Why educated people are more Liberal

So says someone who's only contact with a university is driving by one once..

You couldn't be farther from reality.

He can't imagine how anyone with any education can think differently then him.

And he still thinks that he is open minded.


Please learn the proper usages of "than" and "then".

Well, thanks, but I'm not the one claiming superiority because of my education.

So, not irony.

I don't know about that, you have bragged about your education before... and this isn't even rocket science. :lmao:

My post was obviously in relation to what is happening in THIS thread. Note the use of present tense.
One aspect of higher education is the understanding/learning of logic and rationality. Also cause and effect. Also learned is the why do lessor educated people fall for cults and propaganda.
Learning common sense is not done at college. Sorry you fail. Parents are the ones that are supposed to pass that on to their children. The state is not responsible to teach children not to piss on their own feet.
You are claiming I said something and I did not say anything about common sense. You must have common sense to attain a higher education, IE: IQ.
Now I am positive you are totally full of shit (are your eyes brown). I had an aunt that had a 215 score, she graduated high school a fifteen and went on to college. She was an adorable lady without a lick of common sense.

Your Aunt is Dark Fury?

Is she on this list?

The 40 smartest people of all time
She passed away years ago. Some people with genius minds do not cope well in this world of idiocracy. There are many you will never hear about.

That list isn't of just living people. If she took an IQ test and it was from a legit place then it would have been registered.
You couldn't be farther from reality.

He can't imagine how anyone with any education can think differently then him.

And he still thinks that he is open minded.


Please learn the proper usages of "than" and "then".

Well, thanks, but I'm not the one claiming superiority because of my education.

So, not irony.

I don't know about that, you have bragged about your education before... and this isn't even rocket science. :lmao:

My post was obviously in relation to what is happening in THIS thread. Note the use of present tense.

That doesn't matter. You have bragged about your education several times. If you make a typo just own it. Don't play this crap game of saying you aren't bragging about your education IN THIS THREAD. Just own it.
Let's just be honest... the far left liberals are very empathetic, to an extreme, whereas most far right conservatives are extremely selfish. The rest of the people lie on a line somewhere between.

Liberals believe in a healthy society through making sure that everyone gets a piece of the pie, while conservatives think the only ones that deserve a piece of the pie are those that can TAKE it for themselves (even when some of those with the largest pieces just were born into the situation and never earned it), and the rest can die off for all they care. When you take either belief to an extreme it is unhealthy.

What you just did there was show that you are unable to understand how anyone can disagree with you, without envisioning them as evil or stupid.

That is the exact opposite of an open mind or empathy.

When you take any idea to it's extreme edges it is unhealthy. I have never represented myself to be on either end of the spectrum. You just tried to pass judgment on my personal feelings when my post showed zero of that.

Funny thing is... I just had a discussion with a fellow Grad Student yesterday about how it seemed that several of the Doctors in the department were propagating extreme Liberal beliefs. One Professor even made the comment that she wouldn't label herself as a Marxist because he was left enough. But he is a second year Grad student and said that despite their beliefs, they still held an open mind in discussion.

Your incredibly biased view of conservatives shows that you are quite extreme on the Left.

Wrong. As you usually are. I just said that being extremely empathetic is a bad thing too.

No, the way you describe conservatives is absurd and reveals that you have a closed mind, to the point that you can't even describe their positions.
Learning common sense is not done at college. Sorry you fail. Parents are the ones that are supposed to pass that on to their children. The state is not responsible to teach children not to piss on their own feet.
You are claiming I said something and I did not say anything about common sense. You must have common sense to attain a higher education, IE: IQ.
Now I am positive you are totally full of shit (are your eyes brown). I had an aunt that had a 215 score, she graduated high school a fifteen and went on to college. She was an adorable lady without a lick of common sense.

Your Aunt is Dark Fury?

Is she on this list?

The 40 smartest people of all time
She passed away years ago. Some people with genius minds do not cope well in this world of idiocracy. There are many you will never hear about.

That list isn't of just living people. If she took an IQ test and it was from a legit place then it would have been registered.
I have no clue where she took the test.
Let's just be honest... the far left liberals are very empathetic, to an extreme, whereas most far right conservatives are extremely selfish. The rest of the people lie on a line somewhere between.

Liberals believe in a healthy society through making sure that everyone gets a piece of the pie, while conservatives think the only ones that deserve a piece of the pie are those that can TAKE it for themselves (even when some of those with the largest pieces just were born into the situation and never earned it), and the rest can die off for all they care. When you take either belief to an extreme it is unhealthy.

What you just did there was show that you are unable to understand how anyone can disagree with you, without envisioning them as evil or stupid.

That is the exact opposite of an open mind or empathy.

When you take any idea to it's extreme edges it is unhealthy. I have never represented myself to be on either end of the spectrum. You just tried to pass judgment on my personal feelings when my post showed zero of that.

Funny thing is... I just had a discussion with a fellow Grad Student yesterday about how it seemed that several of the Doctors in the department were propagating extreme Liberal beliefs. One Professor even made the comment that she wouldn't label herself as a Marxist because he was left enough. But he is a second year Grad student and said that despite their beliefs, they still held an open mind in discussion.

Your incredibly biased view of conservatives shows that you are quite extreme on the Left.

Wrong. As you usually are. I just said that being extremely empathetic is a bad thing too.

No, the way you describe conservatives is absurd and reveals that you have a closed mind, to the point that you can't even describe their positions.
He is professing and projecting.
He can't imagine how anyone with any education can think differently then him.

And he still thinks that he is open minded.


Please learn the proper usages of "than" and "then".

Well, thanks, but I'm not the one claiming superiority because of my education.

So, not irony.

I don't know about that, you have bragged about your education before... and this isn't even rocket science. :lmao:

My post was obviously in relation to what is happening in THIS thread. Note the use of present tense.

That doesn't matter. You have bragged about your education several times. If you make a typo just own it. Don't play this crap game of saying you aren't bragging about your education IN THIS THREAD. Just own it.

When I do make a typo, I happily own it, Because it is irrelevant. I don't care about typos. Mine or other people's.

But I have not done that here. I am not bragging about my education, nor claiming that it makes me superior.
Let's just be honest... the far left liberals are very empathetic, to an extreme, whereas most far right conservatives are extremely selfish. The rest of the people lie on a line somewhere between.

Liberals believe in a healthy society through making sure that everyone gets a piece of the pie, while conservatives think the only ones that deserve a piece of the pie are those that can TAKE it for themselves (even when some of those with the largest pieces just were born into the situation and never earned it), and the rest can die off for all they care. When you take either belief to an extreme it is unhealthy.

What you just did there was show that you are unable to understand how anyone can disagree with you, without envisioning them as evil or stupid.

That is the exact opposite of an open mind or empathy.

When you take any idea to it's extreme edges it is unhealthy. I have never represented myself to be on either end of the spectrum. You just tried to pass judgment on my personal feelings when my post showed zero of that.

Funny thing is... I just had a discussion with a fellow Grad Student yesterday about how it seemed that several of the Doctors in the department were propagating extreme Liberal beliefs. One Professor even made the comment that she wouldn't label herself as a Marxist because he was left enough. But he is a second year Grad student and said that despite their beliefs, they still held an open mind in discussion.

Your incredibly biased view of conservatives shows that you are quite extreme on the Left.

Wrong. As you usually are. I just said that being extremely empathetic is a bad thing too.

No, the way you describe conservatives is absurd and reveals that you have a closed mind, to the point that you can't even describe their positions.

Absurd? I guess you ignore all the Conservative posts on this forum?

The far right Conservative position on this forum is quite clear. It is about survival of the fittest. End of story.

Please learn the proper usages of "than" and "then".

Well, thanks, but I'm not the one claiming superiority because of my education.

So, not irony.

I don't know about that, you have bragged about your education before... and this isn't even rocket science. :lmao:

My post was obviously in relation to what is happening in THIS thread. Note the use of present tense.

That doesn't matter. You have bragged about your education several times. If you make a typo just own it. Don't play this crap game of saying you aren't bragging about your education IN THIS THREAD. Just own it.

When I do make a typo, I happily own it, Because it is irrelevant. I don't care about typos. Mine or other people's.

But I have not done that here. I am not bragging about my education, nor claiming that it makes me superior.

Bullshit. You just got owned in grammar. It happens, own it. Don't give a BS excuse. The fat that you did give a BS excuse just goes to prove your integrity... and in the same thread that you are trying to make judgment on my moral code of beliefs. Yes, the irony.
What you just did there was show that you are unable to understand how anyone can disagree with you, without envisioning them as evil or stupid.

That is the exact opposite of an open mind or empathy.

When you take any idea to it's extreme edges it is unhealthy. I have never represented myself to be on either end of the spectrum. You just tried to pass judgment on my personal feelings when my post showed zero of that.

Funny thing is... I just had a discussion with a fellow Grad Student yesterday about how it seemed that several of the Doctors in the department were propagating extreme Liberal beliefs. One Professor even made the comment that she wouldn't label herself as a Marxist because he was left enough. But he is a second year Grad student and said that despite their beliefs, they still held an open mind in discussion.

Your incredibly biased view of conservatives shows that you are quite extreme on the Left.

Wrong. As you usually are. I just said that being extremely empathetic is a bad thing too.

No, the way you describe conservatives is absurd and reveals that you have a closed mind, to the point that you can't even describe their positions.

Absurd? I guess you ignore all the Conservative posts on this forum?

The far right Conservative position on this forum is quite clear. It is about survival of the fittest. End of story.
No its not. That is merely your precepts in your own desire to push your limited maturity and views.
What you just did there was show that you are unable to understand how anyone can disagree with you, without envisioning them as evil or stupid.

That is the exact opposite of an open mind or empathy.

When you take any idea to it's extreme edges it is unhealthy. I have never represented myself to be on either end of the spectrum. You just tried to pass judgment on my personal feelings when my post showed zero of that.

Funny thing is... I just had a discussion with a fellow Grad Student yesterday about how it seemed that several of the Doctors in the department were propagating extreme Liberal beliefs. One Professor even made the comment that she wouldn't label herself as a Marxist because he was left enough. But he is a second year Grad student and said that despite their beliefs, they still held an open mind in discussion.

Your incredibly biased view of conservatives shows that you are quite extreme on the Left.

Wrong. As you usually are. I just said that being extremely empathetic is a bad thing too.

No, the way you describe conservatives is absurd and reveals that you have a closed mind, to the point that you can't even describe their positions.

Absurd? I guess you ignore all the Conservative posts on this forum?

The far right Conservative position on this forum is quite clear. It is about survival of the fittest. End of story.

The natural reaction to the desire for a cradle to grave nanny state often leads to heated rhetoric.

But policies, principles, candidates, show that is not the reality of the Conservative movement or the Republican Party.
Well, thanks, but I'm not the one claiming superiority because of my education.

So, not irony.

I don't know about that, you have bragged about your education before... and this isn't even rocket science. :lmao:

My post was obviously in relation to what is happening in THIS thread. Note the use of present tense.

That doesn't matter. You have bragged about your education several times. If you make a typo just own it. Don't play this crap game of saying you aren't bragging about your education IN THIS THREAD. Just own it.

When I do make a typo, I happily own it, Because it is irrelevant. I don't care about typos. Mine or other people's.

But I have not done that here. I am not bragging about my education, nor claiming that it makes me superior.

Bullshit. You just got owned in grammar. It happens, own it. Don't give a BS excuse. The fat that you did give a BS excuse just goes to prove your integrity... and in the same thread that you are trying to make judgment on my moral code of beliefs. Yes, the irony.

And I thanked her for the correction and plan to be more careful with the "than vs then" in the future.

And I'm not judging your code of beliefs, but your ability to have an open mind.
Because the dummies were duped into paying $200,000 in tuition for a degree worth about $40k?
I've never been able to figure out why Liberals spend so much on degrees that pay so little if they're so smart.
obama had a billion dollars spent on him to get a 400 thousand a year job
In my personal experience higher education exposes a person to more diverse ways of thinking. One becomes more cosmopolitan in outlook. With such exposure, it becomes more difficult to be swayed by fear and suspicion, two aspects driving the modern American Conservative (who is indeed not Conservative, but Nationalist and xenophobic)

Today's Conservative is a victim of a cult of personality rather than ideology. Not all,that long ago, true Conservatives were applauding, among others, Paul Ryan on the GOP ticket as he brought fiscal Conservatism to the Republican brand. Since then, the Roger Stone/Paul Manafort Wing of dirty politics driven by lies, obfuscation, fear and suspicion has hijacked the ideologiwing of the GOP.

Being exposed to people in a college setting allows one to see through these vile aspects of contemporary politics.

So, yes. People with higher education are not as susceptible to fear mongering.
lots of educated people have just as many fears as lessor educated people and can be just as susceptible to fear mongering.......look at how so many so called educated liberals are reacting to the shit being thrown around about trump........
I'm not taking sides here, just posting these links as some interesting reading on why those with college degrees in America, Canada, and Europe tend to be more Liberal, and why the less educated tend to be more Conservative, also, why American's believe they control their own destiny, while those in other countries would prefer the state to play a larger role in their lives.

Whatever side of the partisan fence you are on, this might make some interesting reading.

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

How the education gap is tearing politics apart | David Runciman

5 ways Americans and Europeans are different

I summarize it this way: Low-education conservatives, try to conserve the little that they understand....everything else is downright scary and "upsets" their limited view of the world and reality.
When you take any idea to it's extreme edges it is unhealthy. I have never represented myself to be on either end of the spectrum. You just tried to pass judgment on my personal feelings when my post showed zero of that.

Funny thing is... I just had a discussion with a fellow Grad Student yesterday about how it seemed that several of the Doctors in the department were propagating extreme Liberal beliefs. One Professor even made the comment that she wouldn't label herself as a Marxist because he was left enough. But he is a second year Grad student and said that despite their beliefs, they still held an open mind in discussion.

Your incredibly biased view of conservatives shows that you are quite extreme on the Left.

Wrong. As you usually are. I just said that being extremely empathetic is a bad thing too.

No, the way you describe conservatives is absurd and reveals that you have a closed mind, to the point that you can't even describe their positions.

Absurd? I guess you ignore all the Conservative posts on this forum?

The far right Conservative position on this forum is quite clear. It is about survival of the fittest. End of story.
No its not. That is merely your precepts in your own desire to push your limited maturity and views.

You're really battling with denial here. It's funny to watch this kind of thing happen when a group likes to accept some members of it up until the point when that sub-group brings out such a negative attribute that the other members of the group are left with the decision of deny, deny, deny, or excommunicate those members. Right now you are choosing to deny... but the fact is, far right Conservatives on this forum have said several times the very position I just mentioned.

Let's be VERY clear... I didn't say ALL conservatives, just the same as I didn't say ALL Liberals. I said there was a spectrum of people.
I'm not taking sides here, just posting these links as some interesting reading on why those with college degrees in America, Canada, and Europe tend to be more Liberal, and why the less educated tend to be more Conservative, also, why American's believe they control their own destiny, while those in other countries would prefer the state to play a larger role in their lives.

Whatever side of the partisan fence you are on, this might make some interesting reading.

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

How the education gap is tearing politics apart | David Runciman

5 ways Americans and Europeans are different

I summarize it this way: Low-education conservatives, try to conserve the little that they understand....everything else is downright scary and "upsets" their limited view of the world and reality.

You're easy to understand. Most idiots are.
I'm not taking sides here, just posting these links as some interesting reading on why those with college degrees in America, Canada, and Europe tend to be more Liberal, and why the less educated tend to be more Conservative, also, why American's believe they control their own destiny, while those in other countries would prefer the state to play a larger role in their lives.

Whatever side of the partisan fence you are on, this might make some interesting reading.

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

How the education gap is tearing politics apart | David Runciman

5 ways Americans and Europeans are different

I summarize it this way: Low-education conservatives, try to conserve the little that they understand....everything else is downright scary and "upsets" their limited view of the world and reality.

And there you reject the idea that those with less education and different interest might have a valid point or concern.

You closed your mind to people that are different than you.
When you take any idea to it's extreme edges it is unhealthy. I have never represented myself to be on either end of the spectrum. You just tried to pass judgment on my personal feelings when my post showed zero of that.

Funny thing is... I just had a discussion with a fellow Grad Student yesterday about how it seemed that several of the Doctors in the department were propagating extreme Liberal beliefs. One Professor even made the comment that she wouldn't label herself as a Marxist because he was left enough. But he is a second year Grad student and said that despite their beliefs, they still held an open mind in discussion.

Your incredibly biased view of conservatives shows that you are quite extreme on the Left.

Wrong. As you usually are. I just said that being extremely empathetic is a bad thing too.

No, the way you describe conservatives is absurd and reveals that you have a closed mind, to the point that you can't even describe their positions.

Absurd? I guess you ignore all the Conservative posts on this forum?

The far right Conservative position on this forum is quite clear. It is about survival of the fittest. End of story.

The natural reaction to the desire for a cradle to grave nanny state often leads to heated rhetoric.

But policies, principles, candidates, show that is not the reality of the Conservative movement or the Republican Party.

I didn't say ALL Conservatives or the ENTIRE republican party... did I?
I don't know about that, you have bragged about your education before... and this isn't even rocket science. :lmao:

My post was obviously in relation to what is happening in THIS thread. Note the use of present tense.

That doesn't matter. You have bragged about your education several times. If you make a typo just own it. Don't play this crap game of saying you aren't bragging about your education IN THIS THREAD. Just own it.

When I do make a typo, I happily own it, Because it is irrelevant. I don't care about typos. Mine or other people's.

But I have not done that here. I am not bragging about my education, nor claiming that it makes me superior.

Bullshit. You just got owned in grammar. It happens, own it. Don't give a BS excuse. The fat that you did give a BS excuse just goes to prove your integrity... and in the same thread that you are trying to make judgment on my moral code of beliefs. Yes, the irony.

And I thanked her for the correction and plan to be more careful with the "than vs then" in the future.

And I'm not judging your code of beliefs, but your ability to have an open mind.

I'm more of an open-minded person that you have ever been on this forum.

You claim to be such a knowledgeable rocket scientist and said I was wrong about the different positions of anti-missile defense systems of the U.S. throughout the Western U.S. and Pacific. I proved you wrong.
Your incredibly biased view of conservatives shows that you are quite extreme on the Left.

Wrong. As you usually are. I just said that being extremely empathetic is a bad thing too.

No, the way you describe conservatives is absurd and reveals that you have a closed mind, to the point that you can't even describe their positions.

Absurd? I guess you ignore all the Conservative posts on this forum?

The far right Conservative position on this forum is quite clear. It is about survival of the fittest. End of story.

The natural reaction to the desire for a cradle to grave nanny state often leads to heated rhetoric.

But policies, principles, candidates, show that is not the reality of the Conservative movement or the Republican Party.

I didn't say ALL Conservatives or the ENTIRE republican party... did I?

Would you like to make a general statement demonstrating your ability to understand the positions of the NOT radical fringe Conservatives?

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