Why don't democrats ever think about going third party?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
It has always been fascinating to me why republicans or people who vote republican will go third party but democrats never do. In the past there was never a reason to because all the candidates were the same but now we have Bernie and Hillary. How come we don't see any third party movements spring from this? I know a lot of people who really feel passionately about him but they have got to realize that if Hillary wins the presidency there is no hope of ever turning the Democratic Party to a more leftward position in the future. However, if she loses a Bernie like canidate could become the presidential canidate for the Democratic Party in four years. This can not hapoen if she becomes president since parties don't switch presidential candidates during their eight year stint as president.

I'm kind of curious about the different theories people of different parties might have.
There don't seem that many absolutists on the Democratic side of the aisle. With the GOP its a different dynamic. When you believe in the infallible and allow for only one explanation of anything, you paint yourself into a corner. So, when they lose; they can't do anything except blame external factors.

Case in point; when was the last time you saw a GOP candidate blamed for losing?
Republicans don't go 3rd party ever. That statement has no basis in lived reality.

Bill Clinton had a higher lead on George H. W. Bush when Perot was out of the race, meaning he was getting more disaffected conservative Democratic voters while polling showed at the time that disaffected Republican voters were more apt to sit the whole thing out.

Then there was Nader siphoning votes off Gore in 2000. If Nader hadn't been in, Gore would've won Florida by tens of thousands of votes. Everyone knows it.

The left has always been more fractious than the right except in recent years with the advent of the Tea Party causing a huge dividing line in the GOP.
You've never heard of the Green Party before?

Good point; directly contradicts what I said. I stand corrected.

But the Ralph Nader type fanatics are much fewer and far between than the anarchists of the TEA party and "liberty caucus" or whatever euphamistic punchline they go by nowadays.
Republicans don't go 3rd party ever. That statement has no basis in lived reality.

Bill Clinton had a higher lead on George H. W. Bush when Perot was out of the race, meaning he was getting more disaffected conservative Democratic voters while polling showed at the time that disaffected Republican voters were more apt to sit the whole thing out.

Then there was Nader siphoning votes off Gore in 2000. If Nader hadn't been in, Gore would've won Florida by tens of thousands of votes. Everyone knows it.

The left has always been more fractious than the right except in recent years with the advent of the Tea Party causing a huge dividing line in the GOP.

Libertarians are the GOP A-ball team.
It has always been fascinating to me why republicans or people who vote republican will go third party but democrats never do. In the past there was never a reason to because all the candidates were the same but now we have Bernie and Hillary. How come we don't see any third party movements spring from this? I know a lot of people who really feel passionately about him but they have got to realize that if Hillary wins the presidency there is no hope of ever turning the Democratic Party to a more leftward position in the future. However, if she loses a Bernie like canidate could become the presidential canidate for the Democratic Party in four years. This can not hapoen if she becomes president since parties don't switch presidential candidates during their eight year stint as president.

I'm kind of curious about the different theories people of different parties might have.
leftist have herd instincts, everyone thinks the same and anyone that doesn't is kicked from there herd. Herd animals hate and fear being alone since they think they can't survive.

but the dnc is the socialist party, it just lacks the name and open honesty about it.
It's really simple...

Independent thought and self-reliance are foreign to herd animals that feel they have to rely on the government and their leaders (and tons of "free shit" that other people are forced to pay for) for their very survival...
Since when?

You know that the libertarians generally pull the same number of republicans and democrats. As mentioned, the green party is a third party that is squarely on the left.

Right now, they have a rather set board but they are no more or less likely to vote third party than republicans as far as I can see.
It has always been fascinating to me why republicans or people who vote republican will go third party but democrats never do. In the past there was never a reason to because all the candidates were the same but now we have Bernie and Hillary. How come we don't see any third party movements spring from this? I know a lot of people who really feel passionately about him but they have got to realize that if Hillary wins the presidency there is no hope of ever turning the Democratic Party to a more leftward position in the future. However, if she loses a Bernie like canidate could become the presidential canidate for the Democratic Party in four years. This can not hapoen if she becomes president since parties don't switch presidential candidates during their eight year stint as president.

I'm kind of curious about the different theories people of different parties might have.

Bernie and Hillary are the same
The Democrats are far more cohesive than the Republicans, not even close.

The Tea Party and the Establishment GOP are at each other's throats to the point where they sure LOOK like two different parties.

The Tea Partiers don't form their own party because they want the GOP's infrastructure. They don't want to start from scratch.
It has always been fascinating to me...

Why don't democrats ever think about going third party?

demoRATS are incapable of "thinking", it's like this: look at a snake's skeleton vertebrae, all the bones are attached from head to tail., now look at a Gecko's skeleton.., see the different extensions from the vertebrae.

i hope this analogy has enlightened you and many others who have had the same/similar thought. :up:
Pretty simple. the dem party is all far left and their nominee represents the base.
One other point. Democrat billionaires agree with the dem party base while rep billioniares want an open border illegal asslicker candidate like rubio who wants to flood the country with democrat voters.
At one time i agreed that anyone should be able to give as much money as they wanted to a candidate, but when i see a vomit pig like rubio bought and paid for by open border billionaires i have changed my mind.

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