Why empty hand martial arts are inferior to firearms training...

Are you claiming no one gets withing a 20ft radius of you? I didnt know you were that frightened to walk around alone. :laugh:
Most gun fights with hand guns take place at 20 foot or less.
Thats not what I asked you pussy. Do you keep people away from your 20ft perimeter?

it doesn't matter. People who carry have situational awareness. We don't blissfully ignore the world around us. When you move in to make the hit you're going to get ventilated. And damned quickly.
You wouldnt know what hit you if i decided to snap your neck. Your last thought would be what is tickling my adams apple?
You would never get that close. At six foot I have my hand at my belt and watching close. Any closer and turn my left shoulder towards you. At 5 feet I inform you that is close enough. Walking down the street I would stop and put my back to a solid object like a building or a car.
Of course. Awareness saves lives. I have been approached by suspicious people like this who exude a dangerous vibe... Not many times, but a couple. Both times I turned and took a stance where I was ready to knock them off their feet and both times they threw up their hands and walked away. Street negroes are looking for easy marks. They are usually not going to start real trouble.
How so? What are you going to pull a gun on me for walking by you?
What are you going to do? Just walk up on someone and beat the shit out of them?

If you stay alert and notice somebody making a move toward you then you can take action. I probably would not pull my weapon if someone makes a bee-line toward me on the street. Pulling your weapon is a last resort and is something you only do if it can make a difference, can be done to bring the situation to a decisive end, and not put innocents in harm's way. If you walk up to me aggressively I don't think that justifies drawing your weapon. But I will probably notice you and I will act.
Yes. I dont give warnings. i make a decision and then I execute.

if I was going to attack you, you wouldnt have any clue unitl it was too late. You think I'm going to wear a shirt telling you I'm about to fuck you up?

Untrue. Your body language gives you away. You can tell when people have bad intent.
Depends. If youre untrained then yes but if you are trained no one can tell.

Not true. there are always tells that project intent. You shift your weight on the balls of your feet, lower your center of gravity etc. The clues are ALWAYS there. I am off to dinner now so will continue later.
Are you claiming no one gets withing a 20ft radius of you? I didnt know you were that frightened to walk around alone. :laugh:
Most gun fights with hand guns take place at 20 foot or less.
Thats not what I asked you pussy. Do you keep people away from your 20ft perimeter?

it doesn't matter. People who carry have situational awareness. We don't blissfully ignore the world around us. When you move in to make the hit you're going to get ventilated. And damned quickly.
You wouldnt know what hit you if i decided to snap your neck. Your last thought would be what is tickling my adams apple?

Sure thing junior, as you make the swing the bullet or knife would be intercepting that thought. Like I said, you're nowhere near quick enough.
See you would be dead waiting for a swing. A straight shot to your throat as i ask you the directions to Home Depot while gesturing with my hands would render you useless.
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How so? What are you going to pull a gun on me for walking by you?
What are you going to do? Just walk up on someone and beat the shit out of them?

If you stay alert and notice somebody making a move toward you then you can take action. I probably would not pull my weapon if someone makes a bee-line toward me on the street. Pulling your weapon is a last resort and is something you only do if it can make a difference, can be done to bring the situation to a decisive end, and not put innocents in harm's way. If you walk up to me aggressively I don't think that justifies drawing your weapon. But I will probably notice you and I will act.
Yes. I dont give warnings. i make a decision and then I execute.

if I was going to attack you, you wouldnt have any clue unitl it was too late. You think I'm going to wear a shirt telling you I'm about to fuck you up?

Untrue. Your body language gives you away. You can tell when people have bad intent.
Depends. If youre untrained then yes but if you are trained no one can tell.
You know the odds of you getting shot by another ni##er are higher then white/brown or Asian.
How so? What are you going to pull a gun on me for walking by you?
What are you going to do? Just walk up on someone and beat the shit out of them?

If you stay alert and notice somebody making a move toward you then you can take action. I probably would not pull my weapon if someone makes a bee-line toward me on the street. Pulling your weapon is a last resort and is something you only do if it can make a difference, can be done to bring the situation to a decisive end, and not put innocents in harm's way. If you walk up to me aggressively I don't think that justifies drawing your weapon. But I will probably notice you and I will act.
Yes. I dont give warnings. i make a decision and then I execute.

if I was going to attack you, you wouldnt have any clue unitl it was too late. You think I'm going to wear a shirt telling you I'm about to fuck you up?

Untrue. Your body language gives you away. You can tell when people have bad intent.
Depends. If youre untrained then yes but if you are trained no one can tell.

Not true. there are always tells that project intent. You shift your weight on the balls of your feet, lower your center of gravity etc. The clues are ALWAYS there. I am off to dinner now so will continue later.
Its easy to get people off guard. Very paranoid people like Darkfury are really easy. I would just divert his attention if I saw him on the street. His fear would give him away as someone I had to be quick and careful with.
It all depends on the speed of the person pulling the gun.

I once knew a policeman who was the state quick draw champion.

He would have a random person stand in front of him and hold their hands belt high about 6" apart.

He would unload his service revolver and put it in his holster. Then the officer would tell the person to clap their hands together as fast as they can whenever they were ready.

The policeman was soo fast on the draw. That when they went to clap their hands together. His gun was already there between their hands.

Never saw anyone able to beat him and clap their hands together. ....... :cool:
How so? What are you going to pull a gun on me for walking by you?
What are you going to do? Just walk up on someone and beat the shit out of them?

If you stay alert and notice somebody making a move toward you then you can take action. I probably would not pull my weapon if someone makes a bee-line toward me on the street. Pulling your weapon is a last resort and is something you only do if it can make a difference, can be done to bring the situation to a decisive end, and not put innocents in harm's way. If you walk up to me aggressively I don't think that justifies drawing your weapon. But I will probably notice you and I will act.
Yes. I dont give warnings. i make a decision and then I execute.

if I was going to attack you, you wouldnt have any clue unitl it was too late. You think I'm going to wear a shirt telling you I'm about to fuck you up?

Untrue. Your body language gives you away. You can tell when people have bad intent.
Depends. If youre untrained then yes but if you are trained no one can tell.
You know the odds of you getting shot by another ni##er are higher then white/brown or Asian.
You know the odds of you getting shot by another honky are higher then Black/brown or Asian.
you do need to practice though

trying to pull off something you saw once on tv will get you ass raped.
I run a 38 snub mounted crosswise on my belt barrel left in a AMS shoot thru holster. If your left shoulder is aimed at the target, you hit the target.
you keep making assumptions

and using the word 'if'
You learn to turn well before the shot say at 15 foot. Make it a habit.
you're deluded

you will never ever, fucking ever, know that you need to shoot someone until they are within arms reach.

the idea that you can Cool Hand Luke someone right in front of you is hollywood.
What are you going to do? Just walk up on someone and beat the shit out of them?

If you stay alert and notice somebody making a move toward you then you can take action. I probably would not pull my weapon if someone makes a bee-line toward me on the street. Pulling your weapon is a last resort and is something you only do if it can make a difference, can be done to bring the situation to a decisive end, and not put innocents in harm's way. If you walk up to me aggressively I don't think that justifies drawing your weapon. But I will probably notice you and I will act.
Yes. I dont give warnings. i make a decision and then I execute.

if I was going to attack you, you wouldnt have any clue unitl it was too late. You think I'm going to wear a shirt telling you I'm about to fuck you up?

Untrue. Your body language gives you away. You can tell when people have bad intent.
Depends. If youre untrained then yes but if you are trained no one can tell.

Not true. there are always tells that project intent. You shift your weight on the balls of your feet, lower your center of gravity etc. The clues are ALWAYS there. I am off to dinner now so will continue later.
Its easy to get people off guard. Very paranoid people like Darkfury are really easy. I would just divert his attention if I saw him on the street. His fear would give him away as someone I had to be quick and careful with.
Not at all stupid. At five feet I would tell you piss off ni##er and that's in south PNX. In the desert? Good bye stupid.
you do need to practice though

trying to pull off something you saw once on tv will get you ass raped.
I run a 38 snub mounted crosswise on my belt barrel left in a AMS shoot thru holster. If your left shoulder is aimed at the target, you hit the target.
you keep making assumptions

and using the word 'if'
You learn to turn well before the shot say at 15 foot. Make it a habit.
you're deluded

you will never ever, fucking ever, know that you need to shoot someone until they are within arms reach.

the idea that you can Cool Hand Luke someone right in front of you is hollywood.
At 15 foot you have turned your body to repel and that's different then a draw. I would not draw until the second shot. First shot mass and the target folds exposing the top of the head. Take the head shot and its done.
Will a gun end it faster and farther? Yes.

What happens if you don't have your weapon? Rape
that's why I always


recommend carrying a knife or 2.

pistols are hard to conceal and hard as fuck to get out if they are. knives can look like belt buckles, they are easy to hide and easy to get to. And if you stab someone there's a 100% chance they don't want to get stabbed again.
Will a gun end it faster and farther? Yes.

What happens if you don't have your weapon? Rape
that's why I always


recommend carrying a knife or 2.

pistols are hard to conceal and hard as fuck to get out if they are. knives can look like belt buckles, they are easy to hide and easy to get to. And if you stab someone there's a 100% chance they don't want to get stabbed again.
You have to open that knife as you approach me. All I have to do is pull a trigger. And in a gun fight the guy with the knife loses.
the op is right, however biased

but dumb as fuck to the reality of the real world.

not every encounter has a weapon involved, crap, most don't.

So if you have no idea how to hands up chin down, you are going to get a beating. and if you do have a gun, if it's not out, you are going to get a beating trying to get it out.

And the idiotic assumption that fights start at contact distance?

fucking retarded, utterly fucking ignorant of reality.

If you don't know martial arts, of some kind, you won't be able to clear yourself from contact to pull it.

and the 21' rule of knife v gun is no bullshit.

Wrong...read actual encounters of people with no martial arts training.....and in an actual physical struggle with an attacker...

the miracle of a gun.....you don't have to physically dominate your opponent...you just have to put the circular opening in the direction of some part of the attackers body and put 5-6 lbs. of pressure of your index finger on the trigger......and just that can kill......or severely wound......even if they are pounding on you.....

Read the actual encounters....
the op is right, however biased

but dumb as fuck to the reality of the real world.

not every encounter has a weapon involved, crap, most don't.

So if you have no idea how to hands up chin down, you are going to get a beating. and if you do have a gun, if it's not out, you are going to get a beating trying to get it out.

And the idiotic assumption that fights start at contact distance?

fucking retarded, utterly fucking ignorant of reality.

If you don't know martial arts, of some kind, you won't be able to clear yourself from contact to pull it.

and the 21' rule of knife v gun is no bullshit.

The 21' rule presupposes an attacker wants to charge you as you are drawing a gun on them...and they aren't 21 footing it the other direction.....
I will gladly wager on the proposition that the loaded 10 mm in my nightstand will best any faggy karate prick any day of the week.
Yeah right. Your ass would be kicked before you even woke up to go into your nightstand. You think someone is going to let you rummage around for a gun?

You should do some research before you post.....if you did you would see how it actually works in the real world.....try TheArmedCitizen....or the truthaboutguns....any of a number of places where they gather actual self defense with a gun stories....

learn something...
Most gun fights with hand guns take place at 20 foot or less.
Thats not what I asked you pussy. Do you keep people away from your 20ft perimeter?

it doesn't matter. People who carry have situational awareness. We don't blissfully ignore the world around us. When you move in to make the hit you're going to get ventilated. And damned quickly.
You wouldnt know what hit you if i decided to snap your neck. Your last thought would be what is tickling my adams apple?

Sure thing junior, as you make the swing the bullet or knife would be intercepting that thought. Like I said, you're nowhere near quick enough.
See you would be dead waiting for a swing. A straight shot to your throat as i ask you the directions to Home Depot while gesturing with my hands would render you useless.

No, it wouldn't. Distance, timing and tempo are the most important aspects of physical combat. Like I said, you launch your attack but it will already be too late.

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