Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

I think you make the mistake of thinking Hispanics make these kinds of distinctions. Those "illegals" are their friends, their neighbors and in some cases, their lovers. I know a lady who is a citizen, but her boyfriend was undocumented, and got deported, leaving her with their 2 year old son to raise by herself. You think she's keen on voting Republican? Nope

Unless she didn't know she was making a baby with an illegal I have no sympathy for this woman and not much even if she didn't because she should have. My opinion is that the baby should have been deported along with the father and the mother given the option to go with them or stay here. Rewarding people for committing crimes is simply stupid.
"again, this sound like the litany of Right Wing Whining... Not really an argument. You do get what is turning back the clock on race relations is black folks being shot by police for no good reason, right? You do get where that is a valid complaint, right?"

It would be a valid complaint only if were true. Unfortunately most of it has been well proven to be just a bullshit excuse to loot and riot and to kill and maim white people for being white. Not the best way to win friends and influence people. White people don't like being killed any better than black folks.

Again, guy, you aren't going to win with white folks. Mitt Romney got 59% of the White vote, and he still lost.

Where are white people getting killed for just being white?
Unless she didn't know she was making a baby with an illegal I have no sympathy for this woman and not much even if she didn't because she should have. My opinion is that the baby should have been deported along with the father and the mother given the option to go with them or stay here. Rewarding people for committing crimes is simply stupid.

Hey, guy, illegal immigration isn't that big of a deal. They want the same thing your ancestors wanted- to improve their lives.

But keep thinking you can have Trump calling them rapists, see how well that works out for you.
"Hey, guy, illegal immigration isn't that big of a deal. They want the same thing your ancestors wanted- to improve their lives.
But keep thinking you can have Trump calling them rapists, see how well that works out for you."

Pay attention, some of us consider it a big deal. And Trump called some of them rapists which is true. Some have been murderers and some have been child molesters. None have deserved a free ride on my tax dollars. If you believe criminals deserve to be rewarded for their crimes use your own money.
She will win because of infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage, environmental regulations, business regulations and she won't put people onto the street for being poor.

Actually I would say those are among the reasons she would lose if nominated.
She will win because of infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage, environmental regulations, business regulations and she won't put people onto the street for being poor.

Actually I would say those are among the reasons she would lose if nominated.

Civilization has been a winning in the past. I don't expect this has changed because of some religious loon like you says so...This isn't iraq.
Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

because there are a lot of mindless sheeple out there

that will vote for anything as long as it has a (d) behind the name
None have deserved a free ride on my tax dollars. If you believe criminals deserve to be rewarded for their crimes use your own money.

Funny, I felt the same way about the Wall Street guys who got a bailout in 2008.

Me too but different subject.

yet I don't see you guys ranting and raving about that like you do about some Mexican who wants to take a job you'd never want to start with.
Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

because there are a lot of mindless sheeple out there

that will vote for anything as long as it has a (d) behind the name
The Party of the Jackass is loosing their stranglehold - the facade is wearing thread bare - they need a new schtick or they're finished.

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