Why forgive "student loans" and not all other loans? Why is Biden (democrats) so adamant about it?

It's only a matter of time.
We are competing with other nations. China does not play. They were gifted most favored nation a few decades ago from our politicians and elites. And from a poorer communist behemoth they are on the cusp of becoming the world major power. We can only do all of these protests and self-absorbed ways of living with us purchasing products at pennies on the dollar compared to how we all get paid off.
What reform should have been passed in conjunction with PPP?

you are the one who argued the giveaways came with reform, not me. The giveaways should never have happened.

I guess you were wrong in your claim they come with reforms?

Dont give the Chinese money to do gain of function research and unleash a pandemic on the globe?

Ask Trump why that got started back up. I don't disagree.
No they don't. As I've noted over and over, there was no "reform" associated with the free PPP money.

There was no reform with the billions the corporate farms got for free.

Banks are still getting bailed out.
No they don't. As I've noted over and over, there was no "reform" associated with the free PPP money.

There was no reform with the billions the corporate farms got for free.

Banks are still getting bailed out.
moving forward, students and their families should have more financial criteria to adhere to when applying for student loans; largely, what their field of study and justification why their education must take place at a private college three time zones away.
moving forward, students and their families should have more financial criteria to adhere to when applying for student loans; largely, what their field of study and justification why their education must take place at a private college three time zones away.

Not a fan of this kind of control. It's one step away from the government telling you what field you will go into.
What's different about a "student loan" over any other loan?
all other loans, can be forgiven in bankruptcy court if deemed appropriate.

ONLY STUDENT LOANS can NOT.... And that makes students loans different from all other loans, which can be forgiven, through applying and filing for Bankruptcy.

And that is the problem that needs correcting by Congress, who created the problem by writing this term....

so instead of simply righting a wrong, they create a bigger problem and 'wrong'.

if people with student and other debt, to the point of debilitating, as with all other debt in these dire circumstances, could file for bankruptcy and have their debt, or a portion of their student debt forgiven like all other loans, then we would only be concerned with those filing for bankruptcy who are truly in dire straights, where they get punishment of a crappy credit rating for 7 years and life is made difficult for them to get further loans or credit cards due to bankruptcy then so be it.

but forgiving every student's debt to solve the problem of the few that truly can't handle it, is wrong! And it solves no future problems of future over burdening debt.

laws need changing to match all other loans out there, student debt in bankruptcy, needs to be able to be forgiven.
It's appropriate for Americans to ask: Are we REALLY talking about fairness?
  1. What about all the students and families who worked hard and sacrificed and paid their way to get through college?
  2. What about the kids who never went to a four year college because they couldn't afford it?
  3. What about the kids who never went to college for ANY reason?
  4. What about future students, are we paying for them, too?
We should know by now that band aids don't work in the long run.

Your reasoning is the equivalent of my great-great-grandmother getting angry with my mother for using a dishwashing machine, clothing washing machine, and dryer, rather than cleaning dishes and doing laundry by hand by a flowing river as my great-great-grandma used to do in Spain back in 1902. Your way of thinking is like my dad getting angry with my son (his grandson), for not being drafted as he was in the 1960s, to go fight in Vietnam. My father is like "You young folks should get drafted to Iraq and Afghanistan because I was drafted and I had to survive and postpone my education for a couple of years. You should too because that would be fair and I'm getting angry about you not suffering as I did..".

Great great grandpa is getting angry "It's not fair that you have Medicare...I didn't have that. I had to go to the mountains and find me an Indian medicine man, and have him dance around me holding a feather singing AAYYYYAAAAAAYYAYAYAYYYYAYAYAYAAAYYA.....that was the way I did it. Do you have modern medical care? That's not fair, I didn't have that. I had to go to Dr Raging Buffalo to get my medical. That's not fair...."
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You Progs all talk about everything American in all we get paid or we should get paid for. And yet you are all globalists for all the other nations. Do you actually believe we live in a world where 8 billion people are all going to live a comfortable life easily? We have what a quarter of that with pressure on a percentage of that population.
Your reasoning is the equivalent of my great-great-grandmother getting angry with my mother for using a dishwashing machine, clothing washing machine, and dryer, rather than cleaning dishes and doing laundry by hand by a flowing river as my great-great-grandma used to do in Spain back in 1902. Your way of thinking is like my dad getting angry with my son (his grandson), for not being drafted as he was in the 1960s, to go fight in Vietnam. My father is like "You young folks should get drafted to Iraq and Afghanistan because I was drafted and I had to survive and postpone my education for a couple of years. You should too because that would be fair and I'm getting angry about you not suffering as I did..".

Great great grandpa is getting angry "It's not fair that you have Medicare...I didn't have that. I to go to the mountains and find me an Indian medicine man, and have him dance around me holding a feather singing AAYYYYAAAAAAYYAYAYAYYYYAYAYAYAAAYYA.....that was the way I did it. Do you have modern medical care? That's not fair, I didn't have that. I had to go to Dr Raging Buffalo to get my medical. That's not fair...."
They're all reasonable questions. I haven't heard answers to them throughout this thing.
They're all reasonable questions. I haven't heard answers to them throughout this thing.

You just did. It's like you complaining about being born and raised under tyranny rather than in a democracy and getting angry with your children and grandchildren for not being raised in tyranny because people got wiser and got rid of the tyranny. You're angry with your children for not having to struggle for a public service that you had to struggle for. You didn't have a right to an education but they do. Be happy that they're living in a better society.
all other loans, can be forgiven in bankruptcy court if deemed appropriate.

ONLY STUDENT LOANS can NOT.... And that makes students loans different from all other loans, which can be forgiven, through applying and filing for Bankruptcy.

Why is that? Care to take a guess?

And that is the problem that needs correcting by Congress, who created the problem by writing this term....

so instead of simply righting a wrong, they create a bigger problem and 'wrong'.

I agree that Congress passing a law guaranteeing student loans was a wrong but which wrong did they fix by doing that?

if people with student and other debt, to the point of debilitating, as with all other debt in these dire circumstances, could file for bankruptcy and have their debt, or a portion of their student debt forgiven like all other loans, then we would only be concerned with those filing for bankruptcy who are truly in dire straights, where they get punishment of a crappy credit rating for 7 years and life is made difficult for them to get further loans or credit cards due to bankruptcy then so be it.

Every student would (if they were smart) just file for bankruptcy immediately upon graduation get their loans wiped out and before they were 30 be past it.

but forgiving every student's debt to solve the problem of the few that truly can't handle it, is wrong! And it solves no future problems of future over burdening debt.

laws need changing to match all other loans out there, student debt in bankruptcy, needs to be able to be forgiven.
Not a fan of this kind of control. It's one step away from the government telling you what field you will go into.
How? All the government is saying is since the student needs 100 percent financing and has little assets or other resources to back it up, we are only going to give you funding per year to match state and local college funding where you are free to choose a field.
How? All the government is saying is since the student needs 100 percent financing and has little assets or other resources to back it up, we are only going to give you funding per year to match state and local college funding where you are free to choose a field.

In a state with an expensive college it could be cheaper to go elsewhere.
You just did. It's like you complaining about being born and raised under tyranny rather than in a democracy and getting angry with your children and grandchildren for not being raised in tyranny because people got wiser and got rid of the tyranny. You're angry with your children for not having to struggle for a public service that you had to struggle for. You didn't have a right to an education but they do. Be happy that they're living in a better society.
So, "too bad"?

And will we be doing this EVERY year going forward?
In a state with an expensive college it could be cheaper to go elsewhere.
Example? Let’s see. I live in Maryland. The University of Maryland is a public, in-state $22,000 per year and is a 30 minute drive from my house. Whittier College is a private college in Los Angeles is $49,000 per year and is located three time zones away from my house.

How and why should I be approved for the private college in California as opposed to the University 30 minutes away from my house??
all other loans, can be forgiven in bankruptcy court if deemed appropriate.

ONLY STUDENT LOANS can NOT.... And that makes students loans different from all other loans, which can be forgiven, through applying and filing for Bankruptcy.

And that is the problem that needs correcting by Congress, who created the problem by writing this term....

so instead of simply righting a wrong, they create a bigger problem and 'wrong'.

if people with student and other debt, to the point of debilitating, as with all other debt in these dire circumstances, could file for bankruptcy and have their debt, or a portion of their student debt forgiven like all other loans, then we would only be concerned with those filing for bankruptcy who are truly in dire straights, where they get punishment of a crappy credit rating for 7 years and life is made difficult for them to get further loans or credit cards due to bankruptcy then so be it.

but forgiving every student's debt to solve the problem of the few that truly can't handle it, is wrong! And it solves no future problems of future over burdening debt.

laws need changing to match all other loans out there, student debt in bankruptcy, needs to be able to be forgiven.
You right this wrong, then students will have a much tougher time getting loans, especially minorities. The credit checks will be much stricter as most lenders would realize as soon as college is over there is a great risk of it not being collected at all.

Not saying that your idea is a bad idea but the effect could cripple future students.
What's different about a "student loan" over any other loan?
It’s for education. Something that benefits the entire nation.

Why should college cause crippling debt when K-12 is free?

Should we have a society in which only the wealthy have the kind of education necessary for a first world nation?
What's different about a "student loan" over any other loan?
The reason that government is intent on paying off student loans, is because universities around the country indoctrinate children to become left wing.

Essentially, they want to ensure that their tools get paid, and reinforce what they were taught in college, which is that everything can and should be free from the government, with absolutely no consequences...................except the massive inflation, but that is Putin's fault, and not the massive spending, right college graduates?

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