Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Very true

Hillary will get to select two young liberal leaning justices. It will set the court to the left for a generation
Hillary will need to stay out of prison long enough to get elected first. And even if she manages to dodge criminal charges, her poll numbers are dropping like a rock...

Would you settle for two young conservative justices????

We won't have to. Hillary will never see the inside of a prison; she will win the nomination and she will do very well against whomever the GOP decides upon. I think she will win. A lot can happen between A and B but prison and some sort of Bernie Sanders insurgency aren't going to.

You guys just keep spinning this crap and I"m going to be quite happy bringing it back up again and again when none of it comes true.

yeah...you see that is the problem with you and a minimum 75% of the people who root for Hillary. They want her to win because the alternative is a GOP win. That's it.
More statistical crap pulled out of your anus. At the same time, I don't doubt that a large amount of people who vote democratic do so because the GOP is a party of hate and division.

As I said, all partisan sh*t aside - a Hillary win will be equally crushingly bad as Obama for anyone making less than seven figures...PERIOD. No discussion.
Based on absolutely nothing factual that was presented.

The top 7% have enjoyed a record 33% increase in their incomes under Obama, while the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have suffered a 5% DECLINE.
There has been no recovery. Except for the uber-wealthy - they are doing fantastic. And Hillary will represent them equally well.
Not you.
The rich did very well under a succession of Presidents. That fact is not unique to Obama or is anything new on the landscape.

Persons 401ks are doing well, their investments are doing well, the 5 years of peace and stability have let the markets loosen up some. Unemployment is down.

Much more to be done. Hillary is the POTUS to do it.
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race
When Jim Webb stands next to her on stage he might rattle her. But Democrats are soooooo far left that only Sanders can fight her the socialist heart and soul of the party.
Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Very true

Hillary will get to select two young liberal leaning justices. It will set the court to the left for a generation
Hillary will need to stay out of prison long enough to get elected first. And even if she manages to dodge criminal charges, her poll numbers are dropping like a rock...

Would you settle for two young conservative justices????

We won't have to. Hillary will never see the inside of a prison; she will win the nomination and she will do very well against whomever the GOP decides upon. I think she will win. A lot can happen between A and B but prison and some sort of Bernie Sanders insurgency aren't going to.

You guys just keep spinning this crap and I"m going to be quite happy bringing it back up again and again when none of it comes true.

yeah...you see that is the problem with you and a minimum 75% of the people who root for Hillary. They want her to win because the alternative is a GOP win. That's it.
More statistical crap pulled out of your anus. At the same time, I don't doubt that a large amount of people who vote democratic do so because the GOP is a party of hate and division.

As I said, all partisan sh*t aside - a Hillary win will be equally crushingly bad as Obama for anyone making less than seven figures...PERIOD. No discussion.
Based on absolutely nothing factual that was presented.

The top 7% have enjoyed a record 33% increase in their incomes under Obama, while the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have suffered a 5% DECLINE.
There has been no recovery. Except for the uber-wealthy - they are doing fantastic. And Hillary will represent them equally well.
Not you.
The rich did very well under a succession of Presidents. That fact is not unique to Obama or is anything new on the landscape.

Persons 401ks are doing well, their investments are doing well, the 5 years of peace and stability have let the markets loosen up some. Unemployment is down.

Much more to be done. Hillary is the POTUS to do it.
Sounds like you are admitting that the Democrats' policies are failing....

Imagine that!!!!!

What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Gee, do you know who runs those minority communities???? DEMOCRATS!!!!!

Why are you trying to blame their failures on Republicans???? That's not even logical.

Give a black mother a reason not to abort and the numbers will come down

Why won't you do that
Face it, with the Democrats' policy of fiercely defending welfare (which has actually contributed to the breakup of black families and an increase in poverty), it's obvious the Democrats need to change their attitudes and admit reform is seriously needed. Yet the Democrats fight reform tooth and nail, and then leave black women in the position of having to abort their children in order to survive (by your own admission)....

Can you explain why that makes sense???

I'll tell you what

Have Republicans bring real jobs that pay a living wage into those communities and we won't have to worry about welfare.

Women also abort babies because they are afraid they will lose their jobs. You ready to support those women too?

Give women alternatives to abortion and then you can whine about the numbers
Women abort babies to keep from losing their jobs???? Firing someone for being pregnant is ILLEGAL!!!!! As a matter of fact, employers are required to give women maternity leave, too!!!

Are you saying Obozo isn't enforcing laws meant to protect those poor black women??? And the Democrats are letting him do it????

Damn, I didn't know Democrats' hatred of blacks and women ran that deep!!!!!
What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Gee, do you know who runs those minority communities???? DEMOCRATS!!!!!

Why are you trying to blame their failures on Republicans???? That's not even logical.

Give a black mother a reason not to abort and the numbers will come down

Why won't you do that
Face it, with the Democrats' policy of fiercely defending welfare (which has actually contributed to the breakup of black families and an increase in poverty), it's obvious the Democrats need to change their attitudes and admit reform is seriously needed. Yet the Democrats fight reform tooth and nail, and then leave black women in the position of having to abort their children in order to survive (by your own admission)....

Can you explain why that makes sense???

I'll tell you what

Have Republicans bring real jobs that pay a living wage into those communities and we won't have to worry about welfare.

Women also abort babies because they are afraid they will lose their jobs. You ready to support those women too?

Give women alternatives to abortion and then you can whine about the numbers
Women abort babies to keep from losing their jobs???? Firing someone for being pregnant is ILLEGAL!!!!! As a matter of fact, employers are required to give women maternity leave, too!!!

Are you saying Obozo isn't enforcing laws meant to protect those poor black women??? And the Democrats are letting him do it????

Damn, I didn't know Democrats' hatred of blacks and women ran that deep!!!!!

The most common subreason given was that the woman
could not afford a baby now because she was unmarried
(42%). Thirty-eight percent indicated that having a baby
would interfere with their education, and the same proportion

said it would interfere with their employment. I
a related vein, 34% said they could not afford a child because
they were students or were planning to study.

Is Hillary Clinton fading in 2016? Sort of. - Democratic ...
Is Hillary Clinton fading in 2016 Sort of. - Democratic Underground
Democratic Underground
Apr 9, 2015 - 9 posts - ‎7 authors
Quinnipiac University put out a new poll Thursday that tracks Hillary Clinton's performance against the panoply of possible Republican ...

The same noise was brought up in 2012 for Obama (probably by you and your old user name). How'd that work out for you? Here's a reminder.

Is Hillary Clinton fading in 2016? Sort of. - Democratic ...
Is Hillary Clinton fading in 2016 Sort of. - Democratic Underground
Democratic Underground
Apr 9, 2015 - 9 posts - ‎7 authors
Quinnipiac University put out a new poll Thursday that tracks Hillary Clinton's performance against the panoply of possible Republican ...

The same noise was brought up in 2012 for Obama (probably by you and your old user name). How'd that work out for you? Here's a reminder.

Was Obozo the subject of a criminal investigation???
It's so funny when a sock puppet writes of "old user names"!

Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky will have to find it in herself to remember to go to the Democrat Party convention to see how quickly she gets thrown under the bus. Nomination? Surrrrrre....and whatever in Hell yer smokin' please remember to share.
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

Candy...your young...don't start believing the bullshit. Think for yourself after finding what makes it all go round and Candy...she, or any of the above, are not going to do anything but cater to corporate America.
Candy,...check out Chris Hedges on youtube. Why aren't you going to vote for Bernie Sanders?
Half the Left doesn't even want Hillary but all an idiot like candytard can do is look around for a republican to spew hatred at. how typical
We are in trouble no matter who get in except for maybe Bernie. He is the only candidate in a looooong time that wants to do for the good of our Country and not for only the wealthy.
and she's not a tard any more than you are for your fucked up beliefs and she's young and has time to learn if she ,or anyone else, wants to
Is Hillary Clinton fading in 2016? Sort of. - Democratic ...
Is Hillary Clinton fading in 2016 Sort of. - Democratic Underground
Democratic Underground
Apr 9, 2015 - 9 posts - ‎7 authors
Quinnipiac University put out a new poll Thursday that tracks Hillary Clinton's performance against the panoply of possible Republican ...

The same noise was brought up in 2012 for Obama (probably by you and your old user name). How'd that work out for you? Here's a reminder.

Was Obozo the subject of a criminal investigation???
Hillary will in by a wider margin

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