Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

It won't work.
You build a 1000 wall there will be a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.

This 2-1/2 minute video at the end will describe the 240 tunnels they've already found in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly to an alert. Anything that can be seen---can & will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't even be attempted.

Now your Ass Clown turned down a proposal by Chuck Schummer & Nancy Pelosi to do just that. Add more border security and technology to the border, if Trump would go along with a DACA (dreamer bill). Trump refused it--he wants his worthless piece of shit wall--that no congress is going to fund. If Republicans wouldn't do it, Democrats sure won't.

Put in simple term it won't solve the problem because most illegal immigrants in the US did not sneak across the border. Long before the wall is complete, we will be cutting holes for drainage, wildlife crossings and replacing parts with fencing. It's a solution for a crisis that does not exist.

Nothing is 100% effective. I'll accept an 80% level of confidence the wall would reduce illegal crossings by 68%


The empirical evidence shows that the wall will be 100% effective where it actually exists.

That's a crock of B.S,

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly. Something they can see, can and will always be compromised, something they can't see won't even be attempted.

You had a Republican full house for two years, why in the hell do you think they didn't vote for it.

Here's 2-1/2 minutes of reasons.

If you have a wall, you don't have to respond quickly. You have all the time in the world. That's the whole point of the wall. It's going to take someone at least 15 minutes to get over a 30 ft wall, and that's all the time needed for border patrol to drive up to the location and apprehend the offenders. Without the wall, and offender can be 2-3 miles into US territory before border patrol arrives on the scene.

Building the wall also doesn't prevent you from deploying high tech motion detectors, drones, whatever. In fact, the wall enhances the effectiveness of all other measures.

You shot down your own argument.

You've got a wall, i've got a shovel, digging bars--and if that doesn't do it I will build stairs on the other side of your wall and use ropes blocks tackle & caribeaners, or just bring a ladder to get it over it.
Yes, building the wall is W-R-O-N-G! How can you expect the commie leftards to build a voting bloc of needy, uneducated and unskilled when you have a damn wall standing in their way?!?!?

What the hell is wrong with ya???
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


It won't work.
You build a 1000 wall there will be a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.

This 2-1/2 minute video at the end will describe the 240 tunnels they've already found in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly to an alert. Anything that can be seen---can & will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't even be attempted.

Now your Ass Clown turned down a proposal by Chuck Schummer & Nancy Pelosi to do just that. Add more border security and technology to the border, if Trump would go along with a DACA (dreamer bill). Trump refused it--he wants his worthless piece of shit wall--that no congress is going to fund. If Republicans wouldn't do it, Democrats sure won't.

Put in simple term it won't solve the problem because most illegal immigrants in the US did not sneak across the border. Long before the wall is complete, we will be cutting holes for drainage, wildlife crossings and replacing parts with fencing. It's a solution for a crisis that does not exist.

Nothing is 100% effective. I'll accept an 80% level of confidence the wall would reduce illegal crossings by 68%


It is no more effective than reinforced fencing in most places. The key to effective border security is to provide the type of security needed where it is needed and when it is needed and that is certainly not a southern border wall.

It won't work.
You build a 1000 wall there will be a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.

This 2-1/2 minute video at the end will describe the 240 tunnels they've already found in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly to an alert. Anything that can be seen---can & will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't even be attempted.

Now your Ass Clown turned down a proposal by Chuck Schummer & Nancy Pelosi to do just that. Add more border security and technology to the border, if Trump would go along with a DACA (dreamer bill). Trump refused it--he wants his worthless piece of shit wall--that no congress is going to fund. If Republicans wouldn't do it, Democrats sure won't.

Put in simple term it won't solve the problem because most illegal immigrants in the US did not sneak across the border. Long before the wall is complete, we will be cutting holes for drainage, wildlife crossings and replacing parts with fencing. It's a solution for a crisis that does not exist.

Nothing is 100% effective. I'll accept an 80% level of confidence the wall would reduce illegal crossings by 68%


The empirical evidence shows that the wall will be 100% effective where it actually exists.

That's a crock of B.S,

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly. Something they can see, can and will always be compromised, something they can't see won't even be attempted.

You had a Republican full house for two years, why in the hell do you think they didn't vote for it.

Here's 2-1/2 minutes of reasons.

If you have a wall, you don't have to respond quickly. You have all the time in the world. That's the whole point of the wall. It's going to take someone at least 15 minutes to get over a 30 ft wall, and that's all the time needed for border patrol to drive up to the location and apprehend the offenders. Without the wall, and offender can be 2-3 miles into US territory before border patrol arrives on the scene.

Building the wall also doesn't prevent you from deploying high tech motion detectors, drones, whatever. In fact, the wall enhances the effectiveness of all other measures.

You shot down your own argument.

we don't have a common defense problem, we have a refugee problem.

this is the federal power that is actually delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


It won't work.
You build a 1000 wall there will be a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.

This 2-1/2 minute video at the end will describe the 240 tunnels they've already found in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly to an alert. Anything that can be seen---can & will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't even be attempted.

Now your Ass Clown turned down a proposal by Chuck Schummer & Nancy Pelosi to do just that. Add more border security and technology to the border, if Trump would go along with a DACA (dreamer bill). Trump refused it--he wants his worthless piece of shit wall--that no congress is going to fund. If Republicans wouldn't do it, Democrats sure won't.

Put in simple term it won't solve the problem because most illegal immigrants in the US did not sneak across the border. Long before the wall is complete, we will be cutting holes for drainage, wildlife crossings and replacing parts with fencing. It's a solution for a crisis that does not exist.

Nothing is 100% effective. I'll accept an 80% level of confidence the wall would reduce illegal crossings by 68%


How many people are being processed per day now? Ellis Island could be upgraded to process tens of thousands.

Ellis Island would work really well to process the hundreds of thousands of immigrants crossing the Atlantic on steamships from Europe.:cuckoo:
Yes you are right LOL. Most Democrats are communists who want a dictatorship that owns all businesses and Industry. Another gigantic conspiracy like the one that protects Hillary and Obama from all your phony conspiracies. You better order some more tin foil....

Did DumBama try to shutdown power plants that used coal, yes or no?

Did DumBama tax roll-your-own cigarette shops out of business, yes or no?

Did he not also stop American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, yes or no?

Did he not close down the Gulf until a court ordered him to reopen it, yes or no?

Did DumBama not close down car dealerships across the country, yes or no?

Did DumBama not force auto companies to take bailout money even though they didn't need it, yes or no?

Did he try to take over our healthcare industry, yes or no?

Did he not force food vendors to put calorie count on all food items sold, yes or no?

Did Blooming Idiot not try to stop vendors from selling soda in large cups, yes or no?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out

Obama Kept His Promise, 83,000 Coal Jobs Lost And 400 Mines Shuttered
No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.

Have you ever considered that your political views are perhaps a bit childish?

Sorry 'bout your transaction fees, but basing you entire political opinions on your wallet is kind of unpatriotic!

BTW - I pay the same fees.

You and I wouldn't be paying those fees if Democrats stayed out of the private market. What's unpatriotic about that?

If you feel that government should not be involved in the 'private market', then convince the 'private market' not to transact using U.S. federal dollars or that of any government that you do not want 'interfering'.

Your so called 'private market' only exists because of the government.

You, like so many conservatives, want and love money but do not have the slightest idea of what it is or where it comes from.

Hey, my dogs want and love milkbones. They don't know what they are or where they come from...

Intellectually you seem to be at the same level.
Did DumBama try to shutdown power plants that used coal, yes or no?

Did DumBama tax roll-your-own cigarette shops out of business, yes or no?

Did he not also stop American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, yes or no?

Did he not close down the Gulf until a court ordered him to reopen it, yes or no?

Did DumBama not close down car dealerships across the country, yes or no?

Did DumBama not force auto companies to take bailout money even though they didn't need it, yes or no?

Did he try to take over our healthcare industry, yes or no?

Did he not force food vendors to put calorie count on all food items sold, yes or no?

Did Blooming Idiot not try to stop vendors from selling soda in large cups, yes or no?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out

Obama Kept His Promise, 83,000 Coal Jobs Lost And 400 Mines Shuttered
No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.

Have you ever considered that your political views are perhaps a bit childish?

Sorry 'bout your transaction fees, but basing you entire political opinions on your wallet is kind of unpatriotic!

BTW - I pay the same fees.

You and I wouldn't be paying those fees if Democrats stayed out of the private market. What's unpatriotic about that?

If you feel that government should not be involved in the 'private market', then convince the 'private market' not to transact using U.S. federal dollars or that of any government that you do not want 'interfering'.

Your so called 'private market' only exists because of the government.

You, like so many conservatives, want and love money but do not have the slightest idea of what it is or where it comes from.

Hey, my dogs want and love milkbones. They don't know what they are or where they come from...

Intellectually you seem to be at the same level.

The government doesn't own the dollars they just print them. The owners are the people who they are in the possession of.

In the private market, money is created by the company owners and employees. They give some of that money in taxation to the government. In other words, the private sector supports the public sector, not the other way around. So don't believe in this fallacy there would be no private market without the government. Government cannot survive without the private market because the government doesn't produce sellable goods or services.
Why is Building the Wall Wrong?
Because, the left cannot undo a wall.

They can undo a hiring surge for border patrol agents. They can change the protocol for border patrol to allow all their voters to sneak in. They can shut down electronic monitoring to open the floodgates.

The wall is FUCKING PERMANENT and they know they will lose forever and the communist revolution will never happen.

No. A wall is not permanent.


So who’s going to take it down?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Probably the Mexican illegals after laughing at it for a moment.

Sure, they are going to destruct a wall. What do you suppose it's going to be made out of, sheet metal?
Did DumBama try to shutdown power plants that used coal, yes or no?

Did DumBama tax roll-your-own cigarette shops out of business, yes or no?

Did he not also stop American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, yes or no?

Did he not close down the Gulf until a court ordered him to reopen it, yes or no?

Did DumBama not close down car dealerships across the country, yes or no?

Did DumBama not force auto companies to take bailout money even though they didn't need it, yes or no?

Did he try to take over our healthcare industry, yes or no?

Did he not force food vendors to put calorie count on all food items sold, yes or no?

Did Blooming Idiot not try to stop vendors from selling soda in large cups, yes or no?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out

Obama Kept His Promise, 83,000 Coal Jobs Lost And 400 Mines Shuttered
No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.

Have you ever considered that your political views are perhaps a bit childish?

Sorry 'bout your transaction fees, but basing you entire political opinions on your wallet is kind of unpatriotic!

BTW - I pay the same fees.

You and I wouldn't be paying those fees if Democrats stayed out of the private market. What's unpatriotic about that?

If you feel that government should not be involved in the 'private market', then convince the 'private market' not to transact using U.S. federal dollars or that of any government that you do not want 'interfering'.

Your so called 'private market' only exists because of the government.

You, like so many conservatives, want and love money but do not have the slightest idea of what it is or where it comes from.

Hey, my dogs want and love milkbones. They don't know what they are or where they come from...

Intellectually you seem to be at the same level.

LMAO! You call federal reserve notes of debt "Money"? Paper scrip backed by nothing of an intrinsic value that can be printed to infinity are digitally created by a few keystrokes? Now, tell me what an intellectual heavyweight you believe yourself to be. I can't WAIT to read your reply.

No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.

Have you ever considered that your political views are perhaps a bit childish?

Sorry 'bout your transaction fees, but basing you entire political opinions on your wallet is kind of unpatriotic!

BTW - I pay the same fees.

You and I wouldn't be paying those fees if Democrats stayed out of the private market. What's unpatriotic about that?

If you feel that government should not be involved in the 'private market', then convince the 'private market' not to transact using U.S. federal dollars or that of any government that you do not want 'interfering'.

Your so called 'private market' only exists because of the government.

You, like so many conservatives, want and love money but do not have the slightest idea of what it is or where it comes from.

Hey, my dogs want and love milkbones. They don't know what they are or where they come from...

Intellectually you seem to be at the same level.

LMAO! You call federal reserve notes of debt "Money"? Paper scrip backed by nothing of an intrinsic value that can be printed to infinity are digitally created by a few keystrokes? Now, tell me what an intellectual heavyweight you believe yourself to be. I can't WAIT to read your reply.


His reply will be "You didn't build that!"
No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.

Have you ever considered that your political views are perhaps a bit childish?

Sorry 'bout your transaction fees, but basing you entire political opinions on your wallet is kind of unpatriotic!

BTW - I pay the same fees.

You and I wouldn't be paying those fees if Democrats stayed out of the private market. What's unpatriotic about that?

If you feel that government should not be involved in the 'private market', then convince the 'private market' not to transact using U.S. federal dollars or that of any government that you do not want 'interfering'.

Your so called 'private market' only exists because of the government.

You, like so many conservatives, want and love money but do not have the slightest idea of what it is or where it comes from.

Hey, my dogs want and love milkbones. They don't know what they are or where they come from...

Intellectually you seem to be at the same level.

The government doesn't own the dollars they just print them. The owners are the people who they are in the possession of.

In the private market, money is created by the company owners and employees. They give some of that money in taxation to the government. In other words, the private sector supports the public sector, not the other way around. So don't believe in this fallacy there would be no private market without the government. Government cannot survive without the private market because the government doesn't produce sellable goods or services.

Nonsense. Government CAN produce goods and services. In our society they produce quite a lot of goods and services.

If you had a brain you'd know the all ownership and disposition of wealth is determined by the dominant military force. In this case The U.S. government.

The money that you possess is a U.S. government note stating what the U.S. government recognizes as your wealth - without the government your worth absolutely NADA . It is in fact the property of the government.

If you think that the private market could exist without government I suggest that you study the economy of the dark ages and see what happened when the government was destroyed in Western Europe. Or more recently Yeltsin era Russia when there was barely a government - and there was barely an economy.

Your 'private market' exists in a womb created by government.

But hey - enjoy those milkbones and don't think about what they are or where they come from...WOOF!
No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.

Have you ever considered that your political views are perhaps a bit childish?

Sorry 'bout your transaction fees, but basing you entire political opinions on your wallet is kind of unpatriotic!

BTW - I pay the same fees.

You and I wouldn't be paying those fees if Democrats stayed out of the private market. What's unpatriotic about that?

If you feel that government should not be involved in the 'private market', then convince the 'private market' not to transact using U.S. federal dollars or that of any government that you do not want 'interfering'.

Your so called 'private market' only exists because of the government.

You, like so many conservatives, want and love money but do not have the slightest idea of what it is or where it comes from.

Hey, my dogs want and love milkbones. They don't know what they are or where they come from...

Intellectually you seem to be at the same level.

LMAO! You call federal reserve notes of debt "Money"? Paper scrip backed by nothing of an intrinsic value that can be printed to infinity are digitally created by a few keystrokes? Now, tell me what an intellectual heavyweight you believe yourself to be. I can't WAIT to read your reply.


If you had a brain you'd know that U.S. currency is backed ultimately by all of the productive work of the American people, and to some extent of the world nowadays. It is a note stating the U.S. government's recognition of your wealth...i.e. your power to buy the above mentioned produce. Without that government your worth squat.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


It won't work.
You build a 1000 wall there will be a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.

This 2-1/2 minute video at the end will describe the 240 tunnels they've already found in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly to an alert. Anything that can be seen---can & will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't even be attempted.

Now your Ass Clown turned down a proposal by Chuck Schummer & Nancy Pelosi to do just that. Add more border security and technology to the border, if Trump would go along with a DACA (dreamer bill). Trump refused it--he wants his worthless piece of shit wall--that no congress is going to fund. If Republicans wouldn't do it, Democrats sure won't.

Put in simple term it won't solve the problem because most illegal immigrants in the US did not sneak across the border. Long before the wall is complete, we will be cutting holes for drainage, wildlife crossings and replacing parts with fencing. It's a solution for a crisis that does not exist.

Nothing is 100% effective. I'll accept an 80% level of confidence the wall would reduce illegal crossings by 68%


How many people are being processed per day now? Ellis Island could be upgraded to process tens of thousands.

Ellis Island would work really well to process the hundreds of thousands of immigrants crossing the Atlantic on steamships from Europe.:cuckoo:

Capitalism; What is that, sayeth the Right Wing.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.

/----/ I just received this email.

Dear Cellblock2429,
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi continue to put open borders and illegal immigrants over American citizens.
But this isn’t the first time they jeopardized America’s safety.
Look at the email I sent you almost a year ago when Chuck decided illegal immigrants come before HARD-WORKING AMERICANS.
Now Democrats are STILL playing political games at the expense of the American people and our national security. NO MORE!
Join the millions of patriots who are signing this written statement demanding Democrats finally put Americans first and FUND THE WALL:

TO: Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi


An American Citizen
Thank you
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
Last edited:
the wall is a metaphor for trump's manhood, as pelosi said. no wonder he's having trouble erecting it!
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.

/----/ I just received this email.

Dear Cellblock2429,
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi continue to put open borders and illegal immigrants over American citizens.
But this isn’t the first time they jeopardized America’s safety.
Look at the email I sent you almost a year ago when Chuck decided illegal immigrants come before HARD-WORKING AMERICANS.
Now Democrats are STILL playing political games at the expense of the American people and our national security. NO MORE!
Join the millions of patriots who are signing this written statement demanding Democrats finally put Americans first and FUND THE WALL:

TO: Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi


James, An American Citizen
Thank you
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
we have a refugee problem not a common defense problem.
There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.

Have you ever considered that your political views are perhaps a bit childish?

Sorry 'bout your transaction fees, but basing you entire political opinions on your wallet is kind of unpatriotic!

BTW - I pay the same fees.

You and I wouldn't be paying those fees if Democrats stayed out of the private market. What's unpatriotic about that?

If you feel that government should not be involved in the 'private market', then convince the 'private market' not to transact using U.S. federal dollars or that of any government that you do not want 'interfering'.

Your so called 'private market' only exists because of the government.

You, like so many conservatives, want and love money but do not have the slightest idea of what it is or where it comes from.

Hey, my dogs want and love milkbones. They don't know what they are or where they come from...

Intellectually you seem to be at the same level.

LMAO! You call federal reserve notes of debt "Money"? Paper scrip backed by nothing of an intrinsic value that can be printed to infinity are digitally created by a few keystrokes? Now, tell me what an intellectual heavyweight you believe yourself to be. I can't WAIT to read your reply.


If you had a brain you'd know that U.S. currency is backed ultimately by all of the productive work of the American people, and to some extent of the world nowadays. It is a note stating the U.S. government's recognition of your wealth...i.e. your power to buy the above mentioned produce. Without that government your worth squat.

Yeah, our sweat equity moves these pieces of debt paper. I am sure that you are aware of the confiscation of the people's gold REAL MONEY) in lieu of paper I.O.Us after the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of your beloved "gubermint" in 1933 or face prison, correct? House Joint Resolution 192? The loss of allodial rights to property? How our labor was pledged as surety against the debt of USA.INC? I kinda doubt it. Keep on sucking the cock of your beloved federal "gubermint" which is nothing but a corporate entity that rather lamely attempts to act as a legitimate governmental body. You don't know shit from shinola.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.

/----/ I just received this email.

Dear Cellblock2429,
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi continue to put open borders and illegal immigrants over American citizens.
But this isn’t the first time they jeopardized America’s safety.
Look at the email I sent you almost a year ago when Chuck decided illegal immigrants come before HARD-WORKING AMERICANS.
Now Democrats are STILL playing political games at the expense of the American people and our national security. NO MORE!
Join the millions of patriots who are signing this written statement demanding Democrats finally put Americans first and FUND THE WALL:

TO: Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi


James, An American Citizen
Thank you
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
we have a refugee problem not a common defense problem.
No refugees no problem. They are an unarmed invading force.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


It won't work.
You build a 1000 wall there will be a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.

This 2-1/2 minute video at the end will describe the 240 tunnels they've already found in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly to an alert. Anything that can be seen---can & will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't even be attempted.

Now your Ass Clown turned down a proposal by Chuck Schummer & Nancy Pelosi to do just that. Add more border security and technology to the border, if Trump would go along with a DACA (dreamer bill). Trump refused it--he wants his worthless piece of shit wall--that no congress is going to fund. If Republicans wouldn't do it, Democrats sure won't.

Put in simple term it won't solve the problem because most illegal immigrants in the US did not sneak across the border. Long before the wall is complete, we will be cutting holes for drainage, wildlife crossings and replacing parts with fencing. It's a solution for a crisis that does not exist.

Nothing is 100% effective. I'll accept an 80% level of confidence the wall would reduce illegal crossings by 68%


The empirical evidence shows that the wall will be 100% effective where it actually exists.

That's a crock of B.S,

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly. Something they can see, can and will always be compromised, something they can't see won't even be attempted.

You had a Republican full house for two years, why in the hell do you think they didn't vote for it.

Here's 2-1/2 minutes of reasons.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
President Donald Trump’s promise to build a wall along our Southern border will save countless innocent lives. Our Border Patrol agents have seen firsthand the success of a border wall in Yuma, Ariz. — which serves as a prime example of how investments in personnel, technology and a border wall can turn the tide against a flood of illegal immigration and secure our homeland.

For years, Yuma sector was besieged by chaos as a nearly unending flood of migrants and drugs poured across our border. Even as agents were arresting on average 800 illegal aliens a day, we were still unable to stop the thousands of trucks filled with drugs and humans that quickly crossed a vanishing point and dispersed into communities all across the country.

It is hard for anyone familiar with Yuma sector today to imagine this scene. That’s because nearly a decade ago, a group of bipartisan lawmakers came together to protect the homeland, save innocent lives, and build a physical barrier across the border.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
Why is Building the Wall Wrong?
Because, the left cannot undo a wall.

They can undo a hiring surge for border patrol agents. They can change the protocol for border patrol to allow all their voters to sneak in. They can shut down electronic monitoring to open the floodgates.

The wall is FUCKING PERMANENT and they know they will lose forever and the communist revolution will never happen.

No. A wall is not permanent.


So who’s going to take it down?

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Probably the Mexican illegals after laughing at it for a moment.

Sure, they are going to destruct a wall. What do you suppose it's going to be made out of, sheet metal?
Unless its made of vibranium it will be full of holes in about a month after being erected.

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