Why I don't care why you don't believe in God.

Funny how an atheist never knocked on my door with their pamphlets of salvation

And isn't proselytizing part of christianity?

IMO you should all mind your own fucking business

I'm Catholic, I've never knocked on doors, tried to convert anyone and pretty much mind my biz regarding religion....I can't say the same for atheists

When has an atheist ever walked up to you in real life

Anonymous message boards don't count
I've had to listen to atheists spout their bigoted nonsense multiple times at work. They seem to think their anti Christian stance gives them a pass to say anything they like...while Christians get fired for doing the same.

Not all atheists are bigots in fact I've known quite a few devoutly religious bigots in my life
Atheists and theists are both wrong, since there is no proof for or against the existence of a god. Agnosticism is the thinking person's path.

I tend to agree I describe myself as an agnostic with atheistic leanings
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
The great goose said Jesus actively shamed people. I do the same thing, to people who believe Jesus walked on water or came from a virgin. Stop right there. That's where you should realize you're being told a fairytale, and you should feel shamp for stupidity
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
The great goose said Jesus actively shamed people. I do the same thing, to people who believe Jesus walked on water or came from a virgin. Stop right there. That's where you should realize you're being told a fairytale, and you should feel shamp for stupidity

Nobody gives a chit what you think
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
The great goose said Jesus actively shamed people. I do the same thing, to people who believe Jesus walked on water or came from a virgin. Stop right there. That's where you should realize you're being told a fairytale, and you should feel shamp for stupidity
Retards like you insisted the world was flat, and that little men in our stomachs caused illnesses.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
Jesus ended a lot of his sermons with....you dumb assholes.
Jesus? Why are you dumb assholes always speaking in such irrelevant terms?
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
The ignorant pricks have decided they are the light they are the way and all must follow.

Christmas is an especially good season to amp up their liberal displays of intolerance. Those shitting on the holiday like nothing more than vandals to play to their agendas can go fuck themselves.
If you believe in God and you don't care that someone else doesn't, good for you. If you don't believe in God and you don't care if someone else does. Good again. If you believe in God and you want everyone else to, that's ok for you, but maybe not so much for a firm atheist, who has every right to not believe in God or be pressured to.

IMO, these threads between theists and atheists have the potential to be interesting and stimulating for everyone.
No, you dont
If you believe in God and you don't care that someone else doesn't, good for you. If you don't believe in God and you don't care if someone else does. Good again. If you believe in God and you want everyone else to, that's ok for you, but maybe not so much for a firm atheist, who has every right to not believe in God or be pressured to.

IMO, these threads between theists and atheists have the potential to be interesting and stimulating for everyone.
That depends on how you define "pressured". There is no "right" to not be "pressured" since everybody defines pressure differently. We have freedom of speech. We are allowed to talk about our faith. And you are allowed to whine about it....or remove yourself.

My experience of atheists who whine the loudest about having religion shoved down their throats are intolerant pricks with low self esteem who see any view that isn't their own as threatening.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
The great goose said Jesus actively shamed people. I do the same thing, to people who believe Jesus walked on water or came from a virgin. Stop right there. That's where you should realize you're being told a fairytale, and you should feel shamp for stupidity
Retards like you insisted the world was flat, and that little men in our stomachs caused illnesses.
Me? I say that about you! How you gonna claim that about me?
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
Jesus ended a lot of his sermons with....you dumb assholes.
Jesus? Why are you dumb assholes always speaking in such irrelevant terms?
Who knows what you mean? I'm lost. Was that comment suppose to help the conversation?
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
Omg I just called him out for the same thing. He made a comment to me about making "irrelevant" comments.

A. What does that even mean?

B. How is his comment helpful in advancing the conversation or debate?

This guy is a thread killer.

Jefferson and Franklin were Deists, Lincoln and Darwin(?) both were Christians.
Keep in mind it's not a very popular thing today to admit you don't believe in God and it was ten times worse back In Newton or Einsteins day. So you don't even know for sure if someone was really a Christian unless of course they were big time into religion.

Was Einstein known to be extremely devout or was he a typical half ass Christian.

And isn't the name Einstein Jewish?

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