Why I don't care why you don't believe in God.

I was watching Deutche Welle this morning and it had a segment on what's goin on in Bavaria right now. Christmas out the wazzo! The whole region looks like a Christmas window display. Apparently they have no atheists gaining ground there, probably would tun them in ginger snaps if they started their shit.
Bavaria is strongly Catholic, and Catholics love Christmas. And Catholics have no rules against drinking, dancing, or having a good time.
Funny how an atheist never knocked on my door with their pamphlets of salvation

And isn't proselytizing part of christianity?

IMO you should all mind your own fucking business

I'm Catholic, I've never knocked on doors, tried to convert anyone and pretty much mind my biz regarding religion....I can't say the same for atheists

When has an atheist ever walked up to you in real life

Anonymous message boards don't count
I've had to listen to atheists spout their bigoted nonsense multiple times at work. They seem to think their anti Christian stance gives them a pass to say anything they like...while Christians get fired for doing the same.

This sums up the whole thing. Some folks have enough common sense to recognize the truth:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obituary)

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding"
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams)
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
Omg I just called him out for the same thing. He made a comment to me about making "irrelevant" comments.

A. What does that even mean?

B. How is his comment helpful in advancing the conversation or debate?

This guy is a thread killer.
You're full of crap, that's what makes you irrelevant.
I'm the imbecile? Where do you see Koshergirl in this response?
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
It's what I was replying to in my original post, you know, the part you deleted when you answered me to make your response work.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
Omg I just called him out for the same thing. He made a comment to me about making "irrelevant" comments.

A. What does that even mean?

B. How is his comment helpful in advancing the conversation or debate?

This guy is a thread killer.
You're full of crap, that's what makes you irrelevant.
Ya, your last post sure was relevant to advancing the discussion. :lol:
I responded to you in post 94 you dumb asshole, I didn't snip her comment out.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
Omg I just called him out for the same thing. He made a comment to me about making "irrelevant" comments.

A. What does that even mean?

B. How is his comment helpful in advancing the conversation or debate?

This guy is a thread killer.
You're full of crap, that's what makes you irrelevant.
Ya, your last post sure was relevant to advancing the discussion. :lol:
You've never advanced anything but an infantile personality here.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
Omg I just called him out for the same thing. He made a comment to me about making "irrelevant" comments.

A. What does that even mean?

B. How is his comment helpful in advancing the conversation or debate?

This guy is a thread killer.
You're full of crap, that's what makes you irrelevant.
Ya, your last post sure was relevant to advancing the discussion. :lol:
You've never advanced anything but an infantile personality here.
That was a very mature post. Thanks.
I was replying to kgirl, now buzz off.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
Name the religions, countries, what rights they defend and cite the laws and countries where this happen.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
Name the religions, countries, what rights they defend and cite the laws and countries where this happen.
Saudi Arabia sets what rights citizens can have based on the koran. So do Iran, Qatar and others.
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
Name the religions, countries, what rights they defend and cite the laws and countries where this happen.
Saudi Arabia sets what rights citizens can have based on the koran. So do Iran, Qatar and others.
The Koran is a guidebook for denying human rights. Sharia law is law that provides monsters the right to violate human rights and specifically teaches that only certain people are entitled to human rights. So again, you're full of shit.
I replied to you then you replied back to me and it had nothing to do with her at that point.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
It wasn't a misdirection, I responded to the specific point. Your statement said religion, not some or most. Those in those religions obviously don't share your view, like sexual preferences being a right.

And when they have the power of the state they are theocracies, that's where the protection of rights or prosecution comes in, not the religion itself. Religion is a belief so you did wander way off the reservation and are STILL lost.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
Name the religions, countries, what rights they defend and cite the laws and countries where this happen.
Saudi Arabia sets what rights citizens can have based on the koran. So do Iran, Qatar and others.
The Koran is a guidebook for denying human rights. Sharia law is law that provides monsters the right to violate human rights and specifically teaches that only certain people are entitled to human rights. So again, you're full of shit.
Actually, you're agreeing with me.
yes yes yes, you're smarter than the thread. All hail to Thread King Deflector!! :D
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
It wasn't a misdirection, I responded to the specific point. Your statement said religion, not some or most. Those in those religions obviously don't share your view, like sexual preferences being a right.

And when they have the power of the state they are theocracies, that's where the protection of rights or prosecution comes in, not the religion itself. Religion is a belief so you did wander way off the reservation and are STILL lost.
You make no sense. Sorry, you lose again.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
Name the religions, countries, what rights they defend and cite the laws and countries where this happen.
Saudi Arabia sets what rights citizens can have based on the koran. So do Iran, Qatar and others.
The Koran is a guidebook for denying human rights. Sharia law is law that provides monsters the right to violate human rights and specifically teaches that only certain people are entitled to human rights. So again, you're full of shit.
Actually, you're agreeing with me.
Actually, as I've pointed out, a discussion about rights with a person who has no concept of the terms is meaningless. You not only don't understand the topic...you aren't even able to stick to your own argument.
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
It wasn't a misdirection, I responded to the specific point. Your statement said religion, not some or most. Those in those religions obviously don't share your view, like sexual preferences being a right.

And when they have the power of the state they are theocracies, that's where the protection of rights or prosecution comes in, not the religion itself. Religion is a belief so you did wander way off the reservation and are STILL lost.
You make no sense. Sorry, you lose again.
That's what toddlers say.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
It wasn't a misdirection, I responded to the specific point. Your statement said religion, not some or most. Those in those religions obviously don't share your view, like sexual preferences being a right.

And when they have the power of the state they are theocracies, that's where the protection of rights or prosecution comes in, not the religion itself. Religion is a belief so you did wander way off the reservation and are STILL lost.
You make no sense. Sorry, you lose again.
That's what toddlers say.
Just so you know, in Saudi Arabia, they make laws based on the koran. Now you know.
I'm smarter than the thread? I responded to a point you made, you can't defend it so I'm the problem? Grow up.
You misrepresented my post because you didn't understand the context. Now go change your diaper.
You said: "Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No."

So I responded with:
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.

Pointing out that religion isn't there to defend or support rights you see fit. You made an ignorant statement and now want to obfuscate the point and make it personal about me. Like a toddler throwing a fit.
Ok then, if you insist on this misdirection, I'll play along. You're wrong, lots of religions in a lot of countries set what human rights are allowed. You lose. Better luck next time.
It wasn't a misdirection, I responded to the specific point. Your statement said religion, not some or most. Those in those religions obviously don't share your view, like sexual preferences being a right.

And when they have the power of the state they are theocracies, that's where the protection of rights or prosecution comes in, not the religion itself. Religion is a belief so you did wander way off the reservation and are STILL lost.
You make no sense. Sorry, you lose again.
The fact that you can't comprehend doesn't mean he's not making sense. It just means you're stupid and, again, have no concept of the terms involved.

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