Why dont we solve the problem, instead of executing people ?

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The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

You are correct, but not in the way you intended.

Yes, VIOLENT people on death row have a great deal in common with Prog-Leftist Academia taken over by SJW Snowflake Crybullies.
Many Blacks executed in southern states were innocent but we will never know how many because it is only recently that defendants have the evidence of DNA. There are even blacks executed when DNA would have exonerated them but because a white judge decided that they had had fair trials and the false verdicts pertain.

You dodged the question. I'll try again.

You stated, and I quote: "Americans have executed many innocent people, especially Blacks".

I asked you: "Specifically how many and who in the last 50 years? Not allegations, PROVEN INNOCENT."

You have nothing, you show nothing.
You wrote, in that folksy way, "I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor." You did not specify murderers although many were driven to suicide as a consequence of the actions of Wall Street bankers and financiers, the types recently appointed by Trump to his cabinet.

Take note of the word "most." Most criminals do come from lower income brackets.
Naturally most convicted people come from the lower socio-economic working class since the wealthy represent only 1% of the population.

Where did you ever get that information from? The wealthy in the US represent a hell of a lot more than 1% of our population.
Just prior to President Obama's 2014 State of the Union Address, media reported that the top wealthiest 1% possess 40% of the nation’s wealth; the bottom 80% own 7%; similarly, but later, the media reported, the "richest 1 percent in the United States now own more additional income than the bottom 90 percent". (Kristof, Nicholas (July 22, 2014). "An Idiot’s Guide to Inequality". The New York Times.)

I have no idea what that has to do with the price of rice in China. The top 1% are not the only wealthy people in this country.

Wealthy in the US is described as having cash and assets of 1 million dollars or more. Today, many people have that kind of loot.
I believe you have no concept of wealth in America and the disparity between the 1% and the rest of the people, between Donald Trump and his Wall Street cabinet and ordinary citizens such as miners.
Many Blacks executed in southern states were innocent but we will never know how many because it is only recently that defendants have the evidence of DNA. There are even blacks executed when DNA would have exonerated them but because a white judge decided that they had had fair trials and the false verdicts pertain.

You dodged the question. I'll try again.

You stated, and I quote: "Americans have executed many innocent people, especially Blacks".

I asked you: "Specifically how many and who in the last 50 years? Not allegations, PROVEN INNOCENT."

You have nothing, you show nothing.
You do not know what is happening in the American judicial system.
Americans have executed many innocent people, especially Blacks. The USA incarcerates more people per capita than any western democracy.
And how many innocent people have been killed by Black Murderers? What does color have to do with it anyway? Most innocent Blacks who get killed, are killed by other Blacks.
I agree the incarceration rate is much too high. We need to follow SHARIA LAW. When a Black kills a Black, he needs to be beheaded in the street where his murder took place, as a lesson to the other would be murderers.
If they are later found innocent, GOD will give them a special place in Heaven. Everybody Dies!
Countries which kill their own citizens in cold blood have lowered their standard of morality.
Just prior to President Obama's 2014 State of the Union Address, media reported that the top wealthiest 1% possess 40% of the nation’s wealth; the bottom 80% own 7%; similarly, but later, the media reported, the "richest 1 percent in the United States now own more additional income than the bottom 90 percent". (Kristof, Nicholas (July 22, 2014). "An Idiot’s Guide to Inequality". The New York Times.)

I'm sorry; I cannot help you.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?
What irks me is how we humans stoop to this judgmental what is life worth BS. We put innocent animals to death all the time. So what is the issue with the death penalty? Or abortion? When was innocence ever an issue in any of that?
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So your trying to say people should be institutionalized at the age of 15 for the rest of their life based on some intelligence scores? before they commited a crime? sounds very extreme and requires even more government intrusion into peoples lives. Not everyone with low IQ is violent. you'd have millions institutionalized and then what if it was not equal by race?? there would then be quotas created. No, this sounds like a horrible idea
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?
What irks me is how we humans stoop to this judgmental what is life worth BS. We put innocent animals to death all the time. So what is the issue with the death penalty? Or abortion? When was innocence ever an issue in any of that?
There is such a thing as human rights.
Lets define the problem first? Poor blacks killing each other outweighs bad white police shootings , why not acknowledge that? Racism isn't the issue. It'd black self destructiveness thats the issue here.
Americans have executed many innocent people, especially Blacks. The USA incarcerates more people per capita than any western democracy.
And how many innocent people have been killed by Black Murderers? What does color have to do with it anyway? Most innocent Blacks who get killed, are killed by other Blacks.
I agree the incarceration rate is much too high. We need to follow SHARIA LAW. When a Black kills a Black, he needs to be beheaded in the street where his murder took place, as a lesson to the other would be murderers.
If they are later found innocent, GOD will give them a special place in Heaven. Everybody Dies!
Countries which kill their own citizens in cold blood have lowered their standard of morality.
Keeping a madman locked in a small cell, while he bangs his head on the wall and eats his own feces, is cruel and inhumane. Better to put him to sleep. We have a different interpretation of MORALITY!
You never answered my question! What would you do with the murderer who commits murder again in your facility? There have been several escapes in US lately, what would you do with inmates of your facility that escape and murder a family?
You never answered my question! What would you do with the murderer who commits murder again in your facility? There have been several escapes in US lately, what would you do with inmates of your facility that escape and murder a family?
Some criminals will never be safe to be at large and need to be under lock and key indefinitely.
I am led to believe that in some states in America the penitentiaries are run according to the capitalist system and are outsourced to profit-making businesses. I would not be surprised to learn that they are inefficient.
You never answered my question! What would you do with the murderer who commits murder again in your facility? There have been several escapes in US lately, what would you do with inmates of your facility that escape and murder a family?
Some criminals will never be safe to be at large and need to be under lock and key indefinitely.
I am led to believe that in some states in America the penitentiaries are run according to the capitalist system and are outsourced to profit-making businesses. I would not be surprised to learn that they are inefficient.
I have to assume you have no answer! There are defective humans that cannot be with other people. The only choices are to lock them in solitary for life, or do the more humane thing and put t5hem out of their misery and protect others from them! Your attempt to divert to Private penitentiaries shows you realize your campus idea doesn't work!
You never answered my question! What would you do with the murderer who commits murder again in your facility? There have been several escapes in US lately, what would you do with inmates of your facility that escape and murder a family?

What should be done is simple and straight forward. You apprehend & a swift swing on the end of a rope.

People seem to think change is good. Sometimes it is sometimes it isn't. A rope is the right way, but I won't argue against a bullet.
You are misinformed.

You, continue to be uninformed. I have asked you for proof on executed innocent people in the last 50 years and you ignore the question meaning you have no clue.

Here is my proof that your beloved European countries have more violent crime than does the USA.

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online
There is such a thing as human rights.

Victims HAD human rights too. You don't seem to care about such nonsense though, do you?

Actually, you've gotten quite boring. You are doing nothing to further you point other than to stir the pot of which you know or care nothing.

View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?
What irks me is how we humans stoop to this judgmental what is life worth BS. We put innocent animals to death all the time. So what is the issue with the death penalty? Or abortion? When was innocence ever an issue in any of that?
There is such a thing as human rights.

There is?

You're against execution because the accused may be innocent, but you have no problem with locking a person up for life that may be innocent as well. If you're going to use the excuse that we may be executing an innocent man, why not make the same case about locking him up? Maybe we should just let them go because it would be inhuman to imprison somebody that didn't commit the crime, right???

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