Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

An illegal that was in Pittsburgh was deported for the 4th time last year. When asked how he was getting into the country illegally he said he used forged documents. The wall would be a monument to Republican stupidity.
So one guy who got around the wall proves it won't reduce illegal immigration?

Only a complete imbecile would draw such a conclusion.
we have a refugee problem not a common defense problem.
No, we have an environmental problem, Dan. Millions of people a year flooding over our borders, a few with another 9/11 attack plans in their backpacks, and that takes a lot of additional landfills to accommodate them, which have to be paid for with half a dozen federal agencies involved in the oversight of America's water tables. In 1991, it took the state of Virginia $1 Billion Dollars to clean up a 25-mile area of water table lands that were affected by half a dozen parks in a 2 square mile radius that had infected animals brought there to have them pee and poop because their owners lived in apartments with no yard space for their pets. The particular organism in the excrement also infected a local population of wild mammals and birds. In humans, there was a greater than normal number of nonsmokers getting malignant lung cancer from the infected water table.

It's complicated, but our Latin neighbors have no compunctions in the past about dumping on our doorstep even more criminally insane criminals, insane asylum candidates, serial rapists, AIDs-infected night ladies, rowdies ready to join paramilitary groups and buy armaments, and poor people their higher classes refused to employ so they could have more money. I know we will educate, feed, clothe, hospitalize, experience citizen deaths until the serial murderers are caught, and enable to purchase housing for their families when they get here. But we will also have to get a lot more creative with trash disposal that each million accepted here will invoke. But with each kindness, groups replacing LaRaza which historically has planned political coups to remove themselves from the nation at large and/or take over border states and become a rogue nation replete with punishments for citizens that exceeds the cruelty of their DNA ancestors of the Mayan Inca tribes whose religion incorporates repugnant things done to children. Because we are a nation that allows freedom of religion, a religion demanding criminal behaviors would take advantage of our generosity, and once away from traditional Missions in Mexico, that wild side could reappear in this nation, which would please certain supportive entities from abroad whose goal is to snag everybody into their killing ways, female mutilations, and other unspeakable things.

We need to tell the world, that not only are we done, we will not tolerate disciplining wives with dismissible murder as the chief alternative, thankyouverymuch.
We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
Quote: We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause. To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
We already have rules established, Dan. It's just that the illegals do not respect them because they already have hundreds of miles of areas where they can sneak across with a 50-50 chance they will be undetected. Interpretation: for every 3,000,000 illegal crossers, 1,500,000 of them get it. And since it is already recorded that many crossers have already been escorted back to Mexico, by their 10th crossing at least one of those times they are undetected illegal crossers, all they need is a false id that resembles a green card when they get to a farm or factory where ids aren't looked upon too carefully.

Why not just let it go, Dan. Most of us do not continue on if we lose 9 chances at much of anything. (Oops, I forgot about Vegas...) Well, anyhow, it only takes one open window to a place where persistence will also make them employed sooner or later.​
Ellis Island used to be able to process thousands per day. There should be no refugees waiting for processing on our border.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
Ellis Island was first come first served.
IF the wall could be built (2000 miles across land not currently owned by the government) and IF it were 100% effective (which is beyond unlikely) that would do NOTHING about the 60% of illegals who enter the country through other means.

Does that sound like a reasonable way to spend 30-50 billion dollars?

Sure. Build the fucking thing. Make me look like a genius.
Only about 40% of illegals enter by other means, moron. Eliminating 60% of illegal immigration for $30 billion is a bargain.

Only a brain transplant could make you look like a genius.
Well, dear leftist locksteppers,

Your plan worked. You brought out their best stench in Mexico. And you know how they showed it?

They've been spilling sewage into the Pacific Ocean by breaking a cesspool pipe for the city of Tijuana, and the current is taking it all along the Southern California Coastline. You lefties know how to bring out the best in your dud ideas that you can trust Mexico to take care of its own people.

Spill in Mexico sending millions of gallons of sewage into coastal waters off California


And as long as you're badmouthing President Donald and First Lady Melania Trump to death, they're going to keep it coming. It's been spewing out Tijuana since December 7 with no end in sight. Y'all oughta go out there and sniff around the S. Cal beaches, as if their fires weren't enough. Oh, and sewage IS flammable in some concentrations. Why should the neighbors respect our nation if you continue the drivel of disrespect for this American President. You're playing dirty, and you're getting really smelly and infectious dirt for it.

Which party is relaxing environmental rules?
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .

After the fact.

Wall stops it from inception.

We don’t need more immigration we need the immigrants we want and need.
Deporting illegals after the fact is 100 times more difficult than keeping them out in the first place. The snowflakes have even gloated about how it's impossible to evict them all. Whenever they talk about penalizing employers or any of their other useless measures, they are lying. Even of those measures were tried, the left would fight them every step of the way.
We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
Quote: We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause. To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
We already have rules established, Dan. It's just that the illegals do not respect them because they already have hundreds of miles of areas where they can sneak across with a 50-50 chance they will be undetected. Interpretation: for every 3,000,000 illegal crossers, 1,500,000 of them get it. And since it is already recorded that many crossers have already been escorted back to Mexico, by their 10th crossing at least one of those times they are undetected illegal crossers, all they need is a false id that resembles a green card when they get to a farm or factory where ids aren't looked upon too carefully.

Why not just let it go, Dan. Most of us do not continue on if we lose 9 chances at much of anything. (Oops, I forgot about Vegas...) Well, anyhow, it only takes one open window to a place where persistence will also make them employed sooner or later.​
Ellis Island used to be able to process thousands per day. There should be no refugees waiting for processing on our border.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
The Democrats know that if Trump achieves his signature Campaign Promise of Building a Wall he will win re-election in a glorious landslide.
Build 2000 miles of wall in two years?

No funding. No land...No engineering

Guess he's cooked
Trump doesn't need to do anything but say, "I've built a great beautiful wall" and his followers will believe him.
Quote: We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause. To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
We already have rules established, Dan. It's just that the illegals do not respect them because they already have hundreds of miles of areas where they can sneak across with a 50-50 chance they will be undetected. Interpretation: for every 3,000,000 illegal crossers, 1,500,000 of them get it. And since it is already recorded that many crossers have already been escorted back to Mexico, by their 10th crossing at least one of those times they are undetected illegal crossers, all they need is a false id that resembles a green card when they get to a farm or factory where ids aren't looked upon too carefully.

Why not just let it go, Dan. Most of us do not continue on if we lose 9 chances at much of anything. (Oops, I forgot about Vegas...) Well, anyhow, it only takes one open window to a place where persistence will also make them employed sooner or later.​
Ellis Island used to be able to process thousands per day. There should be no refugees waiting for processing on our border.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.
The empirical evidence shows that the wall will be 100% effective where it actually exists.

That's a crock of B.S,

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly. Something they can see, can and will always be compromised, something they can't see won't even be attempted.

You had a Republican full house for two years, why in the hell do you think they didn't vote for it.

Here's 2-1/2 minutes of reasons.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
President Donald Trump’s promise to build a wall along our Southern border will save countless innocent lives. Our Border Patrol agents have seen firsthand the success of a border wall in Yuma, Ariz. — which serves as a prime example of how investments in personnel, technology and a border wall can turn the tide against a flood of illegal immigration and secure our homeland.

For years, Yuma sector was besieged by chaos as a nearly unending flood of migrants and drugs poured across our border. Even as agents were arresting on average 800 illegal aliens a day, we were still unable to stop the thousands of trucks filled with drugs and humans that quickly crossed a vanishing point and dispersed into communities all across the country.

It is hard for anyone familiar with Yuma sector today to imagine this scene. That’s because nearly a decade ago, a group of bipartisan lawmakers came together to protect the homeland, save innocent lives, and build a physical barrier across the border.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

First it's a fence and not wall and it certainly can crossed.

Oh, didn't you know? A stunt like that will bring instant electrocution because the wall will be electrified.

Rubber tires have no problems with electricity---:auiqs.jpg: Furthermore I doubt a 1000 mile wall is going to have electricity within a 1000 miles to plug into. I think some of you people are doing your own WALLLLLLLL design. An electric 1000 wall has never been discussed. So I assume you're getting your idea's from the usual suspect.


He said he was going to put solar cells on it so there will be all the electricity needed.:cuckoo:
Ellis Island used to be able to process thousands per day. There should be no refugees waiting for processing on our border.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.
Don't pay any attention to him. He's constantly babbling nonsense.
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.
Don't pay any attention to him. He's constantly babbling nonsense.
Trump? Yea. No kidding
Quote: We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause. To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
We already have rules established, Dan. It's just that the illegals do not respect them because they already have hundreds of miles of areas where they can sneak across with a 50-50 chance they will be undetected. Interpretation: for every 3,000,000 illegal crossers, 1,500,000 of them get it. And since it is already recorded that many crossers have already been escorted back to Mexico, by their 10th crossing at least one of those times they are undetected illegal crossers, all they need is a false id that resembles a green card when they get to a farm or factory where ids aren't looked upon too carefully.

Why not just let it go, Dan. Most of us do not continue on if we lose 9 chances at much of anything. (Oops, I forgot about Vegas...) Well, anyhow, it only takes one open window to a place where persistence will also make them employed sooner or later.​
Ellis Island used to be able to process thousands per day. There should be no refugees waiting for processing on our border.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.

Not letting the criminal immigrants in is most cost effective.
That's a crock of B.S,

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly. Something they can see, can and will always be compromised, something they can't see won't even be attempted.

You had a Republican full house for two years, why in the hell do you think they didn't vote for it.

Here's 2-1/2 minutes of reasons.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
President Donald Trump’s promise to build a wall along our Southern border will save countless innocent lives. Our Border Patrol agents have seen firsthand the success of a border wall in Yuma, Ariz. — which serves as a prime example of how investments in personnel, technology and a border wall can turn the tide against a flood of illegal immigration and secure our homeland.

For years, Yuma sector was besieged by chaos as a nearly unending flood of migrants and drugs poured across our border. Even as agents were arresting on average 800 illegal aliens a day, we were still unable to stop the thousands of trucks filled with drugs and humans that quickly crossed a vanishing point and dispersed into communities all across the country.

It is hard for anyone familiar with Yuma sector today to imagine this scene. That’s because nearly a decade ago, a group of bipartisan lawmakers came together to protect the homeland, save innocent lives, and build a physical barrier across the border.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

First it's a fence and not wall and it certainly can crossed.

Oh, didn't you know? A stunt like that will bring instant electrocution because the wall will be electrified.

Rubber tires have no problems with electricity---:auiqs.jpg: Furthermore I doubt a 1000 mile wall is going to have electricity within a 1000 miles to plug into. I think some of you people are doing your own WALLLLLLLL design. An electric 1000 wall has never been discussed. So I assume you're getting your idea's from the usual suspect.


He said he was going to put solar cells on it so there will be all the electricity needed.:cuckoo:

I wonder how much that would cost, to have an electric fence charged by solar cells.

Of course with government contractors, it would be 10x the cost of retail... but interesting concept nonetheless.
Ellis Island used to be able to process thousands per day. There should be no refugees waiting for processing on our border.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.
They will get their documents over there.
Ellis Island used to be able to process thousands per day. There should be no refugees waiting for processing on our border.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.

Not letting the criminal immigrants in is most cost effective.
they have to be processed to determine that.
That's a crock of B.S,

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly. Something they can see, can and will always be compromised, something they can't see won't even be attempted.

You had a Republican full house for two years, why in the hell do you think they didn't vote for it.

Here's 2-1/2 minutes of reasons.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
President Donald Trump’s promise to build a wall along our Southern border will save countless innocent lives. Our Border Patrol agents have seen firsthand the success of a border wall in Yuma, Ariz. — which serves as a prime example of how investments in personnel, technology and a border wall can turn the tide against a flood of illegal immigration and secure our homeland.

For years, Yuma sector was besieged by chaos as a nearly unending flood of migrants and drugs poured across our border. Even as agents were arresting on average 800 illegal aliens a day, we were still unable to stop the thousands of trucks filled with drugs and humans that quickly crossed a vanishing point and dispersed into communities all across the country.

It is hard for anyone familiar with Yuma sector today to imagine this scene. That’s because nearly a decade ago, a group of bipartisan lawmakers came together to protect the homeland, save innocent lives, and build a physical barrier across the border.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

First it's a fence and not wall and it certainly can crossed.

Oh, didn't you know? A stunt like that will bring instant electrocution because the wall will be electrified.

Rubber tires have no problems with electricity---:auiqs.jpg: Furthermore I doubt a 1000 mile wall is going to have electricity within a 1000 miles to plug into. I think some of you people are doing your own WALLLLLLLL design. An electric 1000 wall has never been discussed. So I assume you're getting your idea's from the usual suspect.


Correct, we won't have a state of the art wall thanks to Democrats. The more money for the wall we have, the better and more effective wall. But the problem isn't the ability of a wall, the problem is Democrats.

I thought the problem was that Mexico said they werent going to pay for the wall like Drumpf promised?
The Democrats know that if Trump achieves his signature Campaign Promise of Building a Wall he will win re-election in a glorious landslide.
Build 2000 miles of wall in two years?

No funding. No land...No engineering

Guess he's cooked
Trump doesn't need to do anything but say, "I've built a great beautiful wall" and his followers will believe him.
Youre right. If Drumpf just said the wall was completed and Mexico paid for it all this would go away. I can just imagine Drumpfs followers marching along side an invisible wall shouting "we told you so!!" :laugh:
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.

Not letting the criminal immigrants in is most cost effective.
they have to be processed to determine that.

No they don't you just don't let them in unless they a VISA from the US consulate in their home country
No Visa no entry
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.

Not letting the criminal immigrants in is most cost effective.
they have to be processed to determine that.

No they don't you just don't let them in unless they a VISA from the US consulate in their home country
No Visa no entry
all they need do is ask. Upgrading Ellis Island can process tens of thousand per day and ensure all foreign nationals have a federal id.
Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
President Donald Trump’s promise to build a wall along our Southern border will save countless innocent lives. Our Border Patrol agents have seen firsthand the success of a border wall in Yuma, Ariz. — which serves as a prime example of how investments in personnel, technology and a border wall can turn the tide against a flood of illegal immigration and secure our homeland.

For years, Yuma sector was besieged by chaos as a nearly unending flood of migrants and drugs poured across our border. Even as agents were arresting on average 800 illegal aliens a day, we were still unable to stop the thousands of trucks filled with drugs and humans that quickly crossed a vanishing point and dispersed into communities all across the country.

It is hard for anyone familiar with Yuma sector today to imagine this scene. That’s because nearly a decade ago, a group of bipartisan lawmakers came together to protect the homeland, save innocent lives, and build a physical barrier across the border.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
First it's a fence and not wall and it certainly can crossed.
Oh, didn't you know? A stunt like that will bring instant electrocution because the wall will be electrified.

Rubber tires have no problems with electricity---:auiqs.jpg: Furthermore I doubt a 1000 mile wall is going to have electricity within a 1000 miles to plug into. I think some of you people are doing your own WALLLLLLLL design. An electric 1000 wall has never been discussed. So I assume you're getting your idea's from the usual suspect.

He said he was going to put solar cells on it so there will be all the electricity needed.:cuckoo:

I wonder how much that would cost, to have an electric fence charged by solar cells.

Of course with government contractors, it would be 10x the cost of retail... but interesting concept nonetheless.
One of the annoyingly conservative things about Republicans is our tendency to accept low bids from competent contractors who charge low prices and do good work. :muahaha:

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