Zone1 why is artificial scarcity promoted and protected?

ok, so maybe you two (ding and you) *are* using the newspapers dictionary definition for 'artificial scarcity', and it is me who is trying to stretch that definition..
i'm not afraid to admit it when i might be wrong about something.

but still, i find my 'expanded dictionary definition' of 'artificial scarcity' and my own examples of 'planetary-scale artificial scarcity' valid ones.
there. i even came up with 2 new acronyms for you all ;)
(acronyms that sound like normal names/words when pronounced)

My problem with your definition off the bat is that it rubs up against normal business decision making too hard, specifically marginal profit analysis. In a nut shell, companies aim for optimal revenue. To lay people, one more of a thing would be one more unit of profit. That can be the case, but often is not the case. For a farmer to grow anoth acre of corn might require additional expenses beyond what the profit off it would be and thus result in a loss so he won't. In manufacturing, it is the same. Whereas a farmer might have to lease another acre of land to grow even more, a manufacturer may have to add more machines, more warehousing, more labor, etc to its current levels in order to produce 1% more product. Those added expenses can exceed added revenue or profit, so they don't.
and that's exactly who you need to convince by exclusively peaceful means to still preach something different to their children and grandchildren.
that approach has brought about the Iran Nuclear Program (which *i* started and maintained), and ended the War of Terror.
only to find these 'elderly men' you refer to be RIGHT about their enemies; that they're even worse than they are.

Their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are going to "wake up" when robots and artificial intelligence, take their jobs in about 10 15 years. When they see themselves being replaced with advanced, 21st-century automation technology, that's when they will start asking the right questions like "why the hell do we have to allow this small group of rich folks to own all of the robots and artificial technology, all of the mines, factories, electric plants. etc, while we are here unemployed living off a government check in squalor? We should take ownership of all of this technology with the factories and mines. etc, that way we can live a decent life again". Communists don't have to convince anyone much less start a violent revolution, we just have to sit back and watch.

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Things are simply withheld from the market for a short time, then reintroduced later with a slightly higher price to reflect "scarcity". That's what's all about. That way corporations can make the same amount of money with fewer liabilities.

Wow. I'm amazed by how profound you thought you sounded saying that.

You're for the mass enslavement of the working class by the wealthy ruling elite who will own all of the advanced automation technology and means of production i.e. robots, artificial intelligence, autonomous machinery, the facilities, patents, expensive licenses, permits..etc. Either you're of the wealthy ruling class or you're a brainwashed working-class person.

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