Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

I admit it, for the Democrats it's all about racism. They are the victims, they keep racism going and keep it in the fore front because without it, they are dead. Thanks for admitting it.

The fact you guys all lost your shit when Obama got elected is proof of racism.

In fact, the only comparable example I've seen in my 53 years is when white people in Chicago lost their shit when Harold Washington was elected mayor.

I don't care what freakin color a person is, if I disagree with their policies I will say so. It's called freedom of speech. Of course the left wouldn't speak out against Obama because he is black.

QFT. The Prog-Left-Dems have turned everything in the country into a Racial Issue.
Given Hillary's most recent Top Secret email revelations (contradicting earlier assertions), and the related FBI investigation...

And given Bernie Sanders' amazing surge in the polls...

And given broadly-publicized multiple polls related to Hillary's trustworthiness, in which she falls miserably short of the confidence of the American People...

It seems likely that she is in for one helluva more difficult and uphill battle to obtain the nomination than earlier believed...


We don't need another Clinton any more than we need another Bush...

Enough of Political Family Dynasties already...

Time for some fresh blood and fresh faces and fresh ideas...

Time for somebody else to get a turn...

To be quite honest, if the FBI backs-up the assertion that Hillary communicated Top Secret emails through her personal server, and then lied about it...

I would not be surprised in the slightest to see Obumble throw her under the bus, and endorse Bernie or even Joe...

The two never liked each other, anyway, and the vast majority of Black Americans will take their cue from Obumble, and vote the way he recommends...

Hillary is in trouble...

Well, she just might win the nomination (just depends on how stupid Dems. really are) but at this point even that's starting to look like a long shot.
Bernie Sanders for president, sick of these lying corporate airbags. Hell, I'll take Trump over Hillary. Hillary is a joke, you think the GOP limited their debtes? Hillary is trying her damndest to avoid being on a stage with Bernie like its the plague, Democratic debate schedule is a joke
Bernie Sanders for president, sick of these lying corporate airbags. Hell, I'll take Trump over Hillary. Hillary is a joke, you think the GOP limited their debtes? Hillary is trying her damndest to avoid being on a stage with Bernie like its the plague, Democratic debate schedule is a joke
Given my Centrist makeup, I think, in all fairness, that I'm going to have to take a closer look at Sanders.

I hear a lot about him being a Flaming Socialist.

On the Republican side, I like what I'm seeing with both Kasich and Carson...

So long as they choose The Donald for Deputy Assistant Secretary for Controlling and Remedying Illegal Immigration.
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Bernie Sanders for president, sick of these lying corporate airbags. Hell, I'll take Trump over Hillary. Hillary is a joke, you think the GOP limited their debtes? Hillary is trying her damndest to avoid being on a stage with Bernie like its the plague, Democratic debate schedule is a joke
Given my Centrist makeup, I think, in all fairness, that I'm going to have to take a closer look at Sanders.

I hear a lot about him being a Flaming Socialist.

On the Republican side, I like what I'm seeing with both Kasich and Carson...

So long as they choose The Donald for Deputy Assistance Secretary for Controlling and Remedying Illegal Immigration.
Watch a few of his speeches, check out his record and listen to his platform, he fully admits to being a Democratic socialist, but he also explains what that means. His record reflects his position, he's been saying the same thing for 30 years. He's not taking super PAC or corporate money and he's willing to say things not everyone likes, he doesn't doge questions or have to backtrack his positions on things in the past like Hillary or half the GOP candidates. I could continue, but I would just say, check him out.
A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Very true

Hillary will get to select two young liberal leaning justices. It will set the court to the left for a generation
Hillary will need to stay out of prison long enough to get elected first. And even if she manages to dodge criminal charges, her poll numbers are dropping like a rock...

Would you settle for two young conservative justices????

We won't have to. Hillary will never see the inside of a prison; she will win the nomination and she will do very well against whomever the GOP decides upon. I think she will win. A lot can happen between A and B but prison and some sort of Bernie Sanders insurgency aren't going to.

You guys just keep spinning this crap and I"m going to be quite happy bringing it back up again and again when none of it comes true.
Yepp. Kind of like the Ebola thing.

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Well, she just might win the nomination (just depends on how stupid Dems. really are) but at this point even that's starting to look like a long shot.

What do you base that on? Every poll shows her handily beating any Republican who goes up against her, and that's before we get a serious look at these guys.

Here's the thing. Hilary's been around long enough where everyone has more or less made up their minds about her.

But Jeb and Walker and Rubio haven't really gotten scrutiny yet.

Okay, one more time for you slow people. How does (Fill in the Blank) get people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016?

I'm just not seeing it.

Keep in mind, I do see people who voted for Romney in 2012 voting for Hillary in 2016. White women who couldn't bring themselves to vote for Obama might very well want to vote for Hillary because it's time for a woman.

But what I don't see is you guys winning when your front runner is calling Mexicans "rapists" and is talking about women being 'pigs' and "bleeding out of their wherever".
Well, she just might win the nomination (just depends on how stupid Dems. really are) but at this point even that's starting to look like a long shot.

What do you base that on? Every poll shows her handily beating any Republican who goes up against her, and that's before we get a serious look at these guys.

Here's the thing. Hilary's been around long enough where everyone has more or less made up their minds about her.

But Jeb and Walker and Rubio haven't really gotten scrutiny yet.

Okay, one more time for you slow people. How does (Fill in the Blank) get people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016?

I'm just not seeing it.

Keep in mind, I do see people who voted for Romney in 2012 voting for Hillary in 2016. White women who couldn't bring themselves to vote for Obama might very well want to vote for Hillary because it's time for a woman.

But what I don't see is you guys winning when your front runner is calling Mexicans "rapists" and is talking about women being 'pigs' and "bleeding out of their wherever".
Hillary is, indeed, a Known Commodity... one of the Old Guard... part of Business-as-Usual.

It's just that America is showing VERY strong signs during the earliest months of the 2016 campaign, of being goddamned sick-and-tired of Business-as-Usual, and the Old Guard, and is now easily attracted to Outsiders.

Whether that lasts or not is anybody's guess, but, I wouldn't count-on Hillary's being a Known Commodity too heavily, in conjuring-up Wishes-and-Fishes about the Winner.
Well, she just might win the nomination (just depends on how stupid Dems. really are) but at this point even that's starting to look like a long shot.

What do you base that on? Every poll shows her handily beating any Republican who goes up against her, and that's before we get a serious look at these guys.

Here's the thing. Hilary's been around long enough where everyone has more or less made up their minds about her.

But Jeb and Walker and Rubio haven't really gotten scrutiny yet.

Okay, one more time for you slow people. How does (Fill in the Blank) get people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016?

I'm just not seeing it.

Keep in mind, I do see people who voted for Romney in 2012 voting for Hillary in 2016. White women who couldn't bring themselves to vote for Obama might very well want to vote for Hillary because it's time for a woman.

But what I don't see is you guys winning when your front runner is calling Mexicans "rapists" and is talking about women being 'pigs' and "bleeding out of their wherever".
Hillary is, indeed, a Known Commodity... one of the Old Guard... part of Business-as-Usual.

It's just that America is showing VERY strong signs during the earliest months of the 2016 campaign, of being goddamned sick-and-tired of Business-as-Usual, and the Old Guard, and is now easily attracted to Outsiders.

Whether that lasts or not is anybody's guess, but, I wouldn't count-on Hillary's being a Known Commodity too heavily, in conjuring-up Wishes-and-Fishes about the Winner.

You do have a point

Hillary has been on the scene for over 20 years and America is tired of her

Republicans need a charismatic new age Republican offering vision of a new Republican Party. Offering up Ronald Reagan will not do it
Well, she just might win the nomination (just depends on how stupid Dems. really are) but at this point even that's starting to look like a long shot.

What do you base that on? Every poll shows her handily beating any Republican who goes up against her, and that's before we get a serious look at these guys.

Here's the thing. Hilary's been around long enough where everyone has more or less made up their minds about her.

But Jeb and Walker and Rubio haven't really gotten scrutiny yet.

Okay, one more time for you slow people. How does (Fill in the Blank) get people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016?

I'm just not seeing it.

Keep in mind, I do see people who voted for Romney in 2012 voting for Hillary in 2016. White women who couldn't bring themselves to vote for Obama might very well want to vote for Hillary because it's time for a woman.

But what I don't see is you guys winning when your front runner is calling Mexicans "rapists" and is talking about women being 'pigs' and "bleeding out of their wherever".

Cogent analysis as always.
I'll add to it a bit. The GOP has all but kissed the women's vote goodbye. Their front runner is abysmal in the area. Their party platform is anti woman. And their "rising star" Mark Rubio was quoted with the following concerning Justice Sotomayor

Rubio said he opposed her nomination because of her case history and testimony on "the so-called right to privacy" that resulted in the Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision and a concern that she "would bring an activist approach" to the court.

Women who may or may not have personally had an abortion often are sympathetic to those who decide to go that route due to personal hardships, financial inability to raise a child, or simple immaturity.

Hispanics are not being well served by the GOP whose front runner and others wish to construct a wall, penalize a lot of folks who are just here to work jobs that they can get, and never hurt anyone.

I support the wall but the politics of the thing is that the GOP needs every vote it can get and it's losing politics for therm.
Well, she just might win the nomination (just depends on how stupid Dems. really are) but at this point even that's starting to look like a long shot.

What do you base that on? Every poll shows her handily beating any Republican who goes up against her, and that's before we get a serious look at these guys.

Here's the thing. Hilary's been around long enough where everyone has more or less made up their minds about her.

But Jeb and Walker and Rubio haven't really gotten scrutiny yet.

Okay, one more time for you slow people. How does (Fill in the Blank) get people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016?

I'm just not seeing it.

Keep in mind, I do see people who voted for Romney in 2012 voting for Hillary in 2016. White women who couldn't bring themselves to vote for Obama might very well want to vote for Hillary because it's time for a woman.

But what I don't see is you guys winning when your front runner is calling Mexicans "rapists" and is talking about women being 'pigs' and "bleeding out of their wherever".
Hillary is, indeed, a Known Commodity... one of the Old Guard... part of Business-as-Usual.

It's just that America is showing VERY strong signs during the earliest months of the 2016 campaign, of being goddamned sick-and-tired of Business-as-Usual, and the Old Guard, and is now easily attracted to Outsiders.

Whether that lasts or not is anybody's guess, but, I wouldn't count-on Hillary's being a Known Commodity too heavily, in conjuring-up Wishes-and-Fishes about the Winner.

96% of incumbents won in 2014.
There didn't seem to be much anger about the "old guard" then.

Congress has 11 approval ratings but 96 incumbent reelection rate meme says PolitiFact
...96% of incumbents won in 2014. There didn't seem to be much anger about the "old guard" then. Congress has 11 approval ratings but 96 incumbent reelection rate meme says PolitiFact
There was also no sign of a credible Populist uprising in 2014.

There is now.

And by that, I mean, vast numbers of Voters, registering their disgust, both explicitly and implicitly, and skewing the polls in that direction.

You talk about a year ago.

You and I both know that the American People can turn on a dime - they can turn in a heartbeat.

In some respects - and in keeping with the political climate that we have all grown up with in the past few decades - a year isn't very long.

But - in the context of a newly-attended Populist Big Mouth who triggered such reactions only within the past month or two - a year is a lifetime ago.

I wouldn't lean too heavily on Last Year's Understandings, either, just yet, until we see where this Big Mouth Players business is going to take us.
Can Hellary be President from a jail cell? Hellary is indeed a known and loathed commodity whose crimes and/or incompetency is primed to fall of her like a ton of bricks. She is an old and ugly version of the classic "dumb blond". She had her shot and she blew it (with a little help from Monica).
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

Clinton will win the nomination--but what is going with the GOP is astounding. The soon to be pack leaders are NOT former or current politicians. Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson. People are paying attention to what they're saying, because when they say something they actually mean it. They don't dish out the political double-speak.

We have the rest of the political pack losing ground quickly to the non-political, and they're stunned by it.

Carly Fiorina is surging right now, she is all over the news, and in interviews. She handles these reporters and journalists like their putty in her hands. Nothing gets past her. She is intelligent & articulate,something I haven't seen come out of any candidate, and she's NOT a politician!

Here is a recent CBS interview: Carly Fiorina on abortion, planned parenthood, Clinton's emails, immigration.
You have got to see this: This woman is incredible.
<embed src="http://www.cbsnews.com/common/video/cbsnews_video.swf" scale="noscale" salign="lt" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" background="#000000" width="620" height="387" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" FlashVars="pType=embed&si=254&pid=PaD4dOEpmRjh&uuid=90b07d40-b095-4ca8-b589-fbea2daced91&url=Carly Fiorina slams Hillary Clinton Donald Trump - Videos - CBS News" /><div class='cbs-resources'><span class='cbs-more'>View More: </span><a href='Politics News Headlines and Video - CBS News class='cbs-link'>Politics News</a><span class='cbs-pipe'>|</span><a href='CBSN - Live Streaming Video News Channel - CBS News class='cbs-link'>Live News</a><span class='cbs-pipe'>|</span><a href='Featured Videos - CBS News class='cbs-link'>More News Videos</a></div><style type='text/css'>.cbs-link {color:#4B5054;text-decoration:none; font: normal 12px Arial;}.cbs-link:hover {color:#A7COFF;text-decoration:none; font: normal 12px Arial;}.cbs-pipe {color:#303435;padding: 0 2px;}.cbs-resources {height:24px; background-color:#000; padding: 0 0 0 8px; width: 612px;}.cbs-more {font: normal 12px Arial; color: #4B5054; padding-right:2px;}</style>

I hope Bernie and Trump both win their primaries, these other candidates are career bribe takers and they should be in prison, to hell with the e-mails, why do we even THINK of electing a president who lines their pockets with hundreds of millions dollars, and act like they want to serve us. It's an insult to the collective American intelligence at large and I hope we call this bullshit as we see it.

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