Why don't you have any black friends?

I don't have many black friends. I do have quite a few black aquaintences and coworkers but not close friends.

I believe that it does not necessarily relate to skin color as much as culture. Blacks have a different culture than whites. Different life experiences.

If I had a community of Swedes or Germans in my neighborhood, I still probably would not hang out with them. They may look just like me, but they have a different culture and life experiences

Your post is reflective of my personal impressions.

Also, I don't have any black, Muslim, or other minority friends, because I don't know any, for starters. If I met any, and found commonalities of interest, I would keep an opened mind and hope to embrace them as friends.
Seems blacks want it that way. Anyone who isn't black must be white. Just look at the Zimmerman trial. It was clear to everyone he was Hispanic Latino yet they decided to call him white.

When was the last time everyone was talking about race relations with respect to any other race? It only seems to matter when the left wants it to. Blacks are the primary focus, and sometimes Hispanics when they want to race-bait about immigration.

Fact is most whites don't think about the subject or care about the subject. Seems only blacks are totally immersed in this racial quandary. They live, eat, breathe, and sleep race.

So Zimmermans father wasn't German?

Why does it matter with him when Obama's mother is white? 99% of blacks in America have white ancestors. Doesn't seem to change the fact that they're black.

99% of whites have Native American ancestors, doesn't change the fact they are white.
Recently, a Reuters poll came out showing that 40% of white Americans have zero nonwhite friends, and only 20% of white Americans have five or more nonwhite friends. People seemed shocked that the numbers were so bad.

The Reuters survey itself is misleading, lumping all minorities together under the vague heading of "nonwhite." Depending on what part of the country you live in (e.g, anywhere but Minnesota or Wyoming), it's not uncommon to have Asian or Hispanic friends.

The reason why "How many black friends do you have?" is such a terrible question is because it shows how we typically talk when we talk about race. Even when we try to talk about race in a constructive way, we usually make black people the object of the sentence, rarely the subject.

Black friends are the things to be acquired to prove one is not racist. The way the question is asked accords black people no agency, nor does it reveal anything about the real character of the white person being queried.

Opinion: Why don't whites have black friends? - CNN.com

I have a few black friends, there isn't a lot of black people in Spokane. Can we count Facebook? Because then I have a ton of black friends. Lol
As for black people having no white friends, that doesn't happen here. They are a very small majority, they have to intermingle.
I actually been hanging out with my friend's Mexican neighbors lately. Love it!
I had the best steak burrito last night.
Recently, a Reuters poll came out showing that 40% of white Americans have zero nonwhite friends, and only 20% of white Americans have five or more nonwhite friends. People seemed shocked that the numbers were so bad.

The Reuters survey itself is misleading, lumping all minorities together under the vague heading of "nonwhite." Depending on what part of the country you live in (e.g, anywhere but Minnesota or Wyoming), it's not uncommon to have Asian or Hispanic friends.

The reason why "How many black friends do you have?" is such a terrible question is because it shows how we typically talk when we talk about race. Even when we try to talk about race in a constructive way, we usually make black people the object of the sentence, rarely the subject.

Black friends are the things to be acquired to prove one is not racist. The way the question is asked accords black people no agency, nor does it reveal anything about the real character of the white person being queried.

Opinion: Why don't whites have black friends? - CNN.com

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7B2Qa5PJfM]Australian Snow Man Murdered By 3 Bastard Sons Of Single Moms Because They Were Bored! - YouTube[/ame]
Recently, a Reuters poll came out showing that 40% of white Americans have zero nonwhite friends, and only 20% of white Americans have five or more nonwhite friends. People seemed shocked that the numbers were so bad.

The Reuters survey itself is misleading, lumping all minorities together under the vague heading of "nonwhite." Depending on what part of the country you live in (e.g, anywhere but Minnesota or Wyoming), it's not uncommon to have Asian or Hispanic friends.

The reason why "How many black friends do you have?" is such a terrible question is because it shows how we typically talk when we talk about race. Even when we try to talk about race in a constructive way, we usually make black people the object of the sentence, rarely the subject.

Black friends are the things to be acquired to prove one is not racist. The way the question is asked accords black people no agency, nor does it reveal anything about the real character of the white person being queried.

Opinion: Why don't whites have black friends? - CNN.com

Seems blacks want it that way. Anyone who isn't black must be white. Just look at the Zimmerman trial. It was clear to everyone he was Hispanic Latino yet they decided to call him white.

When was the last time everyone was talking about race relations with respect to any other race? It only seems to matter when the left wants it to. Blacks are the primary focus, and sometimes Hispanics when they want to race-bait about immigration.

Fact is most whites don't think about the subject or care about the subject. Seems only blacks are totally immersed in this racial quandary. They live, eat, breathe, and sleep race.

Just for ducks I looked up the etiology of he name: Zimmermann.

Zimmerman - WikiName
I actually been hanging out with my friend's Mexican neighbors lately. Love it!
I had the best steak burrito last night.

You should make Puerto Rican friends, their food is even better!:eusa_angel:

I need to find some Dominican friends. I had some Dominican food in Harlem and it was awesome.

But the one guy who lives next door can make the best steak. It is like butter in hour mouth.
I actually been hanging out with my friend's Mexican neighbors lately. Love it!
I had the best steak burrito last night.

You should make Puerto Rican friends, their food is even better!:eusa_angel:

I need to find some Dominican friends. I had some Dominican food in Harlem and it was awesome.

But the one guy who lives next door can make the best steak. It is like butter in hour mouth.

Hmm never had Dominican food, next on my list to make is Jamaican food I have a recipe for a killer chicken curry apparently.
When I lived in Harlem, Oakland and Compton all my friends wew black. I didn't even know any white people. My oldest friend is black. We have been friends for 52 years. My male friend is black. My favorite nephew is biracial. My half brother doesn't like white women. He finds them ugly. His current wife is from China. I work with an entirely muslim company of Iranian nationals. I have lived in predominently mexican neighborhoods since 1970. My art school is all Chinese but I'm being encouraged to move to an Iranian school.
Hispanics are the worst. In all my years of living among black and then mexicans the only ones who taught me to despise them were the mexicans. I've lived among this worthless excuse for humanity for decades. And curiously enough I don't recall ever meeting a mexican that I didn't like personally, from the deadliest gang banger to the illegal that slithered across the border this morning.
Hmm never had Dominican food, next on my list to make is Jamaican food I have a recipe for a killer chicken curry apparently.
Jamaican food.....try some Ox tail .. :thup:

Several years ago I had to go to Kingston on business. The people I was dealing with introduced me to jerk chicken. I loved it, but I haven't been able to find any as good in the states. I live in Florida now and even here I can't find the good stuff.
Recently, a Reuters poll came out showing that 40% of white Americans have zero nonwhite friends, and only 20% of white Americans have five or more nonwhite friends. People seemed shocked that the numbers were so bad.

The Reuters survey itself is misleading, lumping all minorities together under the vague heading of "nonwhite." Depending on what part of the country you live in (e.g, anywhere but Minnesota or Wyoming), it's not uncommon to have Asian or Hispanic friends.

The reason why "How many black friends do you have?" is such a terrible question is because it shows how we typically talk when we talk about race. Even when we try to talk about race in a constructive way, we usually make black people the object of the sentence, rarely the subject.

Black friends are the things to be acquired to prove one is not racist. The way the question is asked accords black people no agency, nor does it reveal anything about the real character of the white person being queried.

Opinion: Why don't whites have black friends? - CNN.com

It all depends on demographics in my opinion. I don't think that having or not having friends of a certain "racial" demographic truly reflects the totality of one's character. For instance, my white wife has more black friends than I have. That doesn't mean that me (being part black) has a problem with black people, she has more black people that she works with and I have very few and the sport that I play (where i have many friends) doesn't have a lot of black people in it where I am from. My neighborhood is predominately white , so most of my friends are white.
Fact is most whites don't think about the subject or care about the subject. Seems only blacks are totally immersed in this racial quandary. They live, eat, breathe, and sleep race.
I personally know many blacks and some of them are good friends.

But they ALL have one thing in common.

Everything is seen and judged thru the lens of race and racism.

They are consumed by it 24/7/365

It's what defines their thinking and world view. .. :cool:

I wouldn't say "everything"; for instance I told a friend and friends of mine who are black, that I was traveling through the "backwoods" of Alabama and rural northern Florida to see my in-laws. They were like "whao! Good luck!" , said the same thing to my white friends and they were like "cool", except for one who did warn me that there were still some "redneck areas down there with the old attitudes.".

It seems a lot of people just simply want to brush the effects of institutionalized slavery, de facto brutal discrimination, de jure and institutionalized oppression, off as "history" and "just get over it". Well, a lot of it isn't just so easy to "get over" especially when the experiences are passed down from one generation to another. For instance; I am a law abiding citizen and 99% of my experiences with police officers have been COMPLETELY fair and positive, but I still have an underlying feeling that I may be profiled or messed with because of the color of my skin. I don't let it manifest itself outwardly because I believe in giving everyone the same chance regardless of color or station in life, but that underlying little feeling still lingers. It's not a completely "imagined" situation if one looks at some points in history where the police were the actual agents and provocateurs of oppression in the "black community". Here another for instance; it's when i hear people talking about wanting to go back to the time of "Leave it to Beaver" and state that those were "the good ole days", my mind switches to "yeah, right for many people, but some people were getting pretty fucked over at that time.".

On an optimistic point; I do know that things are going to get better between the "races", though it's much to the chagrin of some bigots who want to stick to the "old ways".
Recently, a Reuters poll came out showing that 40% of white Americans have zero nonwhite friends, and only 20% of white Americans have five or more nonwhite friends. People seemed shocked that the numbers were so bad.

The Reuters survey itself is misleading, lumping all minorities together under the vague heading of "nonwhite." Depending on what part of the country you live in (e.g, anywhere but Minnesota or Wyoming), it's not uncommon to have Asian or Hispanic friends.

The reason why "How many black friends do you have?" is such a terrible question is because it shows how we typically talk when we talk about race. Even when we try to talk about race in a constructive way, we usually make black people the object of the sentence, rarely the subject.

Black friends are the things to be acquired to prove one is not racist. The way the question is asked accords black people no agency, nor does it reveal anything about the real character of the white person being queried.

Opinion: Why don't whites have black friends? - CNN.com

Well, I have a few black friends. :cool:
Recently, a Reuters poll came out showing that 40% of white Americans have zero nonwhite friends, and only 20% of white Americans have five or more nonwhite friends. People seemed shocked that the numbers were so bad.

The Reuters survey itself is misleading, lumping all minorities together under the vague heading of "nonwhite." Depending on what part of the country you live in (e.g, anywhere but Minnesota or Wyoming), it's not uncommon to have Asian or Hispanic friends.

The reason why "How many black friends do you have?" is such a terrible question is because it shows how we typically talk when we talk about race. Even when we try to talk about race in a constructive way, we usually make black people the object of the sentence, rarely the subject.

Black friends are the things to be acquired to prove one is not racist. The way the question is asked accords black people no agency, nor does it reveal anything about the real character of the white person being queried.

Opinion: Why don't whites have black friends? - CNN.com

Money phrase!!

My bestie is African-American.
My close neighbors are Muslin, Hispanic, Indians (from the country of India), Moroccan, Jamaican, Arabs, Asian etc, etc.
Not to mention those whom I grew up with. I was color blind to race/ethnicity. Skin color/heritage was just not my deal. If it were, I'd have to disown 96% of my immediate family.

LOL, same here. My family has been racially mixed (white/Cherokee Melungeon type) by marriage since the early 1800's in South Carolina of all places and it has kept up that way to this very day.

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