Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

As I asked you before and you conveniently ignored, do you live in a house with walls and doors? Why should our country not have the same protection?

Because a country is not private property. When you wall off a country, you're walling off someone else's property. It should be up to property owners along the border whether they want to put up a wall or not.

How about a highway, how about oil lines, how about a prison or government garage?

Imagine how this country would be if we allowed private property owners to stop national progress.

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Eminent Domain doesn't exist in the US? Again border patrol agents have asked for it. Not sure why your or my opinion overrides their respective opinions as they are on the frontlines.

The tradition in the US is a bit different than most countries. Here we place a primacy on individual rights. Instead of asking why the will of individual property owners should override that of the border patrol, we first as the converse - why should the will of the border patrol override that of individual property owners?

Your use of the term "frontlines" suggests you buy into the war justification, which I find ridiculous.

Except they are on the frontlines. They have guns, they have taken casualties and the people trying to cross illegally are often brutalized by coyotes and drug cartel members. The wall IMO is necessary. You are of course free to disagree, it is a free country. And they are SMEs. If a doctor told you that you needed surgery would you dismiss his opinion because others disagree with it? He is the expert for a reason. Border Patrol agents are experts in border security and they are pleading for a wall. You show a lot of hubris ignoring their please. Unfortunate.

Did it ever occur to you that everybody wants things to make their job easier? Years ago I worked in a warehouse. The workers said they needed air conditioning in order to be as productive as management wanted.

The problem was putting AC in a warehouse would not work and it would have the energy bill sucking up a significant portion of the company's profits.

We are NOT talking border security with the wall. What you're talking about is an attempt to stop American citizens and the people from south of the border from engaging in mutually beneficial relationships. You'd be better served with some regulation. No surgeon ever recommended surgery for a runny nose.

We tried laws, we tried regulation, we tried more border patrol agents, and these people still come here against our wishes. Now we need more barriers to stop them from getting in.

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We have NEVER tried regulation. You are operating on laws that are in excess of FIFTY years old and don't even apply to the situation.

The fact that you don't understand we are NOT going to keep people out discredits anything you say on this board. Whether we like it or not, wall or no wall, they will come. BTW, in view of what I just told you, there is a question you should ask in light of my response. Surely, you are not so much of a dullard that you don't know what that question is.

If that seems unfair to you, it's the treatment I got from your side. Then, again, you have only assumed things; you never ASK.
Eminent Domain doesn't exist in the US? Again border patrol agents have asked for it. Not sure why your or my opinion overrides their respective opinions as they are on the frontlines.

The tradition in the US is a bit different than most countries. Here we place a primacy on individual rights. Instead of asking why the will of individual property owners should override that of the border patrol, we first as the converse - why should the will of the border patrol override that of individual property owners?

Your use of the term "frontlines" suggests you buy into the war justification, which I find ridiculous.

Except they are on the frontlines. They have guns, they have taken casualties and the people trying to cross illegally are often brutalized by coyotes and drug cartel members. The wall IMO is necessary. You are of course free to disagree, it is a free country. And they are SMEs. If a doctor told you that you needed surgery would you dismiss his opinion because others disagree with it? He is the expert for a reason. Border Patrol agents are experts in border security and they are pleading for a wall. You show a lot of hubris ignoring their please. Unfortunate.

Did it ever occur to you that everybody wants things to make their job easier? Years ago I worked in a warehouse. The workers said they needed air conditioning in order to be as productive as management wanted.

The problem was putting AC in a warehouse would not work and it would have the energy bill sucking up a significant portion of the company's profits.

We are NOT talking border security with the wall. What you're talking about is an attempt to stop American citizens and the people from south of the border from engaging in mutually beneficial relationships. You'd be better served with some regulation. No surgeon ever recommended surgery for a runny nose.

#1) I had a similar situation and the owner did put in AC
#2) This is not a runny a nose, this is a constant bleed.
#3) I disagree this is mutual beneficial.

Maybe you should look at post # 3731 and access the link I left there.

No thank you. I will stand by my beliefs that we need stronger border security. As a child of legal immigrants and first generation American, I am extremly anti illegal immigration.
But you’re OK denying border agents another form of protection they feel they need?
Who exactly are these border agents; the ones Trump's Customs and Border Protection Director hand picked for Trump's border barrier infomercial at the white house?

Border Patrol agents on the front lines say they need more technology and additional personnel to curb the illegal traffic, according to a report released on Thursday by Democrats on the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Less than one half of 1 percent of the agents’ suggested a border wall.
What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

From your New York Times (what else) article:

Officials at Customs and Border Protection called the report inaccurate, saying it confused how agents’ feedback about security vulnerabilities is used to develop programs to counter threats.

This issue in March is in sharp contrast to this article in the Washington Times a month later

Border Patrol agents back Trump wall, survey finds
Notice the term strategic locations. Funny how a border wall changed to a 1000 mile wall, to a wall in strategic locations to a border barrier/border fence which is currently 212 miles long, 112 miles of it replaces a border barrier built in 2006. Unable to get a single dollar to build the great wall Trump promised on the campaign trail, he has now settled on a new strategy: repairing and upgrading the existing fence and calling that his “wall.” Is that what you guys voted for?
So your saying he shouldn't compromise he should build a 2,000 mile wall or he didn't deserve to be elected by we who elected him?
I'm saying he should have told the truth to his supporters, that what was needed was a border barrier in selected locations which is what he is trying to get congress to approve. He never should have accused Mexicans of being rapist and murders. He should never have said he will make Mexico pay for the wall. He just made it that much more difficult getting his border wall approved by congress. Any other republican candidate would have had the 5 billion dollars approved now. Instead we have a standoff between congress and the administration that could last for months hurting millions of Americans.

The only reason Trump is asking for a barrier in certain places is because he’s being forced to settle. If you brag to your family and friends that you’re going to buy a $35,000 car, but the bank only approved a loan for $20,000, you have to settle for what the bank approved. I’m sure if he could get it, we would have a 40 billion dollar wall.

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What is so funny about my post? I am feeling like Elvis Costello. Peace love & understanding. So, If ya' all want to keep the wankers out, don't hire them! Make them Prove their national identity with state sanctioned national identity card linked to their, DNA, Fingerprints. Things that are verifiable. Might be cheaper and more effective than building a wall on the southern border. But let's keep up cheap petty appearances, like "Border walls". Bully.

What's so funny, you said walls don't word in-spite of all the evidence to the contrary. The fact is they do work, that's why the border patrol is asking for more. If you don't like how it looks, do an about face, problem solved.

Love ya'all. Good fences make for good neighbors. We have liberal assholes that give illegal aliens freebies . Sanctuary cities. Now, nobody got to vote on whether or not their home town became a sanctuary city, that was so much a liberal cadre " They just presumed they could get away with" thing. Sanctuary cities? Seems that was a overriding Constitutional issue people ignore. Who got to vote to give their city / state ignore federal immigration laws? I didn't, did any of you? Was it on a ballot anywhere? Because, that a pretty significant issue. Ignoring the will of the people and constitutional laws.

I don't have to worry about sanctuary cities in my State, the State outlawed them and require State sanctioned law enforcement agencies (which are all of them) to cooperate with immigration officials.

Um, well the rest of us have to worry about unsanctioned legitimizing of illegal aliens. Giving them the vote. The motor voter thing, the whole nine yards. Everything about giving illegal aliens special rights. But they can't follow the same immigration laws everyone else does. Sanctuary cities for Albanians? Or Hungarians? Just Mexicans Because, that's fair. Just Mexicans. Mexicans are so special they transcend the Constitution. And when you notice something broken about that? Hate and xenophobia is what they say.
If you expect them to follow the same immigration laws and regulations and wait their turn then you have to give them a chance to do so. In Central American countries and also in Mexico to a lesser extent, these people have no chance to legally immigrate.

These countries have immigration limits establish by congress. That limit is reduced by family sponsored immigration, employer sponsored immigration, critical skills immigration, change in immigration status of those holding visas, refugee admissions, reserved categories such as the clergy and other special circumstances. After reducing the immigration limit for all these categories, there is essential no way to legally immigrate even if you wait for years.

There's a rule that bans a person from legally immigrating for 5 or 10 years if caught entering the country illegally or overstaying visas. However, in these countries that ban means nothing to people deported because there's no way they would ever get into the country legally so they just keep trying.

Immigration laws make no sense. Why does it take over 10 years to immigrate from Honduras and 1 year from Ethiopia and never from India if don't have a family sponsor.

The USA is like the best restaurant in town. Sometimes you have to make reservations months ahead of time. When you finally get there, you wait hours to get a table. The restaurant can’t serve everybody because it’s not capable. But what you don’t do is bust into the place and have a seat because you don’t want to wait like everybody else.

We have limits on immigration for a reason. People have to assimilate and learn our culture. If we let everybody in, then they would be changing our country like they are now.

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How about a highway, how about oil lines, how about a prison or government garage?

Imagine how this country would be if we allowed private property owners to stop national progress.

So, are you arguing for a kind of unlimited eminent domain?
If you think the phony race thing still works, think again. It doesn't have anything to do with race.

You are lying. It's ONE of your laundry list reasons for being for the wall

Yes, it is a concern of mine, but not necessarily Trump's.

Can you tell me in what country would people welcome a government trying to make them a minority in their own country other than stupid white liberals?

Trump is playing you. America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. Within six months of the ratification of the Constitution, only whites could be citizens by federal law. In virtually all the colonies, only whites could vote and / or hold public office and that spilled over into state constitutions.

It's not like this stuff is sinful or something we should be ashamed of. Hell, most of you guys argue what China does (92.5 percent of them are of one race.) So why the deflections? Why the dishonesty? Yo cannot preserve your culture without protecting your race. Why do you think the black liberals are erasing your history?

Who said anything about black liberals?

The plot behind the Democrat party is to make whites a minority in this country for political power. Why do you suppose they fight for their Sanctuary cities and now states? Why do you suppose they stopped Kate's Law from becoming law; a law that may have saved the life of that police officer in California? Why do you suppose they are willing to shutdown the government over a measly 5 billion dollars which is less than what we spend on food stamps in one month? Why do you suppose they give welcome and comfort to illegals by giving them drivers licenses and sending their kids to our schools?

It's pretty obvious what's going on here, and it's not because Democrats are so compassionate. I think your next quest should be to look for the man behind the curtain.
It might be of interest to you to know that 60% of democrats are white. You republicans beat us with 89% white. Must be all those white supremacist and Islamophobes that you guys are so proud of.

It doesn’t matter how many Democrats are white, nothing is paramount to power. Power means everything to a Democrat and they don’t care who they have to sellout to get it.

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You are lying. It's ONE of your laundry list reasons for being for the wall

EXCUSE ME for interjecting here, I see you are STILL arguing about the wall! I honestly don't see what the debate is about:

Indigent Illegals crossing the southern borders in mass quantities? THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.

This has a negative impact on our resources and wage earning potential for many americans competing in similar job markets that Mexicans do here? THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.

Putting up a complete, better wall would hugely impact their coming here? THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.

This country safer from potential terrorist intrusion with the wall? THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.

Being for the wall? Are you kidding me? This is never about a wall, it is about national security and sovereignty. If anyone says it is about protectionism, so what if it is? LET ONE PERSON HERE tell me protectionism is bad and they are against it and I will ask them if they have a lock on their front door, if they lock their car, have a security light or security system? LET ONE PERSON HERE tell me they don't PROTECT what they have, and I'll call you a LIAR.

Being for the wall? The issue here is BEING FOR NATIONAL SECURITY. The wall makes us more secure with it than without it. Anyone here arguing against national security is either a commie, an anti-American or has fruit loops for brains.

Better ways to do it? BULL.

Cheaper ways to do it? BULL?

Immoral? Go fuck yourself.

Anyone who claims a wall is "immoral" against these mobs of dirty, stinking, diseased illegals but its not "immoral" for what blindly letting these people into the country is doing to us here, is a fucking idiot. Maybe you don't see it where you live, but we are approaching 12 million of these people. That's about 4% of the population. Cut them off today and in another decade with their kids (all supported by low income government programs that come out of YOUR pocket, they'll be at 10%.

Like all things, you get what you fund. We are funding a low income, low education, low skill, high dependence work force. The exact OPPOSITE of what this country made itself great with.

Enough. End it now. Its the LAW. Defend the borders. I'm tired of hearing people argue against the most basic, fundamental responsibility of the federal government. Trump: tear the shit down until these motherfuckers in Congress say uncle! It's go for broke right now and I say put the bastard democrats in prison if they continue to block what we put you in office to do. If you don't like Trump and didn't put him in office, fine. When you get YOUR guy in office, then it'll be your time to get YOUR agenda carried out.

But I really think democrats oppose the wall so much because THEY KNOW IT WILL WORK. And they don't WANT it to work. Democratic scum care less about Americans than they do every dirty wetback minority they can dig out from under a rock.
That's what we heard 20 years when we started putting up real barriers. And that's what we heard in 2006 when we replaced them with barriers 4 feet higher and that's what we're hearing now as we plan to replace them with barriers another 6 feet higher.

Do you realize Homeland Security is asking 40 billion dollars to secure our southern border. Last year deportations were 170,000. The border patrol estimates that an equal number made it into the country. That's 340,000 people that were either apprehended or made into the country. That works out to about $108,000 per illegal immigrant.

Assuming the wall were 100% effective which of course it won't be then the cost for keeping that 170,000 a year out of the country would be about $216,000 a person. Homeland Security estimated that the wall would reduce illegal immigration by 50% which brings the figure to $432,000 per person. This all assumes that we don't overrun the budget and the wall is effective as Homeland Security projects, and Democrats allow the project to reach completion.
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The tradition in the US is a bit different than most countries. Here we place a primacy on individual rights. Instead of asking why the will of individual property owners should override that of the border patrol, we first as the converse - why should the will of the border patrol override that of individual property owners?

Your use of the term "frontlines" suggests you buy into the war justification, which I find ridiculous.

Except they are on the frontlines. They have guns, they have taken casualties and the people trying to cross illegally are often brutalized by coyotes and drug cartel members. The wall IMO is necessary. You are of course free to disagree, it is a free country. And they are SMEs. If a doctor told you that you needed surgery would you dismiss his opinion because others disagree with it? He is the expert for a reason. Border Patrol agents are experts in border security and they are pleading for a wall. You show a lot of hubris ignoring their please. Unfortunate.

Did it ever occur to you that everybody wants things to make their job easier? Years ago I worked in a warehouse. The workers said they needed air conditioning in order to be as productive as management wanted.

The problem was putting AC in a warehouse would not work and it would have the energy bill sucking up a significant portion of the company's profits.

We are NOT talking border security with the wall. What you're talking about is an attempt to stop American citizens and the people from south of the border from engaging in mutually beneficial relationships. You'd be better served with some regulation. No surgeon ever recommended surgery for a runny nose.

#1) I had a similar situation and the owner did put in AC
#2) This is not a runny a nose, this is a constant bleed.
#3) I disagree this is mutual beneficial.

Maybe you should look at post # 3731 and access the link I left there.

No thank you. I will stand by my beliefs that we need stronger border security. As a child of legal immigrants and first generation American, I am extremly anti illegal immigration.

Bigotry is not a virtue. Your beliefs have been supplanted by facts.
If unalienable Rights exist – and I think they do, WHERE in the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation or the Constitution did our leaders ever presume to take those from people who are not citizens? What proof can they offer us that foreigners were not born with unalienable Rights? They keep accusing me of taking a stand I have NOT taken. I’m asking them for proof of their position.

Our people (government) does not take any inalienable rights away from people because they can't. Rights however are granted to people that are in our country. If visitors, they are granted some constitutional rights. If they become citizens, they are granted all constitutional rights. But constitutional rights are not the same as inalienable rights. It's something I think you're confused about.

A right to be in this country is not an inalienable right, it's a right granted by the government. Therefore it's a right that can be removed by our government.

1 There will be the strict enforcement of the Constitution Free Zone. There will go your Fourth Amendment Rights FOREVER. Right now, you can still fight back to regain those Rights

A wall won't change any of that. If the government wanted a strict enforcement of the free zone, they could do that tomorrow with no wall. Therefore your claim is moot.

2 The right already passed the National ID / REAL ID Act – E Verify which is far worse than what Hitler had AND it reeks of Orwellian nightmares that today’s youth cannot begin to fathom. It will expand into drones and listening devices being used against them 24 / 7 / 365 from the womb to the tomb

So WTF does that have to do with the wall? And I"m sorry, I just don't buy into any stories that involve.....


3 As if the suspension of constitutional guarantees and total surveillance aren’t enough, the nutty wall gives the government the ability to track your every financial transaction based on your SSN / National ID card.

A wall does that? How? I know nothing about any national ID card. I don't have one, I've never been notified I must have one, and I have no plans to get one.

I mention this because a lot of people have NO intention of surrendering their firearms AND they expect an internal war due to government over-reach. The unintended consequences of this nutty wall idea will give government access to so much information they will know you built your own weapon without you ever having registered it. If you think you or the next generation may have to go up against a tyrannical government, you just handicapped them and endangered their lives with this lobbying effort. We got a long way to go.

Again, a wall has nothing to do with that. These conspiracy theories of yours are not even part of this planet yet alone country.

I changed my opinion about you. You are not a liberal, you are not a conservative, you're just a plain old kook. But just for shits and giggles, can you tell me how the government could not know I was building a weapon of some sort if a wall wasn't there????

Your associations are so far out even somebody smoking the best pot can't connect them. A wall will not take one right away from you, from me, from any citizen. A wall (like a firearm) has no mystical power of it's own. A wall is simply that, a wall. A wall can't change the Constitution, a wall can't change any laws, a wall can't change anything in the federalist papers. It's simply an inanimate object.

1) I am not arguing inalienable rights.

2) You wrote: " Rights however are granted to people that are in our country."

In one of the earliest United States Supreme Court decisions on this, the court ruled as follows:

"Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,-'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;' and to 'secure,' not grant or create, these rights, governments are instituted. That property which a man has honestly acquired he retains full control of, subject to these limitations: First, that he shall not use it to his neighbor's injury, and that does not mean that he must use it for his neighbor's benefit; second, that if the devotes it to a public use, he gives to the public a right to control that use; and third, that whenever the public needs require, the public may take it upon payment of due compensation. BUDD v. PEOPLE OF STATE OF NEW YORK, 143 U.S. 517 (1892)

In other words what I create is MINE and I don't owe you a job to benefit you - it's my job to give. This is THE fatal flaw of your argument.

3) I agree that the government "could" strictly enforce the Constitution Free Zone. IF they did, the people would see this is VERY real and they would rebel. So, they do it in small doses. YouTube is full of videos of law abiding Americans who have had their Rights violated in the Constitution Free Zone.

As you will recall, Al Capone was arrested on a 25 year old law that had possibly never been enforced - the people would have rebelled had they known what it was REALLY about (income tax evasion.)

4) I don't do theories. I live in the real world. In order to enforce the laws relative to the wall, your boys have already passed the so - called "Patriot Act," the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify and trashed the policies of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty. You're perfectly comfortable with the Constitution Free Zone and I'd bet there are over 500 suggestions from people you agree with on this thread alone advocating that we "crack down on those sending money out of this country." Those precedents are a dual edged sword.

Frederick Douglass, a former slave and a Republican once said:

"No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened around his own neck."

So, you create a bad precedent on the border, falsely thinking it will apply only to undocumented foreigners only to find out it's being used against you. You don't have a very sound strategy. All you've supported in the past expands into a cashless society wherein all your transactions are tracked by the paper trail you left on a computer. You'd support a cashless society if it would get rid of the little brown guys from south of the border. All that will be enacted in order to assist in enforcing the wall... an untended consequence for those who realize that we may be engaged in an internal civil war some day.

The unintended consequences of giving the government as much power as you would - on the pretext that it will save you from yourself is foolish and your repetitive posts and covering the same ground over and over won't make my point any less true.

You know you're defeated; that's why the deflections and your inability to be honest with me. In the end, YOU will be screwed by the very monster you are helping to build... and you will have done it to yourself. We got a lot of ground to cover grasshopper. I'm not going to try and debate everyone at the same time who want some - though the best is invited to a REAL debate on another board where it will be one on one - no holds barred.

Yes, the court said “certain” rights, not all rights. Some rights are actually inalienable rights such as the religion you worship, your preference on a mate, the kind of food you wish to eat. But your right to free speech is a right granted to you by the US Constitution.

A wall will no more empower the government than a bowl of fruit loops. Government doesn’t get its power from a wall. Government gets its power from the MSM, from brainwashing, from government dependents, from educational indoctrination, but it doesn’t get it from a wall.

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You never answered me. Do you think they are actors?
If you ask a question or expect a reply from a particular person you need to issue a reply to that person, not to the whole thread which is at bottom of the screen.

Dodging you are.
I don't know to whom the question is directed? I was only making a suggestion in to order to clarify communications. Take it or leave it. It doesn't matter to me.
The tradition in the US is a bit different than most countries. Here we place a primacy on individual rights. Instead of asking why the will of individual property owners should override that of the border patrol, we first as the converse - why should the will of the border patrol override that of individual property owners?

Your use of the term "frontlines" suggests you buy into the war justification, which I find ridiculous.

Except they are on the frontlines. They have guns, they have taken casualties and the people trying to cross illegally are often brutalized by coyotes and drug cartel members. The wall IMO is necessary. You are of course free to disagree, it is a free country. And they are SMEs. If a doctor told you that you needed surgery would you dismiss his opinion because others disagree with it? He is the expert for a reason. Border Patrol agents are experts in border security and they are pleading for a wall. You show a lot of hubris ignoring their please. Unfortunate.

Did it ever occur to you that everybody wants things to make their job easier? Years ago I worked in a warehouse. The workers said they needed air conditioning in order to be as productive as management wanted.

The problem was putting AC in a warehouse would not work and it would have the energy bill sucking up a significant portion of the company's profits.

We are NOT talking border security with the wall. What you're talking about is an attempt to stop American citizens and the people from south of the border from engaging in mutually beneficial relationships. You'd be better served with some regulation. No surgeon ever recommended surgery for a runny nose.

#1) I had a similar situation and the owner did put in AC
#2) This is not a runny a nose, this is a constant bleed.
#3) I disagree this is mutual beneficial.

Maybe you should look at post # 3731 and access the link I left there.

No thank you. I will stand by my beliefs that we need stronger border security. As a child of legal immigrants and first generation American, I am extremly anti illegal immigration.
You should go read up on how euros came by this land mass.
If you expect them to follow the same immigration laws and regulations and wait their turn then you have to give them a chance to do so. In Central American countries and also in Mexico to a lesser extent, these people have no chance to legally immigrate.

These countries have immigration limits establish by congress. That limit is reduced by family sponsored immigration, employer sponsored immigration, critical skills immigration, change in immigration status of those holding visas, refugee admissions, reserved categories such as the clergy and other special circumstances. After reducing the immigration limit for all these categories, there is essential no way to legally immigrate even if you wait for years.

There's a rule that bans a person from legally legally immigrating for 5 or 10 years if caught entering the country illegally or overstaying visas. However, in these countries that ban means nothing to people deported because there's no way they would ever get into the country legally.

Immigration laws make no sense. Why does it take over 10 years to immigrate from Honduras and 1 year from Ethiopia and never from India if don't have family sponsor.
Because we can't hold them all. You seem to think anyone who wants to should be able to move to America. That would be the end of America.
Absolutely not. We just need to have policies that are fairer and make sense. Do we really think Ethiopians make such good citizens that they should be admitted in a year and Hondurans should have to wait 10 year or more.

Why would we want either unless they have skills this country needs? Have you ever been to rural areas of Honduras?

No, but I've been to Guatemala. It's not about letting the in the people we need. It's about changing the environment that sends tens of thousand of people to our border. Instead of sending our military to the our border to sit on their ass and build housing for detainees, we need to clean out the Northern Triangle and stop sending money to these dictators that funnel it to cartels and gangs. We need to increase the immigration limits on Central American countries by only few thousand so there is reasonable wait time. That in itself will reduce the number heading toward our border. By making life better in these countries we will not only reduce illegal immigration but also reduce drugs headed toward the US.
Wrong. The one thing we don't need is to allow more people from Central American shit holes into this country.

Quit blaming America for these corrupt governments.
Who gets the blame for the 2009 coup in Honduras we engaged in and supported?
Who exactly are these border agents; the ones Trump's Customs and Border Protection Director hand picked for Trump's border barrier infomercial at the white house?

Border Patrol agents on the front lines say they need more technology and additional personnel to curb the illegal traffic, according to a report released on Thursday by Democrats on the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Less than one half of 1 percent of the agents’ suggested a border wall.
What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

From your New York Times (what else) article:

Officials at Customs and Border Protection called the report inaccurate, saying it confused how agents’ feedback about security vulnerabilities is used to develop programs to counter threats.

This issue in March is in sharp contrast to this article in the Washington Times a month later

Border Patrol agents back Trump wall, survey finds
Notice the term strategic locations. Funny how a border wall changed to a 1000 mile wall, to a wall in strategic locations to a border barrier/border fence which is currently 212 miles long, 112 miles of it replaces a border barrier built in 2006. Unable to get a single dollar to build the great wall Trump promised on the campaign trail, he has now settled on a new strategy: repairing and upgrading the existing fence and calling that his “wall.” Is that what you guys voted for?
So your saying he shouldn't compromise he should build a 2,000 mile wall or he didn't deserve to be elected by we who elected him?
I'm saying he should have told the truth to his supporters, that what was needed was a border barrier in selected locations which is what he is trying to get congress to approve. He never should have accused Mexicans of being rapist and murders. He should never have said he will make Mexico pay for the wall. He just made it that much more difficult getting his border wall approved by congress. Any other republican candidate would have had the 5 billion dollars approved now. Instead we have a standoff between congress and the administration that could last for months hurting millions of Americans.

The only reason Trump is asking for a barrier in certain places is because he’s being forced to settle. If you brag to your family and friends that you’re going to buy a $35,000 car, but the bank only approved a loan for $20,000, you have to settle for what the bank approved. I’m sure if he could get it, we would have a 40 billion dollar wall.

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That really doesn't make much sense when we're talking about a barrier wall. Suppose the farmer needs to fence his property to keep critters away from his crop and the bank says we will give you enough to fence 10% of your property. So the farmer builds the fence and watches the critters go around the fence and enter fields in the 90% that is not fence.

The only thing that makes sense is to secure approval for the whole project before starting. If you can't do that, then don't start the project.

Suppose congress had offered the president only 10% of the money to build the Panama Canal with no guarantee that more would come and the opposition party promising to stop all funding.
Except they are on the frontlines. They have guns, they have taken casualties and the people trying to cross illegally are often brutalized by coyotes and drug cartel members. The wall IMO is necessary. You are of course free to disagree, it is a free country. And they are SMEs. If a doctor told you that you needed surgery would you dismiss his opinion because others disagree with it? He is the expert for a reason. Border Patrol agents are experts in border security and they are pleading for a wall. You show a lot of hubris ignoring their please. Unfortunate.

Did it ever occur to you that everybody wants things to make their job easier? Years ago I worked in a warehouse. The workers said they needed air conditioning in order to be as productive as management wanted.

The problem was putting AC in a warehouse would not work and it would have the energy bill sucking up a significant portion of the company's profits.

We are NOT talking border security with the wall. What you're talking about is an attempt to stop American citizens and the people from south of the border from engaging in mutually beneficial relationships. You'd be better served with some regulation. No surgeon ever recommended surgery for a runny nose.

#1) I had a similar situation and the owner did put in AC
#2) This is not a runny a nose, this is a constant bleed.
#3) I disagree this is mutual beneficial.

Maybe you should look at post # 3731 and access the link I left there.

No thank you. I will stand by my beliefs that we need stronger border security. As a child of legal immigrants and first generation American, I am extremly anti illegal immigration.

Bigotry is not a virtue. Your beliefs have been supplanted by facts.

I gave you facts that you conveniently ignored.

Let me ask you this even though I know you'll divert and won't answer.

You can buy a house for $500k it may be a great house, it may be average but needs some work or it may be a complete money pit. You don't know. Would you still buy the house? Of course not. So then why would you want people sneaking in here when you don't know who they are? Doesn't make any logical sense. This is not bigotry. Don't use Leftist tactics on me. I am a Jew. I know bigotry. I live it almost daily.
You never answered me. Do you think they are actors?
If you ask a question or expect a reply from a particular person you need to issue a reply to that person, not to the whole thread which is at bottom of the screen.

Dodging you are.
I don't know to whom the question is directed? I was only making a suggestion in to order to clarify communications. Take it or leave it. It doesn't matter to me.

Convenient. Since it shows your rhetoric to be BS.
Wall is coming...

Eminent Domain doesn't exist in the US? Again border patrol agents have asked for it. Not sure why your or my opinion overrides their respective opinions as they are on the frontlines.

The tradition in the US is a bit different than most countries. Here we place a primacy on individual rights. Instead of asking why the will of individual property owners should override that of the border patrol, we first as the converse - why should the will of the border patrol override that of individual property owners?

Your use of the term "frontlines" suggests you buy into the war justification, which I find ridiculous.
It does. That's all you need to know.
Notice the term strategic locations. Funny how a border wall changed to a 1000 mile wall, to a wall in strategic locations to a border barrier/border fence which is currently 212 miles long, 112 miles of it replaces a border barrier built in 2006. Unable to get a single dollar to build the great wall Trump promised on the campaign trail, he has now settled on a new strategy: repairing and upgrading the existing fence and calling that his “wall.” Is that what you guys voted for?

To me “wall” was short for stronger border security. I didn’t take it literally but after hearing the border patrol agents I think the monies are reasonable and they are on the frontlines. As I asked you before and you conveniently ignored, do you live in a house with walls and doors? Why should our country not have the same protection?
there is no express wall building clause and we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause. only the right wing, never gets it.

IDC about clauses. Stop beating the same drum. I am not right wing. I am logical. Stop responding to my posts with the same answers. You're trolling and I don't appreciate it.
you don't care about the law, Constitutional or otherwise; I got, right wingers.

Okay Danny, while you're partly right on this, on many issues the left is willing trash the Constitution as well.
our welfare clause is general; we don't have a general warfare clause.

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