Why I Support Segregation

"Diversity" breeds discord, that's why humans invented national borders.

That's a bit simplistic.. Diversity when it's NATURAL and voluntary is wonderful thing. Look at the arts or sports. Or even the variety of food in your neighborhood.. I'd be LOST without culinary diversity and my Asian/Mexican food fixes or good authentic Southern soul cooking

--- or the NFL.. EVEN WITH the scrimmage about kneeling and all...

So I'm doing my part.. This year I routing for Bubba Wallace.. The only black driver on the TOP NASCAR circuit.. About time.. Last one that made it to the big show was in the 70s I think... Pit crews are more integrated BECAUSE NASCAR "gave a little" and made an open invitation for diversity.. Won't kill that whitebread sport either.

My bet is when the moonshine was being run up in the Smokies back in the day, there were PLENTY of black drivers on the "NASCAR" circuit.. That's the origin of it all...

Problems come when diversity is forced.. We've seen our share of Black segregationists. We're still paying the price for our country FORCING segregated housing to come into existence for about 80 years.. Govt CREATED the bulk of segregation problems in this country...

Only reasonable people can fix this... The certified racists on either side play no role in making ANYTHING racial better...
"Diversity" breeds discord, that's why humans invented national borders.

That's a bit simplistic.. Diversity when it's NATURAL and voluntary is wonderful thing. Look at the arts or sports. Or even the variety of food in your neighborhood.. I'd be LOST with culinary diversity or the NFL.. EVEN WITH the scrimmage about kneeling and all...

So I'm doing my part.. This year I routing for Bubba Wallace.. The only black driver on the TOP NASCAR circuit.. About time.. Last one that made it to the big show was in the 70s I think... Pit crews are more integrated BECAUSE NASCAR "gave a little" and made an open invitation for diversity.. Won't kill that whitebread sport either.

My bet is when the moonshine was being run up in the Smokies back in the day, there were PLENTY of black drivers on the "NASCAR" circuit.. That's the origin of it all...

Problems come when diversity is forced.. We've seen our share of Black segregationists. We're still paying the price for our country FORCING segregated housing to come into existence for about 80 years.. Govt CREATED the bulk of segregation problems in this country...

Only reasonable people can fix this... The certified racists on either side play no role in making ANYTHING racial better...

Sure, yeah. Natural diversity is fine. I don't expect to have an all white nation or anything crazy like that. Let immigration be gradual, keep it at a reasonable level. don't force it down our throats and call us racist when we don't like it. What we seem to be getting now is too much, too fast. It's overwhelming and destructive and it's strongest advocates seem to have hostile intent.
All the nationalists out there KNOW -- that inviting in a couple hundred thousand people from Arab Muslim cultures and SEGREGATING THEM into Euro ghettos is a fools errand. Another example of govt lunacy... But there's no limit to govt arrogance and stupidity when the leaders doing this are just patting themselves on the back for being so supportive of cultural diversity and multiculturalism while they are CREATING segregation..

Making the same mistakes TODAY that have already been made and can not be undone for generations.. Assuming the consequences don't tear the country apart.. See the news on New Zealand.
"Diversity" breeds discord, that's why humans invented national borders.

That's a bit simplistic.. Diversity when it's NATURAL and voluntary is wonderful thing. Look at the arts or sports. Or even the variety of food in your neighborhood.. I'd be LOST without culinary diversity and my Asian/Mexican food fixes or good authentic Southern soul cooking

--- or the NFL.. EVEN WITH the scrimmage about kneeling and all...

So I'm doing my part.. This year I routing for Bubba Wallace.. The only black driver on the TOP NASCAR circuit.. About time.. Last one that made it to the big show was in the 70s I think... Pit crews are more integrated BECAUSE NASCAR "gave a little" and made an open invitation for diversity.. Won't kill that whitebread sport either.

My bet is when the moonshine was being run up in the Smokies back in the day, there were PLENTY of black drivers on the "NASCAR" circuit.. That's the origin of it all...

Problems come when diversity is forced.. We've seen our share of Black segregationists. We're still paying the price for our country FORCING segregated housing to come into existence for about 80 years.. Govt CREATED the bulk of segregation problems in this country...

Only reasonable people can fix this... The certified racists on either side play no role in making ANYTHING racial better...

I remember watching Willie T. Ribbs racing. He never really did that well... he couldn't even beat Dick Trickle. :abgg2q.jpg:
"Diversity" breeds discord, that's why humans invented national borders.

That's a bit simplistic.. Diversity when it's NATURAL and voluntary is wonderful thing. Look at the arts or sports. Or even the variety of food in your neighborhood.. I'd be LOST without culinary diversity and my Asian/Mexican food fixes or good authentic Southern soul cooking

--- or the NFL.. EVEN WITH the scrimmage about kneeling and all...

So I'm doing my part.. This year I routing for Bubba Wallace.. The only black driver on the TOP NASCAR circuit.. About time.. Last one that made it to the big show was in the 70s I think... Pit crews are more integrated BECAUSE NASCAR "gave a little" and made an open invitation for diversity.. Won't kill that whitebread sport either.

My bet is when the moonshine was being run up in the Smokies back in the day, there were PLENTY of black drivers on the "NASCAR" circuit.. That's the origin of it all...

Problems come when diversity is forced.. We've seen our share of Black segregationists. We're still paying the price for our country FORCING segregated housing to come into existence for about 80 years.. Govt CREATED the bulk of segregation problems in this country...

Only reasonable people can fix this... The certified racists on either side play no role in making ANYTHING racial better...

I remember watching Willie T. Ribbs racing. He never really did that well... he couldn't even beat Dick Trickle. :abgg2q.jpg:

GAwd.. You gotta have the RIGHT NAME to get into a NASCAR seat. LOL...

When people are moved away from racial bias by their OWN feelings things get better.. Not when they're FORCED to... Sports and music did more to FIX racial problems in this country than the govt did..

Charlie Pride is a great example.. For YEARS, his manager wouldn't let him go on tour.. He was kicking out top country hits for awhile before MOST fans knew he was black.. That's kinda deceptive marketing, but it did more for racial reconciliation in Middle America than most anything Washington D.C. did in those years..

Any one doing victory laps -- celebrating every time a "stupid black video" or "black criminal vid" hits the web to validate their bias is "fighting the current".... Same for the "identity blacks" who spend all their time looking for white racism and grievances to the point of being as obnoxious as the white racists that they hate. (see the Black Hebrew Israelites for example or as our local talk show calls them -- the "He-Bros")

Both of those sad groups are increasingly irrelevant.. Because as you've seen in this thread, their biggest fear is racial reconciliation.. Can't be relevant if you can't find anecdotal spicy videos and stories to support your racist attitudes... Those WILL exist... But reasonable people understand it's got more to do with culture and poverty and upbringing and education -- than it does about skin color...

And if both sides work on those issues, they'll be more parity in the absurd examples of stupidity and crime..
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There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.

Looks like you’re up shit creek.
Black, brown and red people are here to stay.
Get fucking used to it.

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Actually negro birth rates are in decline...

The same applies to the white population....even more so.

White population aging rapidly in US, dying faster than babies are born, data show
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.

Looks like you’re up shit creek.
Black, brown and red people are here to stay.
Get fucking used to it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually negro birth rates are in decline...

The same applies to the white population....even more so.

White population aging rapidly in US, dying faster than babies are born, data show
Humans in general, in a stable, and “predictable environment”; by nature, have fewer children; and invest more heavily in those children. Poorer people in less predictable environments tend to have a larger number of children. It’s an evolutionary hedge against genetic death for the gene carrier.

This birth rate “issue” isn’t a fertility problem. It’s a sociological “phenomena” that has been observed for thousands of years; and transcends racial lines.

On a side note... The only “danger” presented by the “declining birth rates” in their present form... is the collapse of the socialist/ collectivist system which requires a forever expanding population base to tax; for the purpose of funding the collective. Which is obviously unsustainable.
It’s what all races do left to their own devices.
Actually the demand for black safe spaces on campus is only the first step. The goal is a entirely safe campus without white students at all.

Going back to the OP, blacks need their own transportation also. Separate buses. Separate rail cars. Total separation.

Wow dementia has kicked in with this one.:blowpop:
You need a little reality kicking in your head.

Why were the black women beating up the white woman? Why was the white woman being strangled? What could have avoided this violence?

It’s one instance. Some black people are assholes as are some white people. Only idiots broadbrush. So what nationality are you? I am genuinely curious.
Half Iroquois and half Jewish.

Recognizing that black people have no interest in coexistence with white people isn't racist.

The vast majority of black people do not rank "coexisting with white people" as being of great importance within their hierarchy of needs.

Like most sane individuals, most black people think first about "coexisting" with their immediate family, and being able to provide for that family.

You sound like some KKK relic from 1915, when "Birth of a Nation" was first released.
My bet is when the moonshine was being run up in the Smokies back in the day, there were PLENTY of black drivers on the "NASCAR" circuit.. That's the origin of it all...

You're more than likely wrong. You're talking about a black person running moonshine in klan country.

Wendell Scott


Wendell Scott became the first African-American to start a NASCAR race when he took the green flag on March 4, 1961, in Spartanburg, South Carolina. But Scott had engine problems that day and did not finish.

How Many African-Americans Have Made It in NASCAR?

NASCAR’s darkest chapter is its racism

Published Thursday, January 15, 2009
by Brian Donovan, Special To The Post

As we move toward Martin Luther King Day, Barack Obama’s inauguration and the Daytona 500, it’s an appropriate moment to consider the unusual life of another remarkable racial pioneer: NASCAR’s first black driver, the late Wendell Scott.

A talented racer, Scott began banging fenders with roughneck competitors on Dixie dirt tracks in 1952, during an era when he couldn’t use a white restroom or drinking fountain. The story of his frustrating struggle, little known outside of the racing world, offers a reminder of how much our country has changed – but also of how NASCAR’s progress toward diversity still seems stuck in the past.

Scott’s dream of becoming a competitive national-level racer depended on support from NASCAR’s celebrated founder and czar, the late Bill France Sr. At first, Scott’s prospects looked promising. Early on, France assured him he’d always be treated without prejudice. In the minor leagues Scott won dozens of races and a Virginia state championship.

Like Obama, Scott, who lived in Danville, Va., and often raced in Charlotte, developed surprising numbers of admirers among ordinary white folks in the South. He became one of NASCAR’s most popular drivers, even as an underdog without the corporate sponsorship for a competitive racecar. His passionate determination inspired fans to reconsider racial stereotypes. Unfortunately, his support in the grandstands wasn’t matched in NASCAR’s executive suites.

As the growing civil rights struggle in the ‘60s inflamed racial tensions, France reneged on his promise, and a pattern of unfair treatment by NASCAR followed. France denied Scott the rookie-of-the-year award for his first major-league season, even though Scott was the top rookie in the standings. When Scott won his only national race, NASCAR officials, fearing he’d kiss the white trophy queen, declared another driver the victor.

Long after the crowd and the queen had left, NASCAR grudgingly admitted that Scott had won.

For years South Carolina’s major track, Darlington Raceway, banned Scott because he was black. This cost him any chance for sponsorship. France addressed the problem with inaction and silence. When Scott finally asked for help, he said France told him that Darlington was important to NASCAR’s success and Scott should just be patient.

When senior NASCAR officials and major promoters mistreated Scott, France continued his hands-off neutrality. One official abused his authority and excluded Scott from an important race at Charlotte. Others did the same thing at the speedways in Daytona Beach, Fla., and Martinsville, Va. – facilities in which France owned major financial interests. Repeatedly, officials harassed Scott over trivial issues: his son’s beards, minor blemishes in his car’s paint.

At one prestigious NASCAR event, Scott was exploited in a bogus promotional scheme. A record crowd packed Charlotte’s speedway after the promoter announced he’d give Scott his first chance to drive a competitive car. But the car was a phony; its weak performance embarrassed Scott in front of 81,000 spectators.

France helped other drivers obtain sponsorship for competitive cars, but not Scott. The pattern of unfairness persisted, insiders say, largely because France and other influential executives in the NASCAR world believed that a competitive black driver would be bad for business. At the time France was cultivating alliances with leading segregationist politicians such as Alabama Governor George Wallace, and those relationships helped NASCAR to grow into today’s multi-billion-dollar enterprise.

Many of the biased actions toward Scott took place as France was negotiating successfully with Wallace for millions of dollars in state subsidies for a huge new speedway at Talladega. Wallace never would have approved that money if NASCAR’s lone black driver had any chance of winning.

Today, more than 35 years after Scott’s last race, America’s racial situation has improved drastically. But NASCAR remains the country’s least diverse major sport, despite a diversity program launched eight years ago. Every regular driver in NASCAR’s three national series is still a white male.

Some of Scott’s admirers feel that some official recognition for him from NASCAR is long overdue – perhaps at the new hall of fame NASCAR is opening this year, perhaps even a public apology for the bigotry he suffered. Others believe an apology would be quite unlikely, since NASCAR, still owned by the France family, says it knows nothing about any unfair treatment of Scott.

BRIAN DONOVAN, a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist, is the author of “Hard Driving: The American Odyssey of NASCAR’s First Black Driver.”

NASCAR’s darkest chapter is its racism
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"Diversity" breeds discord, that's why humans invented national borders.

That's a bit simplistic.. Diversity when it's NATURAL and voluntary is wonderful thing. Look at the arts or sports. Or even the variety of food in your neighborhood.. I'd be LOST without culinary diversity and my Asian/Mexican food fixes or good authentic Southern soul cooking

--- or the NFL.. EVEN WITH the scrimmage about kneeling and all...

So I'm doing my part.. This year I routing for Bubba Wallace.. The only black driver on the TOP NASCAR circuit.. About time.. Last one that made it to the big show was in the 70s I think... Pit crews are more integrated BECAUSE NASCAR "gave a little" and made an open invitation for diversity.. Won't kill that whitebread sport either.

My bet is when the moonshine was being run up in the Smokies back in the day, there were PLENTY of black drivers on the "NASCAR" circuit.. That's the origin of it all...

Problems come when diversity is forced.. We've seen our share of Black segregationists. We're still paying the price for our country FORCING segregated housing to come into existence for about 80 years.. Govt CREATED the bulk of segregation problems in this country...

Only reasonable people can fix this... The certified racists on either side play no role in making ANYTHING racial better...

I remember watching Willie T. Ribbs racing. He never really did that well... he couldn't even beat Dick Trickle. :abgg2q.jpg:

GAwd.. You gotta have the RIGHT NAME to get into a NASCAR seat. LOL...

When people are moved away from racial bias by their OWN feelings things get better.. Not when they're FORCED to... Sports and music did more to FIX racial problems in this country than the govt did..

Charlie Pride is a great example.. For YEARS, his manager wouldn't let him go on tour.. He was kicking out top country hits for awhile before MOST fans knew he was black.. That's kinda deceptive marketing, but it did more for racial reconciliation in Middle America than most anything Washington D.C. did in those years..

Any one doing victory laps -- celebrating every time a "stupid black video" or "black criminal vid" hits the web to validate their bias is "fighting the current".... Same for the "identity blacks" who spend all their time looking for white racism and grievances to the point of being as obnoxious as the white racists that they hate. (see the Black Hebrew Israelites for example or as our local talk show calls them -- the "He-Bros")

Both of those sad groups are increasingly irrelevant.. Because as you've seen in this thread, their biggest fear is racial reconciliation.. Can't be relevant if you can't find anecdotal spicy videos and stories to support your racist attitudes... Those WILL exist... But reasonable people understand it's got more to do with culture and poverty and upbringing and education -- than it does about skin color...

And if both sides work on those issues, they'll be more parity in the absurd examples of stupidity and crime..

And you really believe this crap. Reasonable people understand that racism exists, that nobody goes looking for it, that racism has created problems that a certain part of the white community denies and that a white person who claims that a person of color is scared of racial reconciliation is a mental cripple.
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.

Looks like you’re up shit creek.
Black, brown and red people are here to stay.
Get fucking used to it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually negro birth rates are in decline...

Mixed races will end racism.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wonder about that. I am in a mixed marriage with mixed children. From here, you see racism through many different lenses and it goes way beyond the white guys in sheets. Many people of Color look at mixed races with the same level of dislike as the white guys in sheets. Namely, many of the same cries for end to racism are from the same voices not keen on mixed races.
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.

Looks like you’re up shit creek.
Black, brown and red people are here to stay.
Get fucking used to it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually negro birth rates are in decline...

Mixed races will end racism.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wonder about that. I am in a mixed marriage with mixed children. From here, you see racism through many different lenses and it goes way beyond the white guys in sheets. Many people of Color look at mixed races with the same level of dislike as the white guys in sheets. Namely, many of the same cries for end to racism are from the same voices not keen on mixed races.

I've been involved in interracial relationships also. The problem I see is that there are blacks who are angry about that type of relationship but for an entirely different reason than whites who oppose it. I'm not here to justify anything but whites today are real quick to point fingers at us and talk about both sides, but I think whites should actually try harder to see our side.

For example black men were killed and jailed for an allegation of looking at a white woman. Black women were raped and beaten at will by white men. And you can't think that all you have to say is I didn't do it and the pain of looking at a picture of Emmitt Till will just magically disappear. It has been really unfair for whites to have done and keep doing to us expecting that you won't create people who don't like whites because of it.

Why do whites think they can bully us then call us the racists for being mad about it? It doesn't make sense.

The white guys in sheets made up a lie about superiority. Blacks and others of color are mad because of what the men in white believed and how they oppressed and still mistreat people of color because of that belief. There is a difference.
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.

Looks like you’re up shit creek.
Black, brown and red people are here to stay.
Get fucking used to it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually negro birth rates are in decline...

Mixed races will end racism.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wonder about that. I am in a mixed marriage with mixed children. From here, you see racism through many different lenses and it goes way beyond the white guys in sheets. Many people of Color look at mixed races with the same level of dislike as the white guys in sheets. Namely, many of the same cries for end to racism are from the same voices not keen on mixed races.

I've been involved in interracial relationships also. The problem I see is that there are blacks who are angry about that type of relationship but for an entirely different reason than whites who oppose it. I'm not here to justify anything but whites today are real quick to point fingers at us and talk about both sides, but I think whites should actually try harder to see our side.

For example black men were killed and jailed for an allegation of looking at a white woman. Black women were raped and beaten at will by white men. And you can't think that all you have to say is I didn't do it and the pain of looking at a picture of Emmitt Till will just magically disappear. It has been really unfair for whites to have done and keep doing to us expecting that you won't create people who don't like whites because of it.

Why do whites think they can bully us then call us the racists for being mad about it? It doesn't make sense.

The white guys in sheets made up a lie about superiority. Blacks and others of color are mad because of what the men in white believed and how they oppressed and still mistreat people of color because of that belief. There is a difference.

Your post is all about justification of all other races besides, white people, not being okay with mixed races.

Take the whites out of it and you will still find Asians and Blacks not being happy about mixing races with one another. Or, Latinos and Indians not being happy about mixed relationships with each other, or Blacks and Latinos or Asians and Latinos or I suppose you are going to blame whites for anti-interracial relationships as well. I got news for you...whites did not create this. You brought up history, you need to go deeper.
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.
Feel free to go somewhere where there are no black people then.

Maybe the real answer is for the whites to reclaim their country.

Their country?
You mean the land they invaded?

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Throughout history, until modern times, mankind has recognized the Right of Conquest. How many countries on the globe can you name where the posterity of original inhabitants are still in charge? Most countries have been invaded and taken by conquest at one point or another.
OLD SCHOOL: Conquest
NEW AGE: Conked Out

For the transnational appeasing Liberal misfits here, Winner is a negative rating, which is not allowed on this embee. I hope they don't report me and get me banned again.
There is no way that there can be coexistence with black people.
Feel free to go somewhere where there are no black people then.

Maybe the real answer is for the whites to reclaim their country.

Their country?
You mean the land they invaded?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Throughout history, until modern times, mankind has recognized the Right of Conquest. How many countries on the globe can you name where the posterity of original inhabitants are still in charge? Most countries have been invaded and taken by conquest at one point or another.
OLD SCHOOL: Conquest
NEW AGE: Conked Out

For the transnational appeasing Liberal misfits here, Winner is a negative rating, which is not allowed on this embee. I hope they don't report me and get me banned again.

I'm a little new here and did not fully understand the second paragraph, but I have been clicking on winner when someone makes a post I agree with 100 percent. This time I clicked on the agree icon for your first paragraph.
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It’s what all races do left to their own devices.


While I condemn the racism of Tipsy, she is correct that the demands for the "black only lunch counter" is coming purely from the racist black populations at our institutions of perverted learning.
Call bullshit all you want. The facts don’t support your position. Overwhelmingly when left to their own devices people consistently self segregate. From prison populations to lunch rooms, even communities. Overwhelmingly, repeatedly, and demonstrably the majority of people tend to prefer the company of their own kind unless other factors intercede.
No single race is “guilty” of this behavior. There’s nothing to be guilty about. It’s human nature and all people’s do it. It’s natural human behavior.
Looks like you’re up shit creek.
Black, brown and red people are here to stay.
Get fucking used to it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually negro birth rates are in decline...

Mixed races will end racism.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wonder about that. I am in a mixed marriage with mixed children. From here, you see racism through many different lenses and it goes way beyond the white guys in sheets. Many people of Color look at mixed races with the same level of dislike as the white guys in sheets. Namely, many of the same cries for end to racism are from the same voices not keen on mixed races.

I've been involved in interracial relationships also. The problem I see is that there are blacks who are angry about that type of relationship but for an entirely different reason than whites who oppose it. I'm not here to justify anything but whites today are real quick to point fingers at us and talk about both sides, but I think whites should actually try harder to see our side.

For example black men were killed and jailed for an allegation of looking at a white woman. Black women were raped and beaten at will by white men. And you can't think that all you have to say is I didn't do it and the pain of looking at a picture of Emmitt Till will just magically disappear. It has been really unfair for whites to have done and keep doing to us expecting that you won't create people who don't like whites because of it.

Why do whites think they can bully us then call us the racists for being mad about it? It doesn't make sense.

The white guys in sheets made up a lie about superiority. Blacks and others of color are mad because of what the men in white believed and how they oppressed and still mistreat people of color because of that belief. There is a difference.

Your post is all about justification of all other races besides, white people, not being okay with mixed races.

Take the whites out of it and you will still find Asians and Blacks not being happy about mixing races with one another. Or, Latinos and Indians not being happy about mixed relationships with each other, or Blacks and Latinos or Asians and Latinos or I suppose you are going to blame whites for anti-interracial relationships as well. I got news for you...whites did not create this. You brought up history, you need to go deeper.

I'm not justifying anything. I understand all about ethnocentrism. And what I am is tired of whites trying to make claims of racism in others when this system in America was created because of white racist beliefs. What I 'm talking about goes beyond interracial relationships and mixed children. I have bi racial children and I have had to talk to them about how complex their lives will be. I'm not denying anything you say, but I refuse to let these white racists here have an excuse to continue their maintenance of a racist system that hates our kids and denies them opportunities.

We just had a biracial president and he got the high majority of votes from all minority groups while he got 39 percent of the white vote in 1 election and in the low 40's in the next. And my experience as a black man with bi racial friends doesn't show me the widespread racism between non whites your comments will be construed to say. I have not faced the same racism from other races as I have from whites. I know that it exists but again when blacks fought for civil rights, asians, hispanics and native americans fought with us too. And so did SOME whites.

Whites created racial classifications in the 1600's so yes, whites did create this. Will bi racial children help end it? I agree that it will take more than that.

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