Why I am a 3rd positionist

I never understand people who are proud that they have no involvement in politics -
Post in politics forums.

dont you mean,,,, "involved in a way that suits you"???

No -
You not being involved suits me just fine, it makes my vote worth more.

It's just weird that you think this makes you special.

when did I say it makes me special???
it just doent make me a liar,thief or murderer

and your vote still counts as one vote,,,so its worth the same as always

(Pats head)
I never understand people who are proud that they have no involvement in politics -
Post in politics forums.

dont you mean,,,, "involved in a way that suits you"???

No -
You not being involved suits me just fine, it makes my vote worth more.

It's just weird that you think this makes you special.

when did I say it makes me special???
it just doent make me a liar,thief or murderer

and your vote still counts as one vote,,,so its worth the same as always

(Pats head)

who's Pat?? and whats wrong with his head??
Good post! Dropping your political affiliation will be the most liberating thing most people can ever do. When you don’t have to defend what you don’t believe, your mind is clearer and life is better.

It was 50% who were not affiliated with either party in the 2016. That statistic has been growing every cycle.

What do you see as the positive outcome of that?
Good post! Dropping your political affiliation will be the most liberating thing most people can ever do. When you don’t have to defend what you don’t believe, your mind is clearer and life is better.

It was 50% who were not affiliated with either party in the 2016. That statistic has been growing every cycle.

What do you see as the positive outcome of that?

one positive outcome would be the end of the nazi and communist parties in the USA
I never understand people who are proud that they have no involvement in politics -
Post in politics forums.

dont you mean,,,, "involved in a way that suits you"???

No -
You not being involved suits me just fine, it makes my vote worth more.

It's just weird that you think this makes you special.

progressive hunter is a member of a very weird club that takes great pride in voting for Mickey Mouse in national elections. Over the years I’ve noticed this club is made up of one personality type...all the members have ‘smartest guy in the room’ syndrome. They are all way too smart to vote for the duopoly. They know for absolute fact that one of the two parties will win yet they’re still able to believe their vote for Mickey Mouse has meaning. I can’t for the life of me wrap my head around the odd theories they throw around to explain why they do what they do....Wasting their time affords them the right to use really cool words like...”sheep”, “statist” etc etc...I’ve noticed they really love to use those words in public which proves TO THEM they are way smarter than those casting a meaningful vote.
I have far greater respect for those who don’t vote at all...at least they are smart enough to know not to waste precious time...I believe the Mickey Mouse voter has no right to discuss national politics.
What’s weird is the simple theory of voting for someone or against someone completely escapes them. They firmly believe that voting for Mickey Mouse is voting against both parties as if one of the two won’t win because of their vote....Weird people, weird shit.
I never understand people who are proud that they have no involvement in politics -
Post in politics forums.

dont you mean,,,, "involved in a way that suits you"???

No -
You not being involved suits me just fine, it makes my vote worth more.

It's just weird that you think this makes you special.

progressive hunter is a member of a very weird club that takes great pride in voting for Mickey Mouse in national elections. Over the years I’ve noticed this club is made up of one personality type...all the members have ‘smartest guy in the room’ syndrome. They are all way too smart to vote for the duopoly. They know for absolute fact that one of the two parties will win yet they’re still able to believe their vote for Mickey Mouse has meaning. I can’t for the life of me wrap my head around the odd theories they throw around to explain why they do what they do....Wasting their time affords them the right to use really cool words like...”sheep”, “statist” etc etc...I’ve noticed they really love to use those words in public which proves TO THEM they are way smarter than those casting a meaningful vote.
I have far greater respect for those who don’t vote at all...at least they are smart enough to know not to waste precious time...I believe the Mickey Mouse voter has no right to discuss national politics.
What’s weird is the simple theory of voting for someone or against someone completely escapes them. They firmly believe that voting for Mickey Mouse is voting against both parties as if one of the two won’t win because of their vote....Weird people, weird shit.

you do protest to much,,,or it could be I hit the nail on the head and you realized that your vote does cause the things I listed and the only thing you have left to counter your guilt is personal attacks,,,

really doesnt matter since its you and your partys that have lied,cheated,stolen and murdered americans not mine
I never understand people who are proud that they have no involvement in politics -
Post in politics forums.

dont you mean,,,, "involved in a way that suits you"???

No -
You not being involved suits me just fine, it makes my vote worth more.

It's just weird that you think this makes you special.

progressive hunter is a member of a very weird club that takes great pride in voting for Mickey Mouse in national elections. Over the years I’ve noticed this club is made up of one personality type...all the members have ‘smartest guy in the room’ syndrome. They are all way too smart to vote for the duopoly. They know for absolute fact that one of the two parties will win yet they’re still able to believe their vote for Mickey Mouse has meaning. I can’t for the life of me wrap my head around the odd theories they throw around to explain why they do what they do....Wasting their time affords them the right to use really cool words like...”sheep”, “statist” etc etc...I’ve noticed they really love to use those words in public which proves TO THEM they are way smarter than those casting a meaningful vote.
I have far greater respect for those who don’t vote at all...at least they are smart enough to know not to waste precious time...I believe the Mickey Mouse voter has no right to discuss national politics.
What’s weird is the simple theory of voting for someone or against someone completely escapes them. They firmly believe that voting for Mickey Mouse is voting against both parties as if one of the two won’t win because of their vote....Weird people, weird shit.

This from a guy whose vote is just as “wasted” as those of us who vote 3rd party!

Damn the irony

Yep,bout right!

other than the border checkpoints I completely agree and is why after 35 yrs of voting have never once voted for either of the 2 partys at the fed level

That’s a little weird. So you essentially vote for some third party who never wins. What’s the point?

thats easy,,,I am not guilty of using my vote to lie, cheat, steal, or murder another person, I can go out in public and look people in the eye and know I've done none of those things to them,,,can you say the same thing???
and my soul is clean for the after life

So by guaranteeing your vote never matters you keep your hands clean? Frankly that sounds like a cowards approach. Step up and make a hard choice.

Yep,bout right!

other than the border checkpoints I completely agree and is why after 35 yrs of voting have never once voted for either of the 2 partys at the fed level

That’s a little weird. So you essentially vote for some third party who never wins. What’s the point?

thats easy,,,I am not guilty of using my vote to lie, cheat, steal, or murder another person, I can go out in public and look people in the eye and know I've done none of those things to them,,,can you say the same thing???
and my soul is clean for the after life

So by guaranteeing your vote never matters you keep your hands clean? Frankly that sounds like a cowards approach. Step up and make a hard choice.
My vote doesn't matter to begin with....Neither statistically nor practically.....In fact, voting is giving consent to the biggest mob.

Since I'm going to be robbed, have my rights eroded, and treated like pond scum in general no matter whom I vote for, I choose not to cooperate or participate.


Yep,bout right!

other than the border checkpoints I completely agree and is why after 35 yrs of voting have never once voted for either of the 2 partys at the fed level

That’s a little weird. So you essentially vote for some third party who never wins. What’s the point?

thats easy,,,I am not guilty of using my vote to lie, cheat, steal, or murder another person, I can go out in public and look people in the eye and know I've done none of those things to them,,,can you say the same thing???
and my soul is clean for the after life

So by guaranteeing your vote never matters you keep your hands clean? Frankly that sounds like a cowards approach. Step up and make a hard choice.

who said my vote doesnt matter??? you?? who the fuck are you to me???

my vote counts just like every other vote counts even if you disagree with it

Yep,bout right!

other than the border checkpoints I completely agree and is why after 35 yrs of voting have never once voted for either of the 2 partys at the fed level

That’s a little weird. So you essentially vote for some third party who never wins. What’s the point?

thats easy,,,I am not guilty of using my vote to lie, cheat, steal, or murder another person, I can go out in public and look people in the eye and know I've done none of those things to them,,,can you say the same thing???
and my soul is clean for the after life

So by guaranteeing your vote never matters you keep your hands clean? Frankly that sounds like a cowards approach. Step up and make a hard choice.

who said my vote doesnt matter??? you?? who the fuck are you to me???

my vote counts just like every other vote counts even if you disagree with it

Your vote is simply a waste of everybody’s time...especially your own. The fact that you think that’s cool is just plain fucking weird.
other than the border checkpoints I completely agree and is why after 35 yrs of voting have never once voted for either of the 2 partys at the fed level

That’s a little weird. So you essentially vote for some third party who never wins. What’s the point?

thats easy,,,I am not guilty of using my vote to lie, cheat, steal, or murder another person, I can go out in public and look people in the eye and know I've done none of those things to them,,,can you say the same thing???
and my soul is clean for the after life

So by guaranteeing your vote never matters you keep your hands clean? Frankly that sounds like a cowards approach. Step up and make a hard choice.

who said my vote doesnt matter??? you?? who the fuck are you to me???

my vote counts just like every other vote counts even if you disagree with it

Your vote is simply a waste of everybody’s time...especially your own. The fact that you think that’s cool is just plain fucking weird.
when did I say it was cool???

and how is it a waste of your time?? sounds like youre trying to intimidate me to vote for your guy,,,if so fuck off

but most likely your feelings are hurt because I called you out to your face about your lies, theft and murder of americans and their property and freedoms because you vote for a dem or repube
That’s a little weird. So you essentially vote for some third party who never wins. What’s the point?

thats easy,,,I am not guilty of using my vote to lie, cheat, steal, or murder another person, I can go out in public and look people in the eye and know I've done none of those things to them,,,can you say the same thing???
and my soul is clean for the after life

So by guaranteeing your vote never matters you keep your hands clean? Frankly that sounds like a cowards approach. Step up and make a hard choice.

who said my vote doesnt matter??? you?? who the fuck are you to me???

my vote counts just like every other vote counts even if you disagree with it

Your vote is simply a waste of everybody’s time...especially your own. The fact that you think that’s cool is just plain fucking weird.
when did I say it was cool???

and how is it a waste of your time?? sounds like youre trying to intimidate me to vote for your guy,,,if so fuck off

but most likely your feelings are hurt because I called you out to your face about your lies, theft and murder of americans and their property and freedoms because you vote for a dem or repube

Michael Moore...is that you?
thats easy,,,I am not guilty of using my vote to lie, cheat, steal, or murder another person, I can go out in public and look people in the eye and know I've done none of those things to them,,,can you say the same thing???
and my soul is clean for the after life

So by guaranteeing your vote never matters you keep your hands clean? Frankly that sounds like a cowards approach. Step up and make a hard choice.

who said my vote doesnt matter??? you?? who the fuck are you to me???

my vote counts just like every other vote counts even if you disagree with it

Your vote is simply a waste of everybody’s time...especially your own. The fact that you think that’s cool is just plain fucking weird.
when did I say it was cool???

and how is it a waste of your time?? sounds like youre trying to intimidate me to vote for your guy,,,if so fuck off

but most likely your feelings are hurt because I called you out to your face about your lies, theft and murder of americans and their property and freedoms because you vote for a dem or repube

Michael Moore...is that you?
he votes democrat like you do
So by guaranteeing your vote never matters you keep your hands clean? Frankly that sounds like a cowards approach. Step up and make a hard choice.

who said my vote doesnt matter??? you?? who the fuck are you to me???

my vote counts just like every other vote counts even if you disagree with it

Your vote is simply a waste of everybody’s time...especially your own. The fact that you think that’s cool is just plain fucking weird.
when did I say it was cool???

and how is it a waste of your time?? sounds like youre trying to intimidate me to vote for your guy,,,if so fuck off

but most likely your feelings are hurt because I called you out to your face about your lies, theft and murder of americans and their property and freedoms because you vote for a dem or repube

Michael Moore...is that you?
he votes democrat like you do

He’s a conspiracy theorist like you are.
How is it wingnuts confuse fascism for moderate?
Because you're just fine with big corporate gubmint, as long as you're the ones in charge of it.

Y'all never ever question the authority or the ceaseless omnivorous growth of The State.....You're fascists by pieces and parts.

Always question authority. Doesn't mean you have to agree with Nazis like the OP. You guys are nuts.

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