Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
I raised my kids as i see fit. The only issue is the stupity in schools . Where disipline is out the door. When grew up, if i did wrong they paddled my butt, and i got it again when i got home. And i desrved it.

Now they are worried about being sued and trying to teach or kids Morality. That isnt their place.

You are dancing here. Where are you from. You screwed up earlier and let that out in a post.

Are you doing bad drugs? You're worried so much about me you can't focus on the issue. One minute I'm being accused of "dancing" and the next people are backpedaling because even though they don't like me, they understand I'm direct and consistent.
You accused me of wanting to kill them and you pissed me off. My opinions dont end where yours begin.

I think you are a fraud now..

I'm a fraud for asking questions? What does that make you? I ask you for a few minutes so that I can answer everybody and give you the attention Ray wanted and all you can do is talk smack. What are you afraid of?

I didn't accuse you of anything. I asked you a couple of questions.
You are only proving a point I've been making since I got on this thread. The Democrats adopted the political idea BEFORE Trump came along. It is not a conservative idea.

The talking points were pioneered by white supremacists and National Socialists back in the 1970s. So, I would presume you have a point?

My only point is that border patrol agents want it and they are on the frontlines. I would think we would and should be willing to support them. That is all.
What Border Agents Say They Want (It’s Not a Wall)

The report was based on internal Customs and Border Protection documents from the 2017 fiscal year. It concluded that less than one half of 1 percent of the agents’ suggestions to secure the Southwest border mentioned the need for a wall.

I've seen other reports that contradict and I actually saw them on TV stating they want a WALL!!!!

In four Customs and Border Protection sectors where physical barriers have been expanded — El Paso, Yuma, Tucson, and San Diego — illegal traffic has dropped by at least 90%.

Dems pre-Trump:

-Hillary: Supported border wall
-Obama: More border security, illegals must speak English, go to back of line
-Schumer: Border walls work
-Reid: Offering benefits to illegals = insane
-Feinstein: US can't be Mexico's welfare
-Clinton: Illegal immigration is wrong
I support border security. A wall is a waste of money. But watching the border is important. You can watch the border with or without a wall. And when you eventually stop watching the border without a wall then you don't feel stupid for building an unnecessary wall that was a huge waste of time and money and now has so many holes in it that it looks like swiss cheese.

Watching doesn't prevent 1 person from crossing, drones, sensors and other technology won't prevent 1 person from crossing. Then we have to spend nearly $12,000 for each one we catch to deport them. Walls where erected have proven effective.


If Atlas wouldn't hire them, we would not have you budget wall assholes spending money.
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
So fucking what. The country is as we made it and we don't need illegals coming here and ruining it for us. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

This country was made with immigration.

What you what is great white whale...er wall.
The needs of the past, when labor was a value, are not the needs of the present. Just because you've done things in the past doesn't mean you keep doing them that way when you no longer need to.
Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
So fucking what. The country is as we made it and we don't need illegals coming here and ruining it for us. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

Dude, I'm going to get my work done whether it whizzes people off or not. Jobs are available. There are enough jobs; been explained umpteen times to you.
So this is your job and your work consist of posting lie's and convincing people that we don't need a wall?

You're an asshole. I was asking questions. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything.

Taking a break. Slyhunter, you can have my time next and we'll ignore the trolls. My open challenge is still available. Answer you later.
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
So fucking what. The country is as we made it and we don't need illegals coming here and ruining it for us. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

This country was made with immigration.

What you what is great white whale...er wall.

At one time immigrants were a benefit to this country. Today they are a liability costing us billions a year. Others have made claim slaves built this country, but we don't bring back slavery for that reason.
Just how would this wall stop anything?

People don't have ladders?

People don't have shovels?

How would an airplane land with a wall on the runway?

How does a wall work on a pier?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
So fucking what. The country is as we made it and we don't need illegals coming here and ruining it for us. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

Dude, I'm going to get my work done whether it whizzes people off or not. Jobs are available. There are enough jobs; been explained umpteen times to you.
So this is your job and your work consist of posting lie's and convincing people that we don't need a wall?

You're an asshole. I was asking questions. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything.
you were making dissertations and expecting people to actually read the entire thing even though they bore me to tears.
I'm in 15 different threads, two words with friends games, watching Fox news, and eating lunch. It's called multi-processing.
Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
So fucking what. The country is as we made it and we don't need illegals coming here and ruining it for us. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

This country was made with immigration.

What you what is great white whale...er wall.

At one time immigrants were a benefit to this country. Today they are a liability costing us billions a year. Others have made claim slaves built this country, but we don't bring back slavery for that reason.

Did slaves or immgraint labor add to GDP or not?

Did they thru hard work build wealth for our country or not?
That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
So fucking what. The country is as we made it and we don't need illegals coming here and ruining it for us. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

Dude, I'm going to get my work done whether it whizzes people off or not. Jobs are available. There are enough jobs; been explained umpteen times to you.
So this is your job and your work consist of posting lie's and convincing people that we don't need a wall?

You're an asshole. I was asking questions. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything.
you were making dissertations and expecting people to actually read the entire thing even though they bore me to tears.
I'm in 15 different threads, two words with friends games, watching Fox news, and eating lunch. It's called multi-processing.

No dumb ass, that would be multi tasking - a reveal that you aren't what you are selling yourself as.
Just how would this wall stop anything?

People don't have ladders?

People don't have shovels?

How would an airplane land with a wall on the runway?

How does a wall work on a pier?
most of these illegals can't afford to buy food, they're not going to buy ladders. they are unfit and unhealthy and the harder we make it to get here the more likely they'll stay where they're at.
So fucking what. The country is as we made it and we don't need illegals coming here and ruining it for us. No immigration until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.

Dude, I'm going to get my work done whether it whizzes people off or not. Jobs are available. There are enough jobs; been explained umpteen times to you.
So this is your job and your work consist of posting lie's and convincing people that we don't need a wall?

You're an asshole. I was asking questions. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything.
you were making dissertations and expecting people to actually read the entire thing even though they bore me to tears.
I'm in 15 different threads, two words with friends games, watching Fox news, and eating lunch. It's called multi-processing.

No dumb ass, that would be multi tasking - a reveal that you aren't what you are selling yourself as.
I'm not selling myself as anything.
Just how would this wall stop anything?

People don't have ladders?

People don't have shovels?

How would an airplane land with a wall on the runway?

How does a wall work on a pier?
most of these illegals can't afford to buy food, they're not going to buy ladders. they are unfit and unhealthy and the harder we make it to get here the more likely they'll stay where they're at.

Just when do you get by sean handity talking points?
Has this thread addressed the level of illegal border crossing yet or not?

Do any of you deficit chickenhawks know if border crossings have increased or decreased in last 15-20 years?

Because if you advocate for a national emergency it can only be one way.
Dude, I'm going to get my work done whether it whizzes people off or not. Jobs are available. There are enough jobs; been explained umpteen times to you.
So this is your job and your work consist of posting lie's and convincing people that we don't need a wall?

You're an asshole. I was asking questions. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything.
you were making dissertations and expecting people to actually read the entire thing even though they bore me to tears.
I'm in 15 different threads, two words with friends games, watching Fox news, and eating lunch. It's called multi-processing.

No dumb ass, that would be multi tasking - a reveal that you aren't what you are selling yourself as.
I'm not selling myself as anything.

Your selling yourself as a guy who has a hard time determining non-fiction with ficton.
To some its political. To some its not.

It is a barrier to impede illegals and drugs to make securing the border easier for CBP.

Politicians have grand standed for votes and not built effective barriers. They refuse to fix the loop holes. Those ideas are right to me. They have been right to me for decades.

20 to 25 billion will provide about 1000 miles total of wall. In high traffic areas where they say they need them. We should do as the professionals request tosupport them

Each day I am on this board trying to find some consensus. Ray just wants the brown people gone; AzogtheDefiler says that they are trash. Here's where I am:

If you think those people are not human beings, why not load up your AR and go to the border and shoot them like you would any other rodent? What's stopping you? The only consensus I've seen thus far is that they are not human beings and, consequently do not have Rights. Possums don't have Rights. So people shoot them. In your mind, what is the difference?
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?

Find the post where I said they were trash. That is an outright lie.

You stand behind the crowd that DID say it. I cannot "debate" as the delusional build the wall guys call it and be expected to say who said what when I'm trying to answer all of you at 80 wpm. If you wanted an answer, you would limit the posts and give me time to find out who said exactly what. All I can say is, you don't want the truth.

So you lied. Thanks for clarifying. You sinned. To hell you go.
Just how would this wall stop anything?

People don't have ladders?

People don't have shovels?

How would an airplane land with a wall on the runway?

How does a wall work on a pier?
most of these illegals can't afford to buy food, they're not going to buy ladders. they are unfit and unhealthy and the harder we make it to get here the more likely they'll stay where they're at.

Just when do you get by sean handity talking points?
They're my talking points and they're true.
You ignored what I previously wrote. i'll write it again.
parents try to build, for their children, a better life so that their children don't have to go through the same trials and tribulations that they themselves had to. Over the course of generations it has gone from us fighting the British, living in log cabins and only eating what we kill, to what we have now. We earned the right to live this way because our ancestors did it for us. These illegals haven't. We can't allow them to flood our borders and ruin our lifestyle by sucking on Governmental teat, and working for substandard wages that won't allow us to maintain our current lifestyles. They need to put out the blood, sweat, and bullets to fix their own damn countries like we fixed ours. It isn't up to us to do it for them.

That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
I raised my kids as i see fit. The only issue is the stupity in schools . Where disipline is out the door. When grew up, if i did wrong they paddled my butt, and i got it again when i got home. And i desrved it.

Now they are worried about being sued and trying to teach or kids Morality. That isnt their place.

You are dancing here. Where are you from. You screwed up earlier and let that out in a post.

Are you doing bad drugs? You're worried so much about me you can't focus on the issue. One minute I'm being accused of "dancing" and the next people are backpedaling because even though they don't like me, they understand I'm direct and consistent.

You are also a liar. Is that not a sin?

Just because you said it don't make it true. What are you afraid of? Why don't you quit posting for an hour, allow me to answer others and focus on who said what? Are you afraid? Everybody thinks they are due an answer, but nobody wants to give me an opportunity. I'm not lying. I'm trying to fight eight battles at the same time. You couldn't do it snowflake.

Find where I said they were trash. All I said was let’s do what the border patrol agents recommend. Not once did I say anything negative about the people from Mexico. Sorry you lied. Liar.
That is a statement, not a question. The reality is, the average American is only worthy of being a victim of the truth. To wit:

In America, the government tries to tell parents how to rear their children. The thing of it is, if you follow their guidelines, the government's idea of parenting is a clusterphuck of a disaster. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. Since parents cannot properly rear their children, they take their children to doctors or ask the government what to do.

Children end up on Ritalin or Adderall for the NONEXISTENT conditions called ADD / ADHD

The child begins to age and is then put on Opioids for "anxiety" and some will skip the legalities and buy opioids off the street

Many of those will start using illegal drugs like Marijuana, Heroin, Oxycontin, Crack, etc.Parents with good insurance will see their kids put on SSRIs.

Eventually, a large number of these people will become hard core drug addicts and they will acquire a criminal record. Being addicts they will not have any critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and / or social skills. Most of those will not even finish high school. By the time they turn 26 they are dropped from mommy's insurance. So, now you have drug addicts with no education, no job skills, no reasoning skills, fifty tattoos, numerous body piercings, and a criminal record. So, who in the Hell is going to hire these people?

Let me put this into perspective:

America has about 4 percent of the world's population yet we consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. We have more people in prison than any nation on this planet - the United States accounts for about 22 percent of the world's prison population. For every drug addict in a mental health facility being treated for drugs, there are more than ten drug addicts being held in prisons.

Instead of crying out for a need to get parents parenting, we are comfortable with allowing the government and Big Pharma rearing the children with drugs as opposed to allowing normal growing behavior to occur. Drugs become the first line of defense, not the last in dealing with the problems of children.

Now, these drug addicts have only way to support their habit and live any kind of lifestyle - sell drugs to the next generation. The problem is a societal issue, but we would rather waste money on the border to fight back at drug cartels while parents, the government and Big Pharma are creating the addicts... which in turn creates the drug cartels.

Can we get any more screwed up?
I raised my kids as i see fit. The only issue is the stupity in schools . Where disipline is out the door. When grew up, if i did wrong they paddled my butt, and i got it again when i got home. And i desrved it.

Now they are worried about being sued and trying to teach or kids Morality. That isnt their place.

You are dancing here. Where are you from. You screwed up earlier and let that out in a post.

Are you doing bad drugs? You're worried so much about me you can't focus on the issue. One minute I'm being accused of "dancing" and the next people are backpedaling because even though they don't like me, they understand I'm direct and consistent.

You are also a liar. Is that not a sin?

Just because you said it don't make it true. What are you afraid of? Why don't you quit posting for an hour, allow me to answer others and focus on who said what? Are you afraid? Everybody thinks they are due an answer, but nobody wants to give me an opportunity. I'm not lying. I'm trying to fight eight battles at the same time. You couldn't do it snowflake.

Find where I said they were trash. All I said was let’s do what the border patrol agents recommend. Not once did I say anything negative about the people from Mexico. Sorry you lied. Liar.
I called them trash. he has trouble telling the difference between you and I.
Not all of them are "riff raff" but the ones leaving their country to come here are the worst of the worse in poverty status. The rich ones aren't sneaking across the border.
I raised my kids as i see fit. The only issue is the stupity in schools . Where disipline is out the door. When grew up, if i did wrong they paddled my butt, and i got it again when i got home. And i desrved it.

Now they are worried about being sued and trying to teach or kids Morality. That isnt their place.

You are dancing here. Where are you from. You screwed up earlier and let that out in a post.

Are you doing bad drugs? You're worried so much about me you can't focus on the issue. One minute I'm being accused of "dancing" and the next people are backpedaling because even though they don't like me, they understand I'm direct and consistent.

You are also a liar. Is that not a sin?

Just because you said it don't make it true. What are you afraid of? Why don't you quit posting for an hour, allow me to answer others and focus on who said what? Are you afraid? Everybody thinks they are due an answer, but nobody wants to give me an opportunity. I'm not lying. I'm trying to fight eight battles at the same time. You couldn't do it snowflake.

Find where I said they were trash. All I said was let’s do what the border patrol agents recommend. Not once did I say anything negative about the people from Mexico. Sorry you lied. Liar.
I called them trash. he has trouble telling the difference between you and I.
Not all of them are "riff raff" but the ones leaving their country to come here are the worst of the worse in poverty status. The rich ones aren't sneaking across the border.

Bingo. So either he made a mistake, which he should admit or he is a liar. Seems simple.
I just remembered who the other guy that was no Tuckers show, he was a guy Trump fired, the former Chief of the Border patrol. He disagrees with you and says walls, where implemented, work.

And yes it will be tailored to the border patrols needs, technology along most of the border and walls where needed. And you can brush aside all the facts you want, it just makes you look small when you refuse to recognize the current request is less than 1/40th our annual costs for illegals.


More fudged figures. OMG. I already presented two non-partisan studies. Wasn't it you who challenged one of them as being biased ? And I got that study that disagrees with you from someone arguing YOUR points. The bottom line, all B.S. aside, when both sides of the accounting ledger are counted, "it's a wash." That was the term used in several studies over the years. Those are the studies Congress sees.

So are we arguing walls OR costs? Do we have to rehash this crap every 50 or so posts? Save your pecking. Asked and answered in posts 2806, 3475, 3476 and 3613.

This shotgun approach to whatever in the Hell it is you do, is hilarious. Come up with something that has not been responded to. Can you answer any of my questions?

Where do your unalienable Rights come from?

I cited sources, all you have is your spew.,prove them wrong. And I'm citing monetary and human costs to justify the wall. And my rights are irrelevant to this discussion unless I'm killed or injured by an illegal alien tomorrow, they have deprived 10s of thousands of American their rights.


Maybe you should have reread that post before making it. Let me put this to you another way:

You can cite all the monetary costs you want. THAT, sir, is THE DISCONNECT.Why are foreigners in the United States working? Foreigners come here because it's profitable. Your lobbying efforts DO NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT BOTH SIDES OF THE ACCOUNTING LEDGER.

That is how you're being proven wrong. You have to look at the contributions foreigners make in order to understand the whole picture. When this is done, from a financial perspective, the foreigners ARE profitable. That is why Bill O'Reilly hired them; it's why Donald Trump uses them.

If you were not such a wall cultist, you would be able to understand that I'm taking this abuse and staying in this discussion because I AM FIGHTING WITH MY VERY LIFE FOR YOUR RIGHTS. I am fighting for YOUR Rights. You are trying to win a war predicated on propaganda, denying the REAL reason foreigners come here, with the false expectation you can keep them out, and without a real understanding of what and why the current immigration laws exist.

Well child if you have been paying attention you'd know I'm all for jailing people that employ illegal aliens, the supposed charities that are helping fund them and provide lawyers to go south of the border to coach them on what to say and help them get settled once they're here. Anyone who harbors or enables illegal aliens should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Also you have yet to explain how the current walls that cover about 1/3rd of the southern border has effected my or anyone else's rights. Or why adding an additional 10% would suddenly cause them to do so.

If you have something to say, lay it out in plain language, with credible links, I'm not concerned with your feelings.


How many times is it required of me to lay out the links? Damn, son, I've done it at least half a dozen times, complete with irrefutable links. Tell you what - if you will keep a list of the links and present them from here on out, I will redo my work for at least the SEVENTH time and then you promise to NEVER ask me that question and when someone from your side does challenge me, YOU post the post numbers. Deal?

You're dangerous. You would jail people for controlling their own property? And you dare call others commiecrats??? WTH?

I would jail people for engaging in a criminal enterprise, laws prohibit people from hiring, transporting or harboring illegals in any manner. Lawyers who conspire with illegals to defraud the US should also be jailed. Roughly 9% of asylum claims are found to have merit, but they get through the initial screening because they are coached on what to say.

Also the only link you've provided to me was from a left wing academic who ignored the direct and indirect costs of illegal aliens. Your taxes are higher, your auto insurance is higher, your health care is higher, your wages are lower and the list could go on and on and all can be, in part attributed to illegals aliens. It offsets, by far, anything they may contribute. I've already covered the human costs to our citizens, if Americans truly knew the over all costs of illegal aliens they would revolt and demand a stop to it.


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