Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

US prepares to build portion of Texas border wall
That construction was often described as fencing, and the government funding bill that included construction was supported by some Democrats in the House and Senate. CBP refers to what it plans to build as a "border wall system.

"US prepares to start building portion of Texas border wall

Good for them. It will be used as a canvas for liberal graffiti the next time the liberals come into office... a testament to the stupidity of man.

It's not new wall construction. It's rebuilding existing wall construction. No new walls are being built because there are no new funds for it. Actually, there was funds for new wall construction. Trump could have built about 140 miles of new wall in the last 2 years but he's been too busy playing BS Political games with that 2.6 billion dollars he's received. He even reduced the number of border agents on the Texas Border to make things worse so he could point to it and say how bad it has gotten. Before we give him one thin dime more, we need to do a full on audit to see exactly what he's done with the money he's been given. It looks like he's been going backward more than forward.

What would it take to prove to you that this whole "wall" fight is as phony as WWE wrestling?
US prepares to build portion of Texas border wall
That construction was often described as fencing, and the government funding bill that included construction was supported by some Democrats in the House and Senate. CBP refers to what it plans to build as a "border wall system.

"US prepares to start building portion of Texas border wall

Good for them. It will be used as a canvas for liberal graffiti the next time the liberals come into office... a testament to the stupidity of man.

It's not new wall construction. It's rebuilding existing wall construction. No new walls are being built because there are no new funds for it. Actually, there was funds for new wall construction. Trump could have built about 140 miles of new wall in the last 2 years but he's been too busy playing BS Political games with that 2.6 billion dollars he's received. He even reduced the number of border agents on the Texas Border to make things worse so he could point to it and say how bad it has gotten. Before we give him one thin dime more, we need to do a full on audit to see exactly what he's done with the money he's been given. It looks like he's been going backward more than forward.

What would it take to prove to you that this whole "wall" fight is as phony as WWE wrestling?

Not a single thing. I already equate it to a Ringling Brothers 3 ring Circus.
US prepares to build portion of Texas border wall
That construction was often described as fencing, and the government funding bill that included construction was supported by some Democrats in the House and Senate. CBP refers to what it plans to build as a "border wall system.

"US prepares to start building portion of Texas border wall

Good for them. It will be used as a canvas for liberal graffiti the next time the liberals come into office... a testament to the stupidity of man.

It's not new wall construction. It's rebuilding existing wall construction. No new walls are being built because there are no new funds for it. Actually, there was funds for new wall construction. Trump could have built about 140 miles of new wall in the last 2 years but he's been too busy playing BS Political games with that 2.6 billion dollars he's received. He even reduced the number of border agents on the Texas Border to make things worse so he could point to it and say how bad it has gotten. Before we give him one thin dime more, we need to do a full on audit to see exactly what he's done with the money he's been given. It looks like he's been going backward more than forward.

What would it take to prove to you that this whole "wall" fight is as phony as WWE wrestling?

First you'd have to convince them WWE wrestling is phony.
50%. You know this for a fact. Or are you just making it up or did your handlers give that figure to you that they just made it up. Newsflash: We have illegals around here and almost all of them are employed. Otherwise, they wouldn't stay here. Even your Orange Individual 1 hires illegals. He just got rid of the last batch but his companies have just brought in a new batch. All done under the books for work that they claim Americans won't do. No we won't. Not for less than minimum wage, we won't. But illegals will. Until the INS and ICE start snooping around and then it's time to fire the lot of them until things cool down. Then hire a new batch. If the jobs weren't there, they would be here in the first place. If they couldn't get benefits they wouldn't be here. Both sides are feeding this problem. Why don't you accept your own sides responsibility for it instead of blaming it all on someone else. It's not just the snowflakes, it's the cupcakes like you that let the ultra rightwingers off the hook as well.
I don't know what you're talking about. My "side". What do you think that is ?

Report: Majority of Illegal Immigrant Households On Welfare - Washington Free Beacon

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

Illegal Immigrants Get More Welfare Than American Families
50%. You know this for a fact. Or are you just making it up or did your handlers give that figure to you that they just made it up. Newsflash: We have illegals around here and almost all of them are employed. Otherwise, they wouldn't stay here. Even your Orange Individual 1 hires illegals. He just got rid of the last batch but his companies have just brought in a new batch. All done under the books for work that they claim Americans won't do. No we won't. Not for less than minimum wage, we won't. But illegals will. Until the INS and ICE start snooping around and then it's time to fire the lot of them until things cool down. Then hire a new batch. If the jobs weren't there, they would be here in the first place. If they couldn't get benefits they wouldn't be here. Both sides are feeding this problem. Why don't you accept your own sides responsibility for it instead of blaming it all on someone else. It's not just the snowflakes, it's the cupcakes like you that let the ultra rightwingers off the hook as well.
I don't know what you're talking about. My "side". What do you think that is ?

Report: Majority of Illegal Immigrant Households On Welfare - Washington Free Beacon

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

Illegal Immigrants Get More Welfare Than American Families

Wow, you sure did pick some real duzies for cites. Let's look at them.

freebeacon.com Ultra Right Wing that is know for it's right wing bias and not know for it being factual. Enough said about this one. Most of what it puts out is probably false.

CIS Let's look at this one. Exactly where did they get this information from for CIS to report it? Let's see. Welfare usually means some kind of Government Program yet the CIS report also included Food Banks,Church Programs and more. I don't know about you but I doubt if any Church is going to let any Government Agency be privy to their records. The CIS is an EXTREME right wing group that is almost off the right wing scale. When I tried to Fact Check it, one thing kept coming up, "The CIS is a deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes or false information". It's listed as a White Nationalist Site. Yes, they referenced back to a decent source on their own source but it didn't take very long to tear that up. Tell me, just how could you ever take a Government Survey determining the total Welfare to include non Government Programs that are NEVER listed by asking Illegal Immigrants when you can't find most of the illegal immigrants to ask in the first place. They said they used a government census and gleaned the information from there. Unlike the freebeacon.com site, CIS isn't even remotely written as well.

judicial-watch Wow, another White Supremecy site. They are so off the scale right wing that they.....well, it's just mind boggling. They just looped back to the CIS report that turned out to be a white nationalist rag. Keep going, Tell me, are you a white nationalist as well?

newsmax.com This is the only one that is remotely believable. Yet it's not considered reliable or actual factual about anything other than right wing information. It also links back to the CIS report that is just plain made up.

The fact remains, the information that is supposed to true in all of these comes from one source and one source only and they just made it up. There is no way they could verify their information. It could be true or a lie, but the fact that it's unverifiable means they were just lying out their asses. Just because you saw it on the Internet doesn't make it true. And quoting White Nationalist Sites pretty well says that you must be a white Nationalist as well.
50%. You know this for a fact. Or are you just making it up or did your handlers give that figure to you that they just made it up. Newsflash: We have illegals around here and almost all of them are employed. Otherwise, they wouldn't stay here. Even your Orange Individual 1 hires illegals. He just got rid of the last batch but his companies have just brought in a new batch. All done under the books for work that they claim Americans won't do. No we won't. Not for less than minimum wage, we won't. But illegals will. Until the INS and ICE start snooping around and then it's time to fire the lot of them until things cool down. Then hire a new batch. If the jobs weren't there, they would be here in the first place. If they couldn't get benefits they wouldn't be here. Both sides are feeding this problem. Why don't you accept your own sides responsibility for it instead of blaming it all on someone else. It's not just the snowflakes, it's the cupcakes like you that let the ultra rightwingers off the hook as well.
I don't know what you're talking about. My "side". What do you think that is ?

Report: Majority of Illegal Immigrant Households On Welfare - Washington Free Beacon

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

Illegal Immigrants Get More Welfare Than American Families
We have no immigration clause, how can we have illegal immigrants?
50%. You know this for a fact. Or are you just making it up or did your handlers give that figure to you that they just made it up. Newsflash: We have illegals around here and almost all of them are employed. Otherwise, they wouldn't stay here. Even your Orange Individual 1 hires illegals. He just got rid of the last batch but his companies have just brought in a new batch. All done under the books for work that they claim Americans won't do. No we won't. Not for less than minimum wage, we won't. But illegals will. Until the INS and ICE start snooping around and then it's time to fire the lot of them until things cool down. Then hire a new batch. If the jobs weren't there, they would be here in the first place. If they couldn't get benefits they wouldn't be here. Both sides are feeding this problem. Why don't you accept your own sides responsibility for it instead of blaming it all on someone else. It's not just the snowflakes, it's the cupcakes like you that let the ultra rightwingers off the hook as well.
I don't know what you're talking about. My "side". What do you think that is ?

Report: Majority of Illegal Immigrant Households On Welfare - Washington Free Beacon

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

Illegal Immigrants Get More Welfare Than American Families

Wow, you sure did pick some real duzies for cites. Let's look at them.

freebeacon.com Ultra Right Wing that is know for it's right wing bias and not know for it being factual. Enough said about this one. Most of what it puts out is probably false.

CIS Let's look at this one. Exactly where did they get this information from for CIS to report it? Let's see. Welfare usually means some kind of Government Program yet the CIS report also included Food Banks,Church Programs and more. I don't know about you but I doubt if any Church is going to let any Government Agency be privy to their records. The CIS is an EXTREME right wing group that is almost off the right wing scale. When I tried to Fact Check it, one thing kept coming up, "The CIS is a deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes or false information". It's listed as a White Nationalist Site. Yes, they referenced back to a decent source on their own source but it didn't take very long to tear that up. Tell me, just how could you ever take a Government Survey determining the total Welfare to include non Government Programs that are NEVER listed by asking Illegal Immigrants when you can't find most of the illegal immigrants to ask in the first place. They said they used a government census and gleaned the information from there. Unlike the freebeacon.com site, CIS isn't even remotely written as well.

judicial-watch Wow, another White Supremecy site. They are so off the scale right wing that they.....well, it's just mind boggling. They just looped back to the CIS report that turned out to be a white nationalist rag. Keep going, Tell me, are you a white nationalist as well?

newsmax.com This is the only one that is remotely believable. Yet it's not considered reliable or actual factual about anything other than right wing information. It also links back to the CIS report that is just plain made up.

The fact remains, the information that is supposed to true in all of these comes from one source and one source only and they just made it up. There is no way they could verify their information. It could be true or a lie, but the fact that it's unverifiable means they were just lying out their asses. Just because you saw it on the Internet doesn't make it true. And quoting White Nationalist Sites pretty well says that you must be a white Nationalist as well.
I consider ALL of the sources I posted to be 100% valid, and I just laugh at leftists who come in here and flash the ubiquitous INVALIDATION CARD. (while themselves using such laughable sources as CNN, MSNBC, PBS, PolitiFact, the New York Times, etc.)

You also mention factchecking. "Fact"checking ? Really ? lol With whom ? Politifact ?

You also say >> CIS is "listed as a White Nationalist Site" And what "
did YOU come up with to determine that. Possibly Southern Poverty Laughingstock Center, by any chance ? New York Time & Time Again Wrong ?

Here's the bottomline. I get leftists constantly flashing their invalidation cards at me, but what they DON'T DO is EXPLAIN what they see as wrong with what is said. And you didn't either. I posted 4 sources, and all you've done is attak the sources, not the CONTENT of what the sources are saying. Do you have anything to say about what is inside those links ? If so, let's hear it.

PS - Is there some wrong with being "White" ? Or a "Nationalist" ?

PPS - you didn't answer my question about who my "side" is.

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals.
Last edited:
50%. You know this for a fact. Or are you just making it up or did your handlers give that figure to you that they just made it up. Newsflash: We have illegals around here and almost all of them are employed. Otherwise, they wouldn't stay here. Even your Orange Individual 1 hires illegals. He just got rid of the last batch but his companies have just brought in a new batch. All done under the books for work that they claim Americans won't do. No we won't. Not for less than minimum wage, we won't. But illegals will. Until the INS and ICE start snooping around and then it's time to fire the lot of them until things cool down. Then hire a new batch. If the jobs weren't there, they would be here in the first place. If they couldn't get benefits they wouldn't be here. Both sides are feeding this problem. Why don't you accept your own sides responsibility for it instead of blaming it all on someone else. It's not just the snowflakes, it's the cupcakes like you that let the ultra rightwingers off the hook as well.
I don't know what you're talking about. My "side". What do you think that is ?

Report: Majority of Illegal Immigrant Households On Welfare - Washington Free Beacon

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

Illegal Immigrants Get More Welfare Than American Families

Wow, you sure did pick some real duzies for cites. Let's look at them.

freebeacon.com Ultra Right Wing that is know for it's right wing bias and not know for it being factual. Enough said about this one. Most of what it puts out is probably false.

CIS Let's look at this one. Exactly where did they get this information from for CIS to report it? Let's see. Welfare usually means some kind of Government Program yet the CIS report also included Food Banks,Church Programs and more. I don't know about you but I doubt if any Church is going to let any Government Agency be privy to their records. The CIS is an EXTREME right wing group that is almost off the right wing scale. When I tried to Fact Check it, one thing kept coming up, "The CIS is a deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes or false information". It's listed as a White Nationalist Site. Yes, they referenced back to a decent source on their own source but it didn't take very long to tear that up. Tell me, just how could you ever take a Government Survey determining the total Welfare to include non Government Programs that are NEVER listed by asking Illegal Immigrants when you can't find most of the illegal immigrants to ask in the first place. They said they used a government census and gleaned the information from there. Unlike the freebeacon.com site, CIS isn't even remotely written as well.

judicial-watch Wow, another White Supremecy site. They are so off the scale right wing that they.....well, it's just mind boggling. They just looped back to the CIS report that turned out to be a white nationalist rag. Keep going, Tell me, are you a white nationalist as well?

newsmax.com This is the only one that is remotely believable. Yet it's not considered reliable or actual factual about anything other than right wing information. It also links back to the CIS report that is just plain made up.

The fact remains, the information that is supposed to true in all of these comes from one source and one source only and they just made it up. There is no way they could verify their information. It could be true or a lie, but the fact that it's unverifiable means they were just lying out their asses. Just because you saw it on the Internet doesn't make it true. And quoting White Nationalist Sites pretty well says that you must be a white Nationalist as well.

FWIW - I think we have an immigration problem; however, the right has a bigger problem with this so - called "illegal immigration" issue. You're on the right track with this train of thought, but you need to have more facts. Let me present a few for you:

The Center for Immigration Studies, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and about a dozen non-profit anti-immigration non-profit corporations were founded and / or financed by ONE man. His name is John Tanton. Little is written about him except in Wikipedia and the SPLC. Personally, I hold the SPLC in as little regard as I do organizations like CIS and FAIR. Still, the SPLC has not so nice things to say about Tanton. According to Wikipedia:

"According to CNN, Tanton "has openly embraced eugenics, the science of improving the genetic quality of the human population by encouraging selective breeding and at times, advocating for the sterilization of genetically undesirable groups."[12] Tanton wrote a paper in 1975 arguing for "passive eugenics" whereby child-bearing would be restricted to those between the ages of 20 and 35.[13] He also founded the pro-eugenics organization, the Society for Genetic Education (SAGE)

John Tanton - Wikipedia

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a non-profit organization and think tank[3] "that favors far lower immigration numbers and produces research to further those views."[4]

Founded in 1985 as a spin-off from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)"

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia

Also see:


In the above link, it mentions a man by the last name of Paddock - not a very common name. Wonder if he was related to the Las Vegas mass shooter???

Anyway, in the good old days, before FAIR, CIS, etc. Tanton was doing research used by David Duke, the former nazi party supporter who founded his own version of the Ku Klux Klan. For whatever reason, even Politifact says that the SPLC only has papers stating Tanton corresponded with white supremacists and all the negative reports about Tanton are based upon old relationships. I don't like Politifact, but in all fairness they left out a key piece of information:

"He (Tanton) introduced key FAIR leaders to the president of the Pioneer Fund, a white supremacist group set up to encourage "race betterment," at a 1997 meeting at a private club. He wrote a major funder to encourage her to read the work of a radical anti-Semitic professor — to "give you a new understanding of the Jewish outlook on life" — and suggested that the entire FAIR board discuss the professor's theories on the Jews."

John Tanton’s Private Papers Expose More Than 20 Years of Hate

The Pioneer Fund seems to be continually associated with David Duke:


Dancing With Bigotry

My point to you is that if not for neo nazis and proposed socialist solutions, the build the wall effort would implode on its own. What amazes me is that so many in America pretended to despise someone like Bernie Sanders, but when it comes to that damn wall, the build the wall guys would perform a sex act on good 'ol Bernie if he was a swing vote in favor of the wall.

The sources the build the wall guys rely on is purely political propaganda socialism with little basis in fact. Few people are pointing out the neo - nazi, National Socialist founded organizations that are providing the rhetoric and talking points spewed by Trump supporters in favor of the wall.
FWIW - I think we have an immigration problem; however, the right has a bigger problem with this so - called "illegal immigration" issue. You're on the right track with this train of thought, but you need to have more facts. Let me present a few for you:

The Center for Immigration Studies, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and about a dozen non-profit anti-immigration non-profit corporations were founded and / or financed by ONE man. His name is John Tanton. Little is written about him except in Wikipedia and the SPLC. Personally, I hold the SPLC in as little regard as I do organizations like CIS and FAIR. Still, the SPLC has not so nice things to say about Tanton. According to Wikipedia:

"According to CNN, Tanton "has openly embraced eugenics, the science of improving the genetic quality of the human population by encouraging selective breeding and at times, advocating for the sterilization of genetically undesirable groups."[12] Tanton wrote a paper in 1975 arguing for "passive eugenics" whereby child-bearing would be restricted to those between the ages of 20 and 35.[13] He also founded the pro-eugenics organization, the Society for Genetic Education (SAGE)

John Tanton - Wikipedia

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a non-profit organization and think tank[3] "that favors far lower immigration numbers and produces research to further those views."[4]

Founded in 1985 as a spin-off from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)"

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia

Also see:


In the above link, it mentions a man by the last name of Paddock - not a very common name. Wonder if he was related to the Las Vegas mass shooter???

Anyway, in the good old days, before FAIR, CIS, etc. Tanton was doing research used by David Duke, the former nazi party supporter who founded his own version of the Ku Klux Klan. For whatever reason, even Politifact says that the SPLC only has papers stating Tanton corresponded with white supremacists and all the negative reports about Tanton are based upon old relationships. I don't like Politifact, but in all fairness they left out a key piece of information:

"He (Tanton) introduced key FAIR leaders to the president of the Pioneer Fund, a white supremacist group set up to encourage "race betterment," at a 1997 meeting at a private club. He wrote a major funder to encourage her to read the work of a radical anti-Semitic professor — to "give you a new understanding of the Jewish outlook on life" — and suggested that the entire FAIR board discuss the professor's theories on the Jews."

John Tanton’s Private Papers Expose More Than 20 Years of Hate

The Pioneer Fund seems to be continually associated with David Duke:


Dancing With Bigotry

My point to you is that if not for neo nazis and proposed socialist solutions, the build the wall effort would implode on its own. What amazes me is that so many in America pretended to despise someone like Bernie Sanders, but when it comes to that damn wall, the build the wall guys would perform a sex act on good 'ol Bernie if he was a swing vote in favor of the wall.

The sources the build the wall guys rely on is purely political propaganda socialism with little basis in fact. Few people are pointing out the neo - nazi, National Socialist founded organizations that are providing the rhetoric and talking points spewed by Trump supporters in favor of the wall.
NONSENSE! This post is nothing but a flimsy (and stupid) attempt to tie the wall to neo-Nazi groups, and a long ago founder of FAIR, whose positions have changed totally. It I also false to say that >> "neo - nazi, National Socialist founded organizations that are providing the rhetoric and talking points spewed by Trump supporters in favor of the wall." HA HA HA This is so dumb, it doesn't even rate a "nice try".

Every intelligent person in America, who is concerned about national security, is providing the FACTS (not rhetoric) in favor of the wall. For example > how about the 77 countries in the world who have border walls (most built quite recently) and which are working very well + the advice of US border patrol agents who say it will be very helpful (as they have been in San Diego, CA, Yuma, AZ, and el Paso, TX.)
50%. You know this for a fact. Or are you just making it up or did your handlers give that figure to you that they just made it up. Newsflash: We have illegals around here and almost all of them are employed. Otherwise, they wouldn't stay here. Even your Orange Individual 1 hires illegals. He just got rid of the last batch but his companies have just brought in a new batch. All done under the books for work that they claim Americans won't do. No we won't. Not for less than minimum wage, we won't. But illegals will. Until the INS and ICE start snooping around and then it's time to fire the lot of them until things cool down. Then hire a new batch. If the jobs weren't there, they would be here in the first place. If they couldn't get benefits they wouldn't be here. Both sides are feeding this problem. Why don't you accept your own sides responsibility for it instead of blaming it all on someone else. It's not just the snowflakes, it's the cupcakes like you that let the ultra rightwingers off the hook as well.
I don't know what you're talking about. My "side". What do you think that is ?

Report: Majority of Illegal Immigrant Households On Welfare - Washington Free Beacon

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

Illegal Immigrants Get More Welfare Than American Families

Wow, you sure did pick some real duzies for cites. Let's look at them.

freebeacon.com Ultra Right Wing that is know for it's right wing bias and not know for it being factual. Enough said about this one. Most of what it puts out is probably false.

CIS Let's look at this one. Exactly where did they get this information from for CIS to report it? Let's see. Welfare usually means some kind of Government Program yet the CIS report also included Food Banks,Church Programs and more. I don't know about you but I doubt if any Church is going to let any Government Agency be privy to their records. The CIS is an EXTREME right wing group that is almost off the right wing scale. When I tried to Fact Check it, one thing kept coming up, "The CIS is a deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes or false information". It's listed as a White Nationalist Site. Yes, they referenced back to a decent source on their own source but it didn't take very long to tear that up. Tell me, just how could you ever take a Government Survey determining the total Welfare to include non Government Programs that are NEVER listed by asking Illegal Immigrants when you can't find most of the illegal immigrants to ask in the first place. They said they used a government census and gleaned the information from there. Unlike the freebeacon.com site, CIS isn't even remotely written as well.

judicial-watch Wow, another White Supremecy site. They are so off the scale right wing that they.....well, it's just mind boggling. They just looped back to the CIS report that turned out to be a white nationalist rag. Keep going, Tell me, are you a white nationalist as well?

newsmax.com This is the only one that is remotely believable. Yet it's not considered reliable or actual factual about anything other than right wing information. It also links back to the CIS report that is just plain made up.

The fact remains, the information that is supposed to true in all of these comes from one source and one source only and they just made it up. There is no way they could verify their information. It could be true or a lie, but the fact that it's unverifiable means they were just lying out their asses. Just because you saw it on the Internet doesn't make it true. And quoting White Nationalist Sites pretty well says that you must be a white Nationalist as well.
I consider ALL of the sources I posted to be 100% valid, and I just laugh at leftists who come in here and flash the ubiquitous INVALIDATION CARD. (while themselves using such laughable sources as CNN, MSNBC, PBS, PolitiFact, the New York Times, etc.)

You also mention factchecking. "Fact"checking ? Really ? lol With whom ? Politifact ?

You also say >> CIS is "listed as a White Nationalist Site" And what "
did YOU come up with to determine that. Possibly Southern Poverty Laughingstock Center, by any chance ? New York Time & Time Again Wrong ?

Here's the bottomline. I get leftists constantly flashing their invalidation cards at me, but what they DON'T DO is EXPLAIN what they see as wrong with what is said. And you didn't either. I posted 4 sources, and all you've done is attak the sources, not the CONTENT of what the sources are saying. Do you have anything to say about what is inside those links ? If so, let's hear it.

PS - Is there some wrong with being "White" ? Or a "Nationalist" ?

PPS - you didn't answer my question about who my "side" is.

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals.

What is hard wired into me is Truth. And when I see your "Truth" circling back to a white Nationalist site that is spewing something that cannot stand the test of scrutiny or reason then guess what, it's labeled as a lie. And your whole argument falls flat on it's face. Facts are Facts and can stand scrutiny. Lies are Lies and can't. So you go ahead and believe your CIS article even though there is no way in hell it can be the truth. You go ahead and believe the other articles even though they are based on the bogus CIS article if you want. All that does is take away an credibility you will ever have.

Then you need to reestablish Validation yourself at this point because you have none.
FWIW - I think we have an immigration problem; however, the right has a bigger problem with this so - called "illegal immigration" issue. You're on the right track with this train of thought, but you need to have more facts. Let me present a few for you:

The Center for Immigration Studies, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and about a dozen non-profit anti-immigration non-profit corporations were founded and / or financed by ONE man. His name is John Tanton. Little is written about him except in Wikipedia and the SPLC. Personally, I hold the SPLC in as little regard as I do organizations like CIS and FAIR. Still, the SPLC has not so nice things to say about Tanton. According to Wikipedia:

"According to CNN, Tanton "has openly embraced eugenics, the science of improving the genetic quality of the human population by encouraging selective breeding and at times, advocating for the sterilization of genetically undesirable groups."[12] Tanton wrote a paper in 1975 arguing for "passive eugenics" whereby child-bearing would be restricted to those between the ages of 20 and 35.[13] He also founded the pro-eugenics organization, the Society for Genetic Education (SAGE)

John Tanton - Wikipedia

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is a non-profit organization and think tank[3] "that favors far lower immigration numbers and produces research to further those views."[4]

Founded in 1985 as a spin-off from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)"

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia

Also see:


In the above link, it mentions a man by the last name of Paddock - not a very common name. Wonder if he was related to the Las Vegas mass shooter???

Anyway, in the good old days, before FAIR, CIS, etc. Tanton was doing research used by David Duke, the former nazi party supporter who founded his own version of the Ku Klux Klan. For whatever reason, even Politifact says that the SPLC only has papers stating Tanton corresponded with white supremacists and all the negative reports about Tanton are based upon old relationships. I don't like Politifact, but in all fairness they left out a key piece of information:

"He (Tanton) introduced key FAIR leaders to the president of the Pioneer Fund, a white supremacist group set up to encourage "race betterment," at a 1997 meeting at a private club. He wrote a major funder to encourage her to read the work of a radical anti-Semitic professor — to "give you a new understanding of the Jewish outlook on life" — and suggested that the entire FAIR board discuss the professor's theories on the Jews."

John Tanton’s Private Papers Expose More Than 20 Years of Hate

The Pioneer Fund seems to be continually associated with David Duke:


Dancing With Bigotry

My point to you is that if not for neo nazis and proposed socialist solutions, the build the wall effort would implode on its own. What amazes me is that so many in America pretended to despise someone like Bernie Sanders, but when it comes to that damn wall, the build the wall guys would perform a sex act on good 'ol Bernie if he was a swing vote in favor of the wall.

The sources the build the wall guys rely on is purely political propaganda socialism with little basis in fact. Few people are pointing out the neo - nazi, National Socialist founded organizations that are providing the rhetoric and talking points spewed by Trump supporters in favor of the wall.
NONSENSE! This post is nothing but a flimsy (and stupid) attempt to tie the wall to neo-Nazi groups, and a long ago founder of FAIR, whose positions have changed totally. It I also false to say that >> "neo - nazi, National Socialist founded organizations that are providing the rhetoric and talking points spewed by Trump supporters in favor of the wall." HA HA HA This is so dumb, it doesn't even rate a "nice try".

Every intelligent person in America, who is concerned about national security, is providing the FACTS (not rhetoric) in favor of the wall. For example > how about the 77 countries in the world who have border walls (most built quite recently) and which are working very well + the advice of US border patrol agents who say it will be very helpful (as they have been in San Diego, CA, Yuma, AZ, and el Paso, TX.)

I can assure you that it is NOT a flimsy attempt. Honestly, I've forgotten more about this subject than you're capable of learning.

David Duke initiated the first "Border Watch" in 1977. Duke was a former nazi that founded his own version of the KKK. John Tanton was the man who wrote most of Duke's talking points.

In 2003 Ranch Rescue, a civilian border patrol group had an altercation with some Salvadorans while patrolling property at the owner's behest. It ended with Ranch Rescue members being put into prison and the owner losing his ranch to the Salvadoran. The judge ruled the "civil rights" of the Salvadorans had been violated. So, yep, due to dumb asses that believe as you, it is official - those foreigners DO have Rights.

Leiva v. Ranch Rescue

In 2004 Jim Gilchrist started the so - called "Minutemen" that got the immigration debate on the front pages and in the mainstream media. They are the founders and pioneers of the build the wall effort. And, any idiot on this board can check to see who the various Minutemen groups were relying on for their talking points. But, let's look at their leadership:

There was Jim Gilchrist who was so screwed up, nazis kicked him out of his own organization. Let's learn a little about the pioneers of this effort:

"In addition to border watching, the project (The Minutemen) created a political action committee lobbying for representatives supporting proactive immigration law enforcement and border security issues. Members believe government officials have failed to protect the country from foreign enemy invasion.[4] They strongly support building a wall and placing additional border patrol agents or involving the military to curb free movement across the Mexico-United States border."

Minuteman Project - Wikipedia

If you access that article, you find that Gilchrist's co founder was Chris Simcox. Chris Simcox was both a pedophile AND a neo-nazi:

Alleged Pedophile Chris Simcox Drops Bid to Personally Cross-Examine Child Victims

Minuteman Co-Founder Sentenced to 19½ Years for Molesting 5-Year-Old

Simcox would recruit fellow neo nazi sympathizer, J.T. Ready (who became a mass murderer) to join him in the build the wall effort.

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Jim Gilchrist also recruited Shawna Forde and she was convicted of a double murder:

Notice she is ALSO a FAIR spokesperson

Minuteman Leader Jim Gilchrist's Ties To Shawna Forde's Gang Of Killers Finally Catch Up With Him

Sweep the connections under the rug; deny them; pretend you're a CIA agent - Admit nothing - deny everything - make counter accusations. You still cannot run from the truth about who Tanton secretly supports while being able to claim plausible denialability. The facts don't support your bogus "Nonsense" claim. Let's move forward:

The build the wall issue is not, never has been and never will be about national security. That is why Mexico's governor has ordered the withdrawal of troops just today:

New Mexico governor orders withdrawal of National Guard border troops, citing no "national security crisis"

The bottom line to this entire thread is that the wall is wrong for a host of reasons. The most pressing way it is wrong is that no national security threat exists (the "problem" is solving itself) and DONALD TRUMP LACKS DE JURE CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY TO DO WHAT HE'S DOING. STATES - NOT THE FEDS GET TO DECIDE WHO COMES AND GOES WITHIN THEIR STATE.

The federal government can write all the laws they want; but if the rule of law means a damn thing, then the federal government cannot impose on a state's Rights.
We have no immigration clause, how can we have illegal immigrants?
We have immigration LAWS. You haven't heard ? :laugh:

We may have laws, but if you believe in the rule of law, then unconstitutional laws don't count.

As long as they are the law then they do count. It's up to you to obey them until you can get them ruled as unconstitutional. Otherwise, we just get to pick and choose the laws that we want to obey and to hell with all the others.
I can assure you that it is NOT a flimsy attempt. Honestly, I've forgotten more about this subject than you're capable of learning.

David Duke initiated the first "Border Watch" in 1977. Duke was a former nazi that founded his own version of the KKK. John Tanton was the man who wrote most of Duke's talking points.

In 2003 Ranch Rescue, a civilian border patrol group had an altercation with some Salvadorans while patrolling property at the owner's behest. It ended with Ranch Rescue members being put into prison and the owner losing his ranch to the Salvadoran. The judge ruled the "civil rights" of the Salvadorans had been violated. So, yep, due to dumb asses that believe as you, it is official - those foreigners DO have Rights.

Leiva v. Ranch Rescue

In 2004 Jim Gilchrist started the so - called "Minutemen" that got the immigration debate on the front pages and in the mainstream media. They are the founders and pioneers of the build the wall effort. And, any idiot on this board can check to see who the various Minutemen groups were relying on for their talking points. But, let's look at their leadership:

There was Jim Gilchrist who was so screwed up, nazis kicked him out of his own organization. Let's learn a little about the pioneers of this effort:

"In addition to border watching, the project (The Minutemen) created a political action committee lobbying for representatives supporting proactive immigration law enforcement and border security issues. Members believe government officials have failed to protect the country from foreign enemy invasion.[4] They strongly support building a wall and placing additional border patrol agents or involving the military to curb free movement across the Mexico-United States border."

Minuteman Project - Wikipedia

If you access that article, you find that Gilchrist's co founder was Chris Simcox. Chris Simcox was both a pedophile AND a neo-nazi:

Alleged Pedophile Chris Simcox Drops Bid to Personally Cross-Examine Child Victims

Minuteman Co-Founder Sentenced to 19½ Years for Molesting 5-Year-Old

Simcox would recruit fellow neo nazi sympathizer, J.T. Ready (who became a mass murderer) to join him in the build the wall effort.

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Jim Gilchrist also recruited Shawna Forde and she was convicted of a double murder:

Notice she is ALSO a FAIR spokesperson

Minuteman Leader Jim Gilchrist's Ties To Shawna Forde's Gang Of Killers Finally Catch Up With Him

Sweep the connections under the rug; deny them; pretend you're a CIA agent - Admit nothing - deny everything - make counter accusations. You still cannot run from the truth about who Tanton secretly supports while being able to claim plausible denialability. The facts don't support your bogus "Nonsense" claim. Let's move forward:

The build the wall issue is not, never has been and never will be about national security. That is why Mexico's governor has ordered the withdrawal of troops just today:

New Mexico governor orders withdrawal of National Guard border troops, citing no "national security crisis"

The bottom line to this entire thread is that the wall is wrong for a host of reasons. The most pressing way it is wrong is that no national security threat exists (the "problem" is solving itself) and DONALD TRUMP LACKS DE JURE CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY TO DO WHAT HE'S DOING. STATES - NOT THE FEDS GET TO DECIDE WHO COMES AND GOES WITHIN THEIR STATE.

The federal government can write all the laws they want; but if the rule of law means a damn thing, then the federal government cannot impose on a state's Rights.

You "assure" nothing. You don't even know the law. Immigration and threats to national security are the president's domain. He has full authority to use the military to build the wall, and to stop invaders from rampaging cross the borders, by the thousands. What could be more an issue of national security ?

Nothing in your post here presents anything worthwhile, and is just more of your flimsy earlier post that tries to discredit by association, a weak methodology at best.

As for New Mexico, it's a goofy blue state run by Democrats, populated by 1960s hippies. Who cares what they do ? Oh, they pulled out the New Mexico National Guard, did they ? I know about the National Guard. I served in it for 6 years. Watch how fast those New Mexico guardsman will be on the border, building the wall, the same day Trump orders them to be federalized, and 100% under HIS COMMAND. Wanna see how fast that can happen ? Maybe this is the part you had "forgotten" :lol: >>>

President Sends Troops to Little Rock, Federalizes Arkansas National Guard; Tells Nation He Acted to Avoid An Anarchy

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