Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

...96% of incumbents won in 2014. There didn't seem to be much anger about the "old guard" then. Congress has 11 approval ratings but 96 incumbent reelection rate meme says PolitiFact

You and I both know that the American People can turn on a dime - they can turn in a heartbeat.
Dear Kondor,

You're right, the American People love new things.


The metric system
The previous 30 congressional elections which had the same basic results
John McCain who finished 2nd to bush
Mitt Romney who finished 2nd to McCain
Fine... don't believe me about the ability of the American People to turn on a dime, when presented with evidence of wrongdoing.

Oh they can turn. I don't doubt that. But it would take something extra ordinary to do it thought. E-mails aren't going to do it; it would be hilarious if not for the Ben-Gotcha fiasco the GOP has orchestrated.
Can Hellary be President from a jail cell? Hellary is indeed a known and loathed commodity whose crimes and/or incompetency is primed to fall of her like a ton of bricks. She is an old and ugly version of the classic "dumb blond". She had her shot and she blew it (with a little help from Monica).

They didn't throw Petreaus in jail, they didn't throw Jeb Bush in jail for releasing thousands of social security numbers on his e-mail dump.

Guy, you fools on the flying monkey right have been waiting 23 years for Hillary's "Crimes" to fall on her.

Travelgate, FIleGate, Rose Law records, Vince Foster's Suicide, Benghazi, etc. etc., etc.

The more you pick on her, the more sympathetic she becomes, really. Maybe you should take the oppossite approach of instead of telling us why we should vote AGAINST her, why we should vote FOR one of your guys.
Can Hellary be President from a jail cell? Hellary is indeed a known and loathed commodity whose crimes and/or incompetency is primed to fall of her like a ton of bricks. She is an old and ugly version of the classic "dumb blond". She had her shot and she blew it (with a little help from Monica).

They didn't throw Petreaus in jail, they didn't throw Jeb Bush in jail for releasing thousands of social security numbers on his e-mail dump.

Guy, you fools on the flying monkey right have been waiting 23 years for Hillary's "Crimes" to fall on her.

Travelgate, FIleGate, Rose Law records, Vince Foster's Suicide, Benghazi, etc. etc., etc.

The more you pick on her, the more sympathetic she becomes, really. Maybe you should take the oppossite approach of instead of telling us why we should vote AGAINST her, why we should vote FOR one of your guys.

Oh no, I very much hope she gets nominated because there is no way in Hell she will be elected in a non-fixed election.
Oh no, I very much hope she gets nominated because there is no way in Hell she will be elected in a non-fixed election.

And I ask you again, what do you base that on?

now, assuming you aren't a nut who thinks that 2008 and 2012 were "fixed" (they weren't), where do you think these extra votes are going to come from?

What groups that voted for Obama in 2012 - let's just limit our discussion to 2012 for the moment - do you think are going to vote for the empty suit the GOP puts up against Hillary?

Hispanics? Not with you guys one upping each other on "how do we mistreat Mexicans coming over the border".

Obama won them 71-29%. Maybe Rubio could do better with them, but that guy is sinking right now.

Women? With you guys having Bush saying we spend too much on women's health care and Trump talking about "pigs", "bimbos" and "Bleeding out of their wherever", I'm just not seeing women fleeing over to your side when they have the opportunity to put the first woman in the White House.
Methinks the Trumpdavidians are going to be the Mondalians of the 21st century.
You're probably right, but The Donald is forcing the rest of The Herd to talk straighter and to use less PC Wussbag verbiage and to pretend like they've got balls for once.

Translation: It's great fun to watch the rest of the pack squirm, so The Donald does good service, while he lasts.
Can Hellary be President from a jail cell? Hellary is indeed a known and loathed commodity whose crimes and/or incompetency is primed to fall of her like a ton of bricks. She is an old and ugly version of the classic "dumb blond". She had her shot and she blew it (with a little help from Monica).

They didn't throw Petreaus in jail, they didn't throw Jeb Bush in jail for releasing thousands of social security numbers on his e-mail dump.

Guy, you fools on the flying monkey right have been waiting 23 years for Hillary's "Crimes" to fall on her.

Travelgate, FIleGate, Rose Law records, Vince Foster's Suicide, Benghazi, etc. etc., etc.

The more you pick on her, the more sympathetic she becomes, really. Maybe you should take the oppossite approach of instead of telling us why we should vote AGAINST her, why we should vote FOR one of your guys.

Oh no, I very much hope she gets nominated because there is no way in Hell she will be elected in a non-fixed election.

Non-fixed. Its amazing...every other election, the democrats mystically, magically, find a way to fix an election. Why didn't they fix the midterm if they could possibly pull off such a thing? Humm?
Non-fixed. Its amazing...every other election, the democrats mystically, magically, find a way to fix an election. Why didn't they fix the midterm if they could possibly pull off such a thing? Humm?

Their best just wasn't good enough. Had they NOT tried their damndest then what was a simple landslide might well have become a Fergusonesque (or Baltimoresque?) bloodbath.
Non-fixed. Its amazing...every other election, the democrats mystically, magically, find a way to fix an election. Why didn't they fix the midterm if they could possibly pull off such a thing? Humm?

Their best just wasn't good enough. Had they NOT tried their damndest then what was a simple landslide might well have become a Fergusonesque (or Baltimoresque?) bloodbath.

Continue with the English lessons Slingblade...someday you may craft a readable sentence.
I don't think the GOP needs to win voters since Obama seems so determined to alienate so many of the ones that voted for him.
After 7 yrs. Obama care continues to be an unmitigated disaster, looting and rioting seem to be acceptable to the present government while the Flag, the military, police and veterans are disrespected while criminals are honored and pandered to. Never have so many been embarrassed to have such a commander-in-chief for an alleged leader. He has turned the clock back on race relations 50 yrs. The economy continues to suck. We are further in debt. The job situation hasn't improved measurably. His (lack of) foreign policy has left the Country looking like a joke to the rest of the world. His wife, who nobody voted for, wants to get paid to do a job she wasn't hired to do and is totally incompetent for, all the while disrespecting flag and Country. And Hispanics who immigrated and because citizens legally have the same problems with illegal aliens as other citizens.

Hispanics? Not with you guys one upping each other on "how do we mistreat Mexicans coming over the border"
You are aware that illegal aliens can't legally vote in US elections. Aren't you?
But thanks for the example of why some folks suspect foul play. Would there be such resistance to voter ID if that were not the goal? I don't think so.
I don't think the GOP needs to win voters since Obama seems so determined to alienate so many of the ones that voted for him.
After 7 yrs. Obama care continues to be an unmitigated disaster, looting and rioting seem to be acceptable to the present government while the Flag, the military, police and veterans are disrespected while criminals are honored and pandered to. Never have so many been embarrassed to have such a commander-in-chief for an alleged leader. He has turned the clock back on race relations 50 yrs. The economy continues to suck. We are further in debt. The job situation hasn't improved measurably. His (lack of) foreign policy has left the Country looking like a joke to the rest of the world. His wife, who nobody voted for, wants to get paid to do a job she wasn't hired to do and is totally incompetent for, all the while disrespecting flag and Country. And Hispanics who immigrated and because citizens legally have the same problems with illegal aliens as other citizens.

Hispanics? Not with you guys one upping each other on "how do we mistreat Mexicans coming over the border"
You are aware that illegal aliens can't legally vote in US elections. Aren't you?
But thanks for the example of why some folks suspect foul play. Would there be such resistance to voter ID if that were not the goal? I don't think so.

I don't think the GOP needs to win voters since Obama seems so determined to alienate so many of the ones that voted for him.

Really? Who? I'm sorry, I haven''t heard ONE PERSON on this board or anywhere where else tell me, "I voted for Obama in 2012, but man, what a mistake that was." If the 22nd Amendment didn't keep him from running again, he'd win easily.

After 7 yrs. Obama care continues to be an unmitigated disaster, looting and rioting seem to be acceptable to the present government while the Flag, the military, police and veterans are disrespected while criminals are honored and pandered to. Never have so many been embarrassed to have such a commander-in-chief for an alleged leader. He has turned the clock back on race relations 50 yrs.

again, this sound like the litany of Right Wing Whining... Not really an argument. You do get what is turning back the clock on race relations is black folks being shot by police for no good reason, right? You do get where that is a valid complaint, right?

The economy continues to suck. We are further in debt. The job situation hasn't improved measurably. His (lack of) foreign policy has left the Country looking like a joke to the rest of the world. His wife, who nobody voted for, wants to get paid to do a job she wasn't hired to do and is totally incompetent for, all the while disrespecting flag and Country. And Hispanics who immigrated and because citizens legally have the same problems with illegal aliens as other citizens.

The economy is actually a lot better than it was in 2009, guy. Is it where it should be? No. But the GOP has to convince us that after they drove it intothe ditch to start with, they have an idea how to make it better. "Tax cuts for rich people" doesn't sell anymore.

You are aware that illegal aliens can't legally vote in US elections. Aren't you?
But thanks for the example of why some folks suspect foul play. Would there be such resistance to voter ID if that were not the goal? I don't think so.

I think you make the mistake of thinking Hispanics make these kinds of distinctions. Those "illegals" are their friends, their neighbors and in some cases, their lovers. I know a lady who is a citizen, but her boyfriend was undocumented, and got deported, leaving her with their 2 year old son to raise by herself. You think she's keen on voting Republican? Nope.

Here's the thing. George W. Bush worked for immigration reform and outreach to Hispanic. He still lost the Hispanic Vote, 56-44, but he did well enough. That Piece of Shit Mormon you guys nominated last time talked smack about "Self-deportations" and shit, and he lost Hispanics 70-29.

Now you've got Trump calling them rapists, and no one dares tell him to STFU. Hispanics are going to remember that.
I don't think the GOP needs to win voters since Obama seems so determined to alienate so many of the ones that voted for him.

Really? Who? I'm sorry, I haven''t heard ONE PERSON on this board or anywhere where else tell me, "I voted for Obama in 2012, but man, what a mistake that was." If the 22nd Amendment didn't keep him from running again, he'd win easily.

After 7 yrs. Obama care continues to be an unmitigated disaster, looting and rioting seem to be acceptable to the present government while the Flag, the military, police and veterans are disrespected while criminals are honored and pandered to. Never have so many been embarrassed to have such a commander-in-chief for an alleged leader. He has turned the clock back on race relations 50 yrs.

again, this sound like the litany of Right Wing Whining... Not really an argument. You do get what is turning back the clock on race relations is black folks being shot by police for no good reason, right? You do get where that is a valid complaint, right?

The economy continues to suck. We are further in debt. The job situation hasn't improved measurably. His (lack of) foreign policy has left the Country looking like a joke to the rest of the world. His wife, who nobody voted for, wants to get paid to do a job she wasn't hired to do and is totally incompetent for, all the while disrespecting flag and Country. And Hispanics who immigrated and because citizens legally have the same problems with illegal aliens as other citizens.

The economy is actually a lot better than it was in 2009, guy. Is it where it should be? No. But the GOP has to convince us that after they drove it intothe ditch to start with, they have an idea how to make it better. "Tax cuts for rich people" doesn't sell anymore.

You are aware that illegal aliens can't legally vote in US elections. Aren't you?
But thanks for the example of why some folks suspect foul play. Would there be such resistance to voter ID if that were not the goal? I don't think so.

I think you make the mistake of thinking Hispanics make these kinds of distinctions. Those "illegals" are their friends, their neighbors and in some cases, their lovers. I know a lady who is a citizen, but her boyfriend was undocumented, and got deported, leaving her with their 2 year old son to raise by herself. You think she's keen on voting Republican? Nope.

Here's the thing. George W. Bush worked for immigration reform and outreach to Hispanic. He still lost the Hispanic Vote, 56-44, but he did well enough. That Piece of Shit Mormon you guys nominated last time talked smack about "Self-deportations" and shit, and he lost Hispanics 70-29.

Now you've got Trump calling them rapists, and no one dares tell him to STFU. Hispanics are going to remember that.
These dumb rightwing bastards don't get it, but I'm LOVING it!

I can't WAIT for November 2016.

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"again, this sound like the litany of Right Wing Whining... Not really an argument. You do get what is turning back the clock on race relations is black folks being shot by police for no good reason, right? You do get where that is a valid complaint, right?"

It would be a valid complaint only if were true. Unfortunately most of it has been well proven to be just a bullshit excuse to loot and riot and to kill and maim white people for being white. Not the best way to win friends and influence people. White people don't like being killed any better than black folks.

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