Why have PROGS become so confused?

NOBODY involved in this conversation today actually owned slaves. Youā€™re and idiot for even making that argument.

TOO FUCKING FUNNY! SHOW ME WHERE I EVER SAID THAT ANYONE TODAY IN THIS CONVERSATION OWNED SLAVES! You are beyond stupid. You are beyond ignorant. Do you even understand a statement made in a past tense, you ignorant ass? Is there even one person here who is over 150 years old to have lived in the age of slavery or do you actually believe slavery still exists today you simpering buffoon?????

You better WAKE UP and get that Rubik's cube out of your ass. It's choking off your air supply.
Easy... here Iā€™ll even use an exact quote,

ā€œWords: We support Reparations for Slavery!
Actions: They were the ones who actually owned slaves and still try to rule their bodies and minds with propaganda, victim politics and government programs.

Clueless Dummass ----
  • Democrats DO support reparations for slavery! Joe is talking about it right now!
  • As I already proved, Democrats WERE the original party of the KKK and slavery in the day!
  • And Democrats still DO try to rule Blacks bodies and minds with propaganda, victim politics (they preach it every day), welfare, housing and healthcare.
What part of that just don't you get?
- I never said anything about reparations

- who gives a shit what a group or party stood for generations ago? Has nothing to do with modern politics or the values of people who are currently associated with those groups.

- ā€œRule blacks bodies and mindsā€ are you high?

You talk in circles. Damn you are boring. You just go from one thing to another in circles like a dog chasing his tail.

You claim I'm wrong, then quote me what you disagree with, then when I refute it as true, you say YOU never said anything about it? W O W.

Is it an act, off your meds or are you just extra dense and obtuse today?

Either way, you've become a boring waste of keyboard. I get better sense out of JoeB131.
Youā€™re quite the little parasite, using my terms as your own, haha. But forget about that... letā€™s unpack your claims... Are you still trying to defend you retarded statement about slavery?

Because yes of course nobody alive today owned slaves. Thatā€™s why your statement was so stupid. Of course those on the left arenā€™t defending or trying to own slaves. So you even bringing up something that a group generations ago supported is irrelevant and idiotic. But please try and defend your hyperbolic attack again. Itā€™s always good for a chuckle
Youā€™re quite the little parasite, using my terms as your own, haha.

GO FUCK YOURSELF, Mental Case. First you troll me like a parasite with your idiotic, circuitous arguments using my words leading nowhere, then you have the fucking nerve to call me a parasite using YOUR words?

Congratulations. You've just be reclassified into one of the many mindless bottom-feeding trolls that drag this forum down. Bye.
^^ leftwing idiot that cannot dispute the OP.
Hawk, you read the OP right? Youre not gonna actually back up those ridiculously hyperbolic and dishonest statements are you?

Everything stated is true.

For example all these leftwingers want expanded healthcare to include illegals. That would drive up healthcare costs for the rest of us that actually have to fund it through taxes and paying health insurance.

Same goes for claiming they want to raise wages and quality of life, while at the same time supporting mass immigration and even allowing illegals to get amnesty. This drives down wages, and strains our welfare system.

Dems are just full of shit on nearly everything they pretend to care about.

Prove us wrong.
Per your points. Left wingers are in full defense mode because they feel that the undocumented are under attack from the right and the Left has a core value of sticking up for the sick and poor. Of course for a law to pass there needs to be compromise and a plan that makes economic sense. We are not in legislation mode right now, we are in campaign mode. I donā€™t like it when any side does it.. but we should both be able to acknowledge reality here.

WTF are ā€œundocumentedā€? Call them what they are, illegal aliens. They are here illegally and should be deported. I also believe that anyone harboring these criminals should be subject to fines, such as family members protecting them. We need to start making these people pay for the burden they are, instead of allowing them to break the backs of American taxpayers.
why do you care what I call it... you know what Iā€™m talking about. Undocumented immigrant is accurate by definition to what they are. If I choose not to use illegal alien because I donā€™t want to be offensive does that make me a bad or dishonest person in your mind?
ā€œUndocumented immigrantsā€ is NOT accurate. First, itā€™s entirely possibly they have been documented as being in the country illegally, especially if detained at one point. Second, they arenā€™t actually ā€œimmigrantsā€ either. An immigrant is someone who immigrated to the country through the immigration process. That would make them a legal immigrant or resident alien. They are indeed illegal aliens because that is the legal defiant of their status. The fact that you lefties have to distort that and use different terminology shows how disingenuous you are. Itā€™s not about saving their feelings, itā€™s about you leftwingers trying to pull the wool over everyoneā€™s eyes and make it sound like they are just nice working people whoā€™s legal status is in a grey area. Itā€™s a lie.
^^ leftwing idiot that cannot dispute the OP.
Hawk, you read the OP right? Youre not gonna actually back up those ridiculously hyperbolic and dishonest statements are you?

Everything stated is true.

For example all these leftwingers want expanded healthcare to include illegals. That would drive up healthcare costs for the rest of us that actually have to fund it through taxes and paying health insurance.

Same goes for claiming they want to raise wages and quality of life, while at the same time supporting mass immigration and even allowing illegals to get amnesty. This drives down wages, and strains our welfare system.

Dems are just full of shit on nearly everything they pretend to care about.

Prove us wrong.
Oh god, you just got bumped to troll status. I already did lay out the bullshit even though it is painfully obvious and should t need to be explained. Iā€™m not doing it again. I had a sliver of respect for you as Iā€™ve seen some
Strong substantive arguments from you in the past. But if your standing behind this horseshit then the respect is gone. I donā€™t know how you guys do it.

Translation: ā€œI got nothingā€.

Itā€™s funny because even Bernie Sanders used to be against mass immigration. He knew that it drives down wages and he used to care about American wages. Now that identity politics has taken over the Dem Party, that line of thought is now ā€œracistā€, simply because itā€™s President Trumpā€™s policy too.

You simply canā€™t refute that immigrants, legal and illegal, drive down wages and are a huge burden on our healthcare system, as well as other things like our education system, welfare system, and our justice system.

You canā€™t refute any of it.
I wonā€™t refute it because there is truth in that statement. There is also another side where immigrants bring benefits to our country as well which you ignore. Reality is that this is a complex issue. Our legal system needs serious reform as it is far to difficult to legally immigrate here and that is a factor that causes illegal entry.... we also need to stop with the idiotic notion that we are going to break up families and deport millions of people. The solution like with most things is in the middle... but in these modern times of campaign politics it is an all or nothing game focusing on demonizing the opposition.... we need to get our focus to actually doing things, which involves compromise and working together to actually build consensus and pass laws that improve our system
These third world immigrants and illegal aliens being very little good to the country. If there is any, the bad far outweighs it. Iā€™d be open to allowing a small amount of immigrants in, ONLY if they can prove to be useful to our society by working in a sector of our economy that is undermanned and Americans canā€™t fill, AND that they will not be a burden and not go on welfare at any point, as well as not commit any crimes. If they lose their job, or commit a crime, deport them. You know damned well 95%+ of the trash that comes over our southern border donā€™t fit this criteria.
Just a few examples:

Words: They reject angry old white men, and they teach us to embrace women and "persons of color" for leadership roles.
Actions: They support not one but two angry old white men for POTUS.

Words: They complain about costs & high taxes.
Actions: They support all things increasing inflation and taxes.

Words: They're on the side of science & education.
Actions: Sometimes men are women, and a fetus isn't human until the umbilical cord is cut, and by-golly we're going to reverse the global warming trend.

Words: Conservatives are racist.
Actions: Market racism and project.

Words: Complain about healthcare and healthcare costs.
Actions: "Free" healthcare for everyone, including illegals.

Words: They support the Constitution.
Actions: Eliminate the EC. Choke conservatives off from speaking, and ruin those who fail to adhere to PROG-speak.

Words: They support justice.
Actions: Hinder criminal deterrents and exploit the victims.

Words: They support women's and children's rights
Actions: Support PROG-elite who prove to be sex predators.

Words: They teach us about tolerance.
Actions: Who's less tolerant than a PROG, Kim Jong -un?

Words: They support diversity.
Actions: Market division and identity.


Words: We support Diversity!
Actions: They actually, punish, censure and condemn anyone who thinks, speaks or acts different than they do.

Words: We support Reparations for Slavery!
Actions: They were the ones who actually owned slaves and still try to rule their bodies and minds with propaganda, victim politics and government programs.

But don't drive yourself crazy trying to define or worry about it: Progressivism is a Mental Disorder.
When you say ā€œThey were the ones who actually owned slavesā€ do you think your making an honest argument? Do I need to school you and explain how retarded that statement is or would you like to admit you were just fanning the flames with hyperbolic bullshit?

Yes, Democrats DID start the Ku Klux Klan (and it's still the party of racism) | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge

The Democrats were the Party of the Ku Klux Klan and Slavery - Fact or Myth?

The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

Yeah, do please edumacate me on the "facts." :rolleyes:

This post ^^ is utter bullshit. I've schooled everybody around here on this and I'll do it again, and the names, dates and places are still not going to change.

The Klan was founded (the first time) Christmas 1865 in a building at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee by six twentysomething ex-soldiers who were bored in a small town during the holiday. Their names were, in alpha order, (Maj) James R. Crowe, Calvin Jones, (Capt) John Booker Kennedy, (Capt) John Lester, (Maj) Frank O. McCord and Richard R. Reed. *NONE* of them had any known political affiliation; NONE of their purpose in forming a social club modeled on the college fraternity Kuklos Adelphon (hence the name) had anything to do with either politics OR race, and in 1865 Tennessee, political parties didn't even EXIST.

After being infiltrated by local "night riders" --- a practice that had gone on in slave territories since at least the 18th century --- that Klan fizzled by 1872 (officially it was disbanded January 1869) It would have stayed on the dustbin of history along with more than two dozen similar vigilante groups (Knights of the White Camellia, White League, etc) had it not been incorporated into a Lost Cause novel in 1905 called "The Clansman" which was ten years later made into a movie called "Birth of a Nation", as a result of which one William J. "Colonel Joe" Simmons, a defrocked minister, salesman and con artist, charged up Stone Mountain Georgia on Thanksgiving 1915 and rekindled the Klan (and burned the first cross, taken directly from the film), which he called the "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan", making the Klan of the film into a real thing that people could join, with membership fees of course going into his pocket.

SImmons too had no known political affiliation and pointedly described it as nonpolitical.. This is the Klan that burned crosses, spread coast to coast and persecuted not just blacks but Jews, Catholics, drunks, immigrants, labor unions and "people who didn't go to church".

And just for the record that Klan officially ceased to exist on April 23, 1944.


Further, none of the above has anything to do with the Progressive Era, which didn't even dawn until the 1890s, decades after the original Klan was dead, so it's not even related to the topic.

Don't trot bullshit in here -- it *WILL* be shot down wid a quickness.

And I took the liberty, even though it wasn't necessary, of perusing some of your blog links. The second one, the mythology one ironically named "Fact or Myth", tried to get away with this gem:

>> The Democrats, formally the anti-Federalists, had an aversion to aristocracy from the late 1700ā€™s to the progressive era. <<
Not only was there no such thing as "the anti-Federalists", he's got the Democratic party taking positions decades before it even EXISTED. Martin van Buren organized the party around the supporters who had voted Andrew Jackson into office, in the 1830s. The first Democratic convention was held in 1832. So this sorry-ass blogger you had to rely on for bullshit can't even read simple history books.

FUCK outta here.
Last edited:
Words: We support Reparations for Slavery!
Actions: They were the ones who actually owned slaves and still try to rule their bodies and minds with propaganda, victim politics and government programs.

You're actually sitting on this board contending that Progressives ---- a sociopolitical movement of roughly 1890 to 1920 --- "owned slaves" decades after it was abolished everywhere?

And you think somebody ELSE has a mental disorder??
Last edited:
Just a few examples:

Words: They reject angry old white men, and they teach us to embrace women and "persons of color" for leadership roles.
Actions: They support not one but two angry old white men for POTUS.

Words: They complain about costs & high taxes.
Actions: They support all things increasing inflation and taxes.

Words: They're on the side of science & education.
Actions: Sometimes men are women, and a fetus isn't human until the umbilical cord is cut, and by-golly we're going to reverse the global warming trend.

Words: Conservatives are racist.
Actions: Market racism and project.

Words: Complain about healthcare and healthcare costs.
Actions: "Free" healthcare for everyone, including illegals.

Words: They support the Constitution.
Actions: Eliminate the EC. Choke conservatives off from speaking, and ruin those who fail to adhere to PROG-speak.

Words: They support justice.
Actions: Hinder criminal deterrents and exploit the victims.

Words: They support women's and children's rights
Actions: Support PROG-elite who prove to be sex predators.

Words: They teach us about tolerance.
Actions: Who's less tolerant than a PROG, Kim Jong -un?

Words: They support diversity.
Actions: Market division and identity.
First off this OP should be in the shit talk forum and not in politics. Second, I can only laugh at somebody who shows blatant confusion in every one of his talking points to try and show other people are confused! Thanks for the laugh.,. This wins dumbest OP of the day. Congrats!

Should we even tell him that "Progs" came and went a century ago?

Seems to me I did tell him that in the past and all he could do was go humma humma humma. I gave him some nice spicy hummus and walked away.
ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. They have no clue what liberals, progressives, socialists or communists etc. actually are. Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them... even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic.

ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. That's real interesting. I figure you're a PROG and define marriage and parents between a man and a man. Progressive is a misleading term, left liberalism nearly extinct and it's just that PROGS sounds right.

They have no clue what the following "etc." actually are:

liberals left the building. Conservatives are arguably more liberal. PROGS R just PROGS.

progressives are generally indoctrinated souls, whether through "education", media, gadgets or snowflakes. They "feel" responsible to change stuff per their "wisdom" . All change is declared "progress" -until it's not.

socialists is a subjective term, most people don't know the technical definition. In our case Bernie is a socialist loving anti-American. He believes in an equal share of misery for all less the rulers. Govt. intervention all things. His visions would lead us down a path to the technical definition of socialism.

communists is generally interchangeable with socialists.

Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them...Projection

even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic. Projection

Just a few examples:

Words: They reject angry old white men, and they teach us to embrace women and "persons of color" for leadership roles.
Actions: They support not one but two angry old white men for POTUS.

Words: They complain about costs & high taxes.
Actions: They support all things increasing inflation and taxes.

Words: They're on the side of science & education.
Actions: Sometimes men are women, and a fetus isn't human until the umbilical cord is cut, and by-golly we're going to reverse the global warming trend.

Words: Conservatives are racist.
Actions: Market racism and project.

Words: Complain about healthcare and healthcare costs.
Actions: "Free" healthcare for everyone, including illegals.

Words: They support the Constitution.
Actions: Eliminate the EC. Choke conservatives off from speaking, and ruin those who fail to adhere to PROG-speak.

Words: They support justice.
Actions: Hinder criminal deterrents and exploit the victims.

Words: They support women's and children's rights
Actions: Support PROG-elite who prove to be sex predators.

Words: They teach us about tolerance.
Actions: Who's less tolerant than a PROG, Kim Jong -un?

Words: They support diversity.
Actions: Market division and identity.
First off this OP should be in the shit talk forum and not in politics. Second, I can only laugh at somebody who shows blatant confusion in every one of his talking points to try and show other people are confused! Thanks for the laugh.,. This wins dumbest OP of the day. Congrats!

Should we even tell him that "Progs" came and went a century ago?

Seems to me I did tell him that in the past and all he could do was go humma humma humma. I gave him some nice spicy hummus and walked away.
ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. They have no clue what liberals, progressives, socialists or communists etc. actually are. Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them... even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic.

ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. That's real interesting. I figure you're a PROG and define marriage and parents between a man and a man. Progressive is a misleading term, left liberalism nearly extinct and it's just that PROGS sounds right.

They have no clue what the following "etc." actually are:

liberals left the building. Conservatives are arguably more liberal. PROGS R just PROGS.

progressives are generally indoctrinated souls, whether through "education", media, gadgets or snowflakes. They "feel" responsible to change stuff per their "wisdom" . All change is declared "progress" -until it's not.

socialists is a subjective term, most people don't know the technical definition. In our case Bernie is a socialist loving anti-American. He believes in an equal share of misery for all less the rulers. Govt. intervention all things. His visions would lead us down a path to the technical definition of socialism.

communists is generally interchangeable with socialists.

Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them...Projection

even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic. Projection
I give you props for addressing all my Points and I need to thank you for also proving my point that you have no clue what youā€™re talking about. I couldnā€™t lay out a better example than your exact words that you donā€™t know what any of those terms actually mean. You live in a fantasy world of spun up political hyperbole
Just a few examples:

Words: They reject angry old white men, and they teach us to embrace women and "persons of color" for leadership roles.
Actions: They support not one but two angry old white men for POTUS.

Words: They complain about costs & high taxes.
Actions: They support all things increasing inflation and taxes.

Words: They're on the side of science & education.
Actions: Sometimes men are women, and a fetus isn't human until the umbilical cord is cut, and by-golly we're going to reverse the global warming trend.

Words: Conservatives are racist.
Actions: Market racism and project.

Words: Complain about healthcare and healthcare costs.
Actions: "Free" healthcare for everyone, including illegals.

Words: They support the Constitution.
Actions: Eliminate the EC. Choke conservatives off from speaking, and ruin those who fail to adhere to PROG-speak.

Words: They support justice.
Actions: Hinder criminal deterrents and exploit the victims.

Words: They support women's and children's rights
Actions: Support PROG-elite who prove to be sex predators.

Words: They teach us about tolerance.
Actions: Who's less tolerant than a PROG, Kim Jong -un?

Words: They support diversity.
Actions: Market division and identity.
First off this OP should be in the shit talk forum and not in politics. Second, I can only laugh at somebody who shows blatant confusion in every one of his talking points to try and show other people are confused! Thanks for the laugh.,. This wins dumbest OP of the day. Congrats!

Should we even tell him that "Progs" came and went a century ago?

Seems to me I did tell him that in the past and all he could do was go humma humma humma. I gave him some nice spicy hummus and walked away.
ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. They have no clue what liberals, progressives, socialists or communists etc. actually are. Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them... even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic.

ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. That's real interesting. I figure you're a PROG and define marriage and parents between a man and a man. Progressive is a misleading term, left liberalism nearly extinct and it's just that PROGS sounds right.

They have no clue what the following "etc." actually are:

liberals left the building. Conservatives are arguably more liberal. PROGS R just PROGS.

progressives are generally indoctrinated souls, whether through "education", media, gadgets or snowflakes. They "feel" responsible to change stuff per their "wisdom" . All change is declared "progress" -until it's not.

socialists is a subjective term, most people don't know the technical definition. In our case Bernie is a socialist loving anti-American. He believes in an equal share of misery for all less the rulers. Govt. intervention all things. His visions would lead us down a path to the technical definition of socialism.

communists is generally interchangeable with socialists.

Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them...Projection

even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic. Projection
I give you props for addressing all my Points and I need to thank you for also proving my point that you have no clue what youā€™re talking about. I couldnā€™t lay out a better example than your exact words that you donā€™t know what any of those terms actually mean. You live in a fantasy world of spun up political hyperbole

Oh wait.....I proved your point I don't have a clue? How about you give a clue why that is, we'll have some fun. Ball is in your court.
First off this OP should be in the shit talk forum and not in politics. Second, I can only laugh at somebody who shows blatant confusion in every one of his talking points to try and show other people are confused! Thanks for the laugh.,. This wins dumbest OP of the day. Congrats!

Should we even tell him that "Progs" came and went a century ago?

Seems to me I did tell him that in the past and all he could do was go humma humma humma. I gave him some nice spicy hummus and walked away.
ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. They have no clue what liberals, progressives, socialists or communists etc. actually are. Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them... even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic.

ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. That's real interesting. I figure you're a PROG and define marriage and parents between a man and a man. Progressive is a misleading term, left liberalism nearly extinct and it's just that PROGS sounds right.

They have no clue what the following "etc." actually are:

liberals left the building. Conservatives are arguably more liberal. PROGS R just PROGS.

progressives are generally indoctrinated souls, whether through "education", media, gadgets or snowflakes. They "feel" responsible to change stuff per their "wisdom" . All change is declared "progress" -until it's not.

socialists is a subjective term, most people don't know the technical definition. In our case Bernie is a socialist loving anti-American. He believes in an equal share of misery for all less the rulers. Govt. intervention all things. His visions would lead us down a path to the technical definition of socialism.

communists is generally interchangeable with socialists.

Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them...Projection

even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic. Projection
I give you props for addressing all my Points and I need to thank you for also proving my point that you have no clue what youā€™re talking about. I couldnā€™t lay out a better example than your exact words that you donā€™t know what any of those terms actually mean. You live in a fantasy world of spun up political hyperbole

Oh wait.....I proved your point I don't have a clue? How about you give a clue why that is, we'll have some fun. Ball is in your court.
Haha ok... well letā€™s see. Gotta skip past the ā€œyouā€™re a Prog and think marriage means man and manā€ because thatā€™s too obviously ignorant.

Should probably go past ā€œliberals left the buildingā€ because thatā€™s just too easy.

how about your genius observations that ā€œSocialism is subjective and Communism pretty much means socialismā€... that was my favorite. But you go ahead and defend you grip on what things mean!! You define all these things however you want so you can call everybody who opposes you a communist. Itā€™s actually funnier that you trying to engage to defend this nonsense!
Should we even tell him that "Progs" came and went a century ago?

Seems to me I did tell him that in the past and all he could do was go humma humma humma. I gave him some nice spicy hummus and walked away.
ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. They have no clue what liberals, progressives, socialists or communists etc. actually are. Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them... even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic.

ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. That's real interesting. I figure you're a PROG and define marriage and parents between a man and a man. Progressive is a misleading term, left liberalism nearly extinct and it's just that PROGS sounds right.

They have no clue what the following "etc." actually are:

liberals left the building. Conservatives are arguably more liberal. PROGS R just PROGS.

progressives are generally indoctrinated souls, whether through "education", media, gadgets or snowflakes. They "feel" responsible to change stuff per their "wisdom" . All change is declared "progress" -until it's not.

socialists is a subjective term, most people don't know the technical definition. In our case Bernie is a socialist loving anti-American. He believes in an equal share of misery for all less the rulers. Govt. intervention all things. His visions would lead us down a path to the technical definition of socialism.

communists is generally interchangeable with socialists.

Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them...Projection

even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic. Projection
I give you props for addressing all my Points and I need to thank you for also proving my point that you have no clue what youā€™re talking about. I couldnā€™t lay out a better example than your exact words that you donā€™t know what any of those terms actually mean. You live in a fantasy world of spun up political hyperbole

Oh wait.....I proved your point I don't have a clue? How about you give a clue why that is, we'll have some fun. Ball is in your court.
Haha ok... well letā€™s see. Gotta skip past the ā€œyouā€™re a Prog and think marriage means man and manā€ because thatā€™s too obviously ignorant.

Should probably go past ā€œliberals left the buildingā€ because thatā€™s just too easy.

how about your genius observations that ā€œSocialism is subjective and Communism pretty much means socialismā€... that was my favorite. But you go ahead and defend you grip on what things mean!! You define all these things however you want so you can call everybody who opposes you a communist. Itā€™s actually funnier that you trying to engage to defend this nonsense!

I hope you're prepared for an education

Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Pretty fucking close right? Matter of fact if you search communist and socialist countries some of the same countries show for both.

Socialism is subjective, because many don't know what it means, including PROGS like yourself.
ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. They have no clue what liberals, progressives, socialists or communists etc. actually are. Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them... even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic.

ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. That's real interesting. I figure you're a PROG and define marriage and parents between a man and a man. Progressive is a misleading term, left liberalism nearly extinct and it's just that PROGS sounds right.

They have no clue what the following "etc." actually are:

liberals left the building. Conservatives are arguably more liberal. PROGS R just PROGS.

progressives are generally indoctrinated souls, whether through "education", media, gadgets or snowflakes. They "feel" responsible to change stuff per their "wisdom" . All change is declared "progress" -until it's not.

socialists is a subjective term, most people don't know the technical definition. In our case Bernie is a socialist loving anti-American. He believes in an equal share of misery for all less the rulers. Govt. intervention all things. His visions would lead us down a path to the technical definition of socialism.

communists is generally interchangeable with socialists.

Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them...Projection

even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic. Projection
I give you props for addressing all my Points and I need to thank you for also proving my point that you have no clue what youā€™re talking about. I couldnā€™t lay out a better example than your exact words that you donā€™t know what any of those terms actually mean. You live in a fantasy world of spun up political hyperbole

Oh wait.....I proved your point I don't have a clue? How about you give a clue why that is, we'll have some fun. Ball is in your court.
Haha ok... well letā€™s see. Gotta skip past the ā€œyouā€™re a Prog and think marriage means man and manā€ because thatā€™s too obviously ignorant.

Should probably go past ā€œliberals left the buildingā€ because thatā€™s just too easy.

how about your genius observations that ā€œSocialism is subjective and Communism pretty much means socialismā€... that was my favorite. But you go ahead and defend you grip on what things mean!! You define all these things however you want so you can call everybody who opposes you a communist. Itā€™s actually funnier that you trying to engage to defend this nonsense!

I hope you're prepared for an education


You want chew a edumacation, Gomer?

Go click on the link back in post 17.
ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. They have no clue what liberals, progressives, socialists or communists etc. actually are. Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them... even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic.

ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. That's real interesting. I figure you're a PROG and define marriage and parents between a man and a man. Progressive is a misleading term, left liberalism nearly extinct and it's just that PROGS sounds right.

They have no clue what the following "etc." actually are:

liberals left the building. Conservatives are arguably more liberal. PROGS R just PROGS.

progressives are generally indoctrinated souls, whether through "education", media, gadgets or snowflakes. They "feel" responsible to change stuff per their "wisdom" . All change is declared "progress" -until it's not.

socialists is a subjective term, most people don't know the technical definition. In our case Bernie is a socialist loving anti-American. He believes in an equal share of misery for all less the rulers. Govt. intervention all things. His visions would lead us down a path to the technical definition of socialism.

communists is generally interchangeable with socialists.

Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them...Projection

even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic. Projection
I give you props for addressing all my Points and I need to thank you for also proving my point that you have no clue what youā€™re talking about. I couldnā€™t lay out a better example than your exact words that you donā€™t know what any of those terms actually mean. You live in a fantasy world of spun up political hyperbole

Oh wait.....I proved your point I don't have a clue? How about you give a clue why that is, we'll have some fun. Ball is in your court.
Haha ok... well letā€™s see. Gotta skip past the ā€œyouā€™re a Prog and think marriage means man and manā€ because thatā€™s too obviously ignorant.

Should probably go past ā€œliberals left the buildingā€ because thatā€™s just too easy.

how about your genius observations that ā€œSocialism is subjective and Communism pretty much means socialismā€... that was my favorite. But you go ahead and defend you grip on what things mean!! You define all these things however you want so you can call everybody who opposes you a communist. Itā€™s actually funnier that you trying to engage to defend this nonsense!

I hope you're prepared for an education

Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Pretty fucking close right? Matter of fact if you search communist and socialist countries some of the same countries show for both.

Socialism is subjective, because many don't know what it means, including PROGS like yourself.
The people that donā€™t know what socialism means are the ones calling democrats socialist just for advocating social programs... you are right in the sense that communism is a form of socialism but you conveniently left out the totalitarian government element which is a major differentiator. These things have different names because they actually mean different things. Tards like you want to clump them all together and them apply them to your political opponents even when they donā€™t even fit the definition... this you have clearly demonstrated.

I actually appreciate your effort to debate this, but youā€™re just not doing a very good job

here read this... all of it... edumicate yourself

Last edited:
It's almost like they are a bunch of different kinds of people with differing attitudes. Conservative politicians have it so easy. They get to tell their voters what to think.
Elaborate on D issues you disagree with.
ive given up on trying to school these trolls on terminology. That's real interesting. I figure you're a PROG and define marriage and parents between a man and a man. Progressive is a misleading term, left liberalism nearly extinct and it's just that PROGS sounds right.

They have no clue what the following "etc." actually are:

liberals left the building. Conservatives are arguably more liberal. PROGS R just PROGS.

progressives are generally indoctrinated souls, whether through "education", media, gadgets or snowflakes. They "feel" responsible to change stuff per their "wisdom" . All change is declared "progress" -until it's not.

socialists is a subjective term, most people don't know the technical definition. In our case Bernie is a socialist loving anti-American. He believes in an equal share of misery for all less the rulers. Govt. intervention all things. His visions would lead us down a path to the technical definition of socialism.

communists is generally interchangeable with socialists.

Itā€™s an us vs them game and their enemy is the ā€œleftā€ which is comprised of anybody that opposes them...Projection

even if those opposers are on the political right. Itā€™s pathetic. Projection
I give you props for addressing all my Points and I need to thank you for also proving my point that you have no clue what youā€™re talking about. I couldnā€™t lay out a better example than your exact words that you donā€™t know what any of those terms actually mean. You live in a fantasy world of spun up political hyperbole

Oh wait.....I proved your point I don't have a clue? How about you give a clue why that is, we'll have some fun. Ball is in your court.
Haha ok... well letā€™s see. Gotta skip past the ā€œyouā€™re a Prog and think marriage means man and manā€ because thatā€™s too obviously ignorant.

Should probably go past ā€œliberals left the buildingā€ because thatā€™s just too easy.

how about your genius observations that ā€œSocialism is subjective and Communism pretty much means socialismā€... that was my favorite. But you go ahead and defend you grip on what things mean!! You define all these things however you want so you can call everybody who opposes you a communist. Itā€™s actually funnier that you trying to engage to defend this nonsense!

I hope you're prepared for an education

Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Pretty fucking close right? Matter of fact if you search communist and socialist countries some of the same countries show for both.

Socialism is subjective, because many don't know what it means, including PROGS like yourself.
The people that donā€™t know what socialism means are the ones calling democrats socialist just for advocating social programs... you are right in the sense that communism is a form of socialism but you conveniently left out the totalitarian government element which is a major differentiator. These things have different names because they actually mean different things. Tards like you want to clump them all together and them apply them to your political opponents even when they donā€™t even fit the definition... this you have clearly demonstrated.

I actually appreciate your effort to debate this, but youā€™re just not doing a very good job

here read this... all of it... edumicate yourself

I give you props for addressing all my Points and I need to thank you for also proving my point that you have no clue what youā€™re talking about. I couldnā€™t lay out a better example than your exact words that you donā€™t know what any of those terms actually mean. You live in a fantasy world of spun up political hyperbole

Oh wait.....I proved your point I don't have a clue? How about you give a clue why that is, we'll have some fun. Ball is in your court.
Haha ok... well letā€™s see. Gotta skip past the ā€œyouā€™re a Prog and think marriage means man and manā€ because thatā€™s too obviously ignorant.

Should probably go past ā€œliberals left the buildingā€ because thatā€™s just too easy.

how about your genius observations that ā€œSocialism is subjective and Communism pretty much means socialismā€... that was my favorite. But you go ahead and defend you grip on what things mean!! You define all these things however you want so you can call everybody who opposes you a communist. Itā€™s actually funnier that you trying to engage to defend this nonsense!

I hope you're prepared for an education

Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Pretty fucking close right? Matter of fact if you search communist and socialist countries some of the same countries show for both.

Socialism is subjective, because many don't know what it means, including PROGS like yourself.
The people that donā€™t know what socialism means are the ones calling democrats socialist just for advocating social programs... you are right in the sense that communism is a form of socialism but you conveniently left out the totalitarian government element which is a major differentiator. These things have different names because they actually mean different things. Tards like you want to clump them all together and them apply them to your political opponents even when they donā€™t even fit the definition... this you have clearly demonstrated.

I actually appreciate your effort to debate this, but youā€™re just not doing a very good job

here read this... all of it... edumicate yourself


Where did I dive into the details communism and socialism? I used the term generally, sorry that threw you. Meanwhile the very top from your own link reads:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

I get it, you're an intellect right?
Oh wait.....I proved your point I don't have a clue? How about you give a clue why that is, we'll have some fun. Ball is in your court.
Haha ok... well letā€™s see. Gotta skip past the ā€œyouā€™re a Prog and think marriage means man and manā€ because thatā€™s too obviously ignorant.

Should probably go past ā€œliberals left the buildingā€ because thatā€™s just too easy.

how about your genius observations that ā€œSocialism is subjective and Communism pretty much means socialismā€... that was my favorite. But you go ahead and defend you grip on what things mean!! You define all these things however you want so you can call everybody who opposes you a communist. Itā€™s actually funnier that you trying to engage to defend this nonsense!

I hope you're prepared for an education

Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Pretty fucking close right? Matter of fact if you search communist and socialist countries some of the same countries show for both.

Socialism is subjective, because many don't know what it means, including PROGS like yourself.
The people that donā€™t know what socialism means are the ones calling democrats socialist just for advocating social programs... you are right in the sense that communism is a form of socialism but you conveniently left out the totalitarian government element which is a major differentiator. These things have different names because they actually mean different things. Tards like you want to clump them all together and them apply them to your political opponents even when they donā€™t even fit the definition... this you have clearly demonstrated.

I actually appreciate your effort to debate this, but youā€™re just not doing a very good job

here read this... all of it... edumicate yourself


Where did I dive into the details communism and socialism? I used the term generally, sorry that threw you. Meanwhile the very top from your own link reads:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

I get it, you're an intellect right?
You used both terms to specifically say they were interchangeable, which is an ignorant thing to say. Like I said a while ago, your own words prove my point.

Posting a blurp showing similarityā€™s doesnā€™t prove your point. Thatā€™s why I told you to read the WHOLE thing as it points out many differences at the bottom of the article. To be honest, I didnā€™t really expect you to do that. Figured youā€™d cherry pick something to try and present that youā€™re making sense... nice try but itā€™s not gonna fly
Haha ok... well letā€™s see. Gotta skip past the ā€œyouā€™re a Prog and think marriage means man and manā€ because thatā€™s too obviously ignorant.

Should probably go past ā€œliberals left the buildingā€ because thatā€™s just too easy.

how about your genius observations that ā€œSocialism is subjective and Communism pretty much means socialismā€... that was my favorite. But you go ahead and defend you grip on what things mean!! You define all these things however you want so you can call everybody who opposes you a communist. Itā€™s actually funnier that you trying to engage to defend this nonsense!

I hope you're prepared for an education

Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Pretty fucking close right? Matter of fact if you search communist and socialist countries some of the same countries show for both.

Socialism is subjective, because many don't know what it means, including PROGS like yourself.
The people that donā€™t know what socialism means are the ones calling democrats socialist just for advocating social programs... you are right in the sense that communism is a form of socialism but you conveniently left out the totalitarian government element which is a major differentiator. These things have different names because they actually mean different things. Tards like you want to clump them all together and them apply them to your political opponents even when they donā€™t even fit the definition... this you have clearly demonstrated.

I actually appreciate your effort to debate this, but youā€™re just not doing a very good job

here read this... all of it... edumicate yourself


Where did I dive into the details communism and socialism? I used the term generally, sorry that threw you. Meanwhile the very top from your own link reads:

Both socialism and communism are essentially economic philosophies advocating public rather than private ownership, especially of the means of production, distribution and exchange of goods (i.e., making money) in a society. Both aim to fix the problems they see as created by a free-market capitalist system, including the exploitation of workers and a widening gulf between rich and poor.

I get it, you're an intellect right?
You used both terms to specifically say they were interchangeable, which is an ignorant thing to say. Like I said a while ago, your own words prove my point.

Posting a blurp showing similarityā€™s doesnā€™t prove your point. Thatā€™s why I told you to read the WHOLE thing as it points out many differences at the bottom of the article. To be honest, I didnā€™t really expect you to do that. Figured youā€™d cherry pick something to try and present that youā€™re making sense... nice try but itā€™s not gonna fly

Looks like PROG-twist to me

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