Why electric cars will take over sooner than you think

We are closer than that for the majority, but technically speaking, i doubt we will ever be completely rid of gas fueled cars. There are too many car collectors to ever let that happen. You think rich guys like Jerry Seinfeld are going to let their antiques be banned from roads? No fucking way. The rich will always be in charge, and they arent giving up their shit.

Except it's the new cars that are going electric. I've never heard any serious argument for banning existing ICEs.
Except it's the new cars that are going electric. I've never heard any serious argument for banning existing ICEs.
Short of a federal ban on combustion engines, there will always be some car companies making them.
Maybe, I don't think it's wise to predict "always".
If someone is allowed to make and use something, they are going to. GM might not do it, but Dave in Toledo will, or Mike in San Jose. Someone will.
If someone is allowed to make and use something, they are going to. GM might not do it, but Dave in Toledo will, or Mike in San Jose. Someone will.

Kind of small potatoes. I don't know why you guys want to debate the margins and unimportant details, probably because you have nothing else except to be contrarian and find tiny wrinkles to argue in.

Another example of this is arguing that the Ford Lightening is a shitty truck because of range issues when towing 10lbs. Not realizing that most people don't do that with their trucks and so the Ford Lightening while not meeting everyone's needs (no car or truck today does this) it meets a lot of the needs people use trucks for.
Kind of small potatoes. I don't know why you guys want to debate the margins and unimportant details, probably because you have nothing else except to be contrarian and find tiny wrinkles to argue in.

Another example of this is arguing that the Ford Lightening is a shitty truck because of range issues when towing 10lbs. Not realizing that most people don't do that.
Hey, youre the one who said i was wrong. Im merely proving that im not. If you dont want to debate semantics, then dont question them.
Hey, youre the one who said i was wrong. Im merely proving that im not. If you dont want to debate semantics, then dont question them.
I didn't say you were wrong. We starting on the gaslighting early today?
Maybe, I don't think it's wise to predict "always".
^ This is the post where you said (in other words) that i was wrong to predict "always", but i can predict it because there is nothing that was made in the past that isnt still made today. Even heavy, unseaworthy indian canoes carved out of tree trunks are still made today.
Yeah, except that's not most airbags as the ones that were a danger have been recalled. Also, again 50k lives. At least you don't have a problem with government mandated seat belts.
I do. Government is of the people, not to the people! Traitors all
^ This is the post where you said (in other words) that i was wrong to predict "always", but i can predict it because there is nothing that was made in the past that isnt still made today. Even heavy, unseaworthy indian canoes carved out of a tree trunk are still made today.

No, I disagreed with the idea of predicting the future in absolutes. I didn't say you were wrong. There is a huge difference.

And then you go onto argue things that quite honestly don't matter because you really don't have a valid argument as to why electric or alternative modes of transport will overtake the current iteration of the ICE.
I do. Government is of the people, not to the people! Traitors all

The original argument was that government wouldn't force anybody to do something if it weren't already a good idea. Seat belts and airbags are my response.
The original argument was that government wouldn't force anybody to do something if it weren't already a good idea. Seat belts and airbags are my response.
So, doesn’t change my post.
No, I disagreed with the idea of predicting the future in absolutes. I didn't say you were wrong. There is a huge difference.

And then you go onto argue things that quite honestly don't matter because you really don't have a valid argument as to why electric or alternative modes of transport will overtake the current iteration of the ICE.
You still havent demonstrated why my prediction is ill advised.
What happened in Texas has never happened in Canada, or any other first world country. No country other than the USA has "rolling brown outs". You're the only first world country in the world with an inadequate power grid.

That's what a lack of government owned infrastructure will do for you. Upgrading equipment reduces profits. Less money for the shareholders. At this point, your lack of infrastructure is reducing investment in your economy.

We used to live in Florida, rolling blackouts were the norm when temps dropped below a certain degree.
Neat. I'm talking about the average car lifespan, not whatever anecdotal shit you decide to make up that can't be verified.

The highest miles in the world is held by a 1966 Volvo.

Here are the current highest mileage cars of all time: The Guinness World Record holder is a 1966 Volvo P1800 owned by Irvin Gordon of Long Island, New York. A retired science teacher, Gordon crossed the million-mile mark in 1987. He hit the 2 million-mile mark five years later. The feat was celebrated in Times Square.

I have had many Volvos with high miles.
The models included 544, 144, 122, etc.
Never had to dump an engine on a Volvo even if it had over 400,000 miles on it.
And an engine switch would not take more than 3 hours, even if an engine were to blow for some reason.

Electric cars are slightly simpler, but the battery cost, weight, and short lifespan it a real turn off, regardless of the short range.

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