Why have PROGS become so confused?

I hope you're prepared for an education

Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Pretty fucking close right? Matter of fact if you search communist and socialist countries some of the same countries show for both.

Socialism is subjective, because many don't know what it means, including PROGS like yourself.
The people that don’t know what socialism means are the ones calling democrats socialist just for advocating social programs... you are right in the sense that communism is a form of socialism but you conveniently left out the totalitarian government element which is a major differentiator. These things have different names because they actually mean different things. Tards like you want to clump them all together and them apply them to your political opponents even when they don’t even fit the definition... this you have clearly demonstrated.

I actually appreciate your effort to debate this, but you’re just not doing a very good job

here read this... all of it... edumicate yourself


Where did I dive into the details communism and socialism? I used the term generally, sorry that threw you. Meanwhile the very top from your own link reads:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

I get it, you're an intellect right?
You used both terms to specifically say they were interchangeable, which is an ignorant thing to say. Like I said a while ago, your own words prove my point.

Posting a blurp showing similarity’s doesn’t prove your point. That’s why I told you to read the WHOLE thing as it points out many differences at the bottom of the article. To be honest, I didn’t really expect you to do that. Figured you’d cherry pick something to try and present that you’re making sense... nice try but it’s not gonna fly

Looks like PROG-twist to me
Otherwise know as facts. I know it’s hard to process but words are not made for you to define in whichever way fits your narrative. Words mean things. They have definitions. You like to manipulate that. I like to call you on your bullshit. That’s the game. It appears to be over. Thanks for playing
The people that don’t know what socialism means are the ones calling democrats socialist just for advocating social programs... you are right in the sense that communism is a form of socialism but you conveniently left out the totalitarian government element which is a major differentiator. These things have different names because they actually mean different things. Tards like you want to clump them all together and them apply them to your political opponents even when they don’t even fit the definition... this you have clearly demonstrated.

I actually appreciate your effort to debate this, but you’re just not doing a very good job

here read this... all of it... edumicate yourself


Where did I dive into the details communism and socialism? I used the term generally, sorry that threw you. Meanwhile the very top from your own link reads:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

I get it, you're an intellect right?
You used both terms to specifically say they were interchangeable, which is an ignorant thing to say. Like I said a while ago, your own words prove my point.

Posting a blurp showing similarity’s doesn’t prove your point. That’s why I told you to read the WHOLE thing as it points out many differences at the bottom of the article. To be honest, I didn’t really expect you to do that. Figured you’d cherry pick something to try and present that you’re making sense... nice try but it’s not gonna fly

Looks like PROG-twist to me
Otherwise know as facts. I know it’s hard to process but words are not made for you to define in whichever way fits your narrative. Words mean things. They have definitions. You like to manipulate that. I like to call you on your bullshit. That’s the game. It appears to be over. Thanks for playing

Here's a direct quote from PROG-intellects link trying to counter NOT MY definitions of communism & socialism, and my statement the general descriptions are interchangeable.

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

And he's still talking:abgg2q.jpg:

And projecting:1peleas:

Where did I dive into the details communism and socialism? I used the term generally, sorry that threw you. Meanwhile the very top from your own link reads:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

I get it, you're an intellect right?
You used both terms to specifically say they were interchangeable, which is an ignorant thing to say. Like I said a while ago, your own words prove my point.

Posting a blurp showing similarity’s doesn’t prove your point. That’s why I told you to read the WHOLE thing as it points out many differences at the bottom of the article. To be honest, I didn’t really expect you to do that. Figured you’d cherry pick something to try and present that you’re making sense... nice try but it’s not gonna fly

Looks like PROG-twist to me
Otherwise know as facts. I know it’s hard to process but words are not made for you to define in whichever way fits your narrative. Words mean things. They have definitions. You like to manipulate that. I like to call you on your bullshit. That’s the game. It appears to be over. Thanks for playing

Here's a direct quote from PROG-intellects link trying to counter NOT MY definitions of communism & socialism, and my statement the general descriptions are interchangeable.

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

And he's still talking

And projecting
That’s all correct troll... now keep reading past the section that talks about the similarities to the section that outlines the differences. I honestly don’t know why I waste my time talking to mindless drones like yourself. Do better.
Just a few examples:

Words: They reject angry old white men, and they teach us to embrace women and "persons of color" for leadership roles.
Actions: They support not one but two angry old white men for POTUS.

Words: They complain about costs & high taxes.
Actions: They support all things increasing inflation and taxes.

Words: They're on the side of science & education.
Actions: Sometimes men are women, and a fetus isn't human until the umbilical cord is cut, and by-golly we're going to reverse the global warming trend.

Words: Conservatives are racist.
Actions: Market racism and project.

Words: Complain about healthcare and healthcare costs.
Actions: "Free" healthcare for everyone, including illegals.

Words: They support the Constitution.
Actions: Eliminate the EC. Choke conservatives off from speaking, and ruin those who fail to adhere to PROG-speak.

Words: They support justice.
Actions: Hinder criminal deterrents and exploit the victims.

Words: They support women's and children's rights
Actions: Support PROG-elite who prove to be sex predators.

Words: They teach us about tolerance.
Actions: Who's less tolerant than a PROG, Kim Jong -un?

Words: They support diversity.
Actions: Market division and identity.
They're confused because they've been brainwashed by our hideously biased media. Very sad.
Where did I dive into the details communism and socialism? I used the term generally, sorry that threw you. Meanwhile the very top from your own link reads:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

I get it, you're an intellect right?
You used both terms to specifically say they were interchangeable, which is an ignorant thing to say. Like I said a while ago, your own words prove my point.

Posting a blurp showing similarity’s doesn’t prove your point. That’s why I told you to read the WHOLE thing as it points out many differences at the bottom of the article. To be honest, I didn’t really expect you to do that. Figured you’d cherry pick something to try and present that you’re making sense... nice try but it’s not gonna fly

Looks like PROG-twist to me
Otherwise know as facts. I know it’s hard to process but words are not made for you to define in whichever way fits your narrative. Words mean things. They have definitions. You like to manipulate that. I like to call you on your bullshit. That’s the game. It appears to be over. Thanks for playing

Here's a direct quote from PROG-intellects link trying to counter NOT MY definitions of communism & socialism, and my statement the general descriptions are interchangeable.

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

And he's still talking

And projecting
That’s all correct troll... now keep reading past the section that talks about the similarities to the section that outlines the differences. I honestly don’t know why I waste my time talking to mindless drones like yourself. Do better.

You used both terms to specifically say they were interchangeable, which is an ignorant thing to say. Like I said a while ago, your own words prove my point.

Posting a blurp showing similarity’s doesn’t prove your point. That’s why I told you to read the WHOLE thing as it points out many differences at the bottom of the article. To be honest, I didn’t really expect you to do that. Figured you’d cherry pick something to try and present that you’re making sense... nice try but it’s not gonna fly

Looks like PROG-twist to me
Otherwise know as facts. I know it’s hard to process but words are not made for you to define in whichever way fits your narrative. Words mean things. They have definitions. You like to manipulate that. I like to call you on your bullshit. That’s the game. It appears to be over. Thanks for playing

Here's a direct quote from PROG-intellects link trying to counter NOT MY definitions of communism & socialism, and my statement the general descriptions are interchangeable.

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

And he's still talking

And projecting
That’s all correct troll... now keep reading past the section that talks about the similarities to the section that outlines the differences. I honestly don’t know why I waste my time talking to mindless drones like yourself. Do better.

Yep, they're great at diverting, deflecting and evading when they have NOTHING to debate you with. Dreadful.
Looks like PROG-twist to me
Otherwise know as facts. I know it’s hard to process but words are not made for you to define in whichever way fits your narrative. Words mean things. They have definitions. You like to manipulate that. I like to call you on your bullshit. That’s the game. It appears to be over. Thanks for playing

Here's a direct quote from PROG-intellects link trying to counter NOT MY definitions of communism & socialism, and my statement the general descriptions are interchangeable.

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

And he's still talking

And projecting
That’s all correct troll... now keep reading past the section that talks about the similarities to the section that outlines the differences. I honestly don’t know why I waste my time talking to mindless drones like yourself. Do better.

Yep, they're great at diverting, deflecting and evading when they have NOTHING to debate you with. Dreadful.
You trolls are a hoot. Read the link, learn basic definitions, go circle jerk or do whatever you need to get your heads straight. You both are defending fake definitions. Communism is not the same as socialism it is an extreme faction involving a totalitarian government... game over
Otherwise know as facts. I know it’s hard to process but words are not made for you to define in whichever way fits your narrative. Words mean things. They have definitions. You like to manipulate that. I like to call you on your bullshit. That’s the game. It appears to be over. Thanks for playing

Here's a direct quote from PROG-intellects link trying to counter NOT MY definitions of communism & socialism, and my statement the general descriptions are interchangeable.

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

And he's still talking

And projecting
That’s all correct troll... now keep reading past the section that talks about the similarities to the section that outlines the differences. I honestly don’t know why I waste my time talking to mindless drones like yourself. Do better.

Yep, they're great at diverting, deflecting and evading when they have NOTHING to debate you with. Dreadful.
You trolls are a hoot. Read the link, learn basic definitions, go circle jerk or do whatever you need to get your heads straight. You both are defending fake definitions. Communism is not the same as socialism it is an extreme faction involving a totalitarian government... game over

Oh look, The Slade has declared PROG-victorious.

Then there's this from the link he provided, very top of the page:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.
Here's a direct quote from PROG-intellects link trying to counter NOT MY definitions of communism & socialism, and my statement the general descriptions are interchangeable.

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

And he's still talking

And projecting
That’s all correct troll... now keep reading past the section that talks about the similarities to the section that outlines the differences. I honestly don’t know why I waste my time talking to mindless drones like yourself. Do better.

Yep, they're great at diverting, deflecting and evading when they have NOTHING to debate you with. Dreadful.
You trolls are a hoot. Read the link, learn basic definitions, go circle jerk or do whatever you need to get your heads straight. You both are defending fake definitions. Communism is not the same as socialism it is an extreme faction involving a totalitarian government... game over

Oh look, The Slade has declared PROG-victorious.

Then there's this from the link he provided, very top of the page:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.
Exactly, the link and basic knowledge of civics proves my point and your ignorance. Thanks for trying... better luck next time
That’s all correct troll... now keep reading past the section that talks about the similarities to the section that outlines the differences. I honestly don’t know why I waste my time talking to mindless drones like yourself. Do better.

Yep, they're great at diverting, deflecting and evading when they have NOTHING to debate you with. Dreadful.
You trolls are a hoot. Read the link, learn basic definitions, go circle jerk or do whatever you need to get your heads straight. You both are defending fake definitions. Communism is not the same as socialism it is an extreme faction involving a totalitarian government... game over

Oh look, The Slade has declared PROG-victorious.

Then there's this from the link he provided, very top of the page:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.
Exactly, the link and basic knowledge of civics proves my point and your ignorance. Thanks for trying... better luck next time

Slade explains how his link is wrong:abgg2q.jpg:
Just a few examples:

Words: They reject angry old white men, and they teach us to embrace women and "persons of color" for leadership roles.
Actions: They support not one but two angry old white men for POTUS.

Words: They complain about costs & high taxes.
Actions: They support all things increasing inflation and taxes.

Words: They're on the side of science & education.
Actions: Sometimes men are women, and a fetus isn't human until the umbilical cord is cut, and by-golly we're going to reverse the global warming trend.

Words: Conservatives are racist.
Actions: Market racism and project.

Words: Complain about healthcare and healthcare costs.
Actions: "Free" healthcare for everyone, including illegals.

Words: They support the Constitution.
Actions: Eliminate the EC. Choke conservatives off from speaking, and ruin those who fail to adhere to PROG-speak.

Words: They support justice.
Actions: Hinder criminal deterrents and exploit the victims.

Words: They support women's and children's rights
Actions: Support PROG-elite who prove to be sex predators.

Words: They teach us about tolerance.
Actions: Who's less tolerant than a PROG, Kim Jong -un?

Words: They support diversity.
Actions: Market division and identity.
And then we have the ones who are actually confused projecting their problems onto Democrats.
Yep, they're great at diverting, deflecting and evading when they have NOTHING to debate you with. Dreadful.
You trolls are a hoot. Read the link, learn basic definitions, go circle jerk or do whatever you need to get your heads straight. You both are defending fake definitions. Communism is not the same as socialism it is an extreme faction involving a totalitarian government... game over

Oh look, The Slade has declared PROG-victorious.

Then there's this from the link he provided, very top of the page:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.
Exactly, the link and basic knowledge of civics proves my point and your ignorance. Thanks for trying... better luck next time

Slade explains how his link is wrong:abgg2q.jpg:
The link is right... explains everything.

so pop quiz, let’s see if you learned anything. Can people own private property under socialism? Can they under communism?
Yep, they're great at diverting, deflecting and evading when they have NOTHING to debate you with. Dreadful.
You trolls are a hoot. Read the link, learn basic definitions, go circle jerk or do whatever you need to get your heads straight. You both are defending fake definitions. Communism is not the same as socialism it is an extreme faction involving a totalitarian government... game over

Oh look, The Slade has declared PROG-victorious.

Then there's this from the link he provided, very top of the page:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.
Exactly, the link and basic knowledge of civics proves my point and your ignorance. Thanks for trying... better luck next time

Slade explains how his link is wrong:abgg2q.jpg:
The link is right... explains everything.

so pop quiz, let’s see if you learned anything. Can people own private property under socialism? Can they under communism?

Slade says I'm wrong to say the general definitions are similar. Meanwhile he says the link he provided is right, which reads:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

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