Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

What does any of this have to do with libertarians?
Unregulated Free Market Capitalism would hurt the middle class. Don't think that the free market created the middle class. If it wasn't for liberals there would be no middle class.

No, I meant what does all the railing on Republicans have to do with libertarians?
a. I started this thread in 2012. Didn't feel the need to create a new thread for the same topic.
b. Libertarians in some ways are worse than Republicans. They remind me of teabaggers or Trump. A slightly different twist on the same old bullshit. They are honest about 3 or 4 things but other than that, just greedy Republicans just like Boehner McConnell & Paul Ryan.

Like most it seems, you have absolutely no idea what a Libertarian is.
We all know enough for them to not be popular. What did Ron Paul get 1% of the vote?

You've had plenty of chances to win people over but no ones buying it. Not even Republicans. Why? Even teabaggers are more popular.

It's not that we don't know. We don't like

From what you've expressed here, you don't know. You're not disputing libertarian values. You're building a straw man.

Most rich liberals made their own money and don't mind taxes because they can always make more. People with old money are greedier and give less to charity.

You are, of course, just talking out your ass AGAIN, fish.
Nope it's true fish. Look it up

Link, fish?
I said look it up general lee

I knew you were talking out your ass again.
Unregulated Free Market Capitalism would hurt the middle class. Don't think that the free market created the middle class. If it wasn't for liberals there would be no middle class.

No, I meant what does all the railing on Republicans have to do with libertarians?
a. I started this thread in 2012. Didn't feel the need to create a new thread for the same topic.
b. Libertarians in some ways are worse than Republicans. They remind me of teabaggers or Trump. A slightly different twist on the same old bullshit. They are honest about 3 or 4 things but other than that, just greedy Republicans just like Boehner McConnell & Paul Ryan.

Like most it seems, you have absolutely no idea what a Libertarian is.

It's not entirely their fault. Since Reagan, Republicans have been borrowing our platform planks for their campaigns (and tossing them out once elected). And every other populist idiot wants to call themselves libertarian (usually to distract from their otherwise authoritarian ambitions).

Seriously, for anyone who thinks they could never be libertarian because of something some teabagger said - at least go to the party website and confirm your assumptions. Maybe you do get what we're all about and just don't like it. That's fine. But at least then you'll be informed. Most of what has been said in this thread is wildly off base.
I started this thread before the teabaggers even existed. So we got a good look at Ron Paul and maybe you guys need to do a better job explaining and winning over conservatives but Rand Paul got very little support. The tea party screwed your movement

This is largely true. The Tea Party was the Republican attempt to astro-turf the libertarian rumblings in its ranks, and in the short term, it worked. But this election cycle seems to be showing how that strategy has backfired.

I started this thread before the teabaggers even existed.

In point of fact, the Tea Party movement was in full force when you started this thread.
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No, I meant what does all the railing on Republicans have to do with libertarians?
a. I started this thread in 2012. Didn't feel the need to create a new thread for the same topic.
b. Libertarians in some ways are worse than Republicans. They remind me of teabaggers or Trump. A slightly different twist on the same old bullshit. They are honest about 3 or 4 things but other than that, just greedy Republicans just like Boehner McConnell & Paul Ryan.

Like most it seems, you have absolutely no idea what a Libertarian is.

It's not entirely their fault. Since Reagan, Republicans have been borrowing our platform planks for their campaigns (and tossing them out once elected). And every other populist idiot wants to call themselves libertarian (usually to distract from their otherwise authoritarian ambitions).

Seriously, for anyone who thinks they could never be libertarian because of something some teabagger said - at least go to the party website and confirm your assumptions. Maybe you do get what we're all about and just don't like it. That's fine. But at least then you'll be informed. Most of what has been said in this thread is wildly off base.
I started this thread before the teabaggers even existed. So we got a good look at Ron Paul and maybe you guys need to do a better job explaining and winning over conservatives but Rand Paul got very little support. The tea party screwed your movement

This is largely true. The Tea Party was the Republican attempt to astro-turf the libertarian rumblings in its ranks, and in the short term, it worked. But this election cycle seems to be showing how that strategy has backfired.

I started this thread before the teabaggers even existed.

In point of fact, the Tea Party movement was in full force when you started this thread.

The TEA party originally had no connection with the Republican party, you lying douche nozzle.
a. I started this thread in 2012. Didn't feel the need to create a new thread for the same topic.
b. Libertarians in some ways are worse than Republicans. They remind me of teabaggers or Trump. A slightly different twist on the same old bullshit. They are honest about 3 or 4 things but other than that, just greedy Republicans just like Boehner McConnell & Paul Ryan.

Like most it seems, you have absolutely no idea what a Libertarian is.

It's not entirely their fault. Since Reagan, Republicans have been borrowing our platform planks for their campaigns (and tossing them out once elected). And every other populist idiot wants to call themselves libertarian (usually to distract from their otherwise authoritarian ambitions).

Seriously, for anyone who thinks they could never be libertarian because of something some teabagger said - at least go to the party website and confirm your assumptions. Maybe you do get what we're all about and just don't like it. That's fine. But at least then you'll be informed. Most of what has been said in this thread is wildly off base.
I started this thread before the teabaggers even existed. So we got a good look at Ron Paul and maybe you guys need to do a better job explaining and winning over conservatives but Rand Paul got very little support. The tea party screwed your movement

This is largely true. The Tea Party was the Republican attempt to astro-turf the libertarian rumblings in its ranks, and in the short term, it worked. But this election cycle seems to be showing how that strategy has backfired.

I started this thread before the teabaggers even existed.

In point of fact, the Tea Party movement was in full force when you started this thread.

The TEA party originally had no connection with the Republican party, you lying douche nozzle.
Explain. I'm not aware of that
Unregulated Free Market Capitalism would hurt the middle class. Don't think that the free market created the middle class. If it wasn't for liberals there would be no middle class.

No, I meant what does all the railing on Republicans have to do with libertarians?
a. I started this thread in 2012. Didn't feel the need to create a new thread for the same topic.
b. Libertarians in some ways are worse than Republicans. They remind me of teabaggers or Trump. A slightly different twist on the same old bullshit. They are honest about 3 or 4 things but other than that, just greedy Republicans just like Boehner McConnell & Paul Ryan.

Like most it seems, you have absolutely no idea what a Libertarian is.

It's not entirely their fault. Since Reagan, Republicans have been borrowing our platform planks for their campaigns (and tossing them out once elected). And every other populist idiot wants to call themselves libertarian (usually to distract from their otherwise authoritarian ambitions).

Seriously, for anyone who thinks they could never be libertarian because of something some teabagger said - at least go to the party website and confirm your assumptions. Maybe you do get what we're all about and just don't like it. That's fine. But at least then you'll be informed. Most of what has been said in this thread is wildly off base.
I started this thread before the teabaggers even existed. So we got a good look at Ron Paul and maybe you guys need to do a better job explaining and winning over conservatives but Rand Paul got very little support. The tea party screwed your movement

Firstly, Rand Paul (R-Gooberville) was NOT a Libertarian

We will NOT compromise our principles to win anyone over - if the conservatives decide to come over they must understand that we will not invade any country which has not initiated violence against us, we will not continue the civil war against "drug" users, we will abolish the IRS, the TSA and ALL administrative agencies , we will abolish all criminal laws where there are no victims, etc. etc

Finally poor and middle class conservatives are waking up and realizing the GOP and the rich have FUCKED THEM! No one is buying this "liberals did it to you" shit anymore. Clearly the rich have taken over. Every law passed in the last 16 years has come from ALEC and the ACA was written by corporations. How dumb are you Rustic?

The GOP planned a dynastic restoration in 2016. Instead, it triggered an internal class war. Can the party reconcile the demands of its donors with the interests of its rank and file?
The Great Republican Revolt

The "rich" ? Would that be like Obama supporters: Soros, Gates, all of Hollywood, Rappers, Whoopi, Miley, Sarandon, Streisand, et al? Those rich liberals?

you are so fricken stupid, the left is full of rich people who want to control YOUR life, and you are so dumb you welcome it like a jackass eating briars.
Those rich liberals believe in a strong middle class, them paying their fair share, social safety nets, green, pro gay, not going to war in other words they are good people. Better than you.

bullshit. those rich liberals only care about filling their own pockets. They are indoctrinating you with their lies in order to retain their elite rich status and keep you from ever coming close.
Conspiracy nut. I have a rich brother. We have long conversations. No hidden agenda.

Most rich liberals made their own money and don't mind taxes because they can always make more. People with old money are greedier and give less to charity.

I would think Hollywood liberals came from middle class homes and they remember working for minimum wage.

your fantasy world is interesting, but its fantasy. Do you really think that all old money is controlled by conservatives? That is one of the dumbest claims ever to appear on this forum.
Finally poor and middle class conservatives are waking up and realizing the GOP and the rich have FUCKED THEM! No one is buying this "liberals did it to you" shit anymore. Clearly the rich have taken over. Every law passed in the last 16 years has come from ALEC and the ACA was written by corporations. How dumb are you Rustic?

The GOP planned a dynastic restoration in 2016. Instead, it triggered an internal class war. Can the party reconcile the demands of its donors with the interests of its rank and file?
The Great Republican Revolt

The "rich" ? Would that be like Obama supporters: Soros, Gates, all of Hollywood, Rappers, Whoopi, Miley, Sarandon, Streisand, et al? Those rich liberals?

you are so fricken stupid, the left is full of rich people who want to control YOUR life, and you are so dumb you welcome it like a jackass eating briars.
Those rich liberals believe in a strong middle class, them paying their fair share, social safety nets, green, pro gay, not going to war in other words they are good people. Better than you.

bullshit. those rich liberals only care about filling their own pockets. They are indoctrinating you with their lies in order to retain their elite rich status and keep you from ever coming close.
Conspiracy nut. I have a rich brother. We have long conversations. No hidden agenda.

Most rich liberals made their own money and don't mind taxes because they can always make more. People with old money are greedier and give less to charity.

I would think Hollywood liberals came from middle class homes and they remember working for minimum wage.

your fantasy world is interesting, but its fantasy. Do you really think that all old money is controlled by conservatives? That is one of the dumbest claims ever to appear on this forum.
Well since I didn't make that claim you can relax. Breathe. Breathe
The "rich" ? Would that be like Obama supporters: Soros, Gates, all of Hollywood, Rappers, Whoopi, Miley, Sarandon, Streisand, et al? Those rich liberals?

you are so fricken stupid, the left is full of rich people who want to control YOUR life, and you are so dumb you welcome it like a jackass eating briars.
Those rich liberals believe in a strong middle class, them paying their fair share, social safety nets, green, pro gay, not going to war in other words they are good people. Better than you.

bullshit. those rich liberals only care about filling their own pockets. They are indoctrinating you with their lies in order to retain their elite rich status and keep you from ever coming close.
Conspiracy nut. I have a rich brother. We have long conversations. No hidden agenda.

Most rich liberals made their own money and don't mind taxes because they can always make more. People with old money are greedier and give less to charity.

I would think Hollywood liberals came from middle class homes and they remember working for minimum wage.

your fantasy world is interesting, but its fantasy. Do you really think that all old money is controlled by conservatives? That is one of the dumbest claims ever to appear on this forum.
Well since I didn't make that claim you can relax. Breathe. Breathe

you clearly implied that in your second paragraph, stop the lies. do you libs ever tell the truth about anything?
Those rich liberals believe in a strong middle class, them paying their fair share, social safety nets, green, pro gay, not going to war in other words they are good people. Better than you.

bullshit. those rich liberals only care about filling their own pockets. They are indoctrinating you with their lies in order to retain their elite rich status and keep you from ever coming close.
Conspiracy nut. I have a rich brother. We have long conversations. No hidden agenda.

Most rich liberals made their own money and don't mind taxes because they can always make more. People with old money are greedier and give less to charity.

I would think Hollywood liberals came from middle class homes and they remember working for minimum wage.

your fantasy world is interesting, but its fantasy. Do you really think that all old money is controlled by conservatives? That is one of the dumbest claims ever to appear on this forum.
Well since I didn't make that claim you can relax. Breathe. Breathe

you clearly implied that in your second paragraph, stop the lies. do you libs ever tell the truth about anything?
Reason number 555. I don't want war with Iran. We all know the GOP and Israeli want to bomb the shit out of Iran. Haloburton too.
I think the reason I am Democrat is that I am meant to help my fellow Democrats in ways that only party members can help each other.
There are major issues going on that are most effectively addressed within the party among fellow liberals. We have to start at home before we can effect and influence change in larger circles collectively.

I hope I can help fellow Constitutionalists within the Libertarian and GOP the same way, to resolve issues within those circles and build greater unity and coalitions from there while respecting diversity of beliefs and ideas.

I don't think any of these parties should be AGAINST each other, any more than states of the union should be plotting to overtake and kick each other out of power. If we can have sovereign states within a unified nation, why can't we have self-governing parties united in coalitions and partnerships?
The reason I am a Libertarian is because they are the only major political party that consistently stands up for peace and liberty.
Those rich liberals believe in a strong middle class, them paying their fair share, social safety nets, green, pro gay, not going to war in other words they are good people. Better than you.

bullshit. those rich liberals only care about filling their own pockets. They are indoctrinating you with their lies in order to retain their elite rich status and keep you from ever coming close.
Conspiracy nut. I have a rich brother. We have long conversations. No hidden agenda.

Most rich liberals made their own money and don't mind taxes because they can always make more. People with old money are greedier and give less to charity.

I would think Hollywood liberals came from middle class homes and they remember working for minimum wage.

your fantasy world is interesting, but its fantasy. Do you really think that all old money is controlled by conservatives? That is one of the dumbest claims ever to appear on this forum.
Well since I didn't make that claim you can relax. Breathe. Breathe

you clearly implied that in your second paragraph, stop the lies. do you libs ever tell the truth about anything?
the real question is do you ever tell the truth ??? the answer would be HELL NO!!!!!
Bush had a democrat controlled congress. Obozo has a republican controlled congress. Nothing more needs to be said.
Barry's era is over, it sucked time to move on...
Much better than Bush's era but even if Obama walked on water, which he did, you'd be saying the exact same thing. We understand. It's just politics. We get it.

Economy Gained 242,000 Jobs In February; Unemployment Rate Holds Steady

Thanks Obama.

Lets not go back to the Bush era. That's what Rubio or Cruz would be.
The last 7/8 years have been lackluster at the best...
The exception is in guns and ammo sales...

Pretty good from where I'm sitting. What NO ONE wants to do is go back to GW Bush era style governing. That's why the GOP are losing their shit with Trump. LOVE IT!

It might help if you crawled out from under your rock once in a while and actually looked at the mess obozo has created in this country.

1. more racial division than ever before
2. doubled the national debt
3. more on welfare, in poverty, and on food stamps than ever before
4. more unemployed or under employed than when he took office
5. weakest military since peanut Carter
6. terrible foreign policy that has made radical islamists stronger
7. destroyed the best medical system in the world with obozocare
8. catered to the far left loons and killed thousands of jobs on Keystone
9. Lied about Benghazi, obamacare, Syria, Iran, and everything else
10. tried to rule as a king and ignore congress

just for 10 starters.
1) create by republicans
2) Caused by republicans unfounded programs
3) again caused by republicans causing the market to crash...
4) seems you have a clue about unemployment but we already knew that
5) thats your opinion and not reality
6) again all started by republicans starting a war that was baed on a lie you can thank republicans for that...
7) only people who destroyed the health care were you right wing nut jobs ... thats a fact that we all know ...
8) thousands of jobs??? really you better look up thats part time jobs they would have had ... you're a fool
9) nobody lied about Obam care benghazi Syria or anything else I challenge you to show one lie thats was told...
10) so its Ok for a republicans president but not a democrat ... we get it

the problem you have its your heads in your ass
Finally poor and middle class conservatives are waking up and realizing the GOP and the rich have FUCKED THEM! No one is buying this "liberals did it to you" shit anymore. Clearly the rich have taken over. Every law passed in the last 16 years has come from ALEC and the ACA was written by corporations. How dumb are you Rustic?

The GOP planned a dynastic restoration in 2016. Instead, it triggered an internal class war. Can the party reconcile the demands of its donors with the interests of its rank and file?
The Great Republican Revolt

The "rich" ? Would that be like Obama supporters: Soros, Gates, all of Hollywood, Rappers, Whoopi, Miley, Sarandon, Streisand, et al? Those rich liberals?

you are so fricken stupid, the left is full of rich people who want to control YOUR life, and you are so dumb you welcome it like a jackass eating briars.
if any one is stupid that would be you ... did you see any of them saying we need voters Id ??? nope ... them make next to impossible to get one ??? no they did not ... but your right wing rich nut jobs did... I don't think I've ever saw any rich lefty try to control your life, the exact the opposite ... they say make the rich pay their taxes ... they say lets the people vote ... they say we should have a country that has health care for all ... your right wing rich nut jobs doesn't want to have anything to do with that... are you really this stupid???
Your party has been taken over by radical Ayn Rand thinking selfish people gramps. Trying to destroy the Middle Class. Came awful close too. Maybe you don't care because you are old and retired and got yours? Selfish prick. Typical righty. My point exactly. And I bet you enjoy social security and medicare, you ass. You don't realize if not for those two programs, you would die broke.

It isn't my party trying to destroy very popular programs like social security and medicare.

Think about that when you accuse us of being extreme or radical. You are in a fringe group gramps.
You keep mentioning Social Security and Medicare like its some sort of government hand out that people should consider welfare. Its not. Social Security and medicare are separate items on the taxes taken from the paycheck.
People pay into these things their entire working career to collect for what? 20 years max?
Welfare and the other government programs that the left seem to love pay out more than social security, and it is paid to people that have never contributed or paid into it.
Im not sure you have the ability to see the difference, but really, there is a big difference.

People should NOT be compelled to participate in SS nor medicare.

I agree, and there should be no safety net for those that dont, and at the same time don't provide for their own retirement.
If you were foolish while working, eat cat food under an overpass when you retire.
But regardless of that fact, SS an Medicare are specifically targeted by the money taken from the paycheck. Those programs are not supposed to be funded by the tax dollars at all.

During the Clinton Administration it was disclosed that SS funds were commingled with general revenue funds - there is NO separate account for SS and medicare those people on SS are in for a rude awakening.

that change was actually done under the LBJ administration.
aren't you the bright one ... and can you tell us why the Dems went after LBJ for doing this ... it got so bad for him he refused to run for his next term ... he knew we Dems didn't want him in office any more ... the problem you have is you don't know whose really fucking you ... when you find out it's a republican, you say OH well I guess thats ok... and let it happen

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