Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

WTH are you talking about? I am not debating or arguing with anyone on this thread. I have not taken a position other than stating the obvious: a wall will not solve any issues that the build the wall guys have put on the table. I'm asking questions and simply trying to figure out what is REALLY going on.
That is a position. You don't want the wall built because you think it won't work. It depends on what you intend to accomplish. To keep out the riff raff it will work. To put a big hurdle in drug imports it would work.

Do you have a mental problem? I've stated my reasons for not wanting a wall. I know damn well it will not work because, and let's make this big and bold for you:


If you would read posts # 3475 and # 3476 you can see my REAL objections to what you are proposing.
Walls keep out the riff raff. Walls do work.

As a matter of fact, they do not. See posts # 3475 and 3476 on this thread.
As a matter of fact they do. See Israel, Prison, etc. Fuck your posts.

As a matter of fact. you are wrong. Fuck you? That's what you got?
I'm not trying to be the bad guy, but that outlook is socialist. Rush Limbaugh said:

"If you want a “living wage,” if you don’t like what fast food restaurants pay, then do something else. It’s just that simple. Go to a trade school. Go to another business. Start your own business. Maybe the work that you are capable of isn’t yet worth $15 an hour at a fast-food restaurant. Maybe the consumer doesn’t want to pay $10 for a Big Mac so that people working at McDonald’s make $15 an hour. It’s not just a one-way strata.

You don’t just sit there and double what the employees at McDonald’s make and keep the prices the same. Now, you may think this is obvious, folks, and you may think, “Come on, Rush,” you’d be amazed at how many people do not understand the push-pull in economics. You’d be amazed at the number of people who have taken economics courses who think that the truth about headaches is that the boss is a cheap skinflint and wants his employees to starve and wants to screw his customers."

Minimum Wage: How Much is Too Much?
I don't work for McDonalds.
I'm as much a Conservative as Trump is and that would be not very much at all. Common sense for the working man he is and so am I.

Trump is NOT a conservative; he despises the Constitution; he thinks he's God and you would follow him into Hell. He just slapped "conservatives" with a bitch slap so hard that he's about to nullify that Constitution.

The minimum wage debate sparked the living wage debate and when Rush isn't evangelizing for Reverend Trump, he's cutting that living wage argument into shreds.
He's not about to nullify the Constitution.

Let's see how many unalienable Rights you have left once he's through.
now you are scaremongering. Keeping non-citizens out will not change the laws for citizens.

Every action you take has an impact on someone else. Eric Erickson made that very point today on the radio - redstate.com
I'm not Christian. Now go assfuck another donkey, you know you want to.
you have no truth value; who cares what you think if you have no witnesses.
Is it your family that's throwing rocks at US border guards?
They come here uninvited. Then DEMAND entry. They are not citizens of this country and have no right to demand anything.

You are wrong. Foreigners come here because they ARE invited. A LOT of your American brethren are hiring them, renting to them, buying from them,. selling to them. We're not at war with them. As a matter of FACT, the welcome mat (the Statue of Liberty) has this on the base of the statue:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

We are not in a war with them and if they get anything from the government, it is by way of politicians YOU elected.
Hiring them is against the law.

But the law is unconstitutional and is without any relevance - Said so in post # 2086. It's why they have a Hell of a time enforcing it.
President Barack Obama: "Real reform means strong border security, and we can build on the progress my administration has already made — putting more boots on the Southern border than at any time in our history and reducing illegal crossings to their lowest levels in 40 years.”

Secretary Hillary Clinton: "I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think that you have to control your borders."

President Bill Clinton: "It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it."

You are only proving a point I've been making since I got on this thread. The Democrats adopted the political idea BEFORE Trump came along. It is not a conservative idea.

The talking points were pioneered by white supremacists and National Socialists back in the 1970s. So, I would presume you have a point?
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You are out ofbounds. Flagged for unsportsman Like conduct.

I never said i was going to kill them. Place that attitude towards those that said it.

It's out of bounds? Your argument is that they are trash and have no Rights. They aren't even human beings. Read the thread. Prove it. How in the Hell is that "out of bounds?" I'd say you got checkmated.

Just because you hate people and think we're going to become lily white does not mean that YOU are not out of bounds either. I'm just as sick of you as you are of me. You know FULL WELL that those from south of the border have a Right to Life. It is an unalienable Right - as is Liberty. Explained the immigration law to you in post # 2086.
They need to fix their own country. They don't have a right to ruin what we have by flooding our borders and coming here. We built this country not them.
Because it fundamentally changes America from being a beacon of Freedom for the world to a country that aspires to be a gated community.
you have no truth value; who cares what you think if you have no witnesses.
Is it your family that's throwing rocks at US border guards?
They come here uninvited. Then DEMAND entry. They are not citizens of this country and have no right to demand anything.

You are wrong. Foreigners come here because they ARE invited. A LOT of your American brethren are hiring them, renting to them, buying from them,. selling to them. We're not at war with them. As a matter of FACT, the welcome mat (the Statue of Liberty) has this on the base of the statue:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

We are not in a war with them and if they get anything from the government, it is by way of politicians YOU elected.
Hiring them is against the law.

But the law is unconstitutional and is without any relevance - Said so in post # 2086. It's why they have a Hell of a time enforcing it.
Its not unconstitutional under the law. They went around it by forging ids. Businesses go we didnt know and the workers get deported when caught. No real teeth because of no good verification in place.
Incoherent because you cannot read; long because those who are so desperate for a wall keep rehashing the same points and keep making the same false allegations. Again, dude, honesty is the enemy of those who worship the wall. Go to post # 2806. Work your way back and tell me of a long post I made BEFORE that.

All I did was ask questions. Me a keyboard warrior? I'd rather meet people face to face. I can go back to asking questions the moment the guys who think they can read minds and have all the answers will provide them without their phony bravado.

President Barack Obama: "Real reform means strong border security, and we can build on the progress my administration has already made — putting more boots on the Southern border than at any time in our history and reducing illegal crossings to their lowest levels in 40 years.”

Secretary Hillary Clinton: "I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think that you have to control your borders."

President Bill Clinton: "It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it."

You are only proving a point I've been making since I got on this thread. The Democrats adopted the political idea BEFORE Trump came along. It is not a conservative idea.

The talking points were pioneered by white supremacists and National Socialists back in the 1970s. So, I would presume you have a point?
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
You are only proving a point I've been making since I got on this thread. The Democrats adopted the political idea BEFORE Trump came along. It is not a conservative idea.

The talking points were pioneered by white supremacists and National Socialists back in the 1970s. So, I would presume you have a point?
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You are out ofbounds. Flagged for unsportsman Like conduct.

I never said i was going to kill them. Place that attitude towards those that said it.

It's out of bounds? Your argument is that they are trash and have no Rights. They aren't even human beings. Read the thread. Prove it. How in the Hell is that "out of bounds?" I'd say you got checkmated.

Just because you hate people and think we're going to become lily white does not mean that YOU are not out of bounds either. I'm just as sick of you as you are of me. You know FULL WELL that those from south of the border have a Right to Life. It is an unalienable Right - as is Liberty. Explained the immigration law to you in post # 2086.
I never fucking said that moron.

Did I say you specifically said it OR have I not made my point clear to you? I'm not here to sell you any point of view. I'm trying to find the consensus. If you interfere and want to debate me when I don't want to debate (this IS a discussion forum), then it is only logical to say, birds of a feather flock together. So, instead of seeing how many posts you can make, make your point and move on. I'm debating roughly eight people at a time and am NOT going to continue answering the same questions over and over. Read the freaking thread and quit posting so much if you want answers.
President Barack Obama: "Real reform means strong border security, and we can build on the progress my administration has already made — putting more boots on the Southern border than at any time in our history and reducing illegal crossings to their lowest levels in 40 years.”

Secretary Hillary Clinton: "I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think that you have to control your borders."

President Bill Clinton: "It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it."

You are only proving a point I've been making since I got on this thread. The Democrats adopted the political idea BEFORE Trump came along. It is not a conservative idea.

The talking points were pioneered by white supremacists and National Socialists back in the 1970s. So, I would presume you have a point?
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
I raised my kids as i see fit. The only issue is the stupity in schools . Where disipline is out the door. When grew up, if i did wrong they paddled my butt, and i got it again when i got home. And i desrved it.

Now they are worried about being sued and trying to teach or kids Morality. That isnt their place.

You are dancing here. Where are you from. You screwed up earlier and let that out in a post.
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You are out ofbounds. Flagged for unsportsman Like conduct.

I never said i was going to kill them. Place that attitude towards those that said it.

It's out of bounds? Your argument is that they are trash and have no Rights. They aren't even human beings. Read the thread. Prove it. How in the Hell is that "out of bounds?" I'd say you got checkmated.

Just because you hate people and think we're going to become lily white does not mean that YOU are not out of bounds either. I'm just as sick of you as you are of me. You know FULL WELL that those from south of the border have a Right to Life. It is an unalienable Right - as is Liberty. Explained the immigration law to you in post # 2086.
I never fucking said that moron.

Did I say you specifically said it OR have I not made my point clear to you? I'm not here to sell you any point of view. I'm trying to find the consensus. If you interfere and want to debate me when I don't want to debate (this IS a discussion forum), then it is only logical to say, birds of a feather flock together. So, instead of seeing how many posts you can make, make your point and move on. I'm debating roughly eight people at a time and am NOT going to continue answering the same questions over and over. Read the freaking thread and quit posting so much if you want answers.
You threw that shit at me. I didnt say that and called you out on it. You lump together shit that wasnt my view point.
President Barack Obama: "Real reform means strong border security, and we can build on the progress my administration has already made — putting more boots on the Southern border than at any time in our history and reducing illegal crossings to their lowest levels in 40 years.”

Secretary Hillary Clinton: "I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think that you have to control your borders."

President Bill Clinton: "It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it."

You are only proving a point I've been making since I got on this thread. The Democrats adopted the political idea BEFORE Trump came along. It is not a conservative idea.

The talking points were pioneered by white supremacists and National Socialists back in the 1970s. So, I would presume you have a point?
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?

Find the post where I said they were trash. That is an outright lie.
President Barack Obama: "Real reform means strong border security, and we can build on the progress my administration has already made — putting more boots on the Southern border than at any time in our history and reducing illegal crossings to their lowest levels in 40 years.”

Secretary Hillary Clinton: "I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think that you have to control your borders."

President Bill Clinton: "It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it."

You are only proving a point I've been making since I got on this thread. The Democrats adopted the political idea BEFORE Trump came along. It is not a conservative idea.

The talking points were pioneered by white supremacists and National Socialists back in the 1970s. So, I would presume you have a point?
It's true. In the 2000's us liberals were against illegal immigrants while 75% of the Republican party was arguing they were just here doing jobs Americans won't do. That's a lie.

Do a little math. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says there are 7.6 million unemployed Americans right now. Another 1.5 million Americans are no longer counted because they've become "long term" or "discouraged" unemployed workers. And although various groups have different ways of measuring it, most agree that at least another five to ten million Americans are either working part-time when they want to work full-time, or are "underemployed," doing jobs below their level of training, education, or experience. That's between eight and twenty million un- and under-employed Americans, many unable to find above-poverty-level work.

At the same time, there are between seven and fifteen million working illegal immigrants diluting our labor pool.

If illegal immigrants could no longer work, unions would flourish, the minimum wage would rise, and oligarchic nations to our south would have to confront and fix their corrupt ways.

Between the Reagan years - when there were only around 1 to 2 million illegal aliens in our workforce - and today, we've gone from about 25 percent of our private workforce being unionized to around seven percent. Much of this is the direct result - as César Chávez predicted - of illegal immigrants competing directly with unionized and legal labor. Although it's most obvious in the construction trades over the past 30 years, it's hit all sectors of our economy.

My math is simple:

I run ads on Craigslist, in community papers and list with the Dept. of Labor. People don't even show up for an interview.

I could give you the REAL reason this happens, but it would take more than twenty words and you would not admit it. I can show you a hundred people today under 40 that have never worked a job and they won't. Most of it is the fault of people who back bad legislation because you're wholly uninformed.

Pay more. Supply/Demand economics. What is the job?

I'm a minister with a jobs program. We have temp, temp to perm and permanent jobs in many fields from laborers to farm workers and from warehouse workers to construction / handymen positions.

Whites will not work the jobs.

Your anecdotal stories don't hold true across the country, I have 5 guys numbers, all white, all citizens, I can call for handyman work, brush clearing and other things. I have 5 acres and the forest is constantly trying to reclaim cleared areas.

Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

The answer is really simple. If the wall were really WRONG, then the Democrats would have already DONE IT.

They were actually FOR IT until the GOP and especially Trump made it a campaign issue.

The fact that they are DEAD SET against it now proves once and for all it is RIGHT.

And the way many come on here with the most specious reasoning that it is a
IMMORAL, etc.,

just goes to prove it.

When Nancy Pelosi leaves her freeking gate open and front door wide open with a big sign on the house: OPEN HOUSE!, and lets strangers walk into her house taking whatever they want of hers as the MORAL thing to do, then I'll believe the idiot trash talking Left.
I think Porter is one of them Russians working for the Democrats.
Hes not a U.S citizen.

We know you are no patriot. I am not a part of your Socialist States of Amerika.
So where the hell are you from and why are you so concerned eith this issue??

I'm from the United States and I am concerned because I watched the build the wall guys destroy all the gains made by patriots and constitutionalists over the past 30 years. All the build the wall guys offer are socialist solutions without any idea of how it ultimately impacts our Freedom and Liberty.

EVERY time you turn around, they invoke the morally and financially corrupt policies of third world countries and people at war. I set the tone, not follow the failures.
You are only proving a point I've been making since I got on this thread. The Democrats adopted the political idea BEFORE Trump came along. It is not a conservative idea.

The talking points were pioneered by white supremacists and National Socialists back in the 1970s. So, I would presume you have a point?
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You are out ofbounds. Flagged for unsportsman Like conduct.

I never said i was going to kill them. Place that attitude towards those that said it.

It's out of bounds? Your argument is that they are trash and have no Rights. They aren't even human beings. Read the thread. Prove it. How in the Hell is that "out of bounds?" I'd say you got checkmated.

Just because you hate people and think we're going to become lily white does not mean that YOU are not out of bounds either. I'm just as sick of you as you are of me. You know FULL WELL that those from south of the border have a Right to Life. It is an unalienable Right - as is Liberty. Explained the immigration law to you in post # 2086.
They need to fix their own country. They don't have a right to ruin what we have by flooding our borders and coming here. We built this country not them.

Free enterprise. You're letting your country go to shit and they are filling the void.
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You are out ofbounds. Flagged for unsportsman Like conduct.

I never said i was going to kill them. Place that attitude towards those that said it.

It's out of bounds? Your argument is that they are trash and have no Rights. They aren't even human beings. Read the thread. Prove it. How in the Hell is that "out of bounds?" I'd say you got checkmated.

Just because you hate people and think we're going to become lily white does not mean that YOU are not out of bounds either. I'm just as sick of you as you are of me. You know FULL WELL that those from south of the border have a Right to Life. It is an unalienable Right - as is Liberty. Explained the immigration law to you in post # 2086.
They need to fix their own country. They don't have a right to ruin what we have by flooding our borders and coming here. We built this country not them.

Free enterprise. You're letting your country go to shit and they are filling the void.

All they have to do is enter legally.
The answer is really simple. If the wall were really WRONG, then the Democrats would have already DONE IT.

They were actually FOR IT until the GOP and especially Trump made it a campaign issue.

The fact that they are DEAD SET against it now proves once and for all it is RIGHT.

And the way many come on here with the most specious reasoning that it is a
IMMORAL, etc.,

just goes to prove it.

When Nancy Pelosi leaves her freeking gate open and front door wide open with a big sign on the house: OPEN HOUSE!, and lets strangers walk into her house taking whatever they want of hers as the MORAL thing to do, then I'll believe the idiot trash talking Left.
I think Porter is one of them Russians working for the Democrats.
Hes not a U.S citizen.

We know you are no patriot. I am not a part of your Socialist States of Amerika.
So where the hell are you from and why are you so concerned eith this issue??

I'm from the United States and I am concerned because I watched the build the wall guys destroy all the gains made by patriots and constitutionalists over the past 30 years. All the build the wall guys offer are socialist solutions without any idea of how it ultimately impacts our Freedom and Liberty.

EVERY time you turn around, they invoke the morally and financially corrupt policies of third world countries and people at war. I set the tone, not follow the failures.
Thats idiotic. The Fence didnt secure the border. And a wall doesnt abuse your constitutional rights. Uless you are from South of the border and are pushing for Open borders, which you are in this thread.
You are only proving a point I've been making since I got on this thread. The Democrats adopted the political idea BEFORE Trump came along. It is not a conservative idea.

The talking points were pioneered by white supremacists and National Socialists back in the 1970s. So, I would presume you have a point?
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
I raised my kids as i see fit. The only issue is the stupity in schools . Where disipline is out the door. When grew up, if i did wrong they paddled my butt, and i got it again when i got home. And i desrved it.

Now they are worried about being sued and trying to teach or kids Morality. That isnt their place.

You are dancing here. Where are you from. You screwed up earlier and let that out in a post.

Are you doing bad drugs? You're worried so much about me you can't focus on the issue. One minute I'm being accused of "dancing" and the next people are backpedaling because even though they don't like me, they understand I'm direct and consistent.
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
I raised my kids as i see fit. The only issue is the stupity in schools . Where disipline is out the door. When grew up, if i did wrong they paddled my butt, and i got it again when i got home. And i desrved it.

Now they are worried about being sued and trying to teach or kids Morality. That isnt their place.

You are dancing here. Where are you from. You screwed up earlier and let that out in a post.

Are you doing bad drugs? You're worried so much about me you can't focus on the issue. One minute I'm being accused of "dancing" and the next people are backpedaling because even though they don't like me, they understand I'm direct and consistent.

You are also a liar. Is that not a sin?

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