Why forgive "student loans" and not all other loans? Why is Biden (democrats) so adamant about it?

1. With any other loan, the borrower usually buys something that has a resale value. If I borrow ten grand to start a store or buy a car and then things go badly, I can sell back the inventory or the car or whatever to recoup some of the losses. You can't sell back your college degree, making it tougher for people to dig themselves out.
2. Education is important. It is the silver bullet that can solve practically every social problem, but our country is unusual in that we are a filthy rich, first-world country but our education is almost impossibly expensive. (That is another issue that could use some attention, but that's for a different thread.)
3. Forgiving ten or twenty grand each is a fantastic way to get hordes of educated people to re-invest that new-found wealth back into the economy. Even if only a fraction bought a new car or a vacation or created a start-up, the economic jolt would have helped everyone.
4. Because the HEROES Act exists. Not every type of loan has a HEROES Act, and the White House lawyers thought it was worth the push.
5. Because a lot of student loans are for exorbitant rates, and almost all of them were plopped on 18-year-olds who barely know anything.
6. Your question is flawed, because it's not really ANY other loan, is it? Covid was a good enough reason to pass out a shit-ton of small business loans, many of which were then immediately forgiven. Was there a huge swell of outrage and a project-killing Supreme Court decision about those that I missed, even though it affected far fewer people than student loan forgiveness would have?

All that said, I'm not surprised this was shot down. First of all, I can't imagine the current court killing Roe, stripping affirmative action, then being just fine with this. Second, the timing was bad, and third, it didn't do enough to make it easier on future borrowers. It's tough for parents to get excited about it when they're looking ahead a few years to having to deal with the same predatory lenders, who wouldn't have been curtailed much at all.

So anyway, that's why. I think it will have to be shelved now until Congress maybe does something about it in the future.

You make a very, very good point here. Maybe the best yet.

Yes we could forgive some debt. That does NOTHING about the problem going forward. We seem to just throw money around in many instances but never seem to want to fix the actual problem causing the problem to start with.
1. With any other loan, the borrower usually buys something that has a resale value. If I borrow ten grand to start a store or buy a car and then things go badly, I can sell back the inventory or the car or whatever to recoup some of the losses. You can't sell back your college degree, making it tougher for people to dig themselves out.
2. Education is important. It is the silver bullet that can solve practically every social problem, but our country is unusual in that we are a filthy rich, first-world country but our education is almost impossibly expensive. (That is another issue that could use some attention, but that's for a different thread.)
3. Forgiving ten or twenty grand each is a fantastic way to get hordes of educated people to re-invest that new-found wealth back into the economy. Even if only a fraction bought a new car or a vacation or created a start-up, the economic jolt would have helped everyone.
4. Because the HEROES Act exists. Not every type of loan has a HEROES Act, and the White House lawyers thought it was worth the push.
5. Because a lot of student loans are for exorbitant rates, and almost all of them were plopped on 18-year-olds who barely know anything.
6. Your question is flawed, because it's not really ANY other loan, is it? Covid was a good enough reason to pass out a shit-ton of small business loans, many of which were then immediately forgiven. Was there a huge swell of outrage and a project-killing Supreme Court decision about those that I missed, even though it affected far fewer people than student loan forgiveness would have?

All that said, I'm not surprised this was shot down. First of all, I can't imagine the current court killing Roe, stripping affirmative action, then being just fine with this. Second, the timing was bad, and third, it didn't do enough to make it easier on future borrowers. It's tough for parents to get excited about it when they're looking ahead a few years to having to deal with the same predatory lenders, who wouldn't have been curtailed much at all.

So anyway, that's why. I think it will have to be shelved now until Congress maybe does something about it in the future.
Dude. Colleges can eat it. Not us.
You should have mentioned that to trump before he gave so many tax breaks till the debt skyrocketed.
and what makes you think trump or any other poli in washington cares what you or I have to say???

I see the TDS is really getting to you today,,,

does it feel like ants all over you or what??

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