Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Is it your family that's throwing rocks at US border guards?
They come here uninvited. Then DEMAND entry. They are not citizens of this country and have no right to demand anything.

You are wrong. Foreigners come here because they ARE invited. A LOT of your American brethren are hiring them, renting to them, buying from them,. selling to them. We're not at war with them. As a matter of FACT, the welcome mat (the Statue of Liberty) has this on the base of the statue:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

We are not in a war with them and if they get anything from the government, it is by way of politicians YOU elected.
Hiring them is against the law.

But the law is unconstitutional and is without any relevance - Said so in post # 2086. It's why they have a Hell of a time enforcing it.

Post # 2086 isn't yours, care to try again?


At 80 wpm, it is possible to be imperfect. It is actually post # 2806
Did I say you specifically said it OR have I not made my point clear to you? I'm not here to sell you any point of view. I'm trying to find the consensus. If you interfere and want to debate me when I don't want to debate (this IS a discussion forum), then it is only logical to say, birds of a feather flock together. So, instead of seeing how many posts you can make, make your point and move on. I'm debating roughly eight people at a time and am NOT going to continue answering the same questions over and over. Read the freaking thread and quit posting so much if you want answers.
I'm in 15 different threads and you're having trouble dealing with just one.

Are you being attacked to the point that, at 80 wpm, for every one post you respond to, another ten posts are created that are directed toward you?
You worry about the current one and when finished move on to the next.
Maybe you should write fewer dissertations and just get to the point, you don't think the wall will prevent people from coming into our country and I think it will stop a lot of them.

I KNOW it will not prevent crossings and have written "dissertations" as you call them with irrefutable empirical evidence.
The your either an idiot or a liar because it will stop a large part of it. Yes it won't stop all of it but it doesn't have to, to be effective.

Look, quit posting; allow me to get caught up and instead of you spouting shit you don't say to people face to face, I will reply to you ind depth. If all you want to do is call me a liar when you haven't told the truth once, then I will place you on ignore. Give me an hour and then it's you and me OR you can talk to the hand as they used to say.
I raised my kids as i see fit. The only issue is the stupity in schools . Where disipline is out the door. When grew up, if i did wrong they paddled my butt, and i got it again when i got home. And i desrved it.

Now they are worried about being sued and trying to teach or kids Morality. That isnt their place.

You are dancing here. Where are you from. You screwed up earlier and let that out in a post.

Are you doing bad drugs? You're worried so much about me you can't focus on the issue. One minute I'm being accused of "dancing" and the next people are backpedaling because even though they don't like me, they understand I'm direct and consistent.

You are also a liar. Is that not a sin?

Just because you said it don't make it true. What are you afraid of? Why don't you quit posting for an hour, allow me to answer others and focus on who said what? Are you afraid? Everybody thinks they are due an answer, but nobody wants to give me an opportunity. I'm not lying. I'm trying to fight eight battles at the same time. You couldn't do it snowflake.

Find where I said they were trash. All I said was let’s do what the border patrol agents recommend. Not once did I say anything negative about the people from Mexico. Sorry you lied. Liar.
I called them trash. he has trouble telling the difference between you and I.
Not all of them are "riff raff" but the ones leaving their country to come here are the worst of the worse in poverty status. The rich ones aren't sneaking across the border.

I don't have the time to remember who said what when both of you attacking me. Two on one. What's the matter? Both of you got to hold each other's hand because you're afraid to take me one on one - and then have the unmitigated gall to call me a liar??? You shouldn't make statements like that. When I'm outnumbered and you make those claims, you are being cowardly - and that we both know.
More fudged figures. OMG. I already presented two non-partisan studies. Wasn't it you who challenged one of them as being biased ? And I got that study that disagrees with you from someone arguing YOUR points. The bottom line, all B.S. aside, when both sides of the accounting ledger are counted, "it's a wash." That was the term used in several studies over the years. Those are the studies Congress sees.

So are we arguing walls OR costs? Do we have to rehash this crap every 50 or so posts? Save your pecking. Asked and answered in posts 2806, 3475, 3476 and 3613.

This shotgun approach to whatever in the Hell it is you do, is hilarious. Come up with something that has not been responded to. Can you answer any of my questions?

Where do your unalienable Rights come from?

I cited sources, all you have is your spew.,prove them wrong. And I'm citing monetary and human costs to justify the wall. And my rights are irrelevant to this discussion unless I'm killed or injured by an illegal alien tomorrow, they have deprived 10s of thousands of American their rights.


Maybe you should have reread that post before making it. Let me put this to you another way:

You can cite all the monetary costs you want. THAT, sir, is THE DISCONNECT.Why are foreigners in the United States working? Foreigners come here because it's profitable. Your lobbying efforts DO NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT BOTH SIDES OF THE ACCOUNTING LEDGER.

That is how you're being proven wrong. You have to look at the contributions foreigners make in order to understand the whole picture. When this is done, from a financial perspective, the foreigners ARE profitable. That is why Bill O'Reilly hired them; it's why Donald Trump uses them.

If you were not such a wall cultist, you would be able to understand that I'm taking this abuse and staying in this discussion because I AM FIGHTING WITH MY VERY LIFE FOR YOUR RIGHTS. I am fighting for YOUR Rights. You are trying to win a war predicated on propaganda, denying the REAL reason foreigners come here, with the false expectation you can keep them out, and without a real understanding of what and why the current immigration laws exist.

Well child if you have been paying attention you'd know I'm all for jailing people that employ illegal aliens, the supposed charities that are helping fund them and provide lawyers to go south of the border to coach them on what to say and help them get settled once they're here. Anyone who harbors or enables illegal aliens should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Also you have yet to explain how the current walls that cover about 1/3rd of the southern border has effected my or anyone else's rights. Or why adding an additional 10% would suddenly cause them to do so.

If you have something to say, lay it out in plain language, with credible links, I'm not concerned with your feelings.


How many times is it required of me to lay out the links? Damn, son, I've done it at least half a dozen times, complete with irrefutable links. Tell you what - if you will keep a list of the links and present them from here on out, I will redo my work for at least the SEVENTH time and then you promise to NEVER ask me that question and when someone from your side does challenge me, YOU post the post numbers. Deal?

You're dangerous. You would jail people for controlling their own property? And you dare call others commiecrats??? WTH?

I would jail people for engaging in a criminal enterprise, laws prohibit people from hiring, transporting or harboring illegals in any manner. Lawyers who conspire with illegals to defraud the US should also be jailed. Roughly 9% of asylum claims are found to have merit, but they get through the initial screening because they are coached on what to say.

Also the only link you've provided to me was from a left wing academic who ignored the direct and indirect costs of illegal aliens. Your taxes are higher, your auto insurance is higher, your health care is higher, your wages are lower and the list could go on and on and all can be, in part attributed to illegals aliens. It offsets, by far, anything they may contribute. I've already covered the human costs to our citizens, if Americans truly knew the over all costs of illegal aliens they would revolt and demand a stop to it.


The link I provided was used by someone ON YOUR SIDE OF THE DISCUSSION in another of these kinds of threads. Culled it from another board. Nice try, but no cigar.
I'm in 15 different threads and you're having trouble dealing with just one.

Are you being attacked to the point that, at 80 wpm, for every one post you respond to, another ten posts are created that are directed toward you?
You worry about the current one and when finished move on to the next.
Maybe you should write fewer dissertations and just get to the point, you don't think the wall will prevent people from coming into our country and I think it will stop a lot of them.

I KNOW it will not prevent crossings and have written "dissertations" as you call them with irrefutable empirical evidence.
The your either an idiot or a liar because it will stop a large part of it. Yes it won't stop all of it but it doesn't have to, to be effective.

Look, quit posting; allow me to get caught up and instead of you spouting shit you don't say to people face to face, I will reply to you ind depth. If all you want to do is call me a liar when you haven't told the truth once, then I will place you on ignore. Give me an hour and then it's you and me OR you can talk to the hand as they used to say.
That isn't how a political forum works.
My math is simple:

I run ads on Craigslist, in community papers and list with the Dept. of Labor. People don't even show up for an interview.

I could give you the REAL reason this happens, but it would take more than twenty words and you would not admit it. I can show you a hundred people today under 40 that have never worked a job and they won't. Most of it is the fault of people who back bad legislation because you're wholly uninformed.

Pay more. Supply/Demand economics. What is the job?

I'm a minister with a jobs program. We have temp, temp to perm and permanent jobs in many fields from laborers to farm workers and from warehouse workers to construction / handymen positions.

Whites will not work the jobs.

Your anecdotal stories don't hold true across the country, I have 5 guys numbers, all white, all citizens, I can call for handyman work, brush clearing and other things. I have 5 acres and the forest is constantly trying to reclaim cleared areas.


Anecdotal? They do tv segments on it here. It's statewide and we ran # 4 in the nation for the number of undocumented foreigners.

Yeah, it's anecdotal, what is happening in your State doesn't necessarily apply to others. If they're running TV segments I'm sure the print media is doing it also, yet you haven't provided one link to substantiate your claims.


Liar liar pants on fire. Throughout this thread I've provided irrefutable links - just not going to keep looking them up and repeating them over and over. It's childish and a waste of time. READ THE DAMN THREAD.
Pay more. Supply/Demand economics. What is the job?

I'm a minister with a jobs program. We have temp, temp to perm and permanent jobs in many fields from laborers to farm workers and from warehouse workers to construction / handymen positions.

Whites will not work the jobs.

Your anecdotal stories don't hold true across the country, I have 5 guys numbers, all white, all citizens, I can call for handyman work, brush clearing and other things. I have 5 acres and the forest is constantly trying to reclaim cleared areas.


Anecdotal? They do tv segments on it here. It's statewide and we ran # 4 in the nation for the number of undocumented foreigners.

Yeah, it's anecdotal, what is happening in your State doesn't necessarily apply to others. If they're running TV segments I'm sure the print media is doing it also, yet you haven't provided one link to substantiate your claims.


Liar liar pants on fire. Throughout this thread I've provided irrefutable links - just not going to keep looking them up and repeating them over and over. It's childish and a waste of time. READ THE DAMN THREAD.
Dude your links were liberal propaganda not irrefutable.
Pay more. Supply/Demand economics. What is the job?

I'm a minister with a jobs program. We have temp, temp to perm and permanent jobs in many fields from laborers to farm workers and from warehouse workers to construction / handymen positions.

Whites will not work the jobs.

Your anecdotal stories don't hold true across the country, I have 5 guys numbers, all white, all citizens, I can call for handyman work, brush clearing and other things. I have 5 acres and the forest is constantly trying to reclaim cleared areas.


Anecdotal? They do tv segments on it here. It's statewide and we ran # 4 in the nation for the number of undocumented foreigners.

Yeah, it's anecdotal, what is happening in your State doesn't necessarily apply to others. If they're running TV segments I'm sure the print media is doing it also, yet you haven't provided one link to substantiate your claims.


Liar liar pants on fire. Throughout this thread I've provided irrefutable links - just not going to keep looking them up and repeating them over and over. It's childish and a waste of time. READ THE DAMN THREAD.

All I said was let’s listen to the border patrol agents first and foremost.
Are you being attacked to the point that, at 80 wpm, for every one post you respond to, another ten posts are created that are directed toward you?
You worry about the current one and when finished move on to the next.
Maybe you should write fewer dissertations and just get to the point, you don't think the wall will prevent people from coming into our country and I think it will stop a lot of them.

I KNOW it will not prevent crossings and have written "dissertations" as you call them with irrefutable empirical evidence.
The your either an idiot or a liar because it will stop a large part of it. Yes it won't stop all of it but it doesn't have to, to be effective.

Look, quit posting; allow me to get caught up and instead of you spouting shit you don't say to people face to face, I will reply to you ind depth. If all you want to do is call me a liar when you haven't told the truth once, then I will place you on ignore. Give me an hour and then it's you and me OR you can talk to the hand as they used to say.
That isn't how a political forum works.

I don't know how a political forum works, but calling people names back and forth is a waste of bandwidth. But you've wanted me, you got my attention.

I DO know how a one on one debate works, so OPEN CHALLENGE. I'll take you on in a forum of my choosing where we can both speak freely without fear of censorship and free from interruption.

If you want to chicken out, then I'll give you a few minutes of my attention. So, let us get the preliminaries out of the way:

1) I'm fighting at least eight different people on this thread at the same time. IF I mis-attributed any statements to you then I apologize. But, since it appeared to me that I was being ganged up on, there was no realistic opportunity to make a point, just counter-punch

2) I came here to ask questions so as to best be informed on how to approach the subject; I didn't come here to debate my own conclusions. If what you believe cannot withstand questioning and scrutiny, maybe you shouldn't share your views if you are that easily offended

3) Having said that, without a laundry list of pretexts, explain to me WHY you want a border wall? Bear in mind, there are follow up questions.
I'm a minister with a jobs program. We have temp, temp to perm and permanent jobs in many fields from laborers to farm workers and from warehouse workers to construction / handymen positions.

Whites will not work the jobs.

Your anecdotal stories don't hold true across the country, I have 5 guys numbers, all white, all citizens, I can call for handyman work, brush clearing and other things. I have 5 acres and the forest is constantly trying to reclaim cleared areas.


Anecdotal? They do tv segments on it here. It's statewide and we ran # 4 in the nation for the number of undocumented foreigners.

Yeah, it's anecdotal, what is happening in your State doesn't necessarily apply to others. If they're running TV segments I'm sure the print media is doing it also, yet you haven't provided one link to substantiate your claims.


Liar liar pants on fire. Throughout this thread I've provided irrefutable links - just not going to keep looking them up and repeating them over and over. It's childish and a waste of time. READ THE DAMN THREAD.

All I said was let’s listen to the border patrol agents first and foremost.
They were on Fox and they said build the damn wall.
I'm a minister with a jobs program. We have temp, temp to perm and permanent jobs in many fields from laborers to farm workers and from warehouse workers to construction / handymen positions.

Whites will not work the jobs.

Your anecdotal stories don't hold true across the country, I have 5 guys numbers, all white, all citizens, I can call for handyman work, brush clearing and other things. I have 5 acres and the forest is constantly trying to reclaim cleared areas.


Anecdotal? They do tv segments on it here. It's statewide and we ran # 4 in the nation for the number of undocumented foreigners.

Yeah, it's anecdotal, what is happening in your State doesn't necessarily apply to others. If they're running TV segments I'm sure the print media is doing it also, yet you haven't provided one link to substantiate your claims.


Liar liar pants on fire. Throughout this thread I've provided irrefutable links - just not going to keep looking them up and repeating them over and over. It's childish and a waste of time. READ THE DAMN THREAD.
Dude your links were liberal propaganda not irrefutable.

I deliberately gave links posted by someone on YOUR side of the fence except for links from non-partisan sources that your legislators read on a regular basis.
You worry about the current one and when finished move on to the next.
Maybe you should write fewer dissertations and just get to the point, you don't think the wall will prevent people from coming into our country and I think it will stop a lot of them.

I KNOW it will not prevent crossings and have written "dissertations" as you call them with irrefutable empirical evidence.
The your either an idiot or a liar because it will stop a large part of it. Yes it won't stop all of it but it doesn't have to, to be effective.

Look, quit posting; allow me to get caught up and instead of you spouting shit you don't say to people face to face, I will reply to you ind depth. If all you want to do is call me a liar when you haven't told the truth once, then I will place you on ignore. Give me an hour and then it's you and me OR you can talk to the hand as they used to say.
That isn't how a political forum works.

I don't know how a political forum works, but calling people names back and forth is a waste of bandwidth. But you've wanted me, you got my attention.

I DO know how a one on one debate works, so OPEN CHALLENGE. I'll take you on in a forum of my choosing where we can both speak freely without fear of censorship and free from interruption.

If you want to chicken out, then I'll give you a few minutes of my attention. So, let us get the preliminaries out of the way:

1) I'm fighting at least eight different people on this thread at the same time. IF I mis-attributed any statements to you then I apologize. But, since it appeared to me that I was being ganged up on, there was no realistic opportunity to make a point, just counter-punch

2) I came here to ask questions so as to best be informed on how to approach the subject; I didn't come here to debate my own conclusions. If what you believe cannot withstand questioning and scrutiny, maybe you shouldn't share your views if you are that easily offended

3) Having said that, without a laundry list of pretexts, explain to me WHY you want a border wall? Bear in mind, there are follow up questions.
This isn't a game for me. I'm not out to prove I'm a better debater than someone or anyone else. This shouldn't be a contest of skill but a contest of facts. And I've already said what I wanted to say and will will say more when and if I decide I have more to say.

I try not to call people names even when they call me names. But sometimes you have to call a liar out.
Your anecdotal stories don't hold true across the country, I have 5 guys numbers, all white, all citizens, I can call for handyman work, brush clearing and other things. I have 5 acres and the forest is constantly trying to reclaim cleared areas.


Anecdotal? They do tv segments on it here. It's statewide and we ran # 4 in the nation for the number of undocumented foreigners.

Yeah, it's anecdotal, what is happening in your State doesn't necessarily apply to others. If they're running TV segments I'm sure the print media is doing it also, yet you haven't provided one link to substantiate your claims.


Liar liar pants on fire. Throughout this thread I've provided irrefutable links - just not going to keep looking them up and repeating them over and over. It's childish and a waste of time. READ THE DAMN THREAD.

All I said was let’s listen to the border patrol agents first and foremost.
They were on Fox and they said build the damn wall.

You do realize that Fox News is owned primarily by a board of director on the Council on Foreign Relations and a Saudi Prince, right? Do you honestly think they will give you unbiased facts?
Anecdotal? They do tv segments on it here. It's statewide and we ran # 4 in the nation for the number of undocumented foreigners.

Yeah, it's anecdotal, what is happening in your State doesn't necessarily apply to others. If they're running TV segments I'm sure the print media is doing it also, yet you haven't provided one link to substantiate your claims.


Liar liar pants on fire. Throughout this thread I've provided irrefutable links - just not going to keep looking them up and repeating them over and over. It's childish and a waste of time. READ THE DAMN THREAD.

All I said was let’s listen to the border patrol agents first and foremost.
They were on Fox and they said build the damn wall.

You do realize that Fox News is owned primarily by a board of director on the Council on Foreign Relations and a Saudi Prince, right? Do you honestly think they will give you unbiased facts?
I don't think they tell Hannity, and others, what to say when. Otherwise it would be another Liberal media station.
I KNOW it will not prevent crossings and have written "dissertations" as you call them with irrefutable empirical evidence.
The your either an idiot or a liar because it will stop a large part of it. Yes it won't stop all of it but it doesn't have to, to be effective.

Look, quit posting; allow me to get caught up and instead of you spouting shit you don't say to people face to face, I will reply to you ind depth. If all you want to do is call me a liar when you haven't told the truth once, then I will place you on ignore. Give me an hour and then it's you and me OR you can talk to the hand as they used to say.
That isn't how a political forum works.

I don't know how a political forum works, but calling people names back and forth is a waste of bandwidth. But you've wanted me, you got my attention.

I DO know how a one on one debate works, so OPEN CHALLENGE. I'll take you on in a forum of my choosing where we can both speak freely without fear of censorship and free from interruption.

If you want to chicken out, then I'll give you a few minutes of my attention. So, let us get the preliminaries out of the way:

1) I'm fighting at least eight different people on this thread at the same time. IF I mis-attributed any statements to you then I apologize. But, since it appeared to me that I was being ganged up on, there was no realistic opportunity to make a point, just counter-punch

2) I came here to ask questions so as to best be informed on how to approach the subject; I didn't come here to debate my own conclusions. If what you believe cannot withstand questioning and scrutiny, maybe you shouldn't share your views if you are that easily offended

3) Having said that, without a laundry list of pretexts, explain to me WHY you want a border wall? Bear in mind, there are follow up questions.
This isn't a game for me. I'm not out to prove I'm a better debater than someone or anyone else. This shouldn't be a contest of skill but a contest of facts. And I've already said what I wanted to say and will will say more when and if I decide I have more to say.

I try not to call people names even when they call me names. But sometimes you have to call a liar out.

You have not caught me in a lie. You've only said that because you feel protected by majority rule on this board and you don't have to face me to make such cowardly statements. Now, do you want to get past the penis measuring contest and have a discussion or do you want to force us to endure your snowflake feelings?
The your either an idiot or a liar because it will stop a large part of it. Yes it won't stop all of it but it doesn't have to, to be effective.

Look, quit posting; allow me to get caught up and instead of you spouting shit you don't say to people face to face, I will reply to you ind depth. If all you want to do is call me a liar when you haven't told the truth once, then I will place you on ignore. Give me an hour and then it's you and me OR you can talk to the hand as they used to say.
That isn't how a political forum works.

I don't know how a political forum works, but calling people names back and forth is a waste of bandwidth. But you've wanted me, you got my attention.

I DO know how a one on one debate works, so OPEN CHALLENGE. I'll take you on in a forum of my choosing where we can both speak freely without fear of censorship and free from interruption.

If you want to chicken out, then I'll give you a few minutes of my attention. So, let us get the preliminaries out of the way:

1) I'm fighting at least eight different people on this thread at the same time. IF I mis-attributed any statements to you then I apologize. But, since it appeared to me that I was being ganged up on, there was no realistic opportunity to make a point, just counter-punch

2) I came here to ask questions so as to best be informed on how to approach the subject; I didn't come here to debate my own conclusions. If what you believe cannot withstand questioning and scrutiny, maybe you shouldn't share your views if you are that easily offended

3) Having said that, without a laundry list of pretexts, explain to me WHY you want a border wall? Bear in mind, there are follow up questions.
This isn't a game for me. I'm not out to prove I'm a better debater than someone or anyone else. This shouldn't be a contest of skill but a contest of facts. And I've already said what I wanted to say and will will say more when and if I decide I have more to say.

I try not to call people names even when they call me names. But sometimes you have to call a liar out.

You have not caught me in a lie. You've only said that because you feel protected by majority rule on this board and you don't have to face me to make such cowardly statements. Now, do you want to get past the penis measuring contest and have a discussion or do you want to force us to endure your snowflake feelings?
Walls stop people from crossing the point the wall crossed. Logic and common sense is all I need to know that.
Yeah, it's anecdotal, what is happening in your State doesn't necessarily apply to others. If they're running TV segments I'm sure the print media is doing it also, yet you haven't provided one link to substantiate your claims.


Liar liar pants on fire. Throughout this thread I've provided irrefutable links - just not going to keep looking them up and repeating them over and over. It's childish and a waste of time. READ THE DAMN THREAD.

All I said was let’s listen to the border patrol agents first and foremost.
They were on Fox and they said build the damn wall.

You do realize that Fox News is owned primarily by a board of director on the Council on Foreign Relations and a Saudi Prince, right? Do you honestly think they will give you unbiased facts?
I don't think they tell Hannity, and others, what to say when. Otherwise it would be another Liberal media station.

Sean Hannity is an entertainer, not a statesman. I used to know the guy so many years ago, he'd drop me a line before the Internet came along. He always joked and said he represented the fourth branch of government.

He only says as much as the censors on Fox let him say. Fox was set up to make it appear we have a free and independent press. I question your sanity not to realize that they use that media to keep you from questioning the status quo.
Look, quit posting; allow me to get caught up and instead of you spouting shit you don't say to people face to face, I will reply to you ind depth. If all you want to do is call me a liar when you haven't told the truth once, then I will place you on ignore. Give me an hour and then it's you and me OR you can talk to the hand as they used to say.
That isn't how a political forum works.

I don't know how a political forum works, but calling people names back and forth is a waste of bandwidth. But you've wanted me, you got my attention.

I DO know how a one on one debate works, so OPEN CHALLENGE. I'll take you on in a forum of my choosing where we can both speak freely without fear of censorship and free from interruption.

If you want to chicken out, then I'll give you a few minutes of my attention. So, let us get the preliminaries out of the way:

1) I'm fighting at least eight different people on this thread at the same time. IF I mis-attributed any statements to you then I apologize. But, since it appeared to me that I was being ganged up on, there was no realistic opportunity to make a point, just counter-punch

2) I came here to ask questions so as to best be informed on how to approach the subject; I didn't come here to debate my own conclusions. If what you believe cannot withstand questioning and scrutiny, maybe you shouldn't share your views if you are that easily offended

3) Having said that, without a laundry list of pretexts, explain to me WHY you want a border wall? Bear in mind, there are follow up questions.
This isn't a game for me. I'm not out to prove I'm a better debater than someone or anyone else. This shouldn't be a contest of skill but a contest of facts. And I've already said what I wanted to say and will will say more when and if I decide I have more to say.

I try not to call people names even when they call me names. But sometimes you have to call a liar out.

You have not caught me in a lie. You've only said that because you feel protected by majority rule on this board and you don't have to face me to make such cowardly statements. Now, do you want to get past the penis measuring contest and have a discussion or do you want to force us to endure your snowflake feelings?
Walls stop people from crossing the point the wall crossed. Logic and common sense is all I need to know that.

As has been said, walls can be breached in this day and time.

You miss the whole point. Walls work to keep people out ONLY when those on the inside want to help keep them out. The American people don't want to keep them out and that is why the legislators are having this discussion as a heated debate.
Liar liar pants on fire. Throughout this thread I've provided irrefutable links - just not going to keep looking them up and repeating them over and over. It's childish and a waste of time. READ THE DAMN THREAD.

All I said was let’s listen to the border patrol agents first and foremost.
They were on Fox and they said build the damn wall.

You do realize that Fox News is owned primarily by a board of director on the Council on Foreign Relations and a Saudi Prince, right? Do you honestly think they will give you unbiased facts?
I don't think they tell Hannity, and others, what to say when. Otherwise it would be another Liberal media station.

Sean Hannity is an entertainer, not a statesman. I used to know the guy so many years ago, he'd drop me a line before the Internet came along. He always joked and said he represented the fourth branch of government.

He only says as much as the censors on Fox let him say. Fox was set up to make it appear we have a free and independent press. I question your sanity not to realize that they use that media to keep you from questioning the status quo.
I don't get all my news from Fox. But I also don't waste time watching or reading the left wing biased news except occasionally to see if they are still biased.
I like CRTV. I like www.drudgereport.com
That isn't how a political forum works.

I don't know how a political forum works, but calling people names back and forth is a waste of bandwidth. But you've wanted me, you got my attention.

I DO know how a one on one debate works, so OPEN CHALLENGE. I'll take you on in a forum of my choosing where we can both speak freely without fear of censorship and free from interruption.

If you want to chicken out, then I'll give you a few minutes of my attention. So, let us get the preliminaries out of the way:

1) I'm fighting at least eight different people on this thread at the same time. IF I mis-attributed any statements to you then I apologize. But, since it appeared to me that I was being ganged up on, there was no realistic opportunity to make a point, just counter-punch

2) I came here to ask questions so as to best be informed on how to approach the subject; I didn't come here to debate my own conclusions. If what you believe cannot withstand questioning and scrutiny, maybe you shouldn't share your views if you are that easily offended

3) Having said that, without a laundry list of pretexts, explain to me WHY you want a border wall? Bear in mind, there are follow up questions.
This isn't a game for me. I'm not out to prove I'm a better debater than someone or anyone else. This shouldn't be a contest of skill but a contest of facts. And I've already said what I wanted to say and will will say more when and if I decide I have more to say.

I try not to call people names even when they call me names. But sometimes you have to call a liar out.

You have not caught me in a lie. You've only said that because you feel protected by majority rule on this board and you don't have to face me to make such cowardly statements. Now, do you want to get past the penis measuring contest and have a discussion or do you want to force us to endure your snowflake feelings?
Walls stop people from crossing the point the wall crossed. Logic and common sense is all I need to know that.

As has been said, walls can be breached in this day and time.

You miss the whole point. Walls work to keep people out ONLY when those on the inside want to help keep them out. The American people don't want to keep them out and that is why the legislators are having this discussion as a heated debate.
They are better than no wall.
The American people want to keep them out.
The establishment doesn't. Republicans want cheap labor, Dems want cheap votes. That is why we elected Trump to take out the establishment.

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