Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

Who said anything about Obama and his skin color, or Hillary and her vagina? Why is it important to bring up a person's sex or their skin color? Are you really that shallow or is that all you got for an argument. Man, as if your constant lying in post after post after post isn't enough, but now you stoop to another level of low. Could you have any less opinion of yourself?

Guy, when it gets right down to it, it's all about racism. The sooner you guys admit that, the sooner you can get help.

I admit it, for the Democrats it's all about racism. They are the victims, they keep racism going and keep it in the fore front because without it, they are dead. Thanks for admitting it.

Sometimes it IS about racism

I agree. For example....isn't Planned Parenthood killing 5X more black babies than white racist?

Isn't Planned Parenthood targeting vulnerable, poor, black women racist?

I think it is. :eusa_shifty:

You are not going to win that one
Mothers decide what to do with their pregnancy. That is what Roe v Wade determined

You turning it racist doesn't prove anything

Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic
Guy, when it gets right down to it, it's all about racism. The sooner you guys admit that, the sooner you can get help.

I admit it, for the Democrats it's all about racism. They are the victims, they keep racism going and keep it in the fore front because without it, they are dead. Thanks for admitting it.

Sometimes it IS about racism

I agree. For example....isn't Planned Parenthood killing 5X more black babies than white racist?

Isn't Planned Parenthood targeting vulnerable, poor, black women racist?

I think it is. :eusa_shifty:

You are not going to win that one
Mothers decide what to do with their pregnancy. That is what Roe v Wade determined

You turning it racist doesn't prove anything

Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic
They defend it because it's all part of the plan...
BlackGenocide.org The Truth About Margaret Sanger
Guy, when it gets right down to it, it's all about racism. The sooner you guys admit that, the sooner you can get help.

I admit it, for the Democrats it's all about racism. They are the victims, they keep racism going and keep it in the fore front because without it, they are dead. Thanks for admitting it.

Sometimes it IS about racism

I agree. For example....isn't Planned Parenthood killing 5X more black babies than white racist?

Isn't Planned Parenthood targeting vulnerable, poor, black women racist?

I think it is. :eusa_shifty:

You are not going to win that one
Mothers decide what to do with their pregnancy. That is what Roe v Wade determined

You turning it racist doesn't prove anything

Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic

What troubles me is the black babies living in poverty. Black babies without fathers. Black children abandoned by inferior schools. Black children ducking bullets in their neighborhood. Black families with no hope of getting meaningful employment

Solve that before you tell a black mother not to abort
I admit it, for the Democrats it's all about racism. They are the victims, they keep racism going and keep it in the fore front because without it, they are dead. Thanks for admitting it.

Sometimes it IS about racism

I agree. For example....isn't Planned Parenthood killing 5X more black babies than white racist?

Isn't Planned Parenthood targeting vulnerable, poor, black women racist?

I think it is. :eusa_shifty:

You are not going to win that one
Mothers decide what to do with their pregnancy. That is what Roe v Wade determined

You turning it racist doesn't prove anything

Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic

What troubles me is the black babies living in poverty. Black babies without fathers. Black children abandoned by inferior schools. Black children ducking bullets in their neighborhood. Black families with no hope of getting meaningful employment

Solve that before you tell a black mother not to abort
Sounds like you are admitting that the Democrats' policies are failing....

Imagine that!!!!!
I admit it, for the Democrats it's all about racism. They are the victims, they keep racism going and keep it in the fore front because without it, they are dead. Thanks for admitting it.

Sometimes it IS about racism

I agree. For example....isn't Planned Parenthood killing 5X more black babies than white racist?

Isn't Planned Parenthood targeting vulnerable, poor, black women racist?

I think it is. :eusa_shifty:

You are not going to win that one
Mothers decide what to do with their pregnancy. That is what Roe v Wade determined

You turning it racist doesn't prove anything

Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic

What troubles me is the black babies living in poverty. Black babies without fathers. Black children abandoned by inferior schools. Black children ducking bullets in their neighborhood. Black families with no hope of getting meaningful employment

Solve that before you tell a black mother not to abort

The reasons for all the above is the Great Society Social Welfare shit that Dims put in 50 years ago. The policy that has cost us trillions....has not reduced poverty at all....and destroyed the black family.

The genocide of black children is a direct result of Democrat policies. My concern about the black abortion rate is that young black women feel so desperate. That means our social policy is a complete failure.
Sometimes it IS about racism

I agree. For example....isn't Planned Parenthood killing 5X more black babies than white racist?

Isn't Planned Parenthood targeting vulnerable, poor, black women racist?

I think it is. :eusa_shifty:

You are not going to win that one
Mothers decide what to do with their pregnancy. That is what Roe v Wade determined

You turning it racist doesn't prove anything

Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic

What troubles me is the black babies living in poverty. Black babies without fathers. Black children abandoned by inferior schools. Black children ducking bullets in their neighborhood. Black families with no hope of getting meaningful employment

Solve that before you tell a black mother not to abort
Sounds like you are admitting that the Democrats' policies are failing....

Imagine that!!!!!

What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Sometimes it IS about racism

I agree. For example....isn't Planned Parenthood killing 5X more black babies than white racist?

Isn't Planned Parenthood targeting vulnerable, poor, black women racist?

I think it is. :eusa_shifty:

You are not going to win that one
Mothers decide what to do with their pregnancy. That is what Roe v Wade determined

You turning it racist doesn't prove anything

Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic

What troubles me is the black babies living in poverty. Black babies without fathers. Black children abandoned by inferior schools. Black children ducking bullets in their neighborhood. Black families with no hope of getting meaningful employment

Solve that before you tell a black mother not to abort

The reasons for all the above is the Great Society Social Welfare shit that Dims put in 50 years ago. The policy that has cost us trillions....has not reduced poverty at all....and destroyed the black family.

The genocide of black children is a direct result of Democrat policies. My concern about the black abortion rate is that young black women feel so desperate. That means our social policy is a complete failure.

The reason for all of the above is the abandoning of urban America by the Capitalists. They used them up and left when they saw they could make more money overseas

Those policies you condemn provide a safety net for those abandoned families. What have Republicans offered ?

You object to the "genocide" of black children?
Then offer those mothers a better alternative. Cutting off programs that will enable her to raise her children will only encourage more abortion
I agree. For example....isn't Planned Parenthood killing 5X more black babies than white racist?

Isn't Planned Parenthood targeting vulnerable, poor, black women racist?

I think it is. :eusa_shifty:

You are not going to win that one
Mothers decide what to do with their pregnancy. That is what Roe v Wade determined

You turning it racist doesn't prove anything

Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic

What troubles me is the black babies living in poverty. Black babies without fathers. Black children abandoned by inferior schools. Black children ducking bullets in their neighborhood. Black families with no hope of getting meaningful employment

Solve that before you tell a black mother not to abort
Sounds like you are admitting that the Democrats' policies are failing....

Imagine that!!!!!

What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Gee, do you know who runs those minority communities???? DEMOCRATS!!!!!

Why are you trying to blame their failures on Republicans???? That's not even logical.
You are not going to win that one
Mothers decide what to do with their pregnancy. That is what Roe v Wade determined

You turning it racist doesn't prove anything

Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic

What troubles me is the black babies living in poverty. Black babies without fathers. Black children abandoned by inferior schools. Black children ducking bullets in their neighborhood. Black families with no hope of getting meaningful employment

Solve that before you tell a black mother not to abort
Sounds like you are admitting that the Democrats' policies are failing....

Imagine that!!!!!

What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Gee, do you know who runs those minority communities???? DEMOCRATS!!!!!

Why are you trying to blame their failures on Republicans???? That's not even logical.

Give a black mother a reason not to abort and the numbers will come down

Why won't you do that
Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic

What troubles me is the black babies living in poverty. Black babies without fathers. Black children abandoned by inferior schools. Black children ducking bullets in their neighborhood. Black families with no hope of getting meaningful employment

Solve that before you tell a black mother not to abort
Sounds like you are admitting that the Democrats' policies are failing....

Imagine that!!!!!

What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Gee, do you know who runs those minority communities???? DEMOCRATS!!!!!

Why are you trying to blame their failures on Republicans???? That's not even logical.

Give a black mother a reason not to abort and the numbers will come down

Why won't you do that
Why do the Democrats keep pushing the same failed policies??? Any needed changes would be much easier if not for their rabid defense and politicizing of the issue. If a policy has been proven to be failing, insisting on more of the same won't fix it.
A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.
And defund everything Obama funded. There was a time when Ameicans aimed high....now it's aim as low as you can from the GOP.

is there any special reason you revived this DEAD topic, other than your side is losing in everyones mind and opinions ??

now it's aim as low as you can from the demoscum, your only candidate is going to prison, you all better find another jackass to ride the trail to doom !!

Thanks for yet another reason to laugh at you. There will be an election in 15 months likely between Hillary Clinton and one of the boobs on the tube last night. I brought up my own topic to show that nothing that was on that stage last night makes me wonder if Hillary will win. She can torpedo herself at any moment but there is no better choice in the GOP field; that much was made clear last evening.

If you don't like the thread, too bad.
Though Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky will NOT be the Democrat Party presidential nominee (too old, too female, too white, too dynastic), she WILL be nominated for The Supreme Court (she WAS a lawyer once before events caught up with her) by the next liberal president. That might be Jeb Bush should Republicans decide to slit their own wrists and choose to lose but win by accident.
Hillary is going to lose. She still won’t say where she’d peg the minimum wage or if she’d ever rein in the surveillance state or get us out of Iraq. Most amazing is how she finesses the Trans Pacific Partnership that President Obama so covets.
What happen to the Big Tent of the postwar Republican Party? (I'm thinking of the 50s-70s)

What happened to the party that gave us great centrists: Eisenhower, Nixon and Rockefeller?

The Republican Party of my youth had solid ideas, but now they are scaremongering around the culture war. They force their candidates to say absurd things about gays and Iran and Mexicans and Hollywood. They have created a message-machine which conditions them to be so angry at government and anyone who has different ideas. The old Republican Party was willing to compromise and share power with the Left, but today's Republican Party is at war with everyone who disagrees with them. They have become Leninists, who fabricate news stories in order to win a holy war of their own making.

I voted for Bush 41, but I could never imagine voting for a Republican that was selected by such a radical far Right primary process. Most of my moderate, centrist friends feel the same way. We like the idea of providing tax incentives to suppliers, and we like the idea of creating regulations that help businesses remain competitive - but we don't want to vote for a party that conditions its voters to hate half the country.
Last edited:
A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Very true

Hillary will get to select two young liberal leaning justices. It will set the court to the left for a generation
Doesn't it trouble you that 5X more black babies are aborted per capita than white babies?

Don't you have a conscience? How can anyone defend that?

Abortion s Racial Gap - The Atlantic

What troubles me is the black babies living in poverty. Black babies without fathers. Black children abandoned by inferior schools. Black children ducking bullets in their neighborhood. Black families with no hope of getting meaningful employment

Solve that before you tell a black mother not to abort
Sounds like you are admitting that the Democrats' policies are failing....

Imagine that!!!!!

What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Gee, do you know who runs those minority communities???? DEMOCRATS!!!!!

Why are you trying to blame their failures on Republicans???? That's not even logical.

Give a black mother a reason not to abort and the numbers will come down

Why won't you do that
Face it, with the Democrats' policy of fiercely defending welfare (which has actually contributed to the breakup of black families and an increase in poverty), it's obvious the Democrats need to change their attitudes and admit reform is seriously needed. Yet the Democrats fight reform tooth and nail, and then leave black women in the position of having to abort their children in order to survive (by your own admission)....

Can you explain why that makes sense???
A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Very true

Hillary will get to select two young liberal leaning justices. It will set the court to the left for a generation
Hillary will need to stay out of prison long enough to get elected first. And even if she manages to dodge criminal charges, her poll numbers are dropping like a rock...

Would you settle for two young conservative justices????
A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Very true

Hillary will get to select two young liberal leaning justices. It will set the court to the left for a generation
Hillary will need to stay out of prison long enough to get elected first. And even if she manages to dodge criminal charges, her poll numbers are dropping like a rock...

Would you settle for two young conservative justices????

We won't have to. Hillary will never see the inside of a prison; she will win the nomination and she will do very well against whomever the GOP decides upon. I think she will win. A lot can happen between A and B but prison and some sort of Bernie Sanders insurgency aren't going to.

You guys just keep spinning this crap and I"m going to be quite happy bringing it back up again and again when none of it comes true.

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