Why forgive "student loans" and not all other loans? Why is Biden (democrats) so adamant about it?

If it's a needed job, enough to live on.
/-----/ "enough to live on"
By whose standards? Ever stop to think, that everyone else up the food chain will demand more money because their job is more important and difficult than that of a floor sweeper? My first job after moving to NY was working for a day labor contractor sweeping floors at the mall. You bet your ass, I worked on my job skills and found better work.
Despite the hateful rhetoric the overwhelming vast majority get degrees in subjects with demand.

Seems continual bad investments is justification for continuing to bail out the banks and economic system.

I am not arguing for bailouts for education. I'm arguing to stop it for all.

I'm just wondering why so many get so upset over education but not the many other bail outs.
Other bailouts come with reform. So too should student loans. I’m not sure what why you would find that to be hateful..

Banks are a good example. Banks got too loose with mortgages;,people who could not pay back such a big chunk left the bank hanging. Similar scenario with the taxpayer holding the bag for a fellow taxpayer who was irresponsible in the amount of debt they assumed for their education.
/-----/ "enough to live on"
By whose standards? Ever stop to think, that everyone else up the food chain will demand more money because their job is more important and difficult than that of a floor sweeper? My first job after moving to NY was working for a day labor contractor sweeping floors at the mall. You bet your ass, I worked on my job skills and found better wowon't.

If the employer doesn't pay him enough to survive, the taxpayers will.
Other bailouts come with reform. So too should student loans. I’m not sure what why you would find that to be hateful..

Banks are a good example. Banks got too loose with mortgages;,people who could not pay back such a big chunk left the bank hanging. Similar scenario with the taxpayer holding the bag for a fellow taxpayer who was irresponsible in the amount of debt they assumed for their education.
/---/ The difference is with a home or car loan, the bank can repossess it if the borrower defaults. You can't take back a college degree, not even a worthless Gender Studies degree.
Other bailouts come with reform. So too should student loans. I’m not sure what why you would find that to be hateful..

No they don't. As I've noted over and over, there was no "reform" associated with the free PPP money.

There was no reform with the billions the corporate farms got for free.

Banks are a good example. Banks got too loose with mortgages;,people who could not pay back such a big chunk left the bank hanging. Similar scenario with the taxpayer holding the bag for a fellow taxpayer who was irresponsible in the amount of debt they assumed for their education.

Banks are still getting bailed out.
If it's a needed job, enough to live on.
It might be needed but anyone can do it. Why would I pay anyone a bunch of money to do it? If you quit tmw I can hire literally anyone off the street and they will be as good as you at the job inside an hour regardless of how long you've been doing it. Or like places like Walmart are doing I'll just eliminate your job and buy a robot to do it.
What's different about a "student loan" over any other loan?
It's an investment in our youth and economy (our future). Lifting the burden off of our children for something that society should provide them with free of charge (tuition-free) anyways. I see healthcare in the same way. There are certain public services that should be provided to every citizen, as a right. Healthcare and Education are two of those public services.
It's an investment in our youth and economy (our future). Lifting the burden off of our children for something that society should provide tuition free. I see healthcare in the same way. There are certain services that should be provided to every citizen, as a right. Healthcare and Education are two of those public services.
PASS A LAW. It's that simple. Are all of you just ignorant of how our system of government works?
It's an investment in our youth and economy (our future). Lifting the burden off of our children for something that society should provide them with free of charge (tuition-free) anyways. I see healthcare in the same way. There are certain services that should be provided to every citizen, as a right. Healthcare and Education are two of those public services.
BTW how much extra in taxes do you send the IRS every year to pay for these things? If they are that important do you cut a check to your local public school system? Do you buy school supplies and drop them off at the school for them to use? What are you going without in order to "lift the burden" other than wanting someone else to pay for it? Im sure you could find a person with student loans who would be more than happy to take your money to pay them off.
It might be needed but anyone can do it. Why would I pay anyone a bunch of money to do it? If you quit tmw I can hire literally anyone off the street and they will be as good as you at the job inside an hour regardless of how long you've been doing it. Or like places like Walmart are doing I'll just eliminate your job and buy a robot to do it.

No one argued "a bunch of money". Stop with the hyperbole.
It's appropriate for Americans to ask: Are we REALLY talking about fairness?
  1. What about all the students and families who worked hard and sacrificed and paid their way to get through college?
  2. What about the kids who never went to a four year college because they couldn't afford it?
  3. What about the kids who never went to college for ANY reason?
  4. What about future students, are we paying for them, too?
We should know by now that band aids don't work in the long run. But we just don't learn.
PASS A LAW. It's that simple. Are all of you just ignorant of how our system of government works?
Yes, we should pass a law that ensures people have access to a tuition-free education in public schools, from Kinder to Ph.D., including vocational job training. Job Corps:

Should be expanded and better funded. It should also raise the age cap from 24 to 55+.
Yes, we should pass a law that ensures people have access to a tuition-free education in public schools, from Kinder to Ph.D., including vocational job training. Job Corps:

Should be expanded and better funded. It should also raise the age cap from 24 to 55+.
And we will pay for that how?

Can I get any degree with this money?

Can I get any job training with this money?
I replied to your false statement concerning reform. Pay attention to what you write and the replies to that.
What reform should have been passed in conjunction with PPP? Dont give the Chinese money to do gain of function research and unleash a pandemic on the globe?

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