Why I Support Segregation

There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.
Feel free to go somewhere where there are no black people then.

Maybe the real answer is for the whites to reclaim their country.

Their country?
You mean the land they invaded?

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Throughout history, until modern times, mankind has recognized the Right of Conquest. How many countries on the globe can you name where the posterity of original inhabitants are still in charge? Most countries have been invaded and taken by conquest at one point or another.
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.
Feel free to go somewhere where there are no black people then.

Maybe the real answer is for the whites to reclaim their country.

Their country?
You mean the land they invaded?

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Throughout history, until modern times, mankind has recognized the Right of Conquest. How many countries on the globe can you name where the posterity of original inhabitants are still in charge? Most countries have been invaded and taken by conquest at one point or another.

Don’t bitch when it happens here.
I can’t wait.

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There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.

Looks like you’re up shit creek.
Black, brown and red people are here to stay.
Get fucking used to it.

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Actually negro birth rates are in decline...

Not true. Whites are marrying blacks and / or having babies by them. Black genes are more predominant over white genes at a ration of 4 to 1. So, that mixed race -like Barack Obama did, identifies with the Black race.

By contrast when a black girl tried to identify with the white race on the Dr. Phil Show, he classified her as having mental disorders. So, yes, the liberals DO know there is a white race; they just deny the fact that the mixed race is predominantly black so as to force white people and their culture into oblivion.
Yes and mixed race obama is as racist as they come.
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.
Feel free to go somewhere where there are no black people then.

Maybe the real answer is for the whites to reclaim their country.

Where is that country?

The only country that was founded exclusively for the whites. Read this and you might get it:

http://www.casa-arts.org/cms/lib/PA01925203/Centricity/Domain/50/A Model of Christian Charity.pdf

Just answer the question.
This stuff will never end. When will we learn they HATE us.

This might be the most ignorant post yet. "They hate us?" So now you can speak for all Black people? Be honest, you want segregation not because "they hate us," but because YOU hate them. You have free will. Feel free to segregate yourself.
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.
Feel free to go somewhere where there are no black people then.

Maybe the real answer is for the whites to reclaim their country.

Their country?
You mean the land they invaded?

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Throughout history, until modern times, mankind has recognized the Right of Conquest. How many countries on the globe can you name where the posterity of original inhabitants are still in charge? Most countries have been invaded and taken by conquest at one point or another.

Don’t bitch when it happens here.
I can’t wait.

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My friend, America HAS been conquered yet again. The whites have been beaten, battered and put in the dog house. They've been programmed, Pavlovian style, to have a guilt complex and to beg, sit, and bark the liberal mantra every time the news and entertainment shove a microphone in front of them.

Meanwhile the liberals are busy making the whites eat the Confederate flag while watching the white peoples monuments, memorials, plaques, and statues being removed. History is being rewritten to make the white race look like savages and barbarians.

I give the left the acknowledgment it has earned. They have conned the white people to believe they are sub humans. The downside is that breeds hatemongers like Frazier Glenn Miller and Dylan Roof. It inspires more people to become drug addicts than entrepreneurs. It makes the whites reject their heritage and chase after failed ideologies like National Socialism.

The whites I know, and they are MANY, are pretty much the same. They neglected their education, became dope smoking, pill popping, lazy, whining assholes that allow the rest of us to carry them because they are too good to work, sacrifice and hold themselves accountable. They can blame the Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Mexicans, so - called "illegal aliens," or any damn body else, but at the end of the day, they are getting what they deserve.

The white people cannot be effectively led by a fat ass rich boy who never worked a day in his life... especially a liar, globalist, phony Republican and charlatan that tries to sell National Socialism.

No, one day guys there will be a person who represents the values and the standards that brought our Republic into existence. There will be a revival. Whites will one day seek their rightful place, take notice of their history and learn of their destiny. Whites are already in bondage and many realize it. The rest are participating in their own demise. I'm not bitching about it. It's darkest just before sunset.
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.
Feel free to go somewhere where there are no black people then.

Maybe the real answer is for the whites to reclaim their country.

Where is that country?

The only country that was founded exclusively for the whites. Read this and you might get it:

http://www.casa-arts.org/cms/lib/PA01925203/Centricity/Domain/50/A Model of Christian Charity.pdf

Just answer the question.

I did. Check the link.
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.
Feel free to go somewhere where there are no black people then.

Maybe the real answer is for the whites to reclaim their country.
"Their country"?

Did you access the link from my earlier post? Have you ever read the Preamble to the Constitution? Have you read the first Naturalization statute passed in Congress?

If not you should start there. It becomes pretty obvious who the Constitution was concerned with. Do you think it's a bad thing for a people to want a country that reflects their cultural, religious, racial and moral standards? If not, could you point me to the posts you've done regarding the Israelis? Chinese? North Koreans? Japanese? Maybe you can justify Zimbabwe being 99.7 percent black???
We're gonna make one LAST attempt at ADULT discussion here. WITHOUT the "all personal 100%" flame posts and WITHOUT the threats and boasting about being prepared for a Race war.

This forum doesn't EXIST for dick-swinging or advertising how black or white you are.. It's here to DISCUSS the exact topics as they are presented... If you don't get that -- get out now because you'll eventually end up "forum banned"..

If you got a post deletion alert, the next illegal post will get a warning and thread ban. Do NOT make it personal.. EXPLAIN why the other person is wrong or demented... Only up to cleaning pg4.. Thread will re-open in 15 minutes...

Don't ring up my inbox with gripes if you "got personal" or derailed the topic with your weapons or martial arts abilities...

Twenty Seven posts deleted. By my calculations, 1/2 the posters in the thread SHOULD have gotten warnings/thread banned, etc.. And they WILL... Because I'm following this thread and there will be more TOPIC DISCUSSION and less personal shit and swagger about resorting to violence over a fucking YouTube video that is at BEST anectodal...

So you know -- This OP is barely legal.. General policy is we move "anecdotal current events" of stupid white people or stupid other colored people to Current Events or just put them into Badlands.. But if this is what you folks want to go after, there is gonna be a discussion of the TOPIC. Either specifically about the INCIDENT IN THE VID or in general about people calling for re-segregation on any side of the race divides...

Can ya do it?? Gonna find out.. Don't come back and have the same meaningless bar fight.. No one is having posts deleted from here on without consequences...

Don't reply to mod messages in thread. It's in the rules you have not read or forgotten.. If you have a valid gripe, PM me or your favorite mod(s)....
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.
Feel free to go somewhere where there are no black people then.

Maybe the real answer is for the whites to reclaim their country.

Where is that country?

The only country that was founded exclusively for the whites. Read this and you might get it:

http://www.casa-arts.org/cms/lib/PA01925203/Centricity/Domain/50/A Model of Christian Charity.pdf

Just answer the question.

Asked and answered.
Twenty Seven posts deleted. By my calculations, 1/2 the posters in the thread SHOULD have gotten warnings/thread banned, etc.. And they WILL... Because I'm following this thread and there will be more TOPIC DISCUSSION and less personal shit and swagger about resorting to violence over a fucking YouTube video that is at BEST anectodal...

So you know -- This OP is barely legal.. General policy is we move "anecdotal current events" of stupid white people or stupid other colored people to Current Events or just put them into Badlands.. But if this is what you folks want to go after, there is gonna be a discussion of the TOPIC. Either specifically about the INCIDENT IN THE VID or in general about people calling for re-segregation on any side of the race divides...

Can ya do it?? Gonna find out.. Don't come back and have the same meaningless bar fight.. No one is having posts deleted from here on without consequences...

Don't reply to mod messages in thread. It's in the rules you have not read or forgotten.. If you have a valid gripe, PM me or your favorite mod(s)....


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