Why I don't care why you don't believe in God.

Atheists and theists are both wrong, since there is no proof for or against the existence of a god. Agnosticism is the thinking person's path.
If you go to whynogod.com it explains why agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

Agnostic suggests you aren't sure, could go either way. 50 50 odds, etc. Do you lean either way?

From what I see God seems made up by man. Especially the ones that visited Mohammad Mary and Joseph Smith. Are you agnostic about Abraham's God?
I'm Catholic, I've never knocked on doors, tried to convert anyone and pretty much mind my biz regarding religion....I can't say the same for atheists

When has an atheist ever walked up to you in real life

Anonymous message boards don't count
I've had to listen to atheists spout their bigoted nonsense multiple times at work. They seem to think their anti Christian stance gives them a pass to say anything they like...while Christians get fired for doing the same.

I just laugh at them, it's funny when they finally get I really could care less what they say
Yeah that has been my response too. Then I wear my cross to work and read my bible in the break room. People are so dense. But most of them learn to moderate their hateful gibber jabber.

I like when an atheist tries to tell me how to be a Christian. Freaking dopes
Or when you aren't acting like a Christian.

I like it when Jews or Muslims or jehovas try to tell me about God. As if
When has an atheist ever walked up to you in real life

Anonymous message boards don't count
I've had to listen to atheists spout their bigoted nonsense multiple times at work. They seem to think their anti Christian stance gives them a pass to say anything they like...while Christians get fired for doing the same.

I just laugh at them, it's funny when they finally get I really could care less what they say
Yeah that has been my response too. Then I wear my cross to work and read my bible in the break room. People are so dense. But most of them learn to moderate their hateful gibber jabber.

I like when an atheist tries to tell me how to be a Christian. Freaking dopes
Or when you aren't acting like a Christian.

I like it when Jews or Muslims or jehovas try to tell me about God. As if

It's none of your business Sealydildo, learn it then live it
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.

True. In all the times I have argued against legalized abortion, I have never once brought religion into the discussion. It is ALWAYS my leftist opponent who brings it up.
There is no argument against abortion without religion.
There's no human rights without religion. We already know this.
Who's we? I don't believe that.

You're confusing religion with human morality and ethics. Trust me, no God is necessary.
Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.

True. In all the times I have argued against legalized abortion, I have never once brought religion into the discussion. It is ALWAYS my leftist opponent who brings it up.
There is no argument against abortion without religion.


Any mother fucker who study's science knows there is an argument against abortion with out religion and don't give me that crap what if.... The baby has down syndrome or a midget because a quack 19 years 5 months ago tried that on my wife and I...

My daughter Will be 19 Tomorrow a freshman at Northwestern University

Dude you are getting flakey...
So your daughter's a midget?

Yea and you a maggot.
People don't usually abort for that. You're the one who thought of that.
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.
Nature doesn't give a fuck about one little seed fetus. A dog may have no choice but to give birth to a litter but humans have choices.
Female humans don't go into heat, the choice they have is to not fuck around until they can start a family. Or find a way to raise the child. Or give it up to adoption.
Or abort it. Or the morning after pill.
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
Last edited:
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
Very true. Human right mean one thing here and another in north korea or Iran.
Atheists and theists are both wrong, since there is no proof for or against the existence of a god. Agnosticism is the thinking person's path.
If you go to whynogod.com it explains why agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

Agnostic suggests you aren't sure, could go either way. 50 50 odds, etc. Do you lean either way?

From what I see God seems made up by man. Especially the ones that visited Mohammad Mary and Joseph Smith. Are you agnostic about Abraham's God?
Agnosticism for me means that if someone comes up with some proof either way, I could change my mind. I'm a realist. Bring me some real evidence and I'll agree with it no matter what side it points to.
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.

True. In all the times I have argued against legalized abortion, I have never once brought religion into the discussion. It is ALWAYS my leftist opponent who brings it up.
There is no argument against abortion without religion.


Any mother fucker who study's science knows there is an argument against abortion with out religion and don't give me that crap what if.... The baby has down syndrome or a midget because a quack 19 years 5 months ago tried that on my wife and I...

My daughter Will be 19 Tomorrow a freshman at Northwestern University

Dude you are getting flakey...
So what's the argument against abortion? If a doctor told me I'd have a 50% chance of having a defective baby, I'd abort.

I'm very happy you were in a position to not abort and it worked out for you. Wtf does that have to do with my decision?

So basically your argument is that it might work out? Or might not be as bad as it sounds once you get to know the little guy?
If Kim Jung in tells a citizen to stfu how does God give the person authority to the right of free speech?
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.
Atheists and theists are both wrong, since there is no proof for or against the existence of a god. Agnosticism is the thinking person's path.
If you go to whynogod.com it explains why agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

Agnostic suggests you aren't sure, could go either way. 50 50 odds, etc. Do you lean either way?

From what I see God seems made up by man. Especially the ones that visited Mohammad Mary and Joseph Smith. Are you agnostic about Abraham's God?
Agnosticism for me means that if someone comes up with some proof either way, I could change my mind. I'm a realist. Bring me some real evidence and I'll agree with it no matter what side it points to.
You've seen all the evidence. Which way do you lean?

Agnostic means you aren't sure. Who is? No one knows god exist. At best they believe. Right now I don't believe God exists but I reserve the right to change my mind too if I'm given new evidence.

If you had to pick one. God is real
A. True

B. False
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.
You sound religious. Lol

Where does the bible talk about free speech and right to bear arms?

Just because religious people wrote the bill of rights does not mean religion was necessary in the process. In fact atheists believe in life liberty and persuit of happiness too.
Exactly.....all that ancient god worship bullshit would have died 1500 years ago if not for childhood brainwashing. A child can be taught anything. For thousands of years consuming human flesh was a religious ritual. The irony of that is that Christianity also has a cracker/wine consumption which represents consuming flesh and blood. It's in the scriptures:

Matthew 26:
26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body."

John 6:
55"For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink.…
Exactly? Then you proceed (with your massive IQ as reported earlier) to go off on a Christian belief, which isn't literal and has zip to do with your comparison the cannibalism. Plus you didn't back up his claim that people were discriminated against by Christians, which is what should have followed after agreeing emphatically with his wrong headed point.
not wrong. I can show you hundreds of examples.

Hurting your feelings is how you define persecution? Was that a joke?

Watch the video you idiot. Children were being ostercized, their parents even had members of the christian community call their boss to complain about bringing an athesist to town, Really who does that. The community shunned them and isloated them. Sounds very christian of them. One family was evicted out of their home when it was found out they were atheists. School students are threatened and bullied because of their belief. You watch every minute of the video and tell me you're OK with the actions of these christians and that will tell me what kind of person you are. Maybe you are only OK with atheists being verbally abused and didn't watch the rest but I'll hold until you've told me you've seen the whole video.
You're the idiot if you think I'm wasting my time watching videos of atheists all butt hurt because they think they're being persecuted. If you were right, there would be evidence all over the internet. Post a link with the supportive evidence and quit demanding people accept opinion for fact.

Atheist Mom Threatened After School Cancels 'Bibleman' Visits
Atheist Family in Louisiana Receives Threatening Messages from “Godly” People
Bullied for Not Believing in God
School district apologizes after teacher bullies atheist
Mississippi Public School Teacher Caught Abusing Atheist Students
Christians bully teen into closing atheist club

Stop demanding crap that is public knowledge. Just because you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter though. You've made your stance on this pefectly clear.
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
Exactly? Then you proceed (with your massive IQ as reported earlier) to go off on a Christian belief, which isn't literal and has zip to do with your comparison the cannibalism. Plus you didn't back up his claim that people were discriminated against by Christians, which is what should have followed after agreeing emphatically with his wrong headed point.
not wrong. I can show you hundreds of examples.

Hurting your feelings is how you define persecution? Was that a joke?

Watch the video you idiot. Children were being ostercized, their parents even had members of the christian community call their boss to complain about bringing an athesist to town, Really who does that. The community shunned them and isloated them. Sounds very christian of them. One family was evicted out of their home when it was found out they were atheists. School students are threatened and bullied because of their belief. You watch every minute of the video and tell me you're OK with the actions of these christians and that will tell me what kind of person you are. Maybe you are only OK with atheists being verbally abused and didn't watch the rest but I'll hold until you've told me you've seen the whole video.
You're the idiot if you think I'm wasting my time watching videos of atheists all butt hurt because they think they're being persecuted. If you were right, there would be evidence all over the internet. Post a link with the supportive evidence and quit demanding people accept opinion for fact.

Atheist Mom Threatened After School Cancels 'Bibleman' Visits
Atheist Family in Louisiana Receives Threatening Messages from “Godly” People
Bullied for Not Believing in God
School district apologizes after teacher bullies atheist
Mississippi Public School Teacher Caught Abusing Atheist Students
Christians bully teen into closing atheist club

Stop demanding crap that is public knowledge. Just because you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter though. You've made your stance on this pefectly clear.
You provided no content there. I looked at the first one because you're too lazy/stupid to post anything substantive. The Bibleman got kicked off his gig, the atheist won. You're confused.
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
Jesus ended a lot of his sermons with....you dumb assholes.

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