Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Very true

Hillary will get to select two young liberal leaning justices. It will set the court to the left for a generation
Hillary will need to stay out of prison long enough to get elected first. And even if she manages to dodge criminal charges, her poll numbers are dropping like a rock...

Would you settle for two young conservative justices????

We won't have to. Hillary will never see the inside of a prison; she will win the nomination and she will do very well against whomever the GOP decides upon. I think she will win. A lot can happen between A and B but prison and some sort of Bernie Sanders insurgency aren't going to.

You guys just keep spinning this crap and I"m going to be quite happy bringing it back up again and again when none of it comes true.

FBI investigation of Hillary s emails is criminal probe New York Post

The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesday.

The feds are investigating to what extent Clinton relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents, according to a federal source with knowledge of the inquiry.

“It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe.

“The DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI can conduct civil investigations in very limited circumstances,” but that’s not what this is, the source stressed. “In this case, a security violation would lead to criminal charges. Maybe DOJ is trying to protect her campaign.”

Hillary s Favorability Numbers Sharply Drop in New Poll Mediaite
We won't have to. Hillary will never see the inside of a prison; she will win the nomination and she will do very well against whomever the GOP decides upon. I think she will win. A lot can happen between A and B but prison and some sort of Bernie Sanders insurgency aren't going to.

You guys just keep spinning this crap and I"m going to be quite happy bringing it back up again and again when none of it comes true.

That's true.

The Obama administration is the most corrupt in history. The Obama DOJ is cooking up charges against the Republicans and working with the IRS to kick in doors of Tea Party members. Hillary is a democrat, above the law - immune from any action by the corrupt Obama DOJ.

This is a Banana Republic - there is no rule of law. The law is a farce to be used as a club against Republicans. Idi Obama Dada will not allow anything to be done to Hillary.
FBI investigation of Hillary s emails is criminal probe New York Post

The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesday.

The feds are investigating to what extent Clinton relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents, according to a federal source with knowledge of the inquiry.

“It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe.

“The DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI can conduct civil investigations in very limited circumstances,” but that’s not what this is, the source stressed. “In this case, a security violation would lead to criminal charges. Maybe DOJ is trying to protect her campaign.”

Hillary s Favorability Numbers Sharply Drop in New Poll Mediaite

Obama and his team are waiting to kill off Hillary before the first Dem debate in October. Uncle Joe will announce sometime in September and then....as if by magic....Obama's DOJ will announce a full criminal investigation of the Hildabeast.

The two Inspectors General have given Obama and Valerie Jarrett all the cover they need.

Poor Hitlery. Sad. :(
FBI investigation of Hillary s emails is criminal probe New York Post

The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesday.

The feds are investigating to what extent Clinton relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents, according to a federal source with knowledge of the inquiry.

“It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe.

“The DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI can conduct civil investigations in very limited circumstances,” but that’s not what this is, the source stressed. “In this case, a security violation would lead to criminal charges. Maybe DOJ is trying to protect her campaign.”

Hillary s Favorability Numbers Sharply Drop in New Poll Mediaite

Obama and his team are waiting to kill off Hillary before the first Dem debate in October. Uncle Joe will announce sometime in September and then....as if by magic....Obama's DOJ will announce a full criminal investigation of the Hildabeast.

The two Inspectors General have given Obama and Valerie Jarrett all the cover they need.

Poor Hitlery. Sad. :(
That would be a pretty good payback for Hillary starting all that birther crap.
What troubles me is the black babies living in poverty. Black babies without fathers. Black children abandoned by inferior schools. Black children ducking bullets in their neighborhood. Black families with no hope of getting meaningful employment

Solve that before you tell a black mother not to abort
Sounds like you are admitting that the Democrats' policies are failing....

Imagine that!!!!!

What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Gee, do you know who runs those minority communities???? DEMOCRATS!!!!!

Why are you trying to blame their failures on Republicans???? That's not even logical.

Give a black mother a reason not to abort and the numbers will come down

Why won't you do that
Face it, with the Democrats' policy of fiercely defending welfare (which has actually contributed to the breakup of black families and an increase in poverty), it's obvious the Democrats need to change their attitudes and admit reform is seriously needed. Yet the Democrats fight reform tooth and nail, and then leave black women in the position of having to abort their children in order to survive (by your own admission)....

Can you explain why that makes sense???

I'll tell you what

Have Republicans bring real jobs that pay a living wage into those communities and we won't have to worry about welfare.

Women also abort babies because they are afraid they will lose their jobs. You ready to support those women too?

Give women alternatives to abortion and then you can whine about the numbers
Very true

Hillary will get to select two young liberal leaning justices. It will set the court to the left for a generation

Why would President Walker let Hillary select anyone?

Kind of early to be that drunk, Shitflinger...

President Walker?

Did you see his bumbling responses last night? Who is the one who is drunk?
A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Yes because we all know that the SCOTUS has so much to do with protecting the middle class. :eusa_eh:
A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Yes because we all know that the SCOTUS has so much to do with protecting the middle class. :eusa_eh:

Who else does?
Sounds like you are admitting that the Democrats' policies are failing....

Imagine that!!!!!

What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Gee, do you know who runs those minority communities???? DEMOCRATS!!!!!

Why are you trying to blame their failures on Republicans???? That's not even logical.

Give a black mother a reason not to abort and the numbers will come down

Why won't you do that
Face it, with the Democrats' policy of fiercely defending welfare (which has actually contributed to the breakup of black families and an increase in poverty), it's obvious the Democrats need to change their attitudes and admit reform is seriously needed. Yet the Democrats fight reform tooth and nail, and then leave black women in the position of having to abort their children in order to survive (by your own admission)....

Can you explain why that makes sense???

I'll tell you what

Have Republicans bring real jobs that pay a living wage into those communities and we won't have to worry about welfare.

Women also abort babies because they are afraid they will lose their jobs. You ready to support those women too?

Give women alternatives to abortion and then you can whine about the numbers
How about if Obama stops bringing in illegals to take the jobs that are being created????
A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Yes because we all know that the SCOTUS has so much to do with protecting the middle class. :eusa_eh:

Actually, they do.
What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Gee, do you know who runs those minority communities???? DEMOCRATS!!!!!

Why are you trying to blame their failures on Republicans???? That's not even logical.

Give a black mother a reason not to abort and the numbers will come down

Why won't you do that
Face it, with the Democrats' policy of fiercely defending welfare (which has actually contributed to the breakup of black families and an increase in poverty), it's obvious the Democrats need to change their attitudes and admit reform is seriously needed. Yet the Democrats fight reform tooth and nail, and then leave black women in the position of having to abort their children in order to survive (by your own admission)....

Can you explain why that makes sense???

I'll tell you what

Have Republicans bring real jobs that pay a living wage into those communities and we won't have to worry about welfare.

Women also abort babies because they are afraid they will lose their jobs. You ready to support those women too?

Give women alternatives to abortion and then you can whine about the numbers
How about if Obama stops bringing in illegals to take the jobs that are being created????

Obama has actually deported more persons back to their origins than any other President.
A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Very true

Hillary will get to select two young liberal leaning justices. It will set the court to the left for a generation
Hillary will need to stay out of prison long enough to get elected first. And even if she manages to dodge criminal charges, her poll numbers are dropping like a rock...

Would you settle for two young conservative justices????

We won't have to. Hillary will never see the inside of a prison; she will win the nomination and she will do very well against whomever the GOP decides upon. I think she will win. A lot can happen between A and B but prison and some sort of Bernie Sanders insurgency aren't going to.

You guys just keep spinning this crap and I"m going to be quite happy bringing it back up again and again when none of it comes true.

yeah...you see that is the problem with you and a minimum 75% of the people who root for Hillary. They want her to win because the alternative is a GOP win. That's it.
As I said, all partisan sh*t aside - a Hillary win will be equally crushingly bad as Obama for anyone making less than seven figures...PERIOD. No discussion.
The top 7% have enjoyed a record 33% increase in their incomes under Obama, while the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have suffered a 5% DECLINE.
There has been no recovery. Except for the uber-wealthy - they are doing fantastic. And Hillary will represent them equally well.
Not you.
A Hillary win - "Good for America"....my God. It is hard to imagine that anyone can possibly think this. Partisanship bullshit aside - Hillary Clinton would be "Good for Big Money America"...not us.

Center-left America well be well represented in her nominations to the High Court.

Yes because we all know that the SCOTUS has so much to do with protecting the middle class. :eusa_eh:

Actually, they do.

Yep....Their Dred Scott decision was winner. :thup: Also loved the ruling legalizing Jim Crow.

The People's Court. :lol:
BREAKING Border Patrol Agents Just Got Terrifying Orders From Obama... Spread This
Border Patrol agents in Texas have reportedly been ordered by President Barack Hussein Obama to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to release any illegal immigrants they catch.

National Border Patrol Council Vice President Shawn Moran, whose organization representing over 17,000 Border Patrol agents was asked for guidance by agents in Texas, went public with the new program on Tuesday.

“The National Border Patrol Council reminds agents that we do not work for or fall under the chain of command of Immigration and Customs Enforcement,” Moran said during a recorded NBPC podcast.

“If you are ordered to release illegal aliens under any conditions, immediately notify your chain of command, document the situation through agency email or memorandum and notify your local union representative,” he added.
What have Republicans done to help minority communities other than build more prisons?
Gee, do you know who runs those minority communities???? DEMOCRATS!!!!!

Why are you trying to blame their failures on Republicans???? That's not even logical.

Give a black mother a reason not to abort and the numbers will come down

Why won't you do that
Face it, with the Democrats' policy of fiercely defending welfare (which has actually contributed to the breakup of black families and an increase in poverty), it's obvious the Democrats need to change their attitudes and admit reform is seriously needed. Yet the Democrats fight reform tooth and nail, and then leave black women in the position of having to abort their children in order to survive (by your own admission)....

Can you explain why that makes sense???

I'll tell you what

Have Republicans bring real jobs that pay a living wage into those communities and we won't have to worry about welfare.

Women also abort babies because they are afraid they will lose their jobs. You ready to support those women too?

Give women alternatives to abortion and then you can whine about the numbers
How about if Obama stops bringing in illegals to take the jobs that are being created????

He is not

Illegal immigration is down under Presient Obama. Why did it rise in the years Republicans were running the country?

Illegal immigrant charged in Marilyn Pharis s rape and fatal beating Daily Mail Online

Illegal immigrant who was released on probation 'sexually assaulted elderly woman and then beat her to death in her own home'

A man charged in connection with the rape and fatal bludgeoning of an elderly woman in her own home two weeks ago is an illegal immigrant who was on probation at the time of the brutal attack.

And Immigration refused to issue a detainer where he could have been deported for prior crimes.

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