Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

No, because if it was only to escape danger, they had that escape when they crossed the Mexican border. They were offered asylum, but refused because they wanted to trade that in for US asylum.

They were not escaping anything. They lived in a shit hole and wanted to trade up. That doesn't meet the requirement for US asylum.
How the fuck would you know? Oh, I forgot, you live in a city many people are trying to escape from.

How do I know, it's called "reading." You see, when news comes out, all you have to do to stay informed is read it. If you want to know protocol, all you have to do is look it up on the internet.

Yes, they were not only offered asylum by Mexico, but work as well. They refused it. It was America or bust. And while refusing asylum in another country is not automatic disqualification for American asylum, it's extremely unlikely you'd be granted it by a US court given the circumstance. They know this because American Hispanic lawyers jump the border to teach these invaders how to lie in order to get into this country one way or another.

But this is the brilliance of Trump. Under Hussein, these people would be allowed into our country until the court date, and then they'd never show up. Under Trump, you stay in Mexico until your court date, and if you decide to attend, you will be escorted to and from the court by our authorities. Unless granted asylum, back over the border you go.
No, the border patrol got them to a hospital as soon as they detected something was wrong. The medical facility released them with medication to take. When there was no improvement, they took the child back to the hospital where he died.
Fuck you and fuck Baker Mayfield.

Who is Baker Mayfield and what does that have to do with my post?
Why build a wall when we can just jail the employers of illegals. We had a candidate for governor in California, Meg Whitman, (republican of course), who was found to be hiring illegals for domestic work. Imagine, a billionaire pinching pennies by hiring illegals. Even great leader little fists has hired illegals. No, a wall not necessary if citizens, republicans included, are prosecuted for hiring the undocumented.
Why build a wall when we can just jail the employers of illegals. We had a candidate for governor in California, Meg Whitman, (republican of course), who was found to be hiring illegals for domestic work. Imagine, a billionaire pinching pennies by hiring illegals. Even great leader little fists has hired illegals. No, a wall not necessary if citizens, republicans included, are prosecuted for hiring the undocumented.

As a fatter o' mact Rump himself was found to be employing 'ïllegals' just this very month.

But as you know, Rump could hire illegals on Fifth Avenue and then shoot them, and his sheeple would still line up to buy "Feelings".
If you put your ear to the ground, two of the children who allegedly died in custody recently were actually killed several years ago, and Donald Trump was not in the White House then. I'm hearing he got tagged for it, as hard as it may be to know the leftist press may have fudged the stories just a little, with due regard that trifling with the truth can place truth and reality and stuff in an improper light.
"...allegedly died..."?

Go home, twisted sister.
Lefties leaked the story, hon. Poor, confused girl or guy who marginalizes and belittles other people in each post, uses constant ad hominems, exaggerates with prevarications either intentionally or from a master leftist list as popularized by Christine Blasey Ford in order to achieve an end at the expense of her perceived and also paranoid outlook that getting what one wants without getting caught is preferable to honesty in debate, whilst Chuckie Schumer, D NY and Diane Feinstein, D CA, egged her on through her two-ton load of bullshit against Juris Doctor and now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, thankyouverymuch.
Why build a wall when we can just jail the employers of illegals. We had a candidate for governor in California, Meg Whitman, (republican of course), who was found to be hiring illegals for domestic work. Imagine, a billionaire pinching pennies by hiring illegals. Even great leader little fists has hired illegals. No, a wall not necessary if citizens, republicans included, are prosecuted for hiring the undocumented.

That's a good plan. Foreigners trespass on our land, break our laws, so send Americans to jail instead of them.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Why is posting a picture of a Klan march on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin in December and claiming it's the Democratic convention in New York the previous summer wrong?
You are a major fucking idiot.

Yuh huh. Then what does that make you two morons who actually thought a few dozen Klan Klowns walking the wet December streets in Wisconsin was a summer political convention in New York?
Have you been studying that pic for 5 years? That's how long ago it was posted, snowflake. You're OCD.

Actually it was last year, 2017.

But interesting approach, going to the "how long ago" bag after you yourself posted a pic from 1924 residing in the Wisconsin Historical Society for decades and declared it to be not only a political convention in New York, but also to be "newly discovered". Riiiiight, "discover" this pal.

Obviously you didn't write the inane blog that committed this jaw-dropping fuckup, but you did pick it up and run with it and it never even occurred to you that political conventions don't take place on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin in December. So ultimately all of this tells us nothing about Wisconsin or 1924. It speaks volumes about you and Geaux, especially the fact that even a year later neither one of you can man up to your own partisan-hack gullibility. :gay:
It was at least 4 years ago, moron. I was living in Jacksonville at the time, and I haven't lived there in almost 4 years.
But many, many are liars and are not qualified for asylum. They are looking for a free ride

And you know this how?
And you know this not to be true just how? Maybe you've been eating to much tree bark I suspect


Sessions said that the number of asylum claims jumped to 94,000 in 2016, compared with 5,000 in 2009, and that only about one-fifth of claims in the past five years have been found to be justified

Fear of domestic or gang violence is not grounds for asylum, Sessions rules
Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Why is posting a picture of a Klan march on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin in December and claiming it's the Democratic convention in New York the previous summer wrong?
You are a major fucking idiot.

Yuh huh. Then what does that make you two morons who actually thought a few dozen Klan Klowns walking the wet December streets in Wisconsin was a summer political convention in New York?
Have you been studying that pic for 5 years? That's how long ago it was posted, snowflake. You're OCD.

Actually it was last year, 2017.

But interesting approach, going to the "how long ago" bag after you yourself posted a pic from 1924 residing in the Wisconsin Historical Society for decades and declared it to be not only a political convention in New York, but also to be "newly discovered". Riiiiight, "discover" this pal.

Obviously you didn't write the inane blog that committed this jaw-dropping fuckup, but you did pick it up and run with it and it never even occurred to you that political conventions don't take place on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin in December. So ultimately all of this tells us nothing about Wisconsin or 1924. It speaks volumes about you and Geaux, especially the fact that even a year later neither one of you can man up to your own partisan-hack gullibility. :gay:
It was at least 4 years ago, moron. I was living in Jacksonville at the time, and I haven't lived there in almost 4 years.

Time to go back to calendar class, Fingerfuck. Here ya go, July 31, 2017 ---- and that's not even your OP, that's Geaux4it stepping in it. YOUR OP of the same bullshit link came later and the two bullshit threads were merged into a single odoriferous, yet entertaining in its partisan-hack cluelessness, thread that continues to follow both of you around like a puppy, apparently forever. And why does it do that? Because neither one of you klowns can man up to admit your own Grand Fuckup.

Mid-summer of 2017 to the present is a little under a year and a half.
But many, many are liars and are not qualified for asylum. They are looking for a free ride

And you know this how?
And you know this not to be true just how? Maybe you've been eating to much tree bark I suspect


Sessions said that the number of asylum claims jumped to 94,000 in 2016, compared with 5,000 in 2009, and that only about one-fifth of claims in the past five years have been found to be justified

Fear of domestic or gang violence is not grounds for asylum, Sessions rules
This is an express Constitutional law: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

natural rights are in State Constitutions.

Crossing in the San Diego sector went form 100,000 to 5,000 after a barrier was erected. They work, period. Visa overstays is a simple fix if politicians had the will.
According to the head of immigration, a border barrier simple persuades people to use an easier path across the 2000 mile border which is not hard find.

The 5 billion dollar Trump wall will not be a 2000 or 1000 mile wall but a 212 mile slatted fence, hundreds of miles of service roads, electronic monitors, aerial surveillance, and additional facilities to hold migrants crossing the border.
Trump will always claim it is his big beautiful wall which has stopped illegal immigration.

The fact is illegal immigration will continue as before with most illegal crossings occurring at ports of entry and the biggest problem untouched, overstays of visas.
these kids would trade everything in the world just to see their parents again. they've never had someone spoil them. they need to be cared for, my friends.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


The machine, ever since the aftermath of Bacon's Rebellion has benefited from pitting the underclasses against one another and by having “illegals” here due to the fact that capitalism hes never weaned itself off of a cheap source of labor it could exploit outside legal protection. Don't like them here? Accept their employment conditions.
these kids would trade everything in the world just to see their parents again. they've never had someone spoil them. they need to be cared for, my friends.

We just ain't that kinda people.
among latinos, family is all-important. motherhood and fatherhood is valued above all else. i was struck by the choice people make when they leave their children. how do they make such an impossible decision. do they go to the US and make money and leave their children or do they stay and live in miserable poverty?
We're supposed to be the land of opportunity. I guess we're not the nation we once claimed to be.

Are parents responsible for this inhuman separation policy?

All criminals are responsible for being separated from their children. Go out and commit a crime and see how fast you're separated form your family. The parents put their children in the situation, yes, they are to blame.

seeking asylum is not unlawful. the right wing just like to blame the Poor.

Crossing the border away from a port of entry is unlawful. Just like with all criminals, you deal with the crime first, and the excuses later. BTW only about 9% of asylum claims are approved.

asking for asylum on US soil is not illegal.
But many, many are liars and are not qualified for asylum. They are looking for a free ride

Which is why 60% to 80% will not be be granted asylum. The way to get asylum in the US is get a tourist visa, come to the US legally, and hire an immigration. That of course would cost tens of thousands of dollars which most asylum seekers can't afford. People should be able apply for asylum at any US embassy.

Crossing in the San Diego sector went form 100,000 to 5,000 after a barrier was erected. They work, period. Visa overstays is a simple fix if politicians had the will.
According to the head of immigration, a border barrier simple persuades people to use an easier path across the 2000 mile border which is not hard find.

The 5 billion dollar Trump wall will not be a 2000 or 1000 mile wall but a 212 mile slatted fence, hundreds of miles of service roads, electronic monitors, aerial surveillance, and additional facilities to hold migrants crossing the border.
Trump will always claim it is his big beautiful wall which has stopped illegal immigration.

The fact is illegal immigration will continue as before with most illegal crossings occurring at ports of entry and the biggest problem untouched, overstays of visas.

At least with Visa's the government has somewhat vetted who is coming in. Lord only knows what these illegals are like that lowlife that killed the cop in CA.
So you have a link to this child killing policy? I never knew children die from being separated from their parents. After all, our children don't die when we send the parents of children to prison or they join the military to go overseas to war.
Well, two did and its your fault.

No, the border patrol got them to a hospital as soon as they detected something was wrong. The medical facility released them with medication to take. When there was no improvement, they took the child back to the hospital where he died.
In the media, it said at least one of the children is believed to have died with influenza yet there was no mention of the hospital testing for influenza. It's a pretty routine test in most ERs with any flu symptoms. The test is a simple swab of nose or throat.

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