Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

More lies, history proves you wrong, maybe you should learn it.

The history was- We threw BUsh's ass out so hard he bounced.

What you don't get is that the GOP had a winning Presidential Coalition from 1968, when Nixon got people like my parents to stop voting for Democrats, up until Bush got elected in 1988. A coalition of working class and business people.

Bush-41 fucked up so badly he managed to destroy that. He'd have been the last Republican President had Dubya not stolen the 2000 election.

What neither of you get, is that the elites don't give a shit who votes, and who they vote for. They have the press issue propaganda to tell the voters who to vote for, they manipulate polling data, and they manipulate the results. THEY decide who is going to win. They did it with Bush, and they did it with Obama. They always pick both candidates just to be sure, but they have a preference. Sometime their preference doesn't win, but they nearly always do. If their preference doesn't win, the VP is usually their man, so they will just assassinate the guy that was voted for. Even if the assassination fails, the surviving president will then be their man. In the end, the elites always win.

The people never win.

Loosen your tinfoil hat.
When you have nothing, attack the messenger with ad hominem. Clearly the truth makes you uncomfortable.

Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy
Princeton Study U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy

Using data drawn from over 1,800 different policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, the two conclude that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of or even against the will of the majority of voters.

TPM Interview: Scholar Behind Viral 'Oligarchy' Study Tells You What It Means

"The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy," they write, "while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence."
You know nothing about history or you would know when the recession ended. But no, you stick to your stupid lies. No help for someone as stupid as you.

Yawn, guy, I know it breaks your heart that we threw the Bush Crime Family out in 1992.

But Bush broke the Republican coalition.

But you'll blame Obama's skin color and Hillary's vagina rather than this simple fact. Working people have figured out voting for Republicans is like Chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.

Who said anything about Obama and his skin color, or Hillary and her vagina? Why is it important to bring up a person's sex or their skin color? Are you really that shallow or is that all you got for an argument. Man, as if your constant lying in post after post after post isn't enough, but now you stoop to another level of low. Could you have any less opinion of yourself?

As far as Hillary, I hope of all the Democrats, she wins. Wall St. will thrive, she has lots of friends with real deep pockets and they will keep the nutters, like OWS at bay. She is pro business, she will stick by our country, just like she stuck with Bill no matter how many times he cheated. The courage she had in Bosnia to get out of that airplane while being fired upon is inspiring. Her traveling like common folk, is purely ingenious, her parking in a handicapped space show us how important she really is for our country. Her not tipping is inspiring for those making minimum wage to do extra to get a tip and you need to get a better job.

Go Hillary!

Hillary will do us fine.
More lies, history proves you wrong, maybe you should learn it.

The history was- We threw BUsh's ass out so hard he bounced.

What you don't get is that the GOP had a winning Presidential Coalition from 1968, when Nixon got people like my parents to stop voting for Democrats, up until Bush got elected in 1988. A coalition of working class and business people.

Bush-41 fucked up so badly he managed to destroy that. He'd have been the last Republican President had Dubya not stolen the 2000 election.

What neither of you get, is that the elites don't give a shit who votes, and who they vote for. They have the press issue propaganda to tell the voters who to vote for, they manipulate polling data, and they manipulate the results. THEY decide who is going to win. They did it with Bush, and they did it with Obama. They always pick both candidates just to be sure, but they have a preference. Sometime their preference doesn't win, but they nearly always do. If their preference doesn't win, the VP is usually their man, so they will just assassinate the guy that was voted for. Even if the assassination fails, the surviving president will then be their man. In the end, the elites always win.

The people never win.

Loosen your tinfoil hat.
When you have nothing, attack the messenger with ad hominem. Clearly the truth makes you uncomfortable.

Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy
Princeton Study U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy

Using data drawn from over 1,800 different policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, the two conclude that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of or even against the will of the majority of voters.

TPM Interview: Scholar Behind Viral 'Oligarchy' Study Tells You What It Means

"The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy," they write, "while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence."

"...and to the republic for which it stands..."

Good job Colombo
Who said anything about Obama and his skin color, or Hillary and her vagina? Why is it important to bring up a person's sex or their skin color? Are you really that shallow or is that all you got for an argument. Man, as if your constant lying in post after post after post isn't enough, but now you stoop to another level of low. Could you have any less opinion of yourself?

Guy, when it gets right down to it, it's all about racism. The sooner you guys admit that, the sooner you can get help.
If Rubio, Paul, or Walker win the nomination I just have a hard time seeing a shrill, old woman like Hillary defeating a young energetic candidate, but anything is possible. This is a country, after all, that elected Obama and Bush twice, so the stupid is strong with Americans.

This seems to assume a strange gender disparity in that someone of the same age as her who was male wouldn't be described that way.

I'm curious, how likely is it do you think that Rubio or Walker will win?
If Fla, VA and Ohio all flipped, the dems still win. It's a tough hoe for the gop

We'll see. The GOP tends to do poorly when folks come out to vote. Which is why they try so hard to make voting more difficult.

I think the GOP is doing a much better job of preparing its candidates strategically. They have a nice crop of governors and charismatic senators they are slowly building up. I think the GOP will lose this election, but be well positioned for the next.
If the gop is running on the rich pay too much taxes, we need to relax regs on Wall St., retirees make too much, not only now path to citizenship but no permanent legal residency for long time illegal aliens, and let's bomb Iran now .... I think it'll continue to be a tough hoe for us.

The GOP will frame it more intelligently than that. They'll likely run on a 'the poor are leeches who abuse aid and don't deserve' it platform. While lauding the 'builders and makers'.

I say follow the money. Cruz supporting PACs amassed more money faster than almost any in history. And its almost exclusively from hedge fund managers and billionaires.

Cruz is bought by those who want to let the trading houses go back to betting on derivatives with shareholder money. How much that works against him with voters may be interesting ... if he gets the nomination.

And there are many issues like that, and like citizens united and like abortion rights, that resonate with various segments of the electorate. Immigration reform too. But, really, the one overriding and universal issue is that UNLESS WE REFORM MIDDLE CLASS ENTITILEMENTS WE WILL BECOME A SECOND TIER ECONOMY, and we'll have to chose between them and being a military power. I don't see how the gop can win unless they premise people taking cuts along with at least the very rich getting a taxhaircut. Even then, I think the middle class, such as it is, will have to pay higher taxes or lose some tax credits, both of which amount to the same thing. But, if raising taxes is the litmus test for getting the gop nomination, I think it's gonna be a very very tough hoe.

Republicans aren't ideologically capable of pitching the idea you've described. Their policy is already pre-molded: advance the military, cut social and infrastructure spending, and offer tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the rich.

All they can do is frame it differently. The policy is already set.

And defund everything Obama funded. There was a time when Ameicans aimed high....now it's aim as low as you can from the GOP.
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.

Walker and Kasich, arguably the two most qualified candidates on the dais were unremarkable and forgettable. We're looking at the ugly underbelly of democracy: actual experience and leadership ability play second fiddle to popularity and the ability to speak publically.
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.
Just remember my prediction...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.
Just remember my prediction...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.
Just remember my prediction...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Oh I did...
Oh Stats Your Pick Is Falling US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.

Walker and Kasich, arguably the two most qualified candidates on the dais were unremarkable and forgettable. We're looking at the ugly underbelly of democracy: actual experience and leadership ability play second fiddle to popularity and the ability to speak publically.

Both gentlemen have time to rehab their image but it's doubtful that Kasich has it in him to transform himself into what is necessary to be memorable. Walker? I haven't seen a moral center in him; I assume its there somewhere but you sort of get the feeling with him that he's one of those that would actually do anything/say anything to get elected.
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.
Just remember my prediction...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.
Just remember my prediction...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Oh I did...
Oh Stats Your Pick Is Falling US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Your opinion is noted but not noteworthy.
After going through some of the debate after getting home early this morning...I'm more confident than ever about Hillary winning. The two or three candidates that worried me look as if they are still trying to articulate their positions. Still anything can happen in 15 months or whatever it is before the election but man is it lining up well for America.

You're so delusional it's pathetic at the rate the Hildabeast is going she'll be lucky to avoid prison. The email situation is bad for her, very bad.
You're so delusional it's pathetic at the rate the Hildabeast is going she'll be lucky to avoid prison. The email situation is bad for her, very bad.

FatIrishSow, I've heard the same things said about TravelGate and FileGate and ZipperGate and Vince Foster's suicide. Most people who don't hate Hillary just tune this stuff out because you all have cried "Wolf" so many times.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Instead of telling me how the latest fake scandal that will never amount to anything is going to "get" Hillary, how about telling me why we should vote for one of the 16 CLOWNS your side is currently running.
You're so delusional it's pathetic at the rate the Hildabeast is going she'll be lucky to avoid prison. The email situation is bad for her, very bad.

FatIrishSow, I've heard the same things said about TravelGate and FileGate and ZipperGate and Vince Foster's suicide. Most people who don't hate Hillary just tune this stuff out because you all have cried "Wolf" so many times.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Instead of telling me how the latest fake scandal that will never amount to anything is going to "get" Hillary, how about telling me why we should vote for one of the 16 CLOWNS your side is currently running.

GFY you damn idiot. You are incapable of commenting w/o middle school insults. Nobody takes your stupid ass serious. Learn it and live it
Carly absolutely nails it, takes the old crow Shitlary and Obungles out at the knees and Sissy Matthews sits and takes it.

You're so delusional it's pathetic at the rate the Hildabeast is going she'll be lucky to avoid prison. The email situation is bad for her, very bad.

FatIrishSow, I've heard the same things said about TravelGate and FileGate and ZipperGate and Vince Foster's suicide. Most people who don't hate Hillary just tune this stuff out because you all have cried "Wolf" so many times.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Instead of telling me how the latest fake scandal that will never amount to anything is going to "get" Hillary, how about telling me why we should vote for one of the 16 CLOWNS your side is currently running.
You would not be voting for one of the Sixteen Clowns even if you DID obtain a good reason for doing so, so, why bother?

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