only $40K of that $1 mill goes to the people who need it.

I shouldn't have to give $ to starving Americans. We should have a better government so that no one in America is starving. That means paying taxes. Greedy fucks.

But I protest. YOU voted for Obama and the Democrats who set the policies of the government.
Here are the sources. Which of these do you maintain isn't *reliable*..and why?:

  1. Atheists and Agnostics Take Aim at Christians The Barna Update, 2007.
  2. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  3. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  4. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  5. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  6. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  7. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  8. Brooks, Arthur C., faith and charitable giving Policy Review, Oct-Dec 2003, p.2.
  9. Stossel, John and Kendall, Kristina Who Gives and Who Doesn't? ABC News, November 28, 2006
  10. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  11. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  12. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  13. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  14. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  15. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  16. Review of Key Studies on Caring Volunteering Pursuit of Happiness Happiness is understandable obtainable and teachable
Do you distrust USA today? Pew Research forum? Arthur Brooks, ABC News?

Atheism and charity - Conservapedia

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief. This corresponds with evidence which shows social and community bonding, rather than spiritual engagement, explains why religious people report greater satisfaction with life. Atheists, by comparison, may also simply be unhappy with the level of distrust and persecution they receive from their compatriots.

Christians may be good to their neighbors. At least the ones that look like them, talk like them and go to the same church as them. Just don't be a stranger because you may get met with a shotgun to the face.

I'd never ever just up and shoot you Sealybobo. I'm a Cherokee you know. I'd prefer to turn you loose in the swamp and hunt you. The first time I found you, I'd put an arrow in one knee. The second time I found you, I'd put an arrow in your other knee. It would probably take me a whole week or so to tire of the game and finally end it.

Ever see Naked Pray? Great movie. An African tribe caught some English hunters and killed all but one of them one at a time with different tortures. One they baked him in clay alive. One they had a cobra bite him on the face. One the chopped his head off. The last guy they turned loose into the wilderness and when he got 500 yards away, one hunter went running after him. Then the next guy waited till the first guy got 500 yards away and then he took off, and so on and so on. Basically they gave him a chance. The English guy killed the fist guy and then took his spear and shoes and pants and then kept running until the second guy caught up to him. Eventually the english guy made it to safety. He killed about 5 of the 10 hunters before he made it to safety.

If you and your boys turned me loose like that and came after me like that, the same thing would happen to you guys that happened to the Africans. The only way you'd live is if you had a bow and arrow or gun and I did not.

Yes, we're all convinced you're a great predatory survivalist, armed to the teeth, boob.

I made a statement. I never condemned any atheist for not giving. Not only do you condemn, you lie.

You're making it sound as if all atheists don't contribute to society, which is a ridiculous insinuation. You say you never condemned any atheist for not giving... but you go ahead and say none of them contribute to society. That is crazy. Insane.

I was proven wrong. I admit it. I believe we had a total of three who claimed they did.

You are lying by insinuating that millions of atheists worldwide haven't contributed to society.

Never said that but Koshergrl has whipped you guys with a stick bigger than Adrain Peterson used on his kids and hit you harder than when Ray Rice punched out his wife and you still keep coming back asking for more. I thought atheists bragged about their intelligence?

Congratulations, you just won a ticket to Cyberia for being a flaming troll who adds nothing of any value to this forum.

Sorry, these are one way tickets only and I won't be seeing any of your further sniveling responses thanks to the new message board format that @cereal_killer chose to implement. :thup:

[People you Ignore] *click* [Member to ignore] "the_human_being" [Save Changes] *click*

Here are the sources. Which of these do you maintain isn't *reliable*..and why?:

  1. Atheists and Agnostics Take Aim at Christians The Barna Update, 2007.
  2. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  3. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  4. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  5. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  6. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  7. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  8. Brooks, Arthur C., faith and charitable giving Policy Review, Oct-Dec 2003, p.2.
  9. Stossel, John and Kendall, Kristina Who Gives and Who Doesn't? ABC News, November 28, 2006
  10. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  11. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  12. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  13. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  14. Religious people make better citizens, study says by Pew Research Forum, May 13, 2009
  15. Religious people are 'better neighbors' by USA Today, 11/14/2010
  16. Review of Key Studies on Caring Volunteering Pursuit of Happiness Happiness is understandable obtainable and teachable
Do you distrust USA today? Pew Research forum? Arthur Brooks, ABC News?

Atheism and charity - Conservapedia

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief. This corresponds with evidence which shows social and community bonding, rather than spiritual engagement, explains why religious people report greater satisfaction with life. Atheists, by comparison, may also simply be unhappy with the level of distrust and persecution they receive from their compatriots.

Christians may be good to their neighbors. At least the ones that look like them, talk like them and go to the same church as them. Just don't be a stranger because you may get met with a shotgun to the face.

I'd never ever just up and shoot you Sealybobo. I'm a Cherokee you know. I'd prefer to turn you loose in the swamp and hunt you. The first time I found you, I'd put an arrow in one knee. The second time I found you, I'd put an arrow in your other knee. It would probably take me a whole week or so to tire of the game and finally end it.

Ever see Naked Pray? Great movie. An African tribe caught some English hunters and killed all but one of them one at a time with different tortures. One they baked him in clay alive. One they had a cobra bite him on the face. One the chopped his head off. The last guy they turned loose into the wilderness and when he got 500 yards away, one hunter went running after him. Then the next guy waited till the first guy got 500 yards away and then he took off, and so on and so on. Basically they gave him a chance. The English guy killed the fist guy and then took his spear and shoes and pants and then kept running until the second guy caught up to him. Eventually the english guy made it to safety. He killed about 5 of the 10 hunters before he made it to safety.

If you and your boys turned me loose like that and came after me like that, the same thing would happen to you guys that happened to the Africans. The only way you'd live is if you had a bow and arrow or gun and I did not.

Yes, we're all convinced you're a great predatory survivalist, armed to the teeth, boob.


Yeah, I'd probably get cheated out of my sport. The gators and moccasins would probably get him before I could put the first arrow in his knee.
I made a statement. I never condemned any atheist for not giving. Not only do you condemn, you lie.

You're making it sound as if all atheists don't contribute to society, which is a ridiculous insinuation. You say you never condemned any atheist for not giving... but you go ahead and say none of them contribute to society. That is crazy. Insane.

I was proven wrong. I admit it. I believe we had a total of three who claimed they did.

You are lying by insinuating that millions of atheists worldwide haven't contributed to society.

Never said that but Koshergrl has whipped you guys with a stick bigger than Adrain Peterson used on his kids and hit you harder than when Ray Rice punched out his wife and you still keep coming back asking for more. I thought atheists bragged about their intelligence?

Congratulations, you just won a ticket to Cyberia for being a flaming troll who adds nothing of any value to this forum.

Sorry, these are one way tickets only and I won't be seeing any of your further sniveling responses thanks to the new message board format that @cereal_killer chose to implement. :thup:

[People you Ignore] *click* [Member to ignore] "the_human_being" [Save Changes] *click*

View attachment 32087

And I thought you just absolutely adored me like everyone else does.
I made a statement. I never condemned any atheist for not giving. Not only do you condemn, you lie.

You're making it sound as if all atheists don't contribute to society, which is a ridiculous insinuation. You say you never condemned any atheist for not giving... but you go ahead and say none of them contribute to society. That is crazy. Insane.

I was proven wrong. I admit it. I believe we had a total of three who claimed they did.

You are lying by insinuating that millions of atheists worldwide haven't contributed to society.

Never said that but Koshergrl has whipped you guys with a stick bigger than Adrain Peterson used on his kids and hit you harder than when Ray Rice punched out his wife and you still keep coming back asking for more. I thought atheists bragged about their intelligence?

Congratulations, you just won a ticket to Cyberia for being a flaming troll who adds nothing of any value to this forum.

Sorry, these are one way tickets only and I won't be seeing any of your further sniveling responses thanks to the new message board format that @cereal_killer chose to implement. :thup:

[People you Ignore] *click* [Member to ignore] "the_human_being" [Save Changes] *click*

View attachment 32087

This atheist can neither read noir spell. Sad.
Guys, throw in the towel. Koshergrl has totally kicked your butts here. She has totally destroyed any and all defenses you thought you had. You have lost the argument and lost BIG.

CNN identified 50 charities across the U.S. that raised more than $1.4 billion in the past 10 years but spent less than 4 percent of that money directly on the people they raised the money for.

I bet your churches are no better. 4% goes to charity. The rest goes to your cathedrals and parties where you get together and pat each other on the backs for giving $ but you don't realize that if you gave $1 you actually only gave the needy 4%.

Religious people are dumb. Just another example.

That post is completely worthless, in terms of debate. In fact, it's laughable and does more to undermine your credibility and support mine, than anything else.

Charity is a scam just like religion only designed to make people feel better about themselves.

Don't worry about solving the problem koshergirl. So while your charity give 4 cents for every $1 you donate, I'd rather just have our government/society as a whole tackle and solve the problems.

You guys hate government solutions to our problems but unfortunately if your charities and churches can't do it, our government can.
You're making it sound as if all atheists don't contribute to society, which is a ridiculous insinuation. You say you never condemned any atheist for not giving... but you go ahead and say none of them contribute to society. That is crazy. Insane.

I was proven wrong. I admit it. I believe we had a total of three who claimed they did.

You are lying by insinuating that millions of atheists worldwide haven't contributed to society.

Never said that but Koshergrl has whipped you guys with a stick bigger than Adrain Peterson used on his kids and hit you harder than when Ray Rice punched out his wife and you still keep coming back asking for more. I thought atheists bragged about their intelligence?

Congratulations, you just won a ticket to Cyberia for being a flaming troll who adds nothing of any value to this forum.

Sorry, these are one way tickets only and I won't be seeing any of your further sniveling responses thanks to the new message board format that @cereal_killer chose to implement. :thup:

[People you Ignore] *click* [Member to ignore] "the_human_being" [Save Changes] *click*

View attachment 32087

This atheist can neither read noir spell. Sad.

At least we know a made up story when we hear one.
Not to mention the rich get tax write offs you and I don't get. So when they give $1 million, they get some back. If you give $300 you get nothing back. You wouldn't know this because you aren't rich enough to know. I only know because I use to sell a product called "tax economics of charitable giving". None of the information in this book helped me at all. You had to be rich to benefit from the loopholes.

Also keep in mind that only $40K of that $1 mill goes to the people who need it.

I shouldn't have to give $ to starving Americans. We should have a better government so that no one in America is starving. That means paying taxes. Greedy fucks.

But I protest. YOU voted for Obama and the Democrats who set the policies of the government.

I sold that product before 2008. This has been going on for a lot longer than that.

Impossible to fix these problems when the GOP refuse to raise taxes one cent.
Guys, throw in the towel. Koshergrl has totally kicked your butts here. She has totally destroyed any and all defenses you thought you had. You have lost the argument and lost BIG.

CNN identified 50 charities across the U.S. that raised more than $1.4 billion in the past 10 years but spent less than 4 percent of that money directly on the people they raised the money for.

I bet your churches are no better. 4% goes to charity. The rest goes to your cathedrals and parties where you get together and pat each other on the backs for giving $ but you don't realize that if you gave $1 you actually only gave the needy 4%.

Religious people are dumb. Just another example.

That post is completely worthless, in terms of debate. In fact, it's laughable and does more to undermine your credibility and support mine, than anything else.

Charity is a scam just like religion only designed to make people feel better about themselves.

Don't worry about solving the problem koshergirl. So while your charity give 4 cents for every $1 you donate, I'd rather just have our government/society as a whole tackle and solve the problems.

You guys hate government solutions to our problems but unfortunately if your charities and churches can't do it, our government can.

I don't know if they can or not. They haven't been very successful managing anything thus far. Their solution is just throw more money at it and hope it goes away.
Not to mention the rich get tax write offs you and I don't get. So when they give $1 million, they get some back. If you give $300 you get nothing back. You wouldn't know this because you aren't rich enough to know. I only know because I use to sell a product called "tax economics of charitable giving". None of the information in this book helped me at all. You had to be rich to benefit from the loopholes.

Also keep in mind that only $40K of that $1 mill goes to the people who need it.

I shouldn't have to give $ to starving Americans. We should have a better government so that no one in America is starving. That means paying taxes. Greedy fucks.

But I protest. YOU voted for Obama and the Democrats who set the policies of the government.

I sold that product before 2008. This has been going on for a lot longer than that.

Impossible to fix these problems when the GOP refuse to raise taxes one cent.

The GOP can't raise or cut taxes. The GOP is not in charge.
Guys, throw in the towel. Koshergrl has totally kicked your butts here. She has totally destroyed any and all defenses you thought you had. You have lost the argument and lost BIG.

CNN identified 50 charities across the U.S. that raised more than $1.4 billion in the past 10 years but spent less than 4 percent of that money directly on the people they raised the money for.

I bet your churches are no better. 4% goes to charity. The rest goes to your cathedrals and parties where you get together and pat each other on the backs for giving $ but you don't realize that if you gave $1 you actually only gave the needy 4%.

Religious people are dumb. Just another example.

That post is completely worthless, in terms of debate. In fact, it's laughable and does more to undermine your credibility and support mine, than anything else.

Charity is a scam just like religion only designed to make people feel better about themselves.

Don't worry about solving the problem koshergirl. So while your charity give 4 cents for every $1 you donate, I'd rather just have our government/society as a whole tackle and solve the problems.

You guys hate government solutions to our problems but unfortunately if your charities and churches can't do it, our government can.

Charity the way atheists do it is a scam. Yes, we all know that. And thank you for admitting that you aren't a *giver*.
Not to mention the rich get tax write offs you and I don't get. So when they give $1 million, they get some back. If you give $300 you get nothing back. You wouldn't know this because you aren't rich enough to know. I only know because I use to sell a product called "tax economics of charitable giving". None of the information in this book helped me at all. You had to be rich to benefit from the loopholes.

Also keep in mind that only $40K of that $1 mill goes to the people who need it.

I shouldn't have to give $ to starving Americans. We should have a better government so that no one in America is starving. That means paying taxes. Greedy fucks.

But I protest. YOU voted for Obama and the Democrats who set the policies of the government.

I sold that product before 2008. This has been going on for a lot longer than that.

Impossible to fix these problems when the GOP refuse to raise taxes one cent.

The GOP can't raise or cut taxes. The GOP is not in charge.

I thought the House was in charge of the purse strings?
Guys, throw in the towel. Koshergrl has totally kicked your butts here. She has totally destroyed any and all defenses you thought you had. You have lost the argument and lost BIG.

CNN identified 50 charities across the U.S. that raised more than $1.4 billion in the past 10 years but spent less than 4 percent of that money directly on the people they raised the money for.

I bet your churches are no better. 4% goes to charity. The rest goes to your cathedrals and parties where you get together and pat each other on the backs for giving $ but you don't realize that if you gave $1 you actually only gave the needy 4%.

Religious people are dumb. Just another example.

That post is completely worthless, in terms of debate. In fact, it's laughable and does more to undermine your credibility and support mine, than anything else.

Charity is a scam just like religion only designed to make people feel better about themselves.

Don't worry about solving the problem koshergirl. So while your charity give 4 cents for every $1 you donate, I'd rather just have our government/society as a whole tackle and solve the problems.

You guys hate government solutions to our problems but unfortunately if your charities and churches can't do it, our government can.

Charity the way atheists do it is a scam. Yes, we all know that. And thank you for admitting that you aren't a *giver*.

I don't really know what my right hand gave to charity last year.

Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. "So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,…

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