Why I Support Segregation

It’s what all races do left to their own devices.


While I condemn the racism of Tipsy, she is correct that the demands for the "black only lunch counter" is coming purely from the racist black populations at our institutions of perverted learning.

Why is that? Because it's not due to blacks being racist.
Actually negro birth rates are in decline...

Mixed races will end racism.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wonder about that. I am in a mixed marriage with mixed children. From here, you see racism through many different lenses and it goes way beyond the white guys in sheets. Many people of Color look at mixed races with the same level of dislike as the white guys in sheets. Namely, many of the same cries for end to racism are from the same voices not keen on mixed races.

I've been involved in interracial relationships also. The problem I see is that there are blacks who are angry about that type of relationship but for an entirely different reason than whites who oppose it. I'm not here to justify anything but whites today are real quick to point fingers at us and talk about both sides, but I think whites should actually try harder to see our side.

For example black men were killed and jailed for an allegation of looking at a white woman. Black women were raped and beaten at will by white men. And you can't think that all you have to say is I didn't do it and the pain of looking at a picture of Emmitt Till will just magically disappear. It has been really unfair for whites to have done and keep doing to us expecting that you won't create people who don't like whites because of it.

Why do whites think they can bully us then call us the racists for being mad about it? It doesn't make sense.

The white guys in sheets made up a lie about superiority. Blacks and others of color are mad because of what the men in white believed and how they oppressed and still mistreat people of color because of that belief. There is a difference.

Your post is all about justification of all other races besides, white people, not being okay with mixed races.

Take the whites out of it and you will still find Asians and Blacks not being happy about mixing races with one another. Or, Latinos and Indians not being happy about mixed relationships with each other, or Blacks and Latinos or Asians and Latinos or I suppose you are going to blame whites for anti-interracial relationships as well. I got news for you...whites did not create this. You brought up history, you need to go deeper.

I'm not justifying anything. I understand all about ethnocentrism. And what I am is tired of whites trying to make claims of racism in others when this system in America was created because of white racist beliefs. What I 'm talking about goes beyond interracial relationships and mixed children. I have bi racial children and I have had to talk to them about how complex their lives will be. I'm not denying anything you say, but I refuse to let these white racists here have an excuse to continue their maintenance of a racist system that hates our kids and denies them opportunities.

We just had a biracial president and he got the high majority of votes from all minority groups while he got 39 percent of the white vote in 1 election and in the low 40's in the next. And my experience as a black man with bi racial friends doesn't show me the widespread racism between non whites your comments will be construed to say. I have not faced the same racism from other races as I have from whites. I know that it exists but again when blacks fought for civil rights, asians, hispanics and native americans fought with us too. And so did SOME whites.

Whites created racial classifications in the 1600's so yes, whites did create this. Will bi racial children help end it? I agree that it will take more than that.

Whites created racial classifications? In the 1600s? Which whites? Where? Amazing you have not found nor discovered racial and class classification origination in Asia, Africa, India, the Middle East that are practiced to this day. Take slavery for example. Still practiced in the cultures/continents to this day. Here in this culture, the USA, I have witnessed first hand an Asian manager telling a white colleague that genetically, It would be impossible for whites to be as good an engineer as Asians. I whitnessed an Indian executive complain about business operations being located in a certain part of town because of too many Latinos and Blacks. You are going to validate these incidents of people of color expressing racial superiority originated with whites?
Call bullshit all you want. The facts don’t support your position. Overwhelmingly when left to their own devices people consistently self segregate. From prison populations to lunch rooms, even communities. Overwhelmingly, repeatedly, and demonstrably the majority of people tend to prefer the company of their own kind unless other factors intercede.
No single race is “guilty” of this behavior. There’s nothing to be guilty about. It’s human nature and all people’s do it. It’s natural human behavior.
Well here’s what’s fascinating about this whole idea of the naturalness of racial separatism: if indeed it were so natural for folks to do this on their own then why would it be necessary to encourage whites to do this or to form a groups to push that notion?

If it were natural, it would be impossible to move whites from that natural species instinct. No ?

Whites wouldn’t have needed segregation laws to force separation. Whites wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.

Those laws were passed for the very reason that white people weren’t so sure that they weren’t prepared to stray, weren’t so sure that indeed it was natural to separate.
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It’s what all races do left to their own devices.


While I condemn the racism of Tipsy, she is correct that the demands for the "black only lunch counter" is coming purely from the racist black populations at our institutions of perverted learning.
Call bullshit all you want. The facts don’t support your position. Overwhelmingly when left to their own devices people consistently self segregate. From prison populations to lunch rooms, even communities. Overwhelmingly, repeatedly, and demonstrably the majority of people tend to prefer the company of their own kind unless other factors intercede.
No single race is “guilty” of this behavior. There’s nothing to be guilty about. It’s human nature and all people’s do it. It’s natural human behavior.

We are all “our own kind.”
Mixed races will end racism.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wonder about that. I am in a mixed marriage with mixed children. From here, you see racism through many different lenses and it goes way beyond the white guys in sheets. Many people of Color look at mixed races with the same level of dislike as the white guys in sheets. Namely, many of the same cries for end to racism are from the same voices not keen on mixed races.

I've been involved in interracial relationships also. The problem I see is that there are blacks who are angry about that type of relationship but for an entirely different reason than whites who oppose it. I'm not here to justify anything but whites today are real quick to point fingers at us and talk about both sides, but I think whites should actually try harder to see our side.

For example black men were killed and jailed for an allegation of looking at a white woman. Black women were raped and beaten at will by white men. And you can't think that all you have to say is I didn't do it and the pain of looking at a picture of Emmitt Till will just magically disappear. It has been really unfair for whites to have done and keep doing to us expecting that you won't create people who don't like whites because of it.

Why do whites think they can bully us then call us the racists for being mad about it? It doesn't make sense.

The white guys in sheets made up a lie about superiority. Blacks and others of color are mad because of what the men in white believed and how they oppressed and still mistreat people of color because of that belief. There is a difference.

Your post is all about justification of all other races besides, white people, not being okay with mixed races.

Take the whites out of it and you will still find Asians and Blacks not being happy about mixing races with one another. Or, Latinos and Indians not being happy about mixed relationships with each other, or Blacks and Latinos or Asians and Latinos or I suppose you are going to blame whites for anti-interracial relationships as well. I got news for you...whites did not create this. You brought up history, you need to go deeper.

I'm not justifying anything. I understand all about ethnocentrism. And what I am is tired of whites trying to make claims of racism in others when this system in America was created because of white racist beliefs. What I 'm talking about goes beyond interracial relationships and mixed children. I have bi racial children and I have had to talk to them about how complex their lives will be. I'm not denying anything you say, but I refuse to let these white racists here have an excuse to continue their maintenance of a racist system that hates our kids and denies them opportunities.

We just had a biracial president and he got the high majority of votes from all minority groups while he got 39 percent of the white vote in 1 election and in the low 40's in the next. And my experience as a black man with bi racial friends doesn't show me the widespread racism between non whites your comments will be construed to say. I have not faced the same racism from other races as I have from whites. I know that it exists but again when blacks fought for civil rights, asians, hispanics and native americans fought with us too. And so did SOME whites.

Whites created racial classifications in the 1600's so yes, whites did create this. Will bi racial children help end it? I agree that it will take more than that.

Whites created racial classifications? In the 1600s? Which whites? Where? Amazing you have not found nor discovered racial and class classification origination in Asia, Africa, India, the Middle East that are practiced to this day. Take slavery for example. Still practiced in the cultures/continents to this day. Here in this culture, the USA, I have witnessed first hand an Asian manager telling a white colleague that genetically, It would be impossible for whites to be as good an engineer as Asians. I whitnessed an Indian executive complain about business operations being located in a certain part of town because of too many Latinos and Blacks. You are going to validate these incidents of people of color expressing racial superiority originated with whites?

I have done a lot of reading about this because of how whites want to tell everybody how racism has been around since the beginning of time. Everything I have read from predominantly white researchers say that race is a relatively new concept and it was not practiced in ancient societies regardless of color.

Have you ever heard of internalized racism? If not, read about it. It explains a lot of things. Last, racial classifications were developed in Europe.

"Groups of humans have always identified themselves as distinct from neighboring groups, but such differences have not always been understood to be natural, immutable and global. These features are the distinguishing features of how the concept of race is used today. In this way the idea of race as we understand it today came about during the historical process of exploration and conquest which brought Europeans into contact with groups from different continents, and of the ideology of classification and typology found in the natural sciences."

Race (human categorization) - Wikipedia

Still, even as I have said this it doesn't mean that as I keep researching things that I will find information that might show racism in ancient societies. But having said that, we live in a place which has declared that for 242 years we have existed as a society where all were created equal. And all this but people of color are racist too argument does is try to deny a continuing racism written into law and policy by whites that continues to this very second.

You are talking about the hate that hate produced. And if you look on the world stage, colonization created or increased existing animosity.

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide
I wonder about that. I am in a mixed marriage with mixed children. From here, you see racism through many different lenses and it goes way beyond the white guys in sheets. Many people of Color look at mixed races with the same level of dislike as the white guys in sheets. Namely, many of the same cries for end to racism are from the same voices not keen on mixed races.

I've been involved in interracial relationships also. The problem I see is that there are blacks who are angry about that type of relationship but for an entirely different reason than whites who oppose it. I'm not here to justify anything but whites today are real quick to point fingers at us and talk about both sides, but I think whites should actually try harder to see our side.

For example black men were killed and jailed for an allegation of looking at a white woman. Black women were raped and beaten at will by white men. And you can't think that all you have to say is I didn't do it and the pain of looking at a picture of Emmitt Till will just magically disappear. It has been really unfair for whites to have done and keep doing to us expecting that you won't create people who don't like whites because of it.

Why do whites think they can bully us then call us the racists for being mad about it? It doesn't make sense.

The white guys in sheets made up a lie about superiority. Blacks and others of color are mad because of what the men in white believed and how they oppressed and still mistreat people of color because of that belief. There is a difference.

Your post is all about justification of all other races besides, white people, not being okay with mixed races.

Take the whites out of it and you will still find Asians and Blacks not being happy about mixing races with one another. Or, Latinos and Indians not being happy about mixed relationships with each other, or Blacks and Latinos or Asians and Latinos or I suppose you are going to blame whites for anti-interracial relationships as well. I got news for you...whites did not create this. You brought up history, you need to go deeper.

I'm not justifying anything. I understand all about ethnocentrism. And what I am is tired of whites trying to make claims of racism in others when this system in America was created because of white racist beliefs. What I 'm talking about goes beyond interracial relationships and mixed children. I have bi racial children and I have had to talk to them about how complex their lives will be. I'm not denying anything you say, but I refuse to let these white racists here have an excuse to continue their maintenance of a racist system that hates our kids and denies them opportunities.

We just had a biracial president and he got the high majority of votes from all minority groups while he got 39 percent of the white vote in 1 election and in the low 40's in the next. And my experience as a black man with bi racial friends doesn't show me the widespread racism between non whites your comments will be construed to say. I have not faced the same racism from other races as I have from whites. I know that it exists but again when blacks fought for civil rights, asians, hispanics and native americans fought with us too. And so did SOME whites.

Whites created racial classifications in the 1600's so yes, whites did create this. Will bi racial children help end it? I agree that it will take more than that.

Whites created racial classifications? In the 1600s? Which whites? Where? Amazing you have not found nor discovered racial and class classification origination in Asia, Africa, India, the Middle East that are practiced to this day. Take slavery for example. Still practiced in the cultures/continents to this day. Here in this culture, the USA, I have witnessed first hand an Asian manager telling a white colleague that genetically, It would be impossible for whites to be as good an engineer as Asians. I whitnessed an Indian executive complain about business operations being located in a certain part of town because of too many Latinos and Blacks. You are going to validate these incidents of people of color expressing racial superiority originated with whites?

I have done a lot of reading about this because of how whites want to tell everybody how racism has been around since the beginning of time. Everything I have read from predominantly white researchers say that race is a relatively new concept and it was not practiced in ancient societies regardless of color.

Have you ever heard of internalized racism? If not, read about it. It explains a lot of things. Last, racial classifications were developed in Europe.

"Groups of humans have always identified themselves as distinct from neighboring groups, but such differences have not always been understood to be natural, immutable and global. These features are the distinguishing features of how the concept of race is used today. In this way the idea of race as we understand it today came about during the historical process of exploration and conquest which brought Europeans into contact with groups from different continents, and of the ideology of classification and typology found in the natural sciences."

Race (human categorization) - Wikipedia

Still, even as I have said this it doesn't mean that as I keep researching things that I will find information that might show racism in ancient societies. But having said that, we live in a place which has declared that for 242 years we have existed as a society where all were created equal. And all this but people of color are racist too argument does is try to deny a continuing racism written into law and policy by whites that continues to this very second.

You are talking about the hate that hate produced. And if you look on the world stage, colonization created or increased existing animosity.

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

Just an observation:

You spend way too much time fretting over race. If you hate this country so badly, you should know that 99.7 percent of the residents of Zimbabwe are black. Have you ever considered emigrating to a country where you wouldn't feel that the topic of race should consume so much of your time?

I do not believe in inter-racial marriage (though I was in one for eleven years - and thank God we didn't have any kids.) Experience has taught me that there is this slow and deliberate attempt to instill a guilt complex in whites so that they are dumb enough to accept genocide on the installment plan. You've not been able to change the minds of those who are more informed than you. So, now you're at a standstill, allowing the topic to consume you.

The reality is that the mixing of cultures, races, religions, political ideologies, sexual orientations, etc. only leads to the destruction of that civilization. Like it or not the white race did not invent slavery. The whites were the ones that ended (for the most part) the type of slavery that you complain about. Since you'd rather die than admit it, you cannot change the minds of many white people regardless of how long you make your posts.

I once sat on a jury, as a foreman and we convicted a black man accused of rape. He raped a 26 year old black lady from another country after she came home from her birthday party. Had he been innocent, I'd have been happy to let him go home. A DNA match revealed who he was, an eyewitness put him at the scene, the stolen jewelry and money reported missing was returned by his wife after his arrest... cut and dry. Members of the jury met with the family after I read the verdict to the judge and we all cried over the pain she endured.

As I tell you about myself, it kind of shatters that stereotype that you sell to the posters day in and day out. I don't hate people. I simply believe that if God had intended us to all be one he would have never destroyed the Tower of Babel (the objective of which, according to the Bible, was for the people to all be one.) God would not have made the people in China be of one people or Japan to be one people, etc., etc. In the end, you cannot force people to change their mind and it looks like you've pretty much failed to change people's mind on this board. I support voluntary segregation; you know the primary reason; you do not have the ability to change my mind and probably not the ability to change other's minds. Don't let the topic rule your life. You're bitter and hate filled. You're losing.
I wonder about that. I am in a mixed marriage with mixed children. From here, you see racism through many different lenses and it goes way beyond the white guys in sheets. Many people of Color look at mixed races with the same level of dislike as the white guys in sheets. Namely, many of the same cries for end to racism are from the same voices not keen on mixed races.

I've been involved in interracial relationships also. The problem I see is that there are blacks who are angry about that type of relationship but for an entirely different reason than whites who oppose it. I'm not here to justify anything but whites today are real quick to point fingers at us and talk about both sides, but I think whites should actually try harder to see our side.

For example black men were killed and jailed for an allegation of looking at a white woman. Black women were raped and beaten at will by white men. And you can't think that all you have to say is I didn't do it and the pain of looking at a picture of Emmitt Till will just magically disappear. It has been really unfair for whites to have done and keep doing to us expecting that you won't create people who don't like whites because of it.

Why do whites think they can bully us then call us the racists for being mad about it? It doesn't make sense.

The white guys in sheets made up a lie about superiority. Blacks and others of color are mad because of what the men in white believed and how they oppressed and still mistreat people of color because of that belief. There is a difference.

Your post is all about justification of all other races besides, white people, not being okay with mixed races.

Take the whites out of it and you will still find Asians and Blacks not being happy about mixing races with one another. Or, Latinos and Indians not being happy about mixed relationships with each other, or Blacks and Latinos or Asians and Latinos or I suppose you are going to blame whites for anti-interracial relationships as well. I got news for you...whites did not create this. You brought up history, you need to go deeper.

I'm not justifying anything. I understand all about ethnocentrism. And what I am is tired of whites trying to make claims of racism in others when this system in America was created because of white racist beliefs. What I 'm talking about goes beyond interracial relationships and mixed children. I have bi racial children and I have had to talk to them about how complex their lives will be. I'm not denying anything you say, but I refuse to let these white racists here have an excuse to continue their maintenance of a racist system that hates our kids and denies them opportunities.

We just had a biracial president and he got the high majority of votes from all minority groups while he got 39 percent of the white vote in 1 election and in the low 40's in the next. And my experience as a black man with bi racial friends doesn't show me the widespread racism between non whites your comments will be construed to say. I have not faced the same racism from other races as I have from whites. I know that it exists but again when blacks fought for civil rights, asians, hispanics and native americans fought with us too. And so did SOME whites.

Whites created racial classifications in the 1600's so yes, whites did create this. Will bi racial children help end it? I agree that it will take more than that.

Whites created racial classifications? In the 1600s? Which whites? Where? Amazing you have not found nor discovered racial and class classification origination in Asia, Africa, India, the Middle East that are practiced to this day. Take slavery for example. Still practiced in the cultures/continents to this day. Here in this culture, the USA, I have witnessed first hand an Asian manager telling a white colleague that genetically, It would be impossible for whites to be as good an engineer as Asians. I whitnessed an Indian executive complain about business operations being located in a certain part of town because of too many Latinos and Blacks. You are going to validate these incidents of people of color expressing racial superiority originated with whites?

I have done a lot of reading about this because of how whites want to tell everybody how racism has been around since the beginning of time. Everything I have read from predominantly white researchers say that race is a relatively new concept and it was not practiced in ancient societies regardless of color.

Have you ever heard of internalized racism? If not, read about it. It explains a lot of things. Last, racial classifications were developed in Europe.

"Groups of humans have always identified themselves as distinct from neighboring groups, but such differences have not always been understood to be natural, immutable and global. These features are the distinguishing features of how the concept of race is used today. In this way the idea of race as we understand it today came about during the historical process of exploration and conquest which brought Europeans into contact with groups from different continents, and of the ideology of classification and typology found in the natural sciences."

Race (human categorization) - Wikipedia

Still, even as I have said this it doesn't mean that as I keep researching things that I will find information that might show racism in ancient societies. But having said that, we live in a place which has declared that for 242 years we have existed as a society where all were created equal. And all this but people of color are racist too argument does is try to deny a continuing racism written into law and policy by whites that continues to this very second.

You are talking about the hate that hate produced. And if you look on the world stage, colonization created or increased existing animosity.

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

Since the beginning of time, groups, tribes, and cultures have held a sense of superiority over other cultures to the point of enslavement which occurs to this day worldwide. I am curious, if this is all a creation at the feet of white people, why would any non-white culture or group continue this practice as well as demeaning other cultures as being inferior?

The premise of my response was if mixed races would help ease racial relationships. The reality is that there are groups and peoples, white and non-white alike, that never want to see progress and need strife to thrive.
France reneged on his promise, and a pattern of unfair treatment by NASCAR followed. France denied Scott the rookie-of-the-year award for his first major-league season, even though Scott was the top rookie in the standings. When Scott won his only national race, NASCAR officials, fearing he’d kiss the white trophy queen, declared another driver the victor.

Long after the crowd and the queen had left, NASCAR grudgingly admitted that Scott had won.

You're more than likely wrong. You're talking about a black person running moonshine in klan country.

Major trait of racists is how wrong the information they distribute really is.. Never talked with white racist that EVER had accurate links or information.. And your GUESS about moonshining is just as bad...

Wendell Scott online

Wendell Oliver Scott was a race car driver who won over 128 races in his career in various divisions including a win in the Grand National series, now known as the NASCAR Sprint Cup series. He finished as high as sixth in points in NASCAR’s top series, numerous times in the top-15 in points. Scott won the Richmond track championship and the Virginia State Sportsman title. What makes his accomplishments more intriguing is Scott did this one of the lowest budgets of any team. While many teams had manufacturer backing Scott did nearly all the work on the car himself using mainly used parts and second-hand cars. His sons served often as his pit crew and even Wendell himself pitted his own car. Scott did not even start racing until the age of 30. A former moonshine hauler, Scott developed his driving style on the backroads of Virginia doing his own hot-rodding of his car.

When Scott won his only national race, NASCAR officials, fearing he’d kiss the white trophy queen, declared another driver the victor.

After that 1st win where he was screwed out of the trophy -- it was SCOTT who SAID those that.. Not an admission that what was NASCAR was thinking.. And Scott was PROBABLY CORRECT... But your source makes it a "done deal" that was the intent... That was in the Stone Age when it required individual "lap counters' people to tally a win.. No GPS sensors, no automatic scoring.. So people fucked up all the time.. And MANY races ended in contention and brawls...

Wendell Scott online

When Scott won in the NASCAR Grand National race at Jacksonville, Florida in 1963 they did not wave the checkered flag for him but initially gave the win to Buck Baker. NASCAR officials said a scoring error was responsible for allowing Baker to accept the winner’s trophy. Scott doubted that explanation. “Everybody in the place knew I had won the race,” he said years later, “but the promoters and NASCAR officials didn’t want me out there kissing any beauty queens or accepting any awards.” While NASCAR did later give the win to Scott, he did not receive the trophy which was reportedly misplaced. 47 years later in 2010 the Scott family was presented a replica trophy. Through all the prejudice he endured, Wendell never retaliated.

At one prestigious NASCAR event, Scott was exploited in a bogus promotional scheme. A record crowd packed Charlotte’s speedway after the promoter announced he’d give Scott his first chance to drive a competitive car. But the car was a phony; its weak performance embarrassed Scott in front of 81,000 spectators.

Doubt this ever happened that way.. Even the top teams have no guaranteed performance under race day conditions.. And there's no such thing as a "phony" car.. They all have to meet qualifying speeds. They ALL are tightly regulated by NASCAR.. He got an opportunity to get in a seat on a "rich team" because their driver was injured/sick/suspended or something.. And maybe it was a last minute thing so that THAT TEAM wouldn't lose points. Without the adequate practice time in the seat, they can't set it up properly for the driver..

This is all BULLSHIT to create the impression that "he was set up for embarrassment".. He had NOTHIHG to be embarrassed about....
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"Diversity" breeds discord, that's why humans invented national borders.

That's a bit simplistic.. Diversity when it's NATURAL and voluntary is wonderful thing. Look at the arts or sports. Or even the variety of food in your neighborhood.. I'd be LOST without culinary diversity and my Asian/Mexican food fixes or good authentic Southern soul cooking

--- or the NFL.. EVEN WITH the scrimmage about kneeling and all...

So I'm doing my part.. This year I routing for Bubba Wallace.. The only black driver on the TOP NASCAR circuit.. About time.. Last one that made it to the big show was in the 70s I think... Pit crews are more integrated BECAUSE NASCAR "gave a little" and made an open invitation for diversity.. Won't kill that whitebread sport either.

My bet is when the moonshine was being run up in the Smokies back in the day, there were PLENTY of black drivers on the "NASCAR" circuit.. That's the origin of it all...

Problems come when diversity is forced.. We've seen our share of Black segregationists. We're still paying the price for our country FORCING segregated housing to come into existence for about 80 years.. Govt CREATED the bulk of segregation problems in this country...

Only reasonable people can fix this... The certified racists on either side play no role in making ANYTHING racial better...

I remember watching Willie T. Ribbs racing. He never really did that well... he couldn't even beat Dick Trickle. :abgg2q.jpg:

GAwd.. You gotta have the RIGHT NAME to get into a NASCAR seat. LOL...

When people are moved away from racial bias by their OWN feelings things get better.. Not when they're FORCED to... Sports and music did more to FIX racial problems in this country than the govt did..

Charlie Pride is a great example.. For YEARS, his manager wouldn't let him go on tour.. He was kicking out top country hits for awhile before MOST fans knew he was black.. That's kinda deceptive marketing, but it did more for racial reconciliation in Middle America than most anything Washington D.C. did in those years..

Any one doing victory laps -- celebrating every time a "stupid black video" or "black criminal vid" hits the web to validate their bias is "fighting the current".... Same for the "identity blacks" who spend all their time looking for white racism and grievances to the point of being as obnoxious as the white racists that they hate. (see the Black Hebrew Israelites for example or as our local talk show calls them -- the "He-Bros")

Both of those sad groups are increasingly irrelevant.. Because as you've seen in this thread, their biggest fear is racial reconciliation.. Can't be relevant if you can't find anecdotal spicy videos and stories to support your racist attitudes... Those WILL exist... But reasonable people understand it's got more to do with culture and poverty and upbringing and education -- than it does about skin color...

And if both sides work on those issues, they'll be more parity in the absurd examples of stupidity and crime..

And you really believe this crap. Reasonable people understand that racism exists, that nobody goes looking for it, that racism has created problems that a certain part of the white community denies and that a white person who claims that a person of color is scared of racial reconciliation is a mental cripple.

Some people LOOK HARDER for racism than others. When they're WHITE -- we usually KNOW they're racists....
Namely, many of the same cries for end to racism are from the same voices not keen on mixed races.

Was with you until this.

I don't think ANYONE can say where the disdain for mixed races predominantly comes from.. It APPARENTLY is mutual among the various races.. And therefore has little to do with folks who have made race LESS of an issue and live to minimize the bias..
Many of the biased actions toward Scott took place as France was negotiating successfully with Wallace for millions of dollars in state subsidies for a huge new speedway at Talladega. Wallace never would have approved that money if NASCAR’s lone black driver had any chance of winning.

BTW -- MAJOR reminder here. BOTH MEN VERY Democrat... In fact, in 72 when Wallace asked recently retired Bill France Sr to be his campaign mgr -- France told him -- "only if you run on the democrat ticket" -- and not as an Independent as he had done 4 years earlier..

1972 ---- You deniers of Democrat Jim Crow in the SOUTH morons.. :dev3:

I was in Daytona in 1972.. It was still VERY blue...
I've been involved in interracial relationships also. The problem I see is that there are blacks who are angry about that type of relationship but for an entirely different reason than whites who oppose it. I'm not here to justify anything but whites today are real quick to point fingers at us and talk about both sides, but I think whites should actually try harder to see our side.

For example black men were killed and jailed for an allegation of looking at a white woman. Black women were raped and beaten at will by white men. And you can't think that all you have to say is I didn't do it and the pain of looking at a picture of Emmitt Till will just magically disappear. It has been really unfair for whites to have done and keep doing to us expecting that you won't create people who don't like whites because of it.

Why do whites think they can bully us then call us the racists for being mad about it? It doesn't make sense.

The white guys in sheets made up a lie about superiority. Blacks and others of color are mad because of what the men in white believed and how they oppressed and still mistreat people of color because of that belief. There is a difference.

Your post is all about justification of all other races besides, white people, not being okay with mixed races.

Take the whites out of it and you will still find Asians and Blacks not being happy about mixing races with one another. Or, Latinos and Indians not being happy about mixed relationships with each other, or Blacks and Latinos or Asians and Latinos or I suppose you are going to blame whites for anti-interracial relationships as well. I got news for you...whites did not create this. You brought up history, you need to go deeper.

I'm not justifying anything. I understand all about ethnocentrism. And what I am is tired of whites trying to make claims of racism in others when this system in America was created because of white racist beliefs. What I 'm talking about goes beyond interracial relationships and mixed children. I have bi racial children and I have had to talk to them about how complex their lives will be. I'm not denying anything you say, but I refuse to let these white racists here have an excuse to continue their maintenance of a racist system that hates our kids and denies them opportunities.

We just had a biracial president and he got the high majority of votes from all minority groups while he got 39 percent of the white vote in 1 election and in the low 40's in the next. And my experience as a black man with bi racial friends doesn't show me the widespread racism between non whites your comments will be construed to say. I have not faced the same racism from other races as I have from whites. I know that it exists but again when blacks fought for civil rights, asians, hispanics and native americans fought with us too. And so did SOME whites.

Whites created racial classifications in the 1600's so yes, whites did create this. Will bi racial children help end it? I agree that it will take more than that.

Whites created racial classifications? In the 1600s? Which whites? Where? Amazing you have not found nor discovered racial and class classification origination in Asia, Africa, India, the Middle East that are practiced to this day. Take slavery for example. Still practiced in the cultures/continents to this day. Here in this culture, the USA, I have witnessed first hand an Asian manager telling a white colleague that genetically, It would be impossible for whites to be as good an engineer as Asians. I whitnessed an Indian executive complain about business operations being located in a certain part of town because of too many Latinos and Blacks. You are going to validate these incidents of people of color expressing racial superiority originated with whites?

I have done a lot of reading about this because of how whites want to tell everybody how racism has been around since the beginning of time. Everything I have read from predominantly white researchers say that race is a relatively new concept and it was not practiced in ancient societies regardless of color.

Have you ever heard of internalized racism? If not, read about it. It explains a lot of things. Last, racial classifications were developed in Europe.

"Groups of humans have always identified themselves as distinct from neighboring groups, but such differences have not always been understood to be natural, immutable and global. These features are the distinguishing features of how the concept of race is used today. In this way the idea of race as we understand it today came about during the historical process of exploration and conquest which brought Europeans into contact with groups from different continents, and of the ideology of classification and typology found in the natural sciences."

Race (human categorization) - Wikipedia

Still, even as I have said this it doesn't mean that as I keep researching things that I will find information that might show racism in ancient societies. But having said that, we live in a place which has declared that for 242 years we have existed as a society where all were created equal. And all this but people of color are racist too argument does is try to deny a continuing racism written into law and policy by whites that continues to this very second.

You are talking about the hate that hate produced. And if you look on the world stage, colonization created or increased existing animosity.

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

Since the beginning of time, groups, tribes, and cultures have held a sense of superiority over other cultures to the point of enslavement which occurs to this day worldwide. I am curious, if this is all a creation at the feet of white people, why would any non-white culture or group continue this practice as well as demeaning other cultures as being inferior?

The premise of my response was if mixed races would help ease racial relationships. The reality is that there are groups and peoples, white and non-white alike, that never want to see progress and need strife to thrive.

Amalgamation leads to the destruction of a civilization. How can that be progress?
Call bullshit all you want. The facts don’t support your position. Overwhelmingly when left to their own devices people consistently self segregate. From prison populations to lunch rooms, even communities. Overwhelmingly, repeatedly, and demonstrably the majority of people tend to prefer the company of their own kind unless other factors intercede.
No single race is “guilty” of this behavior. There’s nothing to be guilty about. It’s human nature and all people’s do it. It’s natural human behavior.
Well here’s what’s fascinating about this whole idea of the naturalness of racial separatism: if indeed it were so natural for folks to do this on their own then why would it be necessary to encourage whites to do this or to form a groups to push that notion?

If it were natural, it would be impossible to move whites from that natural species instinct. No ?

Whites wouldn’t have needed segregation laws to force separation. Whites wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.

Those laws were passed for the very reason that white people weren’t so sure that they weren’t prepared to stray, weren’t so sure that indeed it was natural to separate.

The ones pushing segregation these days are overwhelmingly black.

{Although many people will be celebrating Black History Month as a time for appreciating cultural diversity, a NC activist is asking the African American community to reconsider racial segregation.

"We need to build a wall around black culture," says Durham NC minister and activist Paul Scott.

Scott states that during the era of segregation, black people were better off socially, politically and
economically. He argues that black history has been whitewashed to make white people feel
comfortable and that the black movement for social equality has been hijacked by other groups.

"Everyone has benefited from our pain except us," he says.

Scott is asking that African Americans take the 28 days of February to get their collective act together by supporting black businesses, working towards black unity and educating black youth about unsung black heroes.

Scott gained national attention in 2018 after being featured in a NY Times article about the gentrification of Durham NC and how it is becoming too white.}

No Warning Shots Fired !: Black Activist Calls for Return to Segregation
Black Lives Matter protest leader calls for racial segregation during demonstration | Daily Mail Online
Farrakhan Calls For Segregation
It’s what all races do left to their own devices.


While I condemn the racism of Tipsy, she is correct that the demands for the "black only lunch counter" is coming purely from the racist black populations at our institutions of perverted learning.
Call bullshit all you want. The facts don’t support your position. Overwhelmingly when left to their own devices people consistently self segregate. From prison populations to lunch rooms, even communities. Overwhelmingly, repeatedly, and demonstrably the majority of people tend to prefer the company of their own kind unless other factors intercede.
No single race is “guilty” of this behavior. There’s nothing to be guilty about. It’s human nature and all people’s do it. It’s natural human behavior.


When left to their own devices people ignore artificial constructs like race. Only when those seeking power get involved does piddly shit like race become a factor.
I've been involved in interracial relationships also. The problem I see is that there are blacks who are angry about that type of relationship but for an entirely different reason than whites who oppose it. I'm not here to justify anything but whites today are real quick to point fingers at us and talk about both sides, but I think whites should actually try harder to see our side.

For example black men were killed and jailed for an allegation of looking at a white woman. Black women were raped and beaten at will by white men. And you can't think that all you have to say is I didn't do it and the pain of looking at a picture of Emmitt Till will just magically disappear. It has been really unfair for whites to have done and keep doing to us expecting that you won't create people who don't like whites because of it.

Why do whites think they can bully us then call us the racists for being mad about it? It doesn't make sense.

The white guys in sheets made up a lie about superiority. Blacks and others of color are mad because of what the men in white believed and how they oppressed and still mistreat people of color because of that belief. There is a difference.

Your post is all about justification of all other races besides, white people, not being okay with mixed races.

Take the whites out of it and you will still find Asians and Blacks not being happy about mixing races with one another. Or, Latinos and Indians not being happy about mixed relationships with each other, or Blacks and Latinos or Asians and Latinos or I suppose you are going to blame whites for anti-interracial relationships as well. I got news for you...whites did not create this. You brought up history, you need to go deeper.

I'm not justifying anything. I understand all about ethnocentrism. And what I am is tired of whites trying to make claims of racism in others when this system in America was created because of white racist beliefs. What I 'm talking about goes beyond interracial relationships and mixed children. I have bi racial children and I have had to talk to them about how complex their lives will be. I'm not denying anything you say, but I refuse to let these white racists here have an excuse to continue their maintenance of a racist system that hates our kids and denies them opportunities.

We just had a biracial president and he got the high majority of votes from all minority groups while he got 39 percent of the white vote in 1 election and in the low 40's in the next. And my experience as a black man with bi racial friends doesn't show me the widespread racism between non whites your comments will be construed to say. I have not faced the same racism from other races as I have from whites. I know that it exists but again when blacks fought for civil rights, asians, hispanics and native americans fought with us too. And so did SOME whites.

Whites created racial classifications in the 1600's so yes, whites did create this. Will bi racial children help end it? I agree that it will take more than that.

Whites created racial classifications? In the 1600s? Which whites? Where? Amazing you have not found nor discovered racial and class classification origination in Asia, Africa, India, the Middle East that are practiced to this day. Take slavery for example. Still practiced in the cultures/continents to this day. Here in this culture, the USA, I have witnessed first hand an Asian manager telling a white colleague that genetically, It would be impossible for whites to be as good an engineer as Asians. I whitnessed an Indian executive complain about business operations being located in a certain part of town because of too many Latinos and Blacks. You are going to validate these incidents of people of color expressing racial superiority originated with whites?

I have done a lot of reading about this because of how whites want to tell everybody how racism has been around since the beginning of time. Everything I have read from predominantly white researchers say that race is a relatively new concept and it was not practiced in ancient societies regardless of color.

Have you ever heard of internalized racism? If not, read about it. It explains a lot of things. Last, racial classifications were developed in Europe.

"Groups of humans have always identified themselves as distinct from neighboring groups, but such differences have not always been understood to be natural, immutable and global. These features are the distinguishing features of how the concept of race is used today. In this way the idea of race as we understand it today came about during the historical process of exploration and conquest which brought Europeans into contact with groups from different continents, and of the ideology of classification and typology found in the natural sciences."

Race (human categorization) - Wikipedia

Still, even as I have said this it doesn't mean that as I keep researching things that I will find information that might show racism in ancient societies. But having said that, we live in a place which has declared that for 242 years we have existed as a society where all were created equal. And all this but people of color are racist too argument does is try to deny a continuing racism written into law and policy by whites that continues to this very second.

You are talking about the hate that hate produced. And if you look on the world stage, colonization created or increased existing animosity.

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

Since the beginning of time, groups, tribes, and cultures have held a sense of superiority over other cultures to the point of enslavement which occurs to this day worldwide. I am curious, if this is all a creation at the feet of white people, why would any non-white culture or group continue this practice as well as demeaning other cultures as being inferior?

The premise of my response was if mixed races would help ease racial relationships. The reality is that there are groups and peoples, white and non-white alike, that never want to see progress and need strife to thrive.

Since the beginning of time does not excuse us for today. And that is the excuse used by whites who are racist to deny the damage that racism has caused which has gone unfixed and then to declare themselves the moral authority on how others should do things. Ethnocentrism has been most of what occurred in Ancient times but that's just as wrong.

I am looking at modern times and modern times show us a 4-5 century pattern of international aggression by whites as they decided to colonize people and control lands outside of Europe. The statement was made that mixed children might be the answer. I agree with you that it will take much more. And in my view more means that damages made by past racist policies of colonization etc by whites must be fixed. In addition any damage caused ethnically due to those policies must be fixed by the offending ethnic groups.

In America damage caused by racist government laws and policy must be corrected and economic assistance must be provided for programs of community and economic development to the negatively affected communities .
Call bullshit all you want. The facts don’t support your position. Overwhelmingly when left to their own devices people consistently self segregate. From prison populations to lunch rooms, even communities. Overwhelmingly, repeatedly, and demonstrably the majority of people tend to prefer the company of their own kind unless other factors intercede.
No single race is “guilty” of this behavior. There’s nothing to be guilty about. It’s human nature and all people’s do it. It’s natural human behavior.
Well here’s what’s fascinating about this whole idea of the naturalness of racial separatism: if indeed it were so natural for folks to do this on their own then why would it be necessary to encourage whites to do this or to form a groups to push that notion?

If it were natural, it would be impossible to move whites from that natural species instinct. No ?

Whites wouldn’t have needed segregation laws to force separation. Whites wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.

Those laws were passed for the very reason that white people weren’t so sure that they weren’t prepared to stray, weren’t so sure that indeed it was natural to separate.

The ones pushing segregation these days are overwhelmingly black.

{Although many people will be celebrating Black History Month as a time for appreciating cultural diversity, a NC activist is asking the African American community to reconsider racial segregation.

"We need to build a wall around black culture," says Durham NC minister and activist Paul Scott.

Scott states that during the era of segregation, black people were better off socially, politically and
economically. He argues that black history has been whitewashed to make white people feel
comfortable and that the black movement for social equality has been hijacked by other groups.

"Everyone has benefited from our pain except us," he says.

Scott is asking that African Americans take the 28 days of February to get their collective act together by supporting black businesses, working towards black unity and educating black youth about unsung black heroes.

Scott gained national attention in 2018 after being featured in a NY Times article about the gentrification of Durham NC and how it is becoming too white.}

No Warning Shots Fired !: Black Activist Calls for Return to Segregation
Black Lives Matter protest leader calls for racial segregation during demonstration | Daily Mail Online
Farrakhan Calls For Segregation

We are not calling for segregation.
"Diversity" breeds discord, that's why humans invented national borders.

That's a bit simplistic.. Diversity when it's NATURAL and voluntary is wonderful thing. Look at the arts or sports. Or even the variety of food in your neighborhood.. I'd be LOST without culinary diversity and my Asian/Mexican food fixes or good authentic Southern soul cooking

--- or the NFL.. EVEN WITH the scrimmage about kneeling and all...

So I'm doing my part.. This year I routing for Bubba Wallace.. The only black driver on the TOP NASCAR circuit.. About time.. Last one that made it to the big show was in the 70s I think... Pit crews are more integrated BECAUSE NASCAR "gave a little" and made an open invitation for diversity.. Won't kill that whitebread sport either.

My bet is when the moonshine was being run up in the Smokies back in the day, there were PLENTY of black drivers on the "NASCAR" circuit.. That's the origin of it all...

Problems come when diversity is forced.. We've seen our share of Black segregationists. We're still paying the price for our country FORCING segregated housing to come into existence for about 80 years.. Govt CREATED the bulk of segregation problems in this country...

Only reasonable people can fix this... The certified racists on either side play no role in making ANYTHING racial better...

I remember watching Willie T. Ribbs racing. He never really did that well... he couldn't even beat Dick Trickle. :abgg2q.jpg:

GAwd.. You gotta have the RIGHT NAME to get into a NASCAR seat. LOL...

When people are moved away from racial bias by their OWN feelings things get better.. Not when they're FORCED to... Sports and music did more to FIX racial problems in this country than the govt did..

Charlie Pride is a great example.. For YEARS, his manager wouldn't let him go on tour.. He was kicking out top country hits for awhile before MOST fans knew he was black.. That's kinda deceptive marketing, but it did more for racial reconciliation in Middle America than most anything Washington D.C. did in those years..

Any one doing victory laps -- celebrating every time a "stupid black video" or "black criminal vid" hits the web to validate their bias is "fighting the current".... Same for the "identity blacks" who spend all their time looking for white racism and grievances to the point of being as obnoxious as the white racists that they hate. (see the Black Hebrew Israelites for example or as our local talk show calls them -- the "He-Bros")

Both of those sad groups are increasingly irrelevant.. Because as you've seen in this thread, their biggest fear is racial reconciliation.. Can't be relevant if you can't find anecdotal spicy videos and stories to support your racist attitudes... Those WILL exist... But reasonable people understand it's got more to do with culture and poverty and upbringing and education -- than it does about skin color...

And if both sides work on those issues, they'll be more parity in the absurd examples of stupidity and crime..

And you really believe this crap. Reasonable people understand that racism exists, that nobody goes looking for it, that racism has created problems that a certain part of the white community denies and that a white person who claims that a person of color is scared of racial reconciliation is a mental cripple.

Some people LOOK HARDER for racism than others. When they're WHITE -- we usually KNOW they're racists....

I know no one who goes looking for racism. In 58 years I have met ZERO people of color looking for racism. White racists don't look for racism. They practice and live by racist principles. This claim you make is another in the long tradition of stupid things whites like yourself have told each other to deny their problem.

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