Why haven't the GOP gotten together an implementable bill that repeals and replaces O-care?

Obama care is all about control, career politicians on both sides controlling the population is the ultimate goal.
Why haven't the GOP gotten together an implementable bill that repeals and replaces O-care?
Because they have been too busy with all of the Benghazi hearings, and if you ask me, I think we need to have a quite a few more Benghazi hearings to get to the bottom of it. Why aren't there anymore Benghazi hearings on the gop agenda?.
We're looking at seven years of the Republicans carrying on about how horrible O-care is. In all that time, though there have been several GOP proposals for a replacement to O-care, they still haven't coalesced behind any of them. They were absolutely certain they wanted to repeal the ACA and they have the Congressional votes to do it and they have a President chomping at the bit to sign the repeal. Yet where are they on that? Nowhere.

I don't care what one thinks about O-care. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the GOP's failure, in spite of having had ample time to have something agreed upon and a ready to go, to assume their responsibility to govern and pass the bill that repeals and replaces O-care.

Now I happen to believe -- mainly from the cocktail party conversations I've had with a small handful of GOP folks in positions to know what's going on -- that for the most part Republicans, in general, don't really understand healthcare and health insurance, which admittedly is a very complex thing in the U.S. Even so, one'd think that at the very least, the GOP would simply repeal the ACA and restore things to their pre-ACA state. What's to understand by doing that? People weren't thrilled with it, but if all the complaining about O-care is to be believed, they liked that better than O-care. Is that not so?

In seven years, what have the GOP agreed upon among themselves as goes health insurance legislation? Not a damn thing.

Trump is no better. What has the man done? He spent a whole campaign talking about repeal and replace. Did he during that time -- nearly two years -- have a small cadre of staffers working on a proposal that he could formally submit to Congress as the replacement for O-care? No. To date, the substance of what he's done is offer one idea -- selling insurance across state lines -- and in effect tell Congress "you figure it out -- you fix it." Has he used his time and resources to come up with implementable legislation? No.

That's a governance failure and that is not what we elect people for, most especially when one party controls the Congress and the White House.

Political rhetoric. They're going to fix it. They can't repeal it, leaving millions that were forced onto Obama care without insurance overnight. There's no point in replacing it so you can trade in one disaster for another either.


They had seven years to repair it, and they sat on their thumbs.

Repeal and replace, remember?

Yeah, me neither.

[rolls eyes]
We're looking at seven years of the Republicans carrying on about how horrible O-care is. In all that time, though there have been several GOP proposals for a replacement to O-care, they still haven't coalesced behind any of them. They were absolutely certain they wanted to repeal the ACA and they have the Congressional votes to do it and they have a President chomping at the bit to sign the repeal. Yet where are they on that? Nowhere.

I don't care what one thinks about O-care. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the GOP's failure, in spite of having had ample time to have something agreed upon and a ready to go, to assume their responsibility to govern and pass the bill that repeals and replaces O-care.

Now I happen to believe -- mainly from the cocktail party conversations I've had with a small handful of GOP folks in positions to know what's going on -- that for the most part Republicans, in general, don't really understand healthcare and health insurance, which admittedly is a very complex thing in the U.S. Even so, one'd think that at the very least, the GOP would simply repeal the ACA and restore things to their pre-ACA state. What's to understand by doing that? People weren't thrilled with it, but if all the complaining about O-care is to be believed, they liked that better than O-care. Is that not so?

In seven years, what have the GOP agreed upon among themselves as goes health insurance legislation? Not a damn thing.

Trump is no better. What has the man done? He spent a whole campaign talking about repeal and replace. Did he during that time -- nearly two years -- have a small cadre of staffers working on a proposal that he could formally submit to Congress as the replacement for O-care? No. To date, the substance of what he's done is offer one idea -- selling insurance across state lines -- and in effect tell Congress "you figure it out -- you fix it." Has he used his time and resources to come up with implementable legislation? No.

That's a governance failure and that is not what we elect people for, most especially when one party controls the Congress and the White House.

Political rhetoric. They're going to fix it. They can't repeal it, leaving millions that were forced onto Obama care without insurance overnight. There's no point in replacing it so you can trade in one disaster for another either.
But that is what the orange one campaigned on, repeal and replace.
We're looking at seven years of the Republicans carrying on about how horrible O-care is. In all that time, though there have been several GOP proposals for a replacement to O-care, they still haven't coalesced behind any of them. They were absolutely certain they wanted to repeal the ACA and they have the Congressional votes to do it and they have a President chomping at the bit to sign the repeal. Yet where are they on that? Nowhere.

I don't care what one thinks about O-care. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the GOP's failure, in spite of having had ample time to have something agreed upon and a ready to go, to assume their responsibility to govern and pass the bill that repeals and replaces O-care.

Now I happen to believe -- mainly from the cocktail party conversations I've had with a small handful of GOP folks in positions to know what's going on -- that for the most part Republicans, in general, don't really understand healthcare and health insurance, which admittedly is a very complex thing in the U.S. Even so, one'd think that at the very least, the GOP would simply repeal the ACA and restore things to their pre-ACA state. What's to understand by doing that? People weren't thrilled with it, but if all the complaining about O-care is to be believed, they liked that better than O-care. Is that not so?

In seven years, what have the GOP agreed upon among themselves as goes health insurance legislation? Not a damn thing.

Trump is no better. What has the man done? He spent a whole campaign talking about repeal and replace. Did he during that time -- nearly two years -- have a small cadre of staffers working on a proposal that he could formally submit to Congress as the replacement for O-care? No. To date, the substance of what he's done is offer one idea -- selling insurance across state lines -- and in effect tell Congress "you figure it out -- you fix it." Has he used his time and resources to come up with implementable legislation? No.

That's a governance failure and that is not what we elect people for, most especially when one party controls the Congress and the White House.

Political rhetoric. They're going to fix it. They can't repeal it, leaving millions that were forced onto Obama care without insurance overnight. There's no point in replacing it so you can trade in one disaster for another either.


They had seven years to repair it, and they sat on their thumbs.

Repeal and replace, remember?

Yeah, me neither.

[rolls eyes]
We're looking at seven years of the Republicans carrying on about how horrible O-care is. In all that time, though there have been several GOP proposals for a replacement to O-care, they still haven't coalesced behind any of them. They were absolutely certain they wanted to repeal the ACA and they have the Congressional votes to do it and they have a President chomping at the bit to sign the repeal. Yet where are they on that? Nowhere.

I don't care what one thinks about O-care. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the GOP's failure, in spite of having had ample time to have something agreed upon and a ready to go, to assume their responsibility to govern and pass the bill that repeals and replaces O-care.

Now I happen to believe -- mainly from the cocktail party conversations I've had with a small handful of GOP folks in positions to know what's going on -- that for the most part Republicans, in general, don't really understand healthcare and health insurance, which admittedly is a very complex thing in the U.S. Even so, one'd think that at the very least, the GOP would simply repeal the ACA and restore things to their pre-ACA state. What's to understand by doing that? People weren't thrilled with it, but if all the complaining about O-care is to be believed, they liked that better than O-care. Is that not so?

In seven years, what have the GOP agreed upon among themselves as goes health insurance legislation? Not a damn thing.

Trump is no better. What has the man done? He spent a whole campaign talking about repeal and replace. Did he during that time -- nearly two years -- have a small cadre of staffers working on a proposal that he could formally submit to Congress as the replacement for O-care? No. To date, the substance of what he's done is offer one idea -- selling insurance across state lines -- and in effect tell Congress "you figure it out -- you fix it." Has he used his time and resources to come up with implementable legislation? No.

That's a governance failure and that is not what we elect people for, most especially when one party controls the Congress and the White House.

Political rhetoric. They're going to fix it. They can't repeal it, leaving millions that were forced onto Obama care without insurance overnight. There's no point in replacing it so you can trade in one disaster for another either.
But that is what the orange one campaigned on, repeal and replace.
The worst types of cancer(socialist entitlement programs) are very hard to get rid of
There's no replacement.

They're gonna tweak around the margins and pretend they invented the wheel, because that's what Republicans do.

Would it still be labeled Obamacare???? After all, those republicans are well known for their "ethics" LOL
We're looking at seven years of the Republicans carrying on about how horrible O-care is. In all that time, though there have been several GOP proposals for a replacement to O-care, they still haven't coalesced behind any of them. They were absolutely certain they wanted to repeal the ACA and they have the Congressional votes to do it and they have a President chomping at the bit to sign the repeal. Yet where are they on that? Nowhere.

I don't care what one thinks about O-care. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the GOP's failure, in spite of having had ample time to have something agreed upon and a ready to go, to assume their responsibility to govern and pass the bill that repeals and replaces O-care.

Now I happen to believe -- mainly from the cocktail party conversations I've had with a small handful of GOP folks in positions to know what's going on -- that for the most part Republicans, in general, don't really understand healthcare and health insurance, which admittedly is a very complex thing in the U.S. Even so, one'd think that at the very least, the GOP would simply repeal the ACA and restore things to their pre-ACA state. What's to understand by doing that? People weren't thrilled with it, but if all the complaining about O-care is to be believed, they liked that better than O-care. Is that not so?

In seven years, what have the GOP agreed upon among themselves as goes health insurance legislation? Not a damn thing.

Trump is no better. What has the man done? He spent a whole campaign talking about repeal and replace. Did he during that time -- nearly two years -- have a small cadre of staffers working on a proposal that he could formally submit to Congress as the replacement for O-care? No. To date, the substance of what he's done is offer one idea -- selling insurance across state lines -- and in effect tell Congress "you figure it out -- you fix it." Has he used his time and resources to come up with implementable legislation? No.

That's a governance failure and that is not what we elect people for, most especially when one party controls the Congress and the White House.

It hasn't been three weeks and Democrats think you can veto an election. You're a disingenuous liberal hack job

He asked a reasonable question. It's been 8 years that Republicans have been saying they had better ideas for health care reform. Well where are they?

Trump said that January 21st, he'd have something much, much better, cheaper, and it would cover everyone. Where is this plan? There isn't even an outline of proposal, much less a piece of legislation.

It hasn't been three weeks, partisan ho
It's been three weeks, butt hurt Charlie. But hey, Don't Taz me bro will cry with you

Well, kazzy-baby......Who used to say that the ACA would be repealed and replaced on DAY ONE.....and now stating that it would take a whole fucking year???

Go on, answer who.....and then go have a drink and a nap.....LOL

"Everyone with a" brain knew that day one "meant at the" beginning of his "term." Why do you suppose "all the whiners now" are butt hurt leftists? "You know," you?

No all of the whining is coming from the butt hurt President. The media hates me, I didn't win the popular vote, Nordstroms is being mean to Ivanka, the judges are all biased.

The butt hurt one is the winner. Jesus, Mrs. Mao, you're really an idiot
We're looking at seven years of the Republicans carrying on about how horrible O-care is. In all that time, though there have been several GOP proposals for a replacement to O-care, they still haven't coalesced behind any of them. They were absolutely certain they wanted to repeal the ACA and they have the Congressional votes to do it and they have a President chomping at the bit to sign the repeal. Yet where are they on that? Nowhere.

I don't care what one thinks about O-care. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the GOP's failure, in spite of having had ample time to have something agreed upon and a ready to go, to assume their responsibility to govern and pass the bill that repeals and replaces O-care.

Now I happen to believe -- mainly from the cocktail party conversations I've had with a small handful of GOP folks in positions to know what's going on -- that for the most part Republicans, in general, don't really understand healthcare and health insurance, which admittedly is a very complex thing in the U.S. Even so, one'd think that at the very least, the GOP would simply repeal the ACA and restore things to their pre-ACA state. What's to understand by doing that? People weren't thrilled with it, but if all the complaining about O-care is to be believed, they liked that better than O-care. Is that not so?

In seven years, what have the GOP agreed upon among themselves as goes health insurance legislation? Not a damn thing.

Trump is no better. What has the man done? He spent a whole campaign talking about repeal and replace. Did he during that time -- nearly two years -- have a small cadre of staffers working on a proposal that he could formally submit to Congress as the replacement for O-care? No. To date, the substance of what he's done is offer one idea -- selling insurance across state lines -- and in effect tell Congress "you figure it out -- you fix it." Has he used his time and resources to come up with implementable legislation? No.

That's a governance failure and that is not what we elect people for, most especially when one party controls the Congress and the White House.

Political rhetoric. They're going to fix it. They can't repeal it, leaving millions that were forced onto Obama care without insurance overnight. There's no point in replacing it so you can trade in one disaster for another either.
But that is what the orange one campaigned on, repeal and replace.
The worst types of cancer(socialist entitlement programs) are very hard to get rid of
So the orange one was just conning you rubes?
We're looking at seven years of the Republicans carrying on about how horrible O-care is. In all that time, though there have been several GOP proposals for a replacement to O-care, they still haven't coalesced behind any of them. They were absolutely certain they wanted to repeal the ACA and they have the Congressional votes to do it and they have a President chomping at the bit to sign the repeal. Yet where are they on that? Nowhere.

I don't care what one thinks about O-care. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the GOP's failure, in spite of having had ample time to have something agreed upon and a ready to go, to assume their responsibility to govern and pass the bill that repeals and replaces O-care.

Now I happen to believe -- mainly from the cocktail party conversations I've had with a small handful of GOP folks in positions to know what's going on -- that for the most part Republicans, in general, don't really understand healthcare and health insurance, which admittedly is a very complex thing in the U.S. Even so, one'd think that at the very least, the GOP would simply repeal the ACA and restore things to their pre-ACA state. What's to understand by doing that? People weren't thrilled with it, but if all the complaining about O-care is to be believed, they liked that better than O-care. Is that not so?

In seven years, what have the GOP agreed upon among themselves as goes health insurance legislation? Not a damn thing.

Trump is no better. What has the man done? He spent a whole campaign talking about repeal and replace. Did he during that time -- nearly two years -- have a small cadre of staffers working on a proposal that he could formally submit to Congress as the replacement for O-care? No. To date, the substance of what he's done is offer one idea -- selling insurance across state lines -- and in effect tell Congress "you figure it out -- you fix it." Has he used his time and resources to come up with implementable legislation? No.

That's a governance failure and that is not what we elect people for, most especially when one party controls the Congress and the White House.

Political rhetoric. They're going to fix it. They can't repeal it, leaving millions that were forced onto Obama care without insurance overnight. There's no point in replacing it so you can trade in one disaster for another either.
But that is what the orange one campaigned on, repeal and replace.
The worst types of cancer(socialist entitlement programs) are very hard to get rid of
So the orange one was just conning you rubes?
He could still turn into a career politician…
We're looking at seven years of the Republicans carrying on about how horrible O-care is. In all that time, though there have been several GOP proposals for a replacement to O-care, they still haven't coalesced behind any of them. They were absolutely certain they wanted to repeal the ACA and they have the Congressional votes to do it and they have a President chomping at the bit to sign the repeal. Yet where are they on that? Nowhere.

I don't care what one thinks about O-care. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the GOP's failure, in spite of having had ample time to have something agreed upon and a ready to go, to assume their responsibility to govern and pass the bill that repeals and replaces O-care.

Now I happen to believe -- mainly from the cocktail party conversations I've had with a small handful of GOP folks in positions to know what's going on -- that for the most part Republicans, in general, don't really understand healthcare and health insurance, which admittedly is a very complex thing in the U.S. Even so, one'd think that at the very least, the GOP would simply repeal the ACA and restore things to their pre-ACA state. What's to understand by doing that? People weren't thrilled with it, but if all the complaining about O-care is to be believed, they liked that better than O-care. Is that not so?

In seven years, what have the GOP agreed upon among themselves as goes health insurance legislation? Not a damn thing.

Trump is no better. What has the man done? He spent a whole campaign talking about repeal and replace. Did he during that time -- nearly two years -- have a small cadre of staffers working on a proposal that he could formally submit to Congress as the replacement for O-care? No. To date, the substance of what he's done is offer one idea -- selling insurance across state lines -- and in effect tell Congress "you figure it out -- you fix it." Has he used his time and resources to come up with implementable legislation? No.

That's a governance failure and that is not what we elect people for, most especially when one party controls the Congress and the White House.

Political rhetoric. They're going to fix it. They can't repeal it, leaving millions that were forced onto Obama care without insurance overnight. There's no point in replacing it so you can trade in one disaster for another either.
But that is what the orange one campaigned on, repeal and replace.

They ALL campaigned on it. Ted Cruz continually stated he would repeal Obama care on his first day on office, and yes the Comrade did too. This works great on stupid people, to get their votes. The Reich wing never looks beyond the tips of their noses they always believe the bullshit. They lap it up.
We're looking at seven years of the Republicans carrying on about how horrible O-care is. In all that time, though there have been several GOP proposals for a replacement to O-care, they still haven't coalesced behind any of them. They were absolutely certain they wanted to repeal the ACA and they have the Congressional votes to do it and they have a President chomping at the bit to sign the repeal. Yet where are they on that? Nowhere.

I don't care what one thinks about O-care. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the GOP's failure, in spite of having had ample time to have something agreed upon and a ready to go, to assume their responsibility to govern and pass the bill that repeals and replaces O-care.

Now I happen to believe -- mainly from the cocktail party conversations I've had with a small handful of GOP folks in positions to know what's going on -- that for the most part Republicans, in general, don't really understand healthcare and health insurance, which admittedly is a very complex thing in the U.S. Even so, one'd think that at the very least, the GOP would simply repeal the ACA and restore things to their pre-ACA state. What's to understand by doing that? People weren't thrilled with it, but if all the complaining about O-care is to be believed, they liked that better than O-care. Is that not so?

In seven years, what have the GOP agreed upon among themselves as goes health insurance legislation? Not a damn thing.

Trump is no better. What has the man done? He spent a whole campaign talking about repeal and replace. Did he during that time -- nearly two years -- have a small cadre of staffers working on a proposal that he could formally submit to Congress as the replacement for O-care? No. To date, the substance of what he's done is offer one idea -- selling insurance across state lines -- and in effect tell Congress "you figure it out -- you fix it." Has he used his time and resources to come up with implementable legislation? No.

That's a governance failure and that is not what we elect people for, most especially when one party controls the Congress and the White House.

Political rhetoric. They're going to fix it. They can't repeal it, leaving millions that were forced onto Obama care without insurance overnight. There's no point in replacing it so you can trade in one disaster for another either.
But that is what the orange one campaigned on, repeal and replace.

They ALL campaigned on it. Ted Cruz continually stated he would repeal Obama care on his first day on office, and yes the Comrade did too. This works great on stupid people, to get their votes. The Reich wing never looks beyond the tips of their noses they always believe the bullshit. They lap it up.
Yes, there are a lot of gullible people out there… Tons of people believed Obama care was for the good of the people.:lmao:
There's no replacement.

They're gonna tweak around the margins and pretend they invented the wheel, because that's what Republicans do.

Would it still be labeled Obamacare???? After all, those republicans are well known for their "ethics" LOL

"Let's see" what "Trump" comes up with before "pronouncing" judgement, "what do you" say?
We're looking at seven years of the Republicans carrying on about how horrible O-care is. In all that time, though there have been several GOP proposals for a replacement to O-care, they still haven't coalesced behind any of them. They were absolutely certain they wanted to repeal the ACA and they have the Congressional votes to do it and they have a President chomping at the bit to sign the repeal. Yet where are they on that? Nowhere.

I don't care what one thinks about O-care. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about the GOP's failure, in spite of having had ample time to have something agreed upon and a ready to go, to assume their responsibility to govern and pass the bill that repeals and replaces O-care.

Now I happen to believe -- mainly from the cocktail party conversations I've had with a small handful of GOP folks in positions to know what's going on -- that for the most part Republicans, in general, don't really understand healthcare and health insurance, which admittedly is a very complex thing in the U.S. Even so, one'd think that at the very least, the GOP would simply repeal the ACA and restore things to their pre-ACA state. What's to understand by doing that? People weren't thrilled with it, but if all the complaining about O-care is to be believed, they liked that better than O-care. Is that not so?

In seven years, what have the GOP agreed upon among themselves as goes health insurance legislation? Not a damn thing.

Trump is no better. What has the man done? He spent a whole campaign talking about repeal and replace. Did he during that time -- nearly two years -- have a small cadre of staffers working on a proposal that he could formally submit to Congress as the replacement for O-care? No. To date, the substance of what he's done is offer one idea -- selling insurance across state lines -- and in effect tell Congress "you figure it out -- you fix it." Has he used his time and resources to come up with implementable legislation? No.

That's a governance failure and that is not what we elect people for, most especially when one party controls the Congress and the White House.

Political rhetoric. They're going to fix it. They can't repeal it, leaving millions that were forced onto Obama care without insurance overnight. There's no point in replacing it so you can trade in one disaster for another either.
But that is what the orange one campaigned on, repeal and replace.
The worst types of cancer(socialist entitlement programs) are very hard to get rid of
So the orange one was just conning you rubes?

The orange one sliced open your nuts and left them squishing over the floor
They ALL campaigned on it. Ted Cruz continually stated he would repeal Obama care on his first day on office, and yes the Comrade did too. This works great on stupid people, to get their votes. The Reich wing never looks beyond the tips of their noses they always believe the bullshit. They lap it up.

I lament the situation that those poor coal miners in WVA and KY who voted for Trump and were "promised" by the demagogue that they would get all their jobs back......and not only will they still be unemployed, but they will ALSO lose benefits if the ACA is repealed......A double whammy.
They ALL campaigned on it. Ted Cruz continually stated he would repeal Obama care on his first day on office, and yes the Comrade did too. This works great on stupid people, to get their votes. The Reich wing never looks beyond the tips of their noses they always believe the bullshit. They lap it up.

I lament the situation that those poor coal miners in WVA and KY who voted for Trump and were "promised" by the demagogue that they would get all their jobs back......and not only will they still be unemployed, but they will ALSO lose benefits if the ACA is repealed......A double whammy.
Only a fool would think Obama care is good for anybody but deadbeat fuck ups like the average progressive...
Because they've never been serious about it. They lie.

What does the left want? Do they want the ACA replaced or not?

YES.....with Medicare for all...FUCK those private health insurance companies and hospital associations and big pharma......Health care is NOT a luxury and I don't give a crap if the CEO of Aetna cannot afford a new Lear Jet every couple of years.

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