Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

Do you understand the concept of insurance? Where you spread the risk so it lowers the cost for everyone?

Nope. That's not the basic concept of insurance.
What is the concept?

To hedge risk. It actually increases the overall costs because the insurance company takes a cut. Insurance for things you can afford to pay for yourself is stupid.
What does hedge mean? Limit your risk? How so? You pay $100 every month and so do 10000 other people and if your car ever gets damaged your covered because you spread the risk among 10000 other people.
The cost of insurance will always be more than the average person uses. That's necessary for the insurance companies to make any money. Have you really never considered this fact?
I get that but today the insurance you pay every month doesn't cover shit. You still pay co pays and deductibles and there are things you need the insurance company doesn't cover. What a scam

Another reason I can't vote GOP. Supreme Court nominees.
Nope. That's not the basic concept of insurance.
What is the concept?

To hedge risk. It actually increases the overall costs because the insurance company takes a cut. Insurance for things you can afford to pay for yourself is stupid.
What does hedge mean? Limit your risk? How so? You pay $100 every month and so do 10000 other people and if your car ever gets damaged your covered because you spread the risk among 10000 other people.
The cost of insurance will always be more than the average person uses. That's necessary for the insurance companies to make any money. Have you really never considered this fact?
I get that but today the insurance you pay every month doesn't cover shit. You still pay co pays and deductibles and there are things you need the insurance company doesn't cover. What a scam

That's why I'm saying we need less insurance, not more. It's why I'm adamantly opposed to ACA.
Um...they were blue states, skippy. :cuckoo:

Those people are dead now, the south isn't like it was. I love it here.
I now know what it is like living in a red state. Our government is 100% under the control of Republicans now.

Flint mayor: Cost of lead fix could hit $1.5 billion

Flint mayor: Cost of lead fix could hit $1.5 billion
Yeah.....The previous regime did a wonderful job up there.
They didn't give citizens lead poisoning trying to save a buck
What the hell are you yammering about?..
Oh I get it...Some mean old republicans marched their way from Lansing with the specific purpose of having a little fun trying to poison other people with lead...Got it.
No, you don't 'got it.'

That residents of Flint were subject to lead contamination in their drinking water illustrates the wrongheaded, reactionary nonsense that is conservative/libertarian dogma, and their ridiculous, unwarranted hostility toward necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies.

Dingle Berry,

Libertarians support the free market , competing utilities

Why Public Utility Monopolies Fail

Nope. That's not the basic concept of insurance.
What is the concept?

To hedge risk. It actually increases the overall costs because the insurance company takes a cut. Insurance for things you can afford to pay for yourself is stupid.
What does hedge mean? Limit your risk? How so? You pay $100 every month and so do 10000 other people and if your car ever gets damaged your covered because you spread the risk among 10000 other people.
The cost of insurance will always be more than the average person uses. That's necessary for the insurance companies to make any money. Have you really never considered this fact?
I get that but today the insurance you pay every month doesn't cover shit. You still pay co pays and deductibles and there are things you need the insurance company doesn't cover. What a scam

Another reason I can't vote GOP. Supreme Court nominees.

What...you don't think we should have a supreme court?

Oh wait...you just want one that takes away rights, and doesn't protect them. I can see why you'd have a problem with libertarians.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
Anyone that trusts the federal government in any degree deserves a disappointing world of shit and piss.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
Anyone that trusts the federal government in any degree deserves a disappointing world of shit and piss.

Yeah, trusting them worked out great for us didn't it.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
Anyone that trusts the federal government in any degree deserves a disappointing world of shit and piss.

Never fear. They'll get it!
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
Anyone that trusts the federal government in any degree deserves a disappointing world of shit and piss.

Never fear. They'll get it!

If it wouldn't screw the rest of us, I'd wish for them to get exactly what they desire.

Then see how long they'd want it.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.

Conservatives are more generous with their money the liberals and America is more generous then the whole world. We just don't like liberals taking money from us to give to other liberals, seems awfully unfair. Government should NEVER be in the charity business.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
Anyone that trusts the federal government in any degree deserves a disappointing world of shit and piss.
They are not the enemy, or shouldn't be.

They should be serving we the people not just the rich.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.

Conservatives are more generous with their money the liberals and America is more generous then the whole world. We just don't like liberals taking money from us to give to other liberals, seems awfully unfair. Government should NEVER be in the charity business.
Did you know self made men are much more charitable than people who were born into it?
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
Anyone that trusts the federal government in any degree deserves a disappointing world of shit and piss.

Yeah, trusting them worked out great for us didn't it.
Then why do you worship the government of Jefferson and Washington? Weren't they politicians?

Even they warned about the rich corrupting democracy and they have
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
Anyone that trusts the federal government in any degree deserves a disappointing world of shit and piss.

Yeah, trusting them worked out great for us didn't it.
Then why do you worship the government of Jefferson and Washington? Weren't they politicians?

Even they warned about the rich corrupting democracy and they have
Washington did not want the job, he saw it as his duty.
The only president that saw it that way.
Single term limits would be a good thing, and requiring real jobs for these people.
I don't trust any politician that wants to be reelected...
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
Anyone that trusts the federal government in any degree deserves a disappointing world of shit and piss.
They are not the enemy, or shouldn't be.

They should be serving we the people not just the rich.
More than one term ensures corruption...
I want to hear from middle class and poor Ron Paul supporters. I want to hear how they think they will benefit from an every man for himself society. From what I can tell his approach would produce a small upper class and the middle class will become the working poor.

People don't realize it was liberal labor laws, FDR New Deal, tariffs and unions that produced the huge middle class we enjoyed for the last 50 years. It wasn't unregulated free trade. Unregulated Free trade sent 7 million good paying jobs out of the country because we make too much. And Ron Paul wants to double down on the idea? He and Paul Ryan are no different. Bad for America. Not the top 1% but the rest of us, BAD.
The funny thing is that poor and working class, even middle class, Americans do not live in an every man for himself society. They benefit from all kinds of public programs, like tax breaks for sending their kids to college, like tax breaks for even having kids. All kinds of public and social programs. Parks, roads and highways, free public schools--the list goes on and on and on. They don't even have a clue what it would be like to actually live in an every man for himself society. The wouldn't want to do it if they realized what it was like. But they don't think about it deeply enough to realize what it would be like.
I want to hear from middle class and poor Ron Paul supporters. I want to hear how they think they will benefit from an every man for himself society. From what I can tell his approach would produce a small upper class and the middle class will become the working poor.

People don't realize it was liberal labor laws, FDR New Deal, tariffs and unions that produced the huge middle class we enjoyed for the last 50 years. It wasn't unregulated free trade. Unregulated Free trade sent 7 million good paying jobs out of the country because we make too much. And Ron Paul wants to double down on the idea? He and Paul Ryan are no different. Bad for America. Not the top 1% but the rest of us, BAD.
The funny thing is that poor and working class, even middle class, Americans do not live in an every man for himself society. They benefit from all kinds of public programs, like tax breaks for sending their kids to college, like tax breaks for even having kids. All kinds of public and social programs. Parks, roads and highways, free public schools--the list goes on and on and on. They don't even have a clue what it would be like to actually live in an every man for himself society. The wouldn't want to do it if they realized what it was like. But they don't think about it deeply enough to realize what it would be like.
I agree. What the Republicans do is use big government as a boogeyman to tell middle class and poor people that a big bloated government is why they're not doing well. And there is some truth to that. our government is too big and the debt is too big but that doesn't mean I want to move the country towards a libertarian style economic system where winner takes all and every man for himself and dog eat dog I know that won't work for the most of us even if it might work for me it's not the right thing to do but I can understand greedy or ignorant people thinking it would be the right thing to do.

I have a friend who wants to do away with all these government programs yet when his father died when he was a child his mother basically rode the government's back until he was 18 years old and the schmuck doesn't realize it
I want to hear from middle class and poor Ron Paul supporters. I want to hear how they think they will benefit from an every man for himself society. From what I can tell his approach would produce a small upper class and the middle class will become the working poor.

People don't realize it was liberal labor laws, FDR New Deal, tariffs and unions that produced the huge middle class we enjoyed for the last 50 years. It wasn't unregulated free trade. Unregulated Free trade sent 7 million good paying jobs out of the country because we make too much. And Ron Paul wants to double down on the idea? He and Paul Ryan are no different. Bad for America. Not the top 1% but the rest of us, BAD.
The funny thing is that poor and working class, even middle class, Americans do not live in an every man for himself society. They benefit from all kinds of public programs, like tax breaks for sending their kids to college, like tax breaks for even having kids. All kinds of public and social programs. Parks, roads and highways, free public schools--the list goes on and on and on. They don't even have a clue what it would be like to actually live in an every man for himself society. The wouldn't want to do it if they realized what it was like. But they don't think about it deeply enough to realize what it would be like.
I agree. What the Republicans do is use big government as a boogeyman to tell middle class and poor people that a big bloated government is why they're not doing well. And there is some truth to that. our government is too big and the debt is too big but that doesn't mean I want to move the country towards a libertarian style economic system where winner takes all and every man for himself and dog eat dog I know that won't work for the most of us even if it might work for me it's not the right thing to do but I can understand greedy or ignorant people thinking it would be the right thing to do.

I have a friend who wants to do away with all these government programs yet when his father died when he was a child his mother basically rode the government's back until he was 18 years old and the schmuck doesn't realize it
What about the people that don't depend on government?? And don't want to?
I want to hear from middle class and poor Ron Paul supporters. I want to hear how they think they will benefit from an every man for himself society. From what I can tell his approach would produce a small upper class and the middle class will become the working poor.

People don't realize it was liberal labor laws, FDR New Deal, tariffs and unions that produced the huge middle class we enjoyed for the last 50 years. It wasn't unregulated free trade. Unregulated Free trade sent 7 million good paying jobs out of the country because we make too much. And Ron Paul wants to double down on the idea? He and Paul Ryan are no different. Bad for America. Not the top 1% but the rest of us, BAD.
The funny thing is that poor and working class, even middle class, Americans do not live in an every man for himself society. They benefit from all kinds of public programs, like tax breaks for sending their kids to college, like tax breaks for even having kids. All kinds of public and social programs. Parks, roads and highways, free public schools--the list goes on and on and on. They don't even have a clue what it would be like to actually live in an every man for himself society. The wouldn't want to do it if they realized what it was like. But they don't think about it deeply enough to realize what it would be like.
I agree. What the Republicans do is use big government as a boogeyman to tell middle class and poor people that a big bloated government is why they're not doing well. And there is some truth to that. our government is too big and the debt is too big but that doesn't mean I want to move the country towards a libertarian style economic system where winner takes all and every man for himself and dog eat dog I know that won't work for the most of us even if it might work for me it's not the right thing to do but I can understand greedy or ignorant people thinking it would be the right thing to do.

I have a friend who wants to do away with all these government programs yet when his father died when he was a child his mother basically rode the government's back until he was 18 years old and the schmuck doesn't realize it
What about the people that don't depend on government?? And don't want to?
We all do. You just think you don't.

Right now Governor Rick Snyder is begging Obama for 100 million dollars to help with help him with a flint disaster. No one thinks they need the government until they do
I want to hear from middle class and poor Ron Paul supporters. I want to hear how they think they will benefit from an every man for himself society. From what I can tell his approach would produce a small upper class and the middle class will become the working poor.

People don't realize it was liberal labor laws, FDR New Deal, tariffs and unions that produced the huge middle class we enjoyed for the last 50 years. It wasn't unregulated free trade. Unregulated Free trade sent 7 million good paying jobs out of the country because we make too much. And Ron Paul wants to double down on the idea? He and Paul Ryan are no different. Bad for America. Not the top 1% but the rest of us, BAD.
The funny thing is that poor and working class, even middle class, Americans do not live in an every man for himself society. They benefit from all kinds of public programs, like tax breaks for sending their kids to college, like tax breaks for even having kids. All kinds of public and social programs. Parks, roads and highways, free public schools--the list goes on and on and on. They don't even have a clue what it would be like to actually live in an every man for himself society. The wouldn't want to do it if they realized what it was like. But they don't think about it deeply enough to realize what it would be like.
I agree. What the Republicans do is use big government as a boogeyman to tell middle class and poor people that a big bloated government is why they're not doing well. And there is some truth to that. our government is too big and the debt is too big but that doesn't mean I want to move the country towards a libertarian style economic system where winner takes all and every man for himself and dog eat dog I know that won't work for the most of us even if it might work for me it's not the right thing to do but I can understand greedy or ignorant people thinking it would be the right thing to do.

I have a friend who wants to do away with all these government programs yet when his father died when he was a child his mother basically rode the government's back until he was 18 years old and the schmuck doesn't realize it
What about the people that don't depend on government?? And don't want to?
We all do. You just think you don't.

Right now Governor Rick Snyder is begging Obama for 100 million dollars to help with help him with a flint disaster. No one thinks they need the government until they do
All my adolescence I did depend on the government, it was a world of shit and piss on the res. I guess I did get something out of it, total distrust of the federal government.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.

As a libertarian, I can only respond by pointing out that you have a lot of misconceptions about libertarians. There's a distinct difference between rejecting coercive government and rejecting community action. In my experience, libertarians believe in community spirit, charity, and helping their fellow man more sincerely that most modern liberals. They simply don't believe it needs to be forced on us via coercive government programs.

Frankly, I find the liberal point of view deeply cynical, based on the tacit assumption that without government forcing it on us, we will turn our backs on those in need. I've heard it said that pretty much everyone starts with the base assumption that everyone else is like them. So people who are kind, charitable and forgiving assume the world will be likewise. Those who are less so, fear a world where people are free to be who they are. I couldn't take that as a blanket condemnation, because I know liberals who I believe are genuinely good people, but it does give me pause. What are you all so worried about?

If you look at any country in history and present day, if the government does not enforce government, tax paid, public programs, there are massive numbers of the poor and suffering that are not helped by others who have more. To assume that people are just going to be generous and giving is childish. It does not happen. 'People who are kind, charitable and forgiving' are few and far between. Those who are poor, hapless and vulnerable suffer immensely if they wait for such folks to relieve their suffering. It just doesn't happen, and it has been illustrating in uncountable ways over time throughout human history. Liberals are not cynical, they are realistic.

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