Why I am still a Democrat

Look at the platform Bryan Dean Wright is proposing here. It's a platform that I could absolutely get onboard with. I would vote for this platform over Donald Trump any day.

Now that Trump’s officially won the White House here are 10 ways Dems must drain their own swamp
Good for you and him, I'm now a moderate independent who has over the decades learned not to trust either side with as much as hanging toilet paper on a roller.

honey you're pretty far right. but I've always liked you anyway
Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
Then you'll be able to unequivocally show exactly how I'm "far right". I'll wait. :thup:
the Rinos are in charge of congress.
Paul Ryan is a true conservative chief. In every manner. Yes - we still have work to do (nothing will ever be perfect, and nothing can be close to it in just a couple of years when you're talking about government). But we have made tremendous strides. We have people like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Tim Scott and Mike Lee in the Senate. We have people like Paul Ryan, Tim Huelskamp, and Mike Mulvaney in the House. Then we have people like Nikki Haley and Matt Bevin elected as governors.

In addition to that, we have people who left voluntarily and took influential positions to help advance the cause of restoring constitutional government - such as Jim DeMint who took over the Heritage Foundation after Ed Fuelner retired. Meanwhile, RINO's like John Boehner that were run off have gone away.

We've cleaned up our side of the aisle. It's about damn time you do the same on your side of the aisle.
Look at the platform Bryan Dean Wright is proposing here. It's a platform that I could absolutely get onboard with. I would vote for this platform over Donald Trump any day.

Now that Trump’s officially won the White House here are 10 ways Dems must drain their own swamp
Good for you and him, I'm now a moderate independent who has over the decades learned not to trust either side with as much as hanging toilet paper on a roller.

honey you're pretty far right. but I've always liked you anyway
Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
Look at the platform Bryan Dean Wright is proposing here. It's a platform that I could absolutely get onboard with. I would vote for this platform over Donald Trump any day.

Now that Trump’s officially won the White House here are 10 ways Dems must drain their own swamp
Good for you and him, I'm now a moderate independent who has over the decades learned not to trust either side with as much as hanging toilet paper on a roller.

honey you're pretty far right. but I've always liked you anyway
Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.

She can't handle being friends with anyone smarter than she is. It leaves a small pool of options, all of them liberals
Look at the platform Bryan Dean Wright is proposing here. It's a platform that I could absolutely get onboard with. I would vote for this platform over Donald Trump any day.

Now that Trump’s officially won the White House here are 10 ways Dems must drain their own swamp
Good for you and him, I'm now a moderate independent who has over the decades learned not to trust either side with as much as hanging toilet paper on a roller.

honey you're pretty far right. but I've always liked you anyway
Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
See, another far right hack thinks I'm a progressive moonbat....... :lmao:
Good for you and him, I'm now a moderate independent who has over the decades learned not to trust either side with as much as hanging toilet paper on a roller.

honey you're pretty far right. but I've always liked you anyway
Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.

She can't handle being friends with anyone smarter than she is. It leaves a small pool of options, all of them liberals
I genuinely liked her on a personal level. I couldn't stand her bat-shit crazy radical progressivism of course - but I liked her on a personal level. She forgot I was a conservative and after seeing some of my posts, she lost her mind and basically told me to go f' myself. Flat out said she would never be friends with a conservative. How sad is that?
Good for you and him, I'm now a moderate independent who has over the decades learned not to trust either side with as much as hanging toilet paper on a roller.

honey you're pretty far right. but I've always liked you anyway
Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
See, another far right hack thinks I'm a progressive moonbat....... :lmao:
I never said "moonbat". I've never even seen a post of yours. I'm simply saying - based on Jilian's own words - that if she likes you, you have to be left-wing. Doesn't make you "radical" left-wing or "moonbat". It just means you're on the left. No big deal. Breathe brother. Breathe.
honey you're pretty far right. but I've always liked you anyway
Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
See, another far right hack thinks I'm a progressive moonbat....... :lmao:
I never said "moonbat". I've never even seen a post of yours. I'm simply saying - based on Jilian's own words - that if she likes you, you have to be left-wing. Doesn't make you "radical" left-wing or "moonbat". It just means you're on the left. No big deal. Breathe brother. Breathe.
I get a kick out of both sides who think I'm far left or far right, it's actually very funny. :thup:
Bryan Dean Wright has penned two exceptional articles about his side of the aisle. He is essentially proposing a left-wing version of the Tea Party - which is what I've been saying the left needs to do for about 5 years now.
/---- Well the TEA Party is an anagram for ( Taxed Enough Already.) So I'm proposing the Liberal version would be the ROT Party (Raise our Taxes.)
honey you're pretty far right. but I've always liked you anyway
Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
See, another far right hack thinks I'm a progressive moonbat....... :lmao:
I never said "moonbat". I've never even seen a post of yours. I'm simply saying - based on Jilian's own words - that if she likes you, you have to be left-wing. Doesn't make you "radical" left-wing or "moonbat". It just means you're on the left. No big deal. Breathe brother. Breathe.

no. I just don't like nasty wingers who are abusive...you know, like you.

but I said I liked ringel... (you should actually read through threads before you open your ignorant yap). and he's far from left.

there also used to be many lovely rightwingers on the board. they just weren't bigoted alt right trumpsters. they were simply conservatives and fairly decent.

unlike you and your ilk.
Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
See, another far right hack thinks I'm a progressive moonbat....... :lmao:
I never said "moonbat". I've never even seen a post of yours. I'm simply saying - based on Jilian's own words - that if she likes you, you have to be left-wing. Doesn't make you "radical" left-wing or "moonbat". It just means you're on the left. No big deal. Breathe brother. Breathe.

no. I just don't like nasty wingers who are abusive...you know, like you.

but I said I liked ringel... (you should actually read through threads before you open your ignorant yap). and he's far from left.

there also used to be many lovely rightwingers on the board. they just weren't bigoted alt right trumpsters. they were simply conservatives and fairly decent.

unlike you and your ilk.
The problem with your assessment of me is probably two fold, not seeing where I have fun going after the righties and assuming much of my factual postings as taking a position and not simply relating facts whether I agree with them or not. my sociopolitical positions run the gamut from left to right (like most people in this country) placing me just slightly right of center on the political spectrum. This is affirmed by the 30+ "where are you" political quizzes I've taken over the years.
Also based on multiple sociological and historical factors I'm actually now a political agnostic, pretty much ambivalent because I know that no matter how hard we try humankind will always eventually fuck it up and we have to start all over again. It's a never ending battle and after fighting the good fight I'm tire of fighting a loosing battle, the youth can take up the baton now, they have the energy and hopeful outlook.
Me, I'll just have fun. :thup:
my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
See, another far right hack thinks I'm a progressive moonbat....... :lmao:
I never said "moonbat". I've never even seen a post of yours. I'm simply saying - based on Jilian's own words - that if she likes you, you have to be left-wing. Doesn't make you "radical" left-wing or "moonbat". It just means you're on the left. No big deal. Breathe brother. Breathe.

no. I just don't like nasty wingers who are abusive...you know, like you.

but I said I liked ringel... (you should actually read through threads before you open your ignorant yap). and he's far from left.

there also used to be many lovely rightwingers on the board. they just weren't bigoted alt right trumpsters. they were simply conservatives and fairly decent.

unlike you and your ilk.
The problem with your assessment of me is probably two fold, not seeing where I have fun going after the righties and assuming much of my factual postings as taking a position and not simply relating facts whether I agree with them or not. my sociopolitical positions run the gamut from left to right (like most people in this country) placing me just slightly right of center on the political spectrum. This is affirmed by the 30+ "where are you" political quizzes I've taken over the years.
Also based on multiple sociological and historical factors I'm actually now a political agnostic, pretty much ambivalent because I know that no matter how hard we try humankind will always eventually fuck it up and we have to start all over again. It's a never ending battle and after fighting the good fight I'm tire of fighting a loosing battle, the youth can take up the baton now, they have the energy and hopeful outlook.
Me, I'll just have fun. :thup:

you can't equate the two parties. your distaste for gubmint in general makes you a rightwinger. you can accept that or not.

you just aren't a deluded trumpster. there's a difference. :)
Look at the platform Bryan Dean Wright is proposing here. It's a platform that I could absolutely get onboard with. I would vote for this platform over Donald Trump any day.

Now that Trump’s officially won the White House here are 10 ways Dems must drain their own swamp
Good for you and him, I'm now a moderate independent who has over the decades learned not to trust either side with as much as hanging toilet paper on a roller.
Trump enlightened me out of the GOP. I am a trump supporter not a GOP one any longer. I can't believe what it is I see.
I'm a Democrat because I'm intelligent and moral. It really is that simple.

Anyways, I sort of agree with most of what Wright says. Some of it was buzzword fluff, like "economic vitality." Duh. Does anyone run on the weak economy platform?

And there was that "no identity politics" strawmen, where they pretend equal rights for minorities is a horrible thing. We reject that, out of basic human decency, even if it does cost votes.

The rest, some good Democrat stuff, stuff most Democrats already embrace. If Patriot actually agrees with it, he should be a Democrat, because it's what we Democrats are doing right now.

Tooth says"
I'm a Democrat because I'm intelligent and moral. It really is that simple.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
See, another far right hack thinks I'm a progressive moonbat....... :lmao:
I never said "moonbat". I've never even seen a post of yours. I'm simply saying - based on Jilian's own words - that if she likes you, you have to be left-wing. Doesn't make you "radical" left-wing or "moonbat". It just means you're on the left. No big deal. Breathe brother. Breathe.

no. I just don't like nasty wingers who are abusive...you know, like you.

but I said I liked ringel... (you should actually read through threads before you open your ignorant yap). and he's far from left.

there also used to be many lovely rightwingers on the board. they just weren't bigoted alt right trumpsters. they were simply conservatives and fairly decent.

unlike you and your ilk.
The problem with your assessment of me is probably two fold, not seeing where I have fun going after the righties and assuming much of my factual postings as taking a position and not simply relating facts whether I agree with them or not. my sociopolitical positions run the gamut from left to right (like most people in this country) placing me just slightly right of center on the political spectrum. This is affirmed by the 30+ "where are you" political quizzes I've taken over the years.
Also based on multiple sociological and historical factors I'm actually now a political agnostic, pretty much ambivalent because I know that no matter how hard we try humankind will always eventually fuck it up and we have to start all over again. It's a never ending battle and after fighting the good fight I'm tire of fighting a loosing battle, the youth can take up the baton now, they have the energy and hopeful outlook.
Me, I'll just have fun. :thup:

you can't equate the two parties. your distaste for gubmint in general makes you a rightwinger. you can accept that or not.

you just aren't a deluded trumpster. there's a difference. :)
Now you're speaking from a position of rhetoric. My distaste for certain aspects of government has nothing to do with being right or left, it has everything to do with first hand involvement in government and knowing how well they can manage to screw up most of what they touch. Doesn't mean I take the right's view that we need to gut the government.
Bryan Dean Wright has penned two exceptional articles about his side of the aisle. He is essentially proposing a left-wing version of the Tea Party - which is what I've been saying the left needs to do for about 5 years now. We cannot afford to have any more Nixon's and Clinton's in politics. We need men and women of character who will respect the law and facilitate transparency.

The right started that process with the Tea Party and the results have been encouraging. Around 1,000 seats changed hands from Democrats to Republicans during Barack Obama's terms.

This is a reasonable, rational liberal who I would be happy to reach across the aisle and work with - and what he is proposing here has the potential to rebuild the Democrat Party. I hope the left will listen and act on his advice. The nation will be much stronger for it.

Why I am still a Democrat (even though I can't stand my party right now)

This is the same dreck that puts a smiley face on a history where we denied voting rights to minorities, allowed women to be beaten by their husbands free of charges, and forced gays to stay in the closet, all in the name of "compromise." Yes, being an inclusive democracy and society has growing pains. Doesn't mean the democratic party is to blame. It's called progress, and it ain't easy.
Look at the platform Bryan Dean Wright is proposing here. It's a platform that I could absolutely get onboard with. I would vote for this platform over Donald Trump any day.

Now that Trump’s officially won the White House here are 10 ways Dems must drain their own swamp
Good for you and him, I'm now a moderate independent who has over the decades learned not to trust either side with as much as hanging toilet paper on a roller.
Trump enlightened me out of the GOP. I am a trump supporter not a GOP one any longer. I can't believe what it is I see.
Okay so you honestly believe he (or anyone else for that matter) can actually "make us great again"?

Read it and weep......

Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
See, another far right hack thinks I'm a progressive moonbat....... :lmao:
I never said "moonbat". I've never even seen a post of yours. I'm simply saying - based on Jilian's own words - that if she likes you, you have to be left-wing. Doesn't make you "radical" left-wing or "moonbat". It just means you're on the left. No big deal. Breathe brother. Breathe.

no. I just don't like nasty wingers who are abusive...you know, like you.

but I said I liked ringel... (you should actually read through threads before you open your ignorant yap). and he's far from left.

there also used to be many lovely rightwingers on the board. they just weren't bigoted alt right trumpsters. they were simply conservatives and fairly decent.

unlike you and your ilk.
I rest my case....
Interesting assessment but you're wrong. Oh well.

my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
See, another far right hack thinks I'm a progressive moonbat....... :lmao:
I never said "moonbat". I've never even seen a post of yours. I'm simply saying - based on Jilian's own words - that if she likes you, you have to be left-wing. Doesn't make you "radical" left-wing or "moonbat". It just means you're on the left. No big deal. Breathe brother. Breathe.
I get a kick out of both sides who think I'm far left or far right, it's actually very funny. :thup:
I never said "far" anything.... But you have to be on the left somewhere or Jilian would hate you. She has zero tolerance for any constitutional-supporting conservative.
my opinion is my opinion. it's based on observations over many years.
If you like him - he sure as hell isn't anywhere on the right. He's absolutely firmly planted on the left. Just not communist enough for you. You personally told me you couldn't be friends with a conservative.
See, another far right hack thinks I'm a progressive moonbat....... :lmao:
I never said "moonbat". I've never even seen a post of yours. I'm simply saying - based on Jilian's own words - that if she likes you, you have to be left-wing. Doesn't make you "radical" left-wing or "moonbat". It just means you're on the left. No big deal. Breathe brother. Breathe.
I get a kick out of both sides who think I'm far left or far right, it's actually very funny. :thup:
I never said "far" anything.... But you have to be on the left somewhere or Jilian would hate you. She has zero tolerance for any constitutional-supporting conservative.
I always loved that phrase, used it when I went through my RWNJ phase at least a decade ago.

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