Why don't white parents get blamed....

Not blaming other people for your own shortcomings is a good start. Until you take responsibility for your own bad behavior, nothing is ever going to change for you.
What shortcomings do black people have that whites don't have....and why if have any? Were you all Gods favorites?
We've gone over this already. Massive crime, fatherless households, shit like that.

Not really....because when blacks came to America from Africa, as the enslaved, none of those things were true. So your reasoning does not reconcile.

At some point you guys are gonna have to take responsibility. As the left is so keen to remind us, whites arent going to be the majority for much longer. What happens then?

.Yep. At some point you whites are gonna have to take responsibility.

You're not getting more reparations.
why would welfare impact blacks more than whites....and not make white culture fail also?

Because we're smarter.
If that was the case why did you fall into the dark ages and have to be reeducated?
How come you never left them?
I left europe years ago. What are you talking about?
Africa has never left the dark ages retard
I know. When Africa left the their dark ages they were enlightened and created the first civilizations.
Because black people have a failed culture which created a tremendous amount of criminals. Also, I couldn't help but notice how quick you stopped blaming slavery.
what caused it to fail?
Welfare made it very easy for women to have kids and for men to abandon them.
why would welfare impact blacks more than whites....and not make white culture fail also?
We have a better culture. Not all cultures are equal.

If your culture was so damn much better why do you white folks appropriate so much of ours?

Whites are where they are today because of legislation. Yes, I am saying that everything you whites have is the result of the government giving it to you.

Straight hair,clothing,real houses rather than mud huts,real Doctors rather than witch doctors,electricity,cars,airliners,computers,guns,air conditioning.....etc.
Not blaming other people for your own shortcomings is a good start. Until you take responsibility for your own bad behavior, nothing is ever going to change for you.
What shortcomings do black people have that whites don't have....and why if have any? Were you all Gods favorites?
We've gone over this already. Massive crime, fatherless households, shit like that.

Not really....because when blacks came to America from Africa, as the enslaved, none of those things were true. So your reasoning does not reconcile.
Oh, African culture is far more inferior than US black culture. Black people culturally benefitted from being here. Slavery in the US was awful, but Africa is the birth place of slavery. In fact, there are more slaves in 2018 than there ever were before, and it's almost exclusively in Africa.

That does not reconcile with the Africans who currently immigrate to America. Case in point. Nigerians.

...Nigerian immigrants have the highest levels of education in this city and the nation, surpassing whites and Asians, according to Census data bolstered by an analysis of 13 annual Houston-area surveys conducted by Rice University. ....
Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S.

Thus, I am giving you an opportunity to make sense and you are failing.

Africans come to America and achieve high educational attainment, low rates of crime, etc. They are in fact, "blacker" than African Americans, most of whom are mixed with European blood. Thus, their blackness is "purer" and their achievements much higher than African Americans.

Secondly, when blacks arrived in America as the enslaved, they were not gang bangers who grew up in a society and culture of fatherless homes and crime. In fact, the village raised the children and every adult male was considered a father or "uncle" of all the children.

Thus, we have the culture and values of blacks that arrived here as the enslaved, we have the culture and values of blacks who are now the descendants of enslaved and we have the culture and value of newly arrived first generation African immigrants. The culture of blacks in America is neither like the culture that blacks had when they arrived centuries ago from Africa, nor is it like the culture of blacks that arrive here recently from Africa. Thus, I ask again, WHERE DID THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS COME FROM?

Culture is LEARNED. A child is not born with culture, but rather born into a culture of which he learns from what he sees going on around them. What did black people see going on around them for 300 plus years living around racist whites? Why do black people call themselves the N word? Did that come from African culture? Who did we learn that from? How many of these "negative" culture traits were learned from the way whites treated blacks in America?

The truth is that people with attitude like yours treat black people in a way that manifest, over a prolonged period, into a self fulfilling prophecy. People like you keep harping on the idea that at some point people have to take personal responsibility for their condition. I think, equally, at some point in time people and society are going to have to take personal responsibility FOR THE HARM IT HAS DONE TO OTHERS!!!

So I should send that Nigerian prince all my money?
Because we're smarter.
If that was the case why did you fall into the dark ages and have to be reeducated?
How come you never left them?
I left europe years ago. What are you talking about?
Africa has never left the dark ages retard
I know. When Africa left the their dark ages they were enlightened and created the first civilizations.
And have been backwards and dangerous since before christ time.
How is the story BS? The STUDY done by Rice University PROVED its true. I guess this is an example of what you guys were talking about when you said facts are said to be hate speech, because you certainly hate this fact. Nigerians are the most educated demographic in America and the last I checked they were black. Keep in mind that we are talking about how culture manifest IN AMERICA, where there are thousands of schools and poverty and funding is not an impediment to education. In Nigeria and most poor countries, there a lack of opportunity to become formally educated due to poverty. However, what they value is revealed when they get the opportunity to become educated, as when they immigrate to America. If their culture did not value education, when they immigrated to America they would not seek advanced degrees and professions.

The bottom line is that when black people come from their root culture, they have high levels of achievement in America. However, the blacks who are descendants of enslavement in white societies, achieve less and are more socioeconomically dysfunctional. If you say this is because of culture.....then again I ask.....where did the culture of those who are the descendants of American slaves come from? Who did they learn it from since culture is learned? Who were they interacting with for centuries and what was the nature of that interaction?
Almost HALF of Nigeria is illiterate. Any attempt to claim that Nigerians are the most educated, is just nonsense. Your inability to recognize simple facts is precisely why black culture is doing so poorly. Until you guys can acknowledge your problems, your culture will NEVER get better. Living in a fantasy world is doing you no favors.

I never said they were the most educated IN the world....did I? I claimed that they were the most educated IN THE USA! In other words, given the same playing fields as white or blacks in America, NIGERIANS DO BETTER THAN African Americans and WHITES educationally.....and you HATE THAT TRUTH. Said another way, when Nigerians have the same opportunity as whites to become educated in America.....THEY EXCEED WHITES and YOU CAN"T STAND IT. Now....that is FUNNY.
You need to use a more logic. The only reason they were accepted into the US was because they were the few Nigerians with an education. If they didn't have an education, they likely wouldn't have been allowed to come here, which is (by the way) the only reason we should be accepting applicants, in my opinion.

Apparently, the diversity visa program, which 17 percent of Africans come through (as opposed to 5 percent of the total U.S. immigrant population), has been helpful in that applicants to the program must have completed the equivalent of a U.S. high school education or have at least two years of recent experience in occupations such as accountant, computer-support specialist, orthodontist and dancer.


That is not how it works. Being educated does not guarantee a person a ticket or visa into the USA. Most of Nigeria's educated people remain in Nigeria. There are nearly 200 million Nigerians. They get in the same way as your FAVORITES, the Asians, do.

Its telling that people like you do not go digging into the background of Asian countries, to discredit them, but you try to find ways to discredit black success. The bottom line is that when given the opportunity Nigerians will educate themselves because they value education culturally. The country is too poor to offer educational opportunities like exist in the US...which is why when they get to the US they take full advantage of it.

Top Ten Nigerian Scientists Today
You're being silly. Providing a link to the top 10 Nigerian scientists doesn't tell us anything. Try looking up "top 10 scientists today" and try to find a Nigerian.

Here, I did the work for you...

Top 10 most influential scientists in the world today

How about the top 50?

The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today | The Best Schools

Do you see ANY Africans?

I am telling you that Nigerians value education. Keep in mind that YOU were making the case that not many people in Nigeria are educated or get formal education. Well....that is true because of poverty. It makes sense that most scientist would come from places that have the best schools and research institutions. Schools and research institutions are knowledge bases that contain all the worlds known knowledge and science. Its from that starting point that science and discoveries are expanded. Nigeria does not have such Universities as compared to the West and Asia....which is why many go to the West to get educated. Also, Nigeria as a country is only 50 something years old. Once the build the knowledge bases, advanced research universities, you will see the inventive class rise. But all that is a moot point.

The point is that the culture of Africans IS NOT THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. Blacks that come to America with their ROOT African culture DO MUCH BETTER than blacks who are descendants of enslaved Americans. Descendants of American slavery do not manifest African Culture. The culture that they manifest WAS LEARNED FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH WHITES!!! That experience was NEGATIVE.
What media do you read? In the local media in the city I live, when there is a killing (regardless of color) it is always in the paper (online site) and each article has a comment section. When I lived in Detroit, however, there were too many murders to report on them all.....so only the more sensational ones made it in the news, unless it was a slow news day.

Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates. About 80% of Detroit residents are descendants of enslaved Americans.

Do you have a link?
That whole 80% number sounds a little sketchy.

Detroit was 85% black....with few black immigrants. If you are not a black immigrant and you are black, you almost certainly descended from enslaved Africans in America.
Almost HALF of Nigeria is illiterate. Any attempt to claim that Nigerians are the most educated, is just nonsense. Your inability to recognize simple facts is precisely why black culture is doing so poorly. Until you guys can acknowledge your problems, your culture will NEVER get better. Living in a fantasy world is doing you no favors.

I never said they were the most educated IN the world....did I? I claimed that they were the most educated IN THE USA! In other words, given the same playing fields as white or blacks in America, NIGERIANS DO BETTER THAN African Americans and WHITES educationally.....and you HATE THAT TRUTH. Said another way, when Nigerians have the same opportunity as whites to become educated in America.....THEY EXCEED WHITES and YOU CAN"T STAND IT. Now....that is FUNNY.
You need to use a more logic. The only reason they were accepted into the US was because they were the few Nigerians with an education. If they didn't have an education, they likely wouldn't have been allowed to come here, which is (by the way) the only reason we should be accepting applicants, in my opinion.

Apparently, the diversity visa program, which 17 percent of Africans come through (as opposed to 5 percent of the total U.S. immigrant population), has been helpful in that applicants to the program must have completed the equivalent of a U.S. high school education or have at least two years of recent experience in occupations such as accountant, computer-support specialist, orthodontist and dancer.


That is not how it works. Being educated does not guarantee a person a ticket or visa into the USA. Most of Nigeria's educated people remain in Nigeria. There are nearly 200 million Nigerians. They get in the same way as your FAVORITES, the Asians, do.

Its telling that people like you do not go digging into the background of Asian countries, to discredit them, but you try to find ways to discredit black success. The bottom line is that when given the opportunity Nigerians will educate themselves because they value education culturally. The country is too poor to offer educational opportunities like exist in the US...which is why when they get to the US they take full advantage of it.

Top Ten Nigerian Scientists Today
You're being silly. Providing a link to the top 10 Nigerian scientists doesn't tell us anything. Try looking up "top 10 scientists today" and try to find a Nigerian.

Here, I did the work for you...

Top 10 most influential scientists in the world today

How about the top 50?

The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today | The Best Schools

Do you see ANY Africans?

I am telling you that Nigerians value education. Keep in mind that YOU were making the case that not many people in Nigeria are educated or get formal education. Well....that is true because of poverty. It makes sense that most scientist would come from places that have the best schools and research institutions. Schools and research institutions are knowledge bases that contain all the worlds known knowledge and science. Its from that starting point that science and discoveries are expanded. Nigeria does not have such Universities as compared to the West and Asia....which is why many go to the West to get educated. Also, Nigeria as a country is only 50 something years old. Once the build the knowledge bases, advanced research universities, you will see the inventive class rise. But all that is a moot point.

The point is that the culture of Africans IS NOT THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. Blacks that come to America with their ROOT African culture DO MUCH BETTER than blacks who are descendants of enslaved Americans. Descendants of American slavery do not manifest African Culture. The culture that they manifest WAS LEARNED FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH WHITES!!! That experience was NEGATIVE.
again---there are not many blacks that come here from Africa....did you not understand the post and mathematics I posted before?? it doesn't matter how the immigrants from Africa do--you can't tell what their true culture is from a very tiny TINY test population
the truth hurts..there is no refuting facts
if you try to refute facts--it goes to show you lost the argument

You can parse fact from their context and create a "lie" based upon facts.....like I did in my example.
So we are parsing facts and lying when we point out blacks make up 13 percent of the population but account for almost 50 percent of all murderers?

13% of the population descended from American slavery and Apartheid oppression. That is also a FACT or inconvenient TRUTH.

Complete and utter bullshit.

You know that does not count as an intelligent refutation right? In fact.....that is, by definition, a bullshit response.
Almost HALF of Nigeria is illiterate. Any attempt to claim that Nigerians are the most educated, is just nonsense. Your inability to recognize simple facts is precisely why black culture is doing so poorly. Until you guys can acknowledge your problems, your culture will NEVER get better. Living in a fantasy world is doing you no favors.

I never said they were the most educated IN the world....did I? I claimed that they were the most educated IN THE USA! In other words, given the same playing fields as white or blacks in America, NIGERIANS DO BETTER THAN African Americans and WHITES educationally.....and you HATE THAT TRUTH. Said another way, when Nigerians have the same opportunity as whites to become educated in America.....THEY EXCEED WHITES and YOU CAN"T STAND IT. Now....that is FUNNY.
You need to use a more logic. The only reason they were accepted into the US was because they were the few Nigerians with an education. If they didn't have an education, they likely wouldn't have been allowed to come here, which is (by the way) the only reason we should be accepting applicants, in my opinion.

Apparently, the diversity visa program, which 17 percent of Africans come through (as opposed to 5 percent of the total U.S. immigrant population), has been helpful in that applicants to the program must have completed the equivalent of a U.S. high school education or have at least two years of recent experience in occupations such as accountant, computer-support specialist, orthodontist and dancer.


That is not how it works. Being educated does not guarantee a person a ticket or visa into the USA. Most of Nigeria's educated people remain in Nigeria. There are nearly 200 million Nigerians. They get in the same way as your FAVORITES, the Asians, do.

Its telling that people like you do not go digging into the background of Asian countries, to discredit them, but you try to find ways to discredit black success. The bottom line is that when given the opportunity Nigerians will educate themselves because they value education culturally. The country is too poor to offer educational opportunities like exist in the US...which is why when they get to the US they take full advantage of it.

Top Ten Nigerian Scientists Today
You're being silly. Providing a link to the top 10 Nigerian scientists doesn't tell us anything. Try looking up "top 10 scientists today" and try to find a Nigerian.

Here, I did the work for you...

Top 10 most influential scientists in the world today

How about the top 50?

The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today | The Best Schools

Do you see ANY Africans?

I am telling you that Nigerians value education. Keep in mind that YOU were making the case that not many people in Nigeria are educated or get formal education. Well....that is true because of poverty. It makes sense that most scientist would come from places that have the best schools and research institutions. Schools and research institutions are knowledge bases that contain all the worlds known knowledge and science. Its from that starting point that science and discoveries are expanded. Nigeria does not have such Universities as compared to the West and Asia....which is why many go to the West to get educated. Also, Nigeria as a country is only 50 something years old. Once the build the knowledge bases, advanced research universities, you will see the inventive class rise. But all that is a moot point.

The point is that the culture of Africans IS NOT THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. Blacks that come to America with their ROOT African culture DO MUCH BETTER than blacks who are descendants of enslaved Americans. Descendants of American slavery do not manifest African Culture. The culture that they manifest WAS LEARNED FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH WHITES!!! That experience was NEGATIVE.
you can't prove their crappy culture was because of slavery...please prove that
You can parse fact from their context and create a "lie" based upon facts.....like I did in my example.
So we are parsing facts and lying when we point out blacks make up 13 percent of the population but account for almost 50 percent of all murderers?

13% of the population descended from American slavery and Apartheid oppression.
Ahh so that makes it ok to murder? Why don't the Irish murder in those numbers?

I am not Irish and I cannot look at a person and tell that they are Irish. Can you?

That sounds racist.
I am sure it does to someone who is not smart enough to know what the definition of racism is. A dog might look like a cat to you if you are an idiot.
come on AKIP, admit the blacks have a significantly bigger problem with murder than whites
the stats are there and cannot be refuted

It depends on the window of time you choose to look at. How many whites were killed in WWI and WWII?
So now you are comparing war deaths to murder? You have no business being in this conversation since you will simply make up shit left and right.
A lot of murders in Chicago are GANG WARS. In Detroit it was DRUG WARS.

So......you are not smart enough to see the parallel.
I never said they were the most educated IN the world....did I? I claimed that they were the most educated IN THE USA! In other words, given the same playing fields as white or blacks in America, NIGERIANS DO BETTER THAN African Americans and WHITES educationally.....and you HATE THAT TRUTH. Said another way, when Nigerians have the same opportunity as whites to become educated in America.....THEY EXCEED WHITES and YOU CAN"T STAND IT. Now....that is FUNNY.
You need to use a more logic. The only reason they were accepted into the US was because they were the few Nigerians with an education. If they didn't have an education, they likely wouldn't have been allowed to come here, which is (by the way) the only reason we should be accepting applicants, in my opinion.

Apparently, the diversity visa program, which 17 percent of Africans come through (as opposed to 5 percent of the total U.S. immigrant population), has been helpful in that applicants to the program must have completed the equivalent of a U.S. high school education or have at least two years of recent experience in occupations such as accountant, computer-support specialist, orthodontist and dancer.


That is not how it works. Being educated does not guarantee a person a ticket or visa into the USA. Most of Nigeria's educated people remain in Nigeria. There are nearly 200 million Nigerians. They get in the same way as your FAVORITES, the Asians, do.

Its telling that people like you do not go digging into the background of Asian countries, to discredit them, but you try to find ways to discredit black success. The bottom line is that when given the opportunity Nigerians will educate themselves because they value education culturally. The country is too poor to offer educational opportunities like exist in the US...which is why when they get to the US they take full advantage of it.

Top Ten Nigerian Scientists Today
You're being silly. Providing a link to the top 10 Nigerian scientists doesn't tell us anything. Try looking up "top 10 scientists today" and try to find a Nigerian.

Here, I did the work for you...

Top 10 most influential scientists in the world today

How about the top 50?

The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today | The Best Schools

Do you see ANY Africans?

I am telling you that Nigerians value education. Keep in mind that YOU were making the case that not many people in Nigeria are educated or get formal education. Well....that is true because of poverty. It makes sense that most scientist would come from places that have the best schools and research institutions. Schools and research institutions are knowledge bases that contain all the worlds known knowledge and science. Its from that starting point that science and discoveries are expanded. Nigeria does not have such Universities as compared to the West and Asia....which is why many go to the West to get educated. Also, Nigeria as a country is only 50 something years old. Once the build the knowledge bases, advanced research universities, you will see the inventive class rise. But all that is a moot point.

The point is that the culture of Africans IS NOT THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. Blacks that come to America with their ROOT African culture DO MUCH BETTER than blacks who are descendants of enslaved Americans. Descendants of American slavery do not manifest African Culture. The culture that they manifest WAS LEARNED FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH WHITES!!! That experience was NEGATIVE.
again---there are not many blacks that come here from Africa....did you not understand the post and mathematics I posted before?? it doesn't matter how the immigrants from Africa do--you can't tell what their true culture is from a very tiny TINY test population

Neither can you tell that with Asians.....as there are Billions of Asians in the world, yet they are given the benefit of the doubt for their high academic achievements as being cultural in the US. Yet, you will not give blacks the same benefit of the doubt. Alas...that is because you are a RACIST.....so its not surprising. Anything that puts blacks in a good light....you will try to tear down to fit your narrative of black inferiority.
I never said they were the most educated IN the world....did I? I claimed that they were the most educated IN THE USA! In other words, given the same playing fields as white or blacks in America, NIGERIANS DO BETTER THAN African Americans and WHITES educationally.....and you HATE THAT TRUTH. Said another way, when Nigerians have the same opportunity as whites to become educated in America.....THEY EXCEED WHITES and YOU CAN"T STAND IT. Now....that is FUNNY.
You need to use a more logic. The only reason they were accepted into the US was because they were the few Nigerians with an education. If they didn't have an education, they likely wouldn't have been allowed to come here, which is (by the way) the only reason we should be accepting applicants, in my opinion.

Apparently, the diversity visa program, which 17 percent of Africans come through (as opposed to 5 percent of the total U.S. immigrant population), has been helpful in that applicants to the program must have completed the equivalent of a U.S. high school education or have at least two years of recent experience in occupations such as accountant, computer-support specialist, orthodontist and dancer.


That is not how it works. Being educated does not guarantee a person a ticket or visa into the USA. Most of Nigeria's educated people remain in Nigeria. There are nearly 200 million Nigerians. They get in the same way as your FAVORITES, the Asians, do.

Its telling that people like you do not go digging into the background of Asian countries, to discredit them, but you try to find ways to discredit black success. The bottom line is that when given the opportunity Nigerians will educate themselves because they value education culturally. The country is too poor to offer educational opportunities like exist in the US...which is why when they get to the US they take full advantage of it.

Top Ten Nigerian Scientists Today
You're being silly. Providing a link to the top 10 Nigerian scientists doesn't tell us anything. Try looking up "top 10 scientists today" and try to find a Nigerian.

Here, I did the work for you...

Top 10 most influential scientists in the world today

How about the top 50?

The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today | The Best Schools

Do you see ANY Africans?

I am telling you that Nigerians value education. Keep in mind that YOU were making the case that not many people in Nigeria are educated or get formal education. Well....that is true because of poverty. It makes sense that most scientist would come from places that have the best schools and research institutions. Schools and research institutions are knowledge bases that contain all the worlds known knowledge and science. Its from that starting point that science and discoveries are expanded. Nigeria does not have such Universities as compared to the West and Asia....which is why many go to the West to get educated. Also, Nigeria as a country is only 50 something years old. Once the build the knowledge bases, advanced research universities, you will see the inventive class rise. But all that is a moot point.

The point is that the culture of Africans IS NOT THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. Blacks that come to America with their ROOT African culture DO MUCH BETTER than blacks who are descendants of enslaved Americans. Descendants of American slavery do not manifest African Culture. The culture that they manifest WAS LEARNED FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH WHITES!!! That experience was NEGATIVE.
you can't prove their crappy culture was because of slavery...please prove that

Yeah.....like calling each other the N word comes from the Asante tribe.....lol.
I am not Irish and I cannot look at a person and tell that they are Irish. Can you?
Statistics can and do. Defending the murder rate among blacks by claiming they were slaves 150 years ago and oppressed 50 years ago is simply stupid.

You might see it as stupid.....but it is FACT and TRUTH. Africans who immigrate to America do not demonstrate the same behavior. Ergo...it seems more rooted in historical experience than color.
The black murder rate wasn't anywhere near as high before the civil rights era as it is today. What happened? I'll tell you... fathers abandon their children in the black community today, hence the crazy high murder rate.

The failure of modern black culture is to blame; not slavery.

drugs and the war on drugs

Stop selling and doing drugs.
Problem solved.
You first.
  • Thanks
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why was it mostly blacks getting arrested then? Racism?
Because black people have a failed culture which created a tremendous amount of criminals. Also, I couldn't help but notice how quick you stopped blaming slavery.
what caused it to fail?
Welfare made it very easy for women to have kids and for men to abandon them.
why would welfare impact blacks more than whites....and not make white culture fail also?

Because we're smarter.
I don't have a problem with you believing that......I know that is what you all believe......you can't convince me that you are smarter though.....you are only convincing me that you are racist for believing you are smarter.
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

Blacks consistently vote for Democrats to poorly represent them in just about every way, including law enforcement and living conditions.. mmm .. you're right, that is a mental illness.

download (19).jpg
You need to use a more logic. The only reason they were accepted into the US was because they were the few Nigerians with an education. If they didn't have an education, they likely wouldn't have been allowed to come here, which is (by the way) the only reason we should be accepting applicants, in my opinion.

Apparently, the diversity visa program, which 17 percent of Africans come through (as opposed to 5 percent of the total U.S. immigrant population), has been helpful in that applicants to the program must have completed the equivalent of a U.S. high school education or have at least two years of recent experience in occupations such as accountant, computer-support specialist, orthodontist and dancer.


That is not how it works. Being educated does not guarantee a person a ticket or visa into the USA. Most of Nigeria's educated people remain in Nigeria. There are nearly 200 million Nigerians. They get in the same way as your FAVORITES, the Asians, do.

Its telling that people like you do not go digging into the background of Asian countries, to discredit them, but you try to find ways to discredit black success. The bottom line is that when given the opportunity Nigerians will educate themselves because they value education culturally. The country is too poor to offer educational opportunities like exist in the US...which is why when they get to the US they take full advantage of it.

Top Ten Nigerian Scientists Today
You're being silly. Providing a link to the top 10 Nigerian scientists doesn't tell us anything. Try looking up "top 10 scientists today" and try to find a Nigerian.

Here, I did the work for you...

Top 10 most influential scientists in the world today

How about the top 50?

The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today | The Best Schools

Do you see ANY Africans?

I am telling you that Nigerians value education. Keep in mind that YOU were making the case that not many people in Nigeria are educated or get formal education. Well....that is true because of poverty. It makes sense that most scientist would come from places that have the best schools and research institutions. Schools and research institutions are knowledge bases that contain all the worlds known knowledge and science. Its from that starting point that science and discoveries are expanded. Nigeria does not have such Universities as compared to the West and Asia....which is why many go to the West to get educated. Also, Nigeria as a country is only 50 something years old. Once the build the knowledge bases, advanced research universities, you will see the inventive class rise. But all that is a moot point.

The point is that the culture of Africans IS NOT THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. Blacks that come to America with their ROOT African culture DO MUCH BETTER than blacks who are descendants of enslaved Americans. Descendants of American slavery do not manifest African Culture. The culture that they manifest WAS LEARNED FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH WHITES!!! That experience was NEGATIVE.
again---there are not many blacks that come here from Africa....did you not understand the post and mathematics I posted before?? it doesn't matter how the immigrants from Africa do--you can't tell what their true culture is from a very tiny TINY test population

Neither can you tell that with Asians.....as there are Billions of Asians in the world, yet they are given the benefit of the doubt for their high academic achievements as being cultural in the US. Yet, you will not give blacks the same benefit of the doubt. Alas...that is because you are a RACIST.....so its not surprising. Anything that puts blacks in a good light....you will try to tear down to fit your narrative of black inferiority.
I don't have to try to prove black literacy inferiority
how many times do I have to say it--a picture is worth a thousand words
world illiteracy--Africa is below the Asians:
You need to use a more logic. The only reason they were accepted into the US was because they were the few Nigerians with an education. If they didn't have an education, they likely wouldn't have been allowed to come here, which is (by the way) the only reason we should be accepting applicants, in my opinion.

Apparently, the diversity visa program, which 17 percent of Africans come through (as opposed to 5 percent of the total U.S. immigrant population), has been helpful in that applicants to the program must have completed the equivalent of a U.S. high school education or have at least two years of recent experience in occupations such as accountant, computer-support specialist, orthodontist and dancer.


That is not how it works. Being educated does not guarantee a person a ticket or visa into the USA. Most of Nigeria's educated people remain in Nigeria. There are nearly 200 million Nigerians. They get in the same way as your FAVORITES, the Asians, do.

Its telling that people like you do not go digging into the background of Asian countries, to discredit them, but you try to find ways to discredit black success. The bottom line is that when given the opportunity Nigerians will educate themselves because they value education culturally. The country is too poor to offer educational opportunities like exist in the US...which is why when they get to the US they take full advantage of it.

Top Ten Nigerian Scientists Today
You're being silly. Providing a link to the top 10 Nigerian scientists doesn't tell us anything. Try looking up "top 10 scientists today" and try to find a Nigerian.

Here, I did the work for you...

Top 10 most influential scientists in the world today

How about the top 50?

The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today | The Best Schools

Do you see ANY Africans?

I am telling you that Nigerians value education. Keep in mind that YOU were making the case that not many people in Nigeria are educated or get formal education. Well....that is true because of poverty. It makes sense that most scientist would come from places that have the best schools and research institutions. Schools and research institutions are knowledge bases that contain all the worlds known knowledge and science. Its from that starting point that science and discoveries are expanded. Nigeria does not have such Universities as compared to the West and Asia....which is why many go to the West to get educated. Also, Nigeria as a country is only 50 something years old. Once the build the knowledge bases, advanced research universities, you will see the inventive class rise. But all that is a moot point.

The point is that the culture of Africans IS NOT THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. Blacks that come to America with their ROOT African culture DO MUCH BETTER than blacks who are descendants of enslaved Americans. Descendants of American slavery do not manifest African Culture. The culture that they manifest WAS LEARNED FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH WHITES!!! That experience was NEGATIVE.
again---there are not many blacks that come here from Africa....did you not understand the post and mathematics I posted before?? it doesn't matter how the immigrants from Africa do--you can't tell what their true culture is from a very tiny TINY test population

Neither can you tell that with Asians.....as there are Billions of Asians in the world, yet they are given the benefit of the doubt for their high academic achievements as being cultural in the US. Yet, you will not give blacks the same benefit of the doubt. Alas...that is because you are a RACIST.....so its not surprising. Anything that puts blacks in a good light....you will try to tear down to fit your narrative of black inferiority.
you do agree--Africa's illiteracy rate is much higher than the rest of the world??
it's right there on map
What media do you read? In the local media in the city I live, when there is a killing (regardless of color) it is always in the paper (online site) and each article has a comment section. When I lived in Detroit, however, there were too many murders to report on them all.....so only the more sensational ones made it in the news, unless it was a slow news day.

Huh I wonder why that is?

Usually cities with a high population which descended from American slavery and oppression....have higher murder rates. About 80% of Detroit residents are descendants of enslaved Americans.

Do you have a link?
That whole 80% number sounds a little sketchy.

Detroit was 85% black....with few black immigrants. If you are not a black immigrant and you are black, you almost certainly descended from enslaved Africans in America.


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