Why In The World Are They Spraying?...

They are doing more than seeding....In our area jets covered the sky with cloud cover for six months of the year and people developed Seasonal Affective Disorder...One year we had 9 days of sunshine from October to February. They are still trying, but it does not work as even a light wind will blow the fake clouds from the area. The person who posted this video is doing a service for people who do not have personal knowledge of what is happening. Actually, I was thanking the original person posting...

Yeah, this definitely reads like some form of gov't mind control conspiracy:
Cloud Seeders Help Make It Rain Over Drought-Stricken Texas - ABC News
I used to think that the US invaded Afghanistan just to control 90% of the worlds Heroin Trade but KFC Ollie corrected me: It's only 80%.

That's a big win for the US of A isn't it?
I used to think that the US invaded Afghanistan just to control 90% of the worlds Heroin Trade but KFC Ollie corrected me: It's only 80%.

That's a big win for the US of A isn't it?

Unfortunately, Princess, those days are gone. :D
anyways THIS is the topic that several posters from all sections SHOULD be posting in.not just from the conspiracy section.

See THIS topic is the topic that affects us all today right now at this very moment yet as evidenced by the replys to this thread.threads like this one only get a couple pages of replys where 9/11 threads,an event that happened over a DECADE ago,something thats long done and overwith.thats the topic that people want to argue about all the time.go figure

9/11 is just a smokescreen to keep truthers arguing about.Its the least of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.they just want posters to argue about it keeping them sidetracked while they plot more sinister things like this against us.

truely amazing how events like this one and wildcards thread about how their going to start chipping us or mine, how there is no difference between the two zionist puppets Romney and Obama only get a couple pages of replys if were lucky, even though they are issues that affect us IMMEDIATELY right now at this moment as we speak,and some event that is over and down with like the kennedy assassination that happened over a DECADE ago gets over a hundred replys to it.

truely amazing.:cuckoo: the same song goes on and on and on.:boohoo:
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anyways THIS is the topic that several posters from all sections SHOULD be posting in.not just from the conspiracy section.

See THIS topic is the topic that affects us all today right now at this very moment yet as evidenced by the replys to this thread.threads like this one only get a couple pages of replys where 9/11 threads,an event that happened over a DECADE ago,something thats long done and overwith.thats the topic that people want to argue about all the time.go figure

9/11 is just a smokescreen to keep truthers arguing about.Its the least of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.they just want posters to argue about it keeping them sidetracked while they plot more sinister things like this against us.

truely amazing how events like this one and wildcards thread about how their going to start chipping us or mine, how there is no difference between the two zionist puppets Romney and Obama only get a couple pages of replys if were lucky, even though they are issues that affect us IMMEDIATELY right now at this moment as we speak,and some event that is over and down with like the kennedy assassination that happened over a DECADE ago gets over a hundred replys to it.

truely amazing.:cuckoo: the same song goes on and on and on.:boohoo:

"Paranoia strikes deep
Into your heart it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away..."

Lyrics Somethings Happening Here -Buffalo Springfield
anyways THIS is the topic that several posters from all sections SHOULD be posting in.not just from the conspiracy section.

See THIS topic is the topic that affects us all today right now at this very moment yet as evidenced by the replys to this thread.threads like this one only get a couple pages of replys where 9/11 threads,an event that happened over a DECADE ago,something thats long done and overwith.thats the topic that people want to argue about all the time.go figure

9/11 is just a smokescreen to keep truthers arguing about.Its the least of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.they just want posters to argue about it keeping them sidetracked while they plot more sinister things like this against us.

truely amazing how events like this one and wildcards thread about how their going to start chipping us or mine, how there is no difference between the two zionist puppets Romney and Obama only get a couple pages of replys if were lucky, even though they are issues that affect us IMMEDIATELY right now at this moment as we speak,and some event that is over and down with like the kennedy assassination that happened over a DECADE ago gets over a hundred replys to it.

truely amazing.:cuckoo: the same song goes on and on and on.:boohoo:

do you agree about this as well thats its amazing how truthers waste their time arguing with paid shills like sayit about an event thats done and overwith where its just like the kenendy assassination,the real killers are never going to be brought to justice and nothing will ever be done about it,that its amazing they argue that topic something from over a DECADE ago when those other topics is what affects us RIGHT NOW,yet these topics only get two pages of replys instead of over a hundred like the 9/11 threads do?:cuckoo:

also you never answered my question on had you seen this video before i Posted it?

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They are seeding. As it turns out, the best way for the gov't to have their way with us is to create a small army of CT loons who continually make absurd claims about pretty much everything. When rational peeps hear loony CTs they are forced to conclude that the gov't explanations are the only rational choice. :cuckoo:

"The gov't explanations are the only rational choice".

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

LMFAO. So in other words SAYIT believes that the government is incapable of lying and ONLY the government has rational choices about anything and that whatever THEY (the government) claims than it MUST be true. That is hilarious.

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They are seeding. As it turns out, the best way for the gov't to have their way with us is to create a small army of CT loons who continually make absurd claims about pretty much everything. When rational peeps hear loony CTs they are forced to conclude that the gov't explanations are the only rational choice. :cuckoo:

"The gov't explanations are the only rational choice".

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

LMFAO. So in other words SAYIT believes that the government is incapable of lying and ONLY the government has rational choices about anything and that whatever THEY (the government) claims than it MUST be true. That is hilarious.


Nah, Princess. What I said is that those sprayed are rendered incapable of rational thought. It seems the gov't dumped a whole load on you.

They are seeding. As it turns out, the best way for the gov't to have their way with us is to create a small army of CT loons who continually make absurd claims about pretty much everything. When rational peeps hear loony CTs they are forced to conclude that the gov't explanations are the only rational choice. :cuckoo:

"The gov't explanations are the only rational choice".

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

LMFAO. So in other words SAYIT believes that the government is incapable of lying and ONLY the government has rational choices about anything and that whatever THEY (the government) claims than it MUST be true. That is hilarious.


A cursory look at this idiot sayit's post history will show a constant defense of anything that is stamped "official explanations" I think that is why he/she/it is on here everyday, especially during day shift hours....

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