Why forgive "student loans" and not all other loans? Why is Biden (democrats) so adamant about it?

Spin, spin, spin.
I dont understand the problem,,

you think student loan should be forgiven because all these other peoples loans were forgiven,,

that means you support loan forgiveness,,

using your logic wouldnt that start including just about every other loan in the country like house, car, boat, appliances and many many other things you get loans for??
wait a minute,,

were you for all the loans given out during covid??
Not talking about loans. Talking about tax cuts for the rich.
Every time our government spends money foolishly, there's a tendency for our taxes to go up, inflation to go up and the value of our dollars to go down. Liberal slackers love of free shit is making everyone else poorer.
The reason we talk about debt is because the Fiat currency is debt money. It cannot exist without it. The velocity of loans must keep increasing.
Yes we have excused billions in loans. Why not student loans also?

Some we didn't even pretend were loans. We just gave the money away.
If we the taxpayer bailed out significant student loan debt, it would have to come with some conditions and changes. Gone would be the days where students and their families could take on $100ks in debt to go to a 4 year, elite private school three time zones away and concentrate on a bullshit major for which there is little to no job market. Entitlement is not a justification for loan forgiveness.

As a taxpayer, I’d rather be funding loan forgiveness or loan assistance towards trade schools and certifications as well as students who choose a community college and state university path to concentrate in a major for which there is Job demand.
If we the taxpayer bailed out significant student loan debt, it would have to come with some conditions and changes. Gone would be the days where students and their families could take on $100ks in debt to go to a 4 year, elite private school three time zones away and concentrate on a bullshit major for which there is little to no job market. Entitlement is not a justification for loan forgiveness.

As a taxpayer, I’d rather be funding loan forgiveness or loan assistance towards trade schools and certifications as well as students who choose a community college and state university path to concentrate in a major for which there is Job demand.

Despite the hateful rhetoric the overwhelming vast majority get degrees in subjects with demand.
Despite the hateful rhetoric the overwhelming vast majority get degrees in subjects with demand.
Ok. Let’s focus on degrees in demand. Assuming everyone gets a degree in demand, why not get that degree in demand using a state and local college path so that you have more manageable debt vs. taking on debt levels of a private college that is three time zones away?

Entitlement is not a justification..
Yes we have excused billions in loans. Why not student loans also?

Some we didn't even pretend were loans. We just gave the money away.
/---/ Hey pk, lend me $10,000 at a competitive interest rate, then forgive the loan when I whine. I take PayPal.
If we the taxpayer bailed out significant student loan debt, it would have to come with some conditions and changes. Gone would be the days where students and their families could take on $100ks in debt to go to a 4 year, elite private school three time zones away and concentrate on a bullshit major for which there is little to no job market. Entitlement is not a justification for loan forgiveness.

As a taxpayer, I’d rather be funding loan forgiveness or loan assistance towards trade schools and certifications as well as students who choose a community college and state university path to concentrate in a major for which there is Job demand.

Despite the hateful rhetoric the overwhelming vast majority get degrees in subjects with demand.
Ok. Let’s focus on degrees in demand. Assuming everyone gets a degree in demand, why not get that degree in demand using a state and local college path so that you have more manageable debt vs. taking on debt levels of a private college that is three time zones away?

Entitlement is not a justification..

Seems continual bad investments is justification for continuing to bail out the banks and economic system.

I am not arguing for bailouts for education. I'm arguing to stop it for all.

I'm just wondering why so many get so upset over education but not the many other bail outs.
As soon as you pay your share of the billions we already gave away.

/---/ I'm 72 this month. I've been paying it ever since I got my first on-the-books job at 16. Now, what about the 47% that pay no income taxes?
We are $31 trillion in debt. Obviously you haven't paid enough.
/----/ OK, I know you're just trying to be funny, but I didn't run up that debt. The government needs to live within it's means, just like ordinary Americans have to.

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