Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Heh... cry me a river. Software pays quite well. We don't need the phony protectionism.
I have no idea what phone protectionism is. Controlling immigration is not protectionism.
Protectionism is government policy that seeks to protect the financial well-being of special interest groups by restricting competition. It's usually achieved by imposing tariffs or limiting imports. In this case, the import being limited is cheap labor.

Phony protectionism is imposing these policies when they won't even have the intended effects - or when unintended consequences render them null and void. Liberals don't understand that unrestricted price competition is the foundation of a free market. They think government can overrule it without repercussions. They are wrong. You are wrong.
The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus (November 2, 1883)
A bronze plaque with the words of the poem "The New Colossus" raised on it. The 1903 bronze plaque located in the Statue of Liberty's museum.

That was a fine sentiment in 1903...

The population of the US was then 76,000,000...

There was still plenty of land to be had...

There was a job for anyone who wanted one...

Today, however...

The population of the US is 330,000,000...

The land has all been parceled out...

We struggle to keep our own employed...

We struggle to provide educational and medical and social services for our own one-third of a billion souls...

Never mind 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent...

Never mind the millions more invaders who will flood across our borders, should we be stupid enough to allow it...

That plaque represented a fine sentiment, in its time...

Unfortunately, it's time is over... those sentiments are no longer practical... best to hang-up a 'No Vacancy' sign.

Perhaps it's time to declare a two- or four-year moratorium on all immigration to the United States.
True, all illegals should be kicked out of the country.
how socialist of you. why not simply fine them and make honest tourists of them. we don't have an immigration problem we have lousy naturalization policy.

They had every chance to be honest tourists, but they chose otherwise.

True, we don't have immigration problem, since immigration is about people who are permitted to be here. We have a problem with illegal aliens and criminals who do not belong here.
We don't have an immigration clause. We have an Express naturalization clause. We should have no illegals.

You might want to read Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1. That is the immigration clause.

i would agree with you but for our establishment clause.

It would help you if you knew what establishment clause is about.
Foreigners are no more a part of the free market than unions are. We have a pretty successful supply and demand process providing somebody doesn't throw a monkey wrench into the system. Cheating the system is hardly free market.

Pretty ironic that you criticize unions, given that the protectionism you're clamoring for is exactly the kind of things unions demand. Hungry people willing to do your job for less IS the free market.

Letting all world's hungry here wont make your job paid higher.
Why increase them? How big IS your family? :biggrin:

So, I guess you don't think immigrants aren't THAT cool. ;)
The government sets quotas based on several factors. If they decide we need more, then ok. But not just because of nothing.

Our laws should protect freedom, not privilege.
What does that have to do with quotas?

Quotas limit freedom. That's the point of imposing them.

Whose freedom you're talking about? Quota doesn't limit my freedom, it limits number of people we allow to this country.
We still have a government shut down...and Trump is claiming it's because of a wall

But I guess the Trumpers don't want to talk about it any more since well...it's not actually a wall but a fence...and it's not actually going to run across the whole southern border...because ya know....like the sane ones of us have been saying...that would be a stupid waste of money that pretty much could never happen anyway

It will be a wall in some places and a fence in others. It depends on the application of the area. Trump isn't an engineer.

Furthermore it's the Democrats stopping Trump from what he would like to spend, so put the blame where it really belongs.
Trump's campaign promise was a big beautiful wall covering the southern border which would stop illegal immigration from the south. Then the big beautiful wall covering the border became a 1000 mile wall. Then the big beautiful wall became a project to replace a 112 miles of reinforced fencing with a 216 mile slatted steel fence, increased electronic motoring, and aerial surveillance. This is beginning to sound a lot like the increased border security under Obama and Bush.

If so, why left is against it?
No quotas make sure we don’t get swamped and protect our freedom to choose who comes in.

"Freedom to choose who comes in"

That's not freedom. That's authoritarian state power.
Go pick some fruit, then get out of here before I call ICE on you.

Giving up so soon?
You just spout nonsense. Choosing who comes into your country is somehow wrong in your eyes. That's stoopid. Now get on your donkey and head south.
What does that have to do with quotas?

Quotas limit freedom. That's the point of imposing them.

quotas on foreign labor don't limit my freedom in any way.

If you want to cross the border they do. If you, and some of the other wall cowards here, get your way, our nation will become a police state where everyone is under suspicion of "being illegal". Do you remember back when you used to think of yourself as a libertarian?

So tell the class, how many of the 1.4 billion people that say they want to come here should we let in? No bullshit, just give us a number.


Government shouldn't restrict travel. Period.

Of the citizens.
We still have a government shut down...and Trump is claiming it's because of a wall

But I guess the Trumpers don't want to talk about it any more since well...it's not actually a wall but a fence...and it's not actually going to run across the whole southern border...because ya know....like the sane ones of us have been saying...that would be a stupid waste of money that pretty much could never happen anyway

It will be a wall in some places and a fence in others. It depends on the application of the area. Trump isn't an engineer.

Furthermore it's the Democrats stopping Trump from what he would like to spend, so put the blame where it really belongs.
Trump's campaign promise was a big beautiful wall covering the southern border which would stop illegal immigration from the south. Then the big beautiful wall covering the border became a 1000 mile wall. Then the big beautiful wall became a project to replace a 112 miles of reinforced fencing with a 216 mile slatted steel fence, increased electronic motoring, and aerial surveillance. This is beginning to sound a lot like the increased border security under Obama and Bush.

If so, why left is against it?
For someone so anti-immigrant...your english is amazingly stilted
We still have a government shut down...and Trump is claiming it's because of a wall

But I guess the Trumpers don't want to talk about it any more since well...it's not actually a wall but a fence...and it's not actually going to run across the whole southern border...because ya know....like the sane ones of us have been saying...that would be a stupid waste of money that pretty much could never happen anyway

It will be a wall in some places and a fence in others. It depends on the application of the area. Trump isn't an engineer.

Furthermore it's the Democrats stopping Trump from what he would like to spend, so put the blame where it really belongs.
Trump's campaign promise was a big beautiful wall covering the southern border which would stop illegal immigration from the south. Then the big beautiful wall covering the border became a 1000 mile wall. Then the big beautiful wall became a project to replace a 112 miles of reinforced fencing with a 216 mile slatted steel fence, increased electronic motoring, and aerial surveillance. This is beginning to sound a lot like the increased border security under Obama and Bush.

If so, why left is against it?
For someone so anti-immigrant...your english is amazingly stilted

For someone so anti-immigrant...[space here]your [E]nglish is amazingly stilted[period].

There, I fixed it for you.
Are you people all so young or uneducated that you don't remember divided Berlin? If so, what was wrong with that wall?
Government shouldn't restrict travel. Period.

Of the citizens.

That's the conceit of a most of the new authoritarians. They want to pretend that their laws will only be violating the rights of certain targeted groups (immigrants, terrorists, drug-users, etc...). But it doesn't work that way. Laws effect everyone. When you build walls they are in everyone's way. When you pass police state laws authorizing the government to short-circuit due process, everyone loses the right to due process.
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with my native work ethic?
You're not an anchor baby, so not born here. And get your donkey out of the front yard.
who cares what "Caucasians away from their mountains, say"?
So you hate white people. Got it.
that is just You. why come over here to have a bad attitude. Your mountains still love you.
Don’t quit your English lessons. Now go eat a tamale.
you are too far away from Your mountains; you make no sense.
You're not an anchor baby, so not born here. And get your donkey out of the front yard.
who cares what "Caucasians away from their mountains, say"?
So you hate white people. Got it.
that is just You. why come over here to have a bad attitude. Your mountains still love you.
Don’t quit your English lessons. Now go eat a tamale.
you are too far away from Your mountains; you make no sense.
You must be jealous of white people that they can create great countries, and you short brown people can't create anything but shitholes.
Our laws should protect freedom, not privilege.
What does that have to do with quotas?

Quotas limit freedom. That's the point of imposing them.

quotas on foreign labor don't limit my freedom in any way.

If you want to cross the border they do. If you, and some of the other wall cowards here, get your way, our nation will become a police state where everyone is under suspicion of "being illegal". Do you remember back when you used to think of yourself as a libertarian?

So tell the class, how many of the 1.4 billion people that say they want to come here should we let in? No bullshit, just give us a number.

We don't have an immigration clause we have a naturalization clause. We should have no illegal problem and tourism is the first, second, or third largest employers in twenty-nine States.
who cares what "Caucasians away from their mountains, say"?
So you hate white people. Got it.
that is just You. why come over here to have a bad attitude. Your mountains still love you.
Don’t quit your English lessons. Now go eat a tamale.
you are too far away from Your mountains; you make no sense.
You must be jealous of white people that they can create great countries, and you short brown people can't create anything but shitholes.
they were already created. it must be your turn or whitey would not get so much of the blame.
So you hate white people. Got it.
that is just You. why come over here to have a bad attitude. Your mountains still love you.
Don’t quit your English lessons. Now go eat a tamale.
you are too far away from Your mountains; you make no sense.
You must be jealous of white people that they can create great countries, and you short brown people can't create anything but shitholes.
they were already created. it must be your turn or whitey would not get so much of the blame.
They were created by our ancestors. Your ancestors build the shitholes you all want to get away from. Now go suck an enchilada.
that is just You. why come over here to have a bad attitude. Your mountains still love you.
Don’t quit your English lessons. Now go eat a tamale.
you are too far away from Your mountains; you make no sense.
You must be jealous of white people that they can create great countries, and you short brown people can't create anything but shitholes.
they were already created. it must be your turn or whitey would not get so much of the blame.
They were created by our ancestors. Your ancestors build the shitholes you all want to get away from. Now go suck an enchilada.
story telling. you seem to be good at that.
Don’t quit your English lessons. Now go eat a tamale.
you are too far away from Your mountains; you make no sense.
You must be jealous of white people that they can create great countries, and you short brown people can't create anything but shitholes.
they were already created. it must be your turn or whitey would not get so much of the blame.
They were created by our ancestors. Your ancestors build the shitholes you all want to get away from. Now go suck an enchilada.
story telling. you seem to be good at that.
So why are your relatives trying to come up here? Can't stand the greatness of where they are? :biggrin:

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