Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Keep in mind the wall is really an unknown factor. It may be solid or slats. It may have barbed wire, electric wire, or nothing on top. Once it's built it becomes a known factor and can not easily be changed. That means coyotes will figure out the fastest method of crossing which maybe ladders, climbing carabiners, or some type power lift. However, you can be sure once the fence is built people are going to cross it. You can't stop them No wall can keep people out if they have access to the right equipment. It can only delay crossing. People who have crossed existing border walls estimated that the delay would only be 1 to 2 minutes over current reinforced fencing. That might be useful in densely populated area but in remote ares which are 85% of the border a couple of minutes delay would be meaningless.

Then why are other countries with similar problems to the US reporting great success with their wall? Will it stop each and every one? Probably not. But if the reduction is 75% or better, it's money well spent.

Other countries are not fighting the same demons we are. Walls work for communists, socialists, dictatorships and countries that are at war... then, they work temporarily.

A wall works to keep people out no matter if there is a conflict or not. You can't say a wall will work on people who are at war but not for people who are not. A wall either works or it doesn't.
How effective do think a prison wall would be if the guards were say 5 or 10 miles away. That's the situation you would have on most of the border. All it takes to go over a wall is a ladder and a couple of minutes.

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.
Other countries are not fighting the same demons we are. Walls work for communists, socialists, dictatorships and countries that are at war... then, they work temporarily.

A wall works to keep people out no matter if there is a conflict or not. You can't say a wall will work on people who are at war but not for people who are not. A wall either works or it doesn't.
How effective do think a prison wall would be if the guards were say 5 or 10 miles away. That's the situation you would have on most of the border. All it takes to go over a wall is a ladder and a couple of minutes.

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Flopper stupidly assumes that we will have border patrol stationed only every 60 miles since he says it would take them 30 minutes to get to any spot on the wall. How many people would it take to have border patrol stationed every 5 miles? Then it would take 2 1/2 minutes to get to any point on the wall. The agents could simply wait in their building monitoring the wall with cameras on the wall and/or with drones. Long before any potential border crossers got to the wall, the border patrol could be there waiting for them.

Idiots like Flopper claim the wall won't work only by claiming the border patrol is stupid. Yet these people are supposedly savvy enough to prevent border crossings without a wall. Nothing these idiots say makes sense on even basic level.

You are absolutely correct.

Our agencies that fight this problem have decades of experience. We have the best engineers in the world not to mention security forces. And while these forces support the Presidents idea of a wall.......they will simply take a ladder and jump over it according to those that are against a wall.

Like gee...........didn't it ever occur to these people that our security forces considered that already????

Yes.....we have posted links, stories, success of walls built in other places, yet they continue to try and convince us that those links are fake; walls are temporary; they will not stand the test of time.....

And it's my suspicion that none of these people ever carried a ladder large enough to accomplish this feat. I'm from a construction family. I worked as a laborer for my bricklayer father since the age of 11. I know what it's like to be three stories high with little around you to stop you from falling.

Deep down inside (regardless what they say here) they too know a wall would reduce drugs and illegals invading our country. Because if they really believed it would be a waste of time and money, they would welcome the idea of a wall to rub our noses in it for generations to come.
The goal of building border barriers is to delay intruders till the guards get there. In densely populated areas where border crossing are very common barriers are monitored and guards arrive in a few minutes of an intrusions.
Then why are other countries with similar problems to the US reporting great success with their wall? Will it stop each and every one? Probably not. But if the reduction is 75% or better, it's money well spent.

Other countries are not fighting the same demons we are. Walls work for communists, socialists, dictatorships and countries that are at war... then, they work temporarily.

A wall works to keep people out no matter if there is a conflict or not. You can't say a wall will work on people who are at war but not for people who are not. A wall either works or it doesn't.
How effective do think a prison wall would be if the guards were say 5 or 10 miles away. That's the situation you would have on most of the border. All it takes to go over a wall is a ladder and a couple of minutes.

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.

If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.
Then why are other countries with similar problems to the US reporting great success with their wall? Will it stop each and every one? Probably not. But if the reduction is 75% or better, it's money well spent.

Other countries are not fighting the same demons we are. Walls work for communists, socialists, dictatorships and countries that are at war... then, they work temporarily.

A wall works to keep people out no matter if there is a conflict or not. You can't say a wall will work on people who are at war but not for people who are not. A wall either works or it doesn't.
How effective do think a prison wall would be if the guards were say 5 or 10 miles away. That's the situation you would have on most of the border. All it takes to go over a wall is a ladder and a couple of minutes.

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.
Who said there won't be guards nearby other then dumbasses like you?
A wall works to keep people out no matter if there is a conflict or not. You can't say a wall will work on people who are at war but not for people who are not. A wall either works or it doesn't.
How effective do think a prison wall would be if the guards were say 5 or 10 miles away. That's the situation you would have on most of the border. All it takes to go over a wall is a ladder and a couple of minutes.

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Flopper stupidly assumes that we will have border patrol stationed only every 60 miles since he says it would take them 30 minutes to get to any spot on the wall. How many people would it take to have border patrol stationed every 5 miles? Then it would take 2 1/2 minutes to get to any point on the wall. The agents could simply wait in their building monitoring the wall with cameras on the wall and/or with drones. Long before any potential border crossers got to the wall, the border patrol could be there waiting for them.

Idiots like Flopper claim the wall won't work only by claiming the border patrol is stupid. Yet these people are supposedly savvy enough to prevent border crossings without a wall. Nothing these idiots say makes sense on even basic level.

You are absolutely correct.

Our agencies that fight this problem have decades of experience. We have the best engineers in the world not to mention security forces. And while these forces support the Presidents idea of a wall.......they will simply take a ladder and jump over it according to those that are against a wall.

Like gee...........didn't it ever occur to these people that our security forces considered that already????

Yes.....we have posted links, stories, success of walls built in other places, yet they continue to try and convince us that those links are fake; walls are temporary; they will not stand the test of time.....

And it's my suspicion that none of these people ever carried a ladder large enough to accomplish this feat. I'm from a construction family. I worked as a laborer for my bricklayer father since the age of 11. I know what it's like to be three stories high with little around you to stop you from falling.

Deep down inside (regardless what they say here) they too know a wall would reduce drugs and illegals invading our country. Because if they really believed it would be a waste of time and money, they would welcome the idea of a wall to rub our noses in it for generations to come.
The goal of building border barriers is to delay intruders till the guards get there. In densely populated areas where border crossing are very common barriers are monitored and guards arrive in a few minutes of an intrusions.
So what makes you think that can't be done alone the entire length of the wall?
You are asking taxpayers to pay more than $25 billion for something that doesn’t work and that Trump promised Mexico would pay for. Furthermore, Trump is putting tens of thousands of people into custody in tent cities at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Trump is spending millions and millions and just making the situation worse.

If walls don't work, why have there been so many walls throughout history; why are there so many gated communities and resorts all over the rest of the world with walls; why do gated communities in the US have walls; why do the Vatican and Israel have walls; why do so many wealthy and/or famous US residents have walls around their homes; why do prisons have walls, why do military installations have walls; why are there walls or high fences around electrical installations, missile silos and panoply of other places?


As far as ladders go, how is a would-be illegal immigrant going to trek all the way to our border carrying a 30-foot ladder? (Oh, I forgot, you wackos are going to aid and abet.) Do you opponents of the wall know how clumsy and heavy a 30-foot ladder is or how much one costs? Have any of you ever tried to pull one up to the top of a tall wall with razorwire or barbed wire on its top, get the ladder and yourself over the top of such a barrier, then lower the ladder down the other side and climb down? Then, how does one get that ladder back over thesaid wall and down the other side for someone else to use? Haveany of you ever carried one, erected one, and used one? Even with climbing gear, if would-be illegal immigrants could get it to the border, it would still be a feat to get over and down the other side of such a wall. Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that some incredibly fit, determined, equipped, and experiencedperson could get over such a wall with his belongings, how manymight that be out of say 5,000 people?

Are wall opponents so blinded by their ulterior motives that they refuse to or can't see that walls always have and still do deter the movement of people? Have they lost all sense of historical perspective, common sense,powers of observation, and reality? If they are delusional or in a state of deep denial, I hope they get help for Heaven’s sake.

LMFAO. By that kind of logic, how come that every empire in history ceased to exist?
China still exists, moron.

For now, but China is also 98.5 percent Han Chinese. Tell me the truth, since you want to argue about this, will you advocate shipping blacks to Africa once you get rid of the little brown people you hate so much?
Right on queue, out comes the accusations of racism. I thought you didn't insult people? Nah, you just call them Stalinists and racists if they want to defend their border. You are a disgusting piece of shit

You should be a politician with the amount of lies you tell. I said your solution won't work unless you are working to accomplish the same things those with walls are trying to accomplish.

That still does not mean you shouldn't answer my question. Your advocacy of this silly wall, when it will NOT work to fix the pretexts listed in the course of this thread has an ulterior motive the rest of us cannot see.
I see you have NEVER thought about what you're posting.
I see that you are a moron because you post ideas that have already been debunked 1000 times.

NOTHING I've said has been debunked. It's the reason you've sunk to the low of throwing hissy fits and calling people names when they prove you wrong.
I use ridicule and insults because turds like you are immune to facts and logic. Only a certain about of pain will dissuade you from trying to propagate your idiocies. I attempt to make your behavior as painful as possible.

You use name calling and insults because the facts don't favor you and you are too stupid to have an intelligent conversation.

It must be Hell being you when people from both of the aisle are exposing you for what you are... and you're so delusional that you believe you have what it takes to be in the conversation. Little man, you don't pack the gear. You are the one always citing communist countries, communist solutions and telling people how great Mexico's laws are. Yet you stay in the United States.

BTW, since both the Israelis and Chinese use the border to protect a specific people, do you advocate shipping blacks back to Africa and getting rid of all the Muslims? China is 98.5 percent Han Chinese. Maybe if America were 98.5 percent white, your ideas might work.

Inquiring minds want to know.
Says the asshole who calls me a Stalinist and a racist. I use insults because turds like you are immune to facts and logic. Now you're claiming that walls are racist, and by extension, anyone who supports them is racist. You're a dumbass, of course. None of your theories have any visible means of support. All you're doing is making excuses for the success of all the actual examples of walls.

I did not claim the wall idea is racist. But, the wall idea has been used in other countries for the deliberate purpose to separate people based upon race, religion, etc. NOBODY called you a Stalinist or a racist. Get over yourself and answer the questions.
I see that you are a moron because you post ideas that have already been debunked 1000 times.

NOTHING I've said has been debunked. It's the reason you've sunk to the low of throwing hissy fits and calling people names when they prove you wrong.
I use ridicule and insults because turds like you are immune to facts and logic. Only a certain about of pain will dissuade you from trying to propagate your idiocies. I attempt to make your behavior as painful as possible.

You use name calling and insults because the facts don't favor you and you are too stupid to have an intelligent conversation.

It must be Hell being you when people from both of the aisle are exposing you for what you are... and you're so delusional that you believe you have what it takes to be in the conversation. Little man, you don't pack the gear. You are the one always citing communist countries, communist solutions and telling people how great Mexico's laws are. Yet you stay in the United States.

BTW, since both the Israelis and Chinese use the border to protect a specific people, do you advocate shipping blacks back to Africa and getting rid of all the Muslims? China is 98.5 percent Han Chinese. Maybe if America were 98.5 percent white, your ideas might work.

Inquiring minds want to know.
Says the asshole who calls me a Stalinist and a racist. I use insults because turds like you are immune to facts and logic. Now you're claiming that walls are racist, and by extension, anyone who supports them is racist. You're a dumbass, of course. None of your theories have any visible means of support. All you're doing is making excuses for the success of all the actual examples of walls.

I did not claim the wall idea is racist. But, the wall idea has been used in other countries for the deliberate purpose to separate people based upon race, religion, etc. NOBODY called you a Stalinist or a racist. Get over yourself and answer the questions.

Wait so a wall doesn't work, but segregation by zip codes work?
Other countries are not fighting the same demons we are. Walls work for communists, socialists, dictatorships and countries that are at war... then, they work temporarily.

A wall works to keep people out no matter if there is a conflict or not. You can't say a wall will work on people who are at war but not for people who are not. A wall either works or it doesn't.
How effective do think a prison wall would be if the guards were say 5 or 10 miles away. That's the situation you would have on most of the border. All it takes to go over a wall is a ladder and a couple of minutes.

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.

If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.

A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.
I see that you are a moron because you post ideas that have already been debunked 1000 times.

NOTHING I've said has been debunked. It's the reason you've sunk to the low of throwing hissy fits and calling people names when they prove you wrong.
I use ridicule and insults because turds like you are immune to facts and logic. Only a certain about of pain will dissuade you from trying to propagate your idiocies. I attempt to make your behavior as painful as possible.

You use name calling and insults because the facts don't favor you and you are too stupid to have an intelligent conversation.

It must be Hell being you when people from both of the aisle are exposing you for what you are... and you're so delusional that you believe you have what it takes to be in the conversation. Little man, you don't pack the gear. You are the one always citing communist countries, communist solutions and telling people how great Mexico's laws are. Yet you stay in the United States.

BTW, since both the Israelis and Chinese use the border to protect a specific people, do you advocate shipping blacks back to Africa and getting rid of all the Muslims? China is 98.5 percent Han Chinese. Maybe if America were 98.5 percent white, your ideas might work.

Inquiring minds want to know.
Says the asshole who calls me a Stalinist and a racist. I use insults because turds like you are immune to facts and logic. Now you're claiming that walls are racist, and by extension, anyone who supports them is racist. You're a dumbass, of course. None of your theories have any visible means of support. All you're doing is making excuses for the success of all the actual examples of walls.

I did not claim the wall idea is racist. But, the wall idea has been used in other countries for the deliberate purpose to separate people based upon race, religion, etc. NOBODY called you a Stalinist or a racist. Get over yourself and answer the questions.

Blue cities are racist as fuck..so your answer is Cabrini green, Robert Taylor home
Segergated the black people?

A wall works to keep people out no matter if there is a conflict or not. You can't say a wall will work on people who are at war but not for people who are not. A wall either works or it doesn't.
How effective do think a prison wall would be if the guards were say 5 or 10 miles away. That's the situation you would have on most of the border. All it takes to go over a wall is a ladder and a couple of minutes.

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.

If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.

A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.

So you never dug dirt?

You stupid fuck, go pick up a shovel and start digging.. let's see how far you get.
The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus (November 2, 1883)
A bronze plaque with the words of the poem "The New Colossus" raised on it. The 1903 bronze plaque located in the Statue of Liberty's museum.

I don't want no Iron Curtain built along our southern border. This is not Berlin.
Let me tell you, our industry is flooded with foreigners. Cheap companies don't want to pay good money and lazy Americans don't want to take the jobs. So more and more companies are turning to foreigners.

They come here and are operating 75,000 lbs vehicles on the road with no ability to read road signs. These are terrible drivers to boot. Yes, they are driving right next to your vehicle on the highway. Besides the danger to Americans, they are keeping our wages lower because companies can pay them squat.

It's not just my industry, it's happening in nearly every industry. The ones that don't work or work low wage jobs are costing us taxpayers billions of dollars every year. That's money I work for that could go to better things like taking care of our homeless vets or reduce the deficit. And I don't want to hear about all these phony advantages because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

See - occasionally the are honest. The Wall is just protectionism for lazy Americans.

At this point I think we need to test your knowledge here, so answer this one simple question:

In the theory of supply and demand, what happens to prices when there is too much supply?

You're a truck driver, not someone that deals with the laws of economics. Wouldn't your test questions be like Chuck Schumer asking a Marine to explain how his M16 works?

You don't need to be an economist to understand the supply and demand theory.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage solves the "cheap labor" problem.
Employers need laborers that will produce at a competitive wage just as you need your firearm for protection. I support YOUR Rights AND the EMPLOYER'S Rights. See how that works?

It's my right to own firearms. It's my right to self-defense. No employer has the right to hire illegals.

Employers, in our de jure / lawful / legal / CONSTITUTIONAL form of government have the Right to hire whomever they want.

Then how is it ICE are busting companies who are hiring illegals? Maybe the owners of these companies can say their rights were violated? If so, why has none even tried?

We have in America at least two separate and distinct governments operating here. One is the de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic as envisioned by the founders. The other government is a de facto / illegal / Federal - Legislative Democracy owned and controlled by elite multinational corporations.

In EVERY area of the law, the powers that be enforce some form of injustice that causes victims of it to ask, quite incredulously, how can they do that? The government gets away with it because people like you use all your time to pressure and lobby them, but don't have a clue as to what in the Hell you're doing. Politicians react to what will get them elected, NOT what is constitutional. The United States Supreme Court once opined that:

"The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land, and any statue, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. This is succinctly stated as follows:

The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it.

An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted.

Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principals follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it . . .

A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one.

An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law.

Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby..

No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it."

— Sixteenth American Jurisprudence, Second Edition, Section 177. (late 2nd Ed. Section 256)

ICE, the IRS and even the local county governments all violate the Constitution and it's because we have a land of dummies that cannot be taught the difference between POWER and AUTHORITY.

Your question is one I ask myself all the time. Just this week-end I asked some NRA reps at a gun show why they always play defense and NEVER go on the offensive and challenge unconstitutional gun laws. They could not answer me. I can tell you this:

I am responsible for me. If the government ever tries to bust my chops over who I hire, associate with, etc. I do have defenses that have not been used in courts, but rest assured I will use them. It's up to all of us to exhaust all of our nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress before resorting to extraordinary measures. And when the government fails to stand by the guarantees of the Constitution, it is the duty of the militia to serve as the last line of defense in a free nation.

Right......because you are the arbitrator of what is constitutional and what is not.

Sorry, but your opinion is no more relevant than mine. Tell your representatives to pass the budge including the wall, and then take it to court yourself claiming unconstitutionality. We will all enjoy the laugh.
there is no Express wall building power.
You're a truck driver, not someone that deals with the laws of economics. Wouldn't your test questions be like Chuck Schumer asking a Marine to explain how his M16 works?

You don't need to be an economist to understand the supply and demand theory.

You have to have reasoning skills - which you have shown a lack of experience with.

You have your own little rating system for folks here, don't cha? You must be a leftist because you think the only person right is you. Forget evidence of what people post, forget about "logic" which you clearly don't have. Instead, replace that with unfounded wild conspiracy theories.

Now, would you like me to post some articles on Americans who either lost their job because of cheap foreign labor or had to work for less money because of them? I'm sure they're not that hard to find. In fact look up Disney and how they did exactly that.

I love the way you project, deflect, and misrepresent the facts when you are being owned by more than one poster. I don't have any "rating" system. Either you can hold a civil conversation or you can't.

Furthermore, no conspiracy theory has been offered up except that I feel the fix is in and you'll get your silly wall at the expense of gun owner's Rights.

NOBODY is losing their jobs here due to cheap foreign labor. Employers pay what they think a job is worth. If Disney goers think the help isn't paid enough, they can boycott the place and tell the corporate bigwigs they are outta there until they hire Americans at decent wages.

Which of course will never happen and you know it. And yes, people have lost jobs due to foreign labor. Again, I'm on vacation this week, and I'll be happy to Google it and post links if you'd like; starting with Disney.
lousy management with our Command Economy. Congress should be directing new Cites to be built in more optimal locations to command manufacturing jobs to be created.
How effective do think a prison wall would be if the guards were say 5 or 10 miles away. That's the situation you would have on most of the border. All it takes to go over a wall is a ladder and a couple of minutes.

First problem is paying for the cost of a ladder that can reach that height. Second problem is getting the ladder to the wall undetected. Third problem is getting on to the 40 foot wall undetected. Fourth problem is how to get down from the top of the wall. Fifth problem is getting to the other side undetected. The more people involved or using the ladder, the easier they are detected.

The wall will likely not be there alone. We will still have boarder security in place, drones and even cameras.
Most people that cross illegally for the first time hire someone to help, usually a coyote. Border towns are filled with them. What equipment is needed they will have it.

Walls like fences are only effective if you have guards nearby. Stores in small border towns stock whatever you need to make it across the border.

If they can afford all that, they probably ain't looking to escape Mexico for a better life, or can afford to apply for immigration legally. Meantime the wall will have increased electronic surveillance so patrols know where to go.

A handful of tools costing under a grand will defeat most any wall. On a good day, the police here can answer a call within twenty minutes. Along all those miles of border, that's all the coyotes need to get their human cargo beyond the wall.

So you never dug dirt?

You stupid fuck, go pick up a shovel and start digging.. let's see how far you get.

Start digging, you idiot..you need huge man power and money..

It's obvious you never dug a hole in your life

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus (November 2, 1883)
A bronze plaque with the words of the poem "The New Colossus" raised on it. The 1903 bronze plaque located in the Statue of Liberty's museum.

I don't want no Iron Curtain built along our southern border. This is not Berlin.

So you think the wall is to keep you in?

You dumb fuck..

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus (November 2, 1883)
A bronze plaque with the words of the poem "The New Colossus" raised on it. The 1903 bronze plaque located in the Statue of Liberty's museum.

I don't want no Iron Curtain built along our southern border. This is not Berlin.

So you think the wall is to keep you in?

You dumb fuck..


So asshole you think with this wall you won't be able to travel and cut off your pass port you dumb mother fucker troll

You still mad you can't go to Canada because of your D.U.I?

NOTHING I've said has been debunked. It's the reason you've sunk to the low of throwing hissy fits and calling people names when they prove you wrong.
I use ridicule and insults because turds like you are immune to facts and logic. Only a certain about of pain will dissuade you from trying to propagate your idiocies. I attempt to make your behavior as painful as possible.

You use name calling and insults because the facts don't favor you and you are too stupid to have an intelligent conversation.

It must be Hell being you when people from both of the aisle are exposing you for what you are... and you're so delusional that you believe you have what it takes to be in the conversation. Little man, you don't pack the gear. You are the one always citing communist countries, communist solutions and telling people how great Mexico's laws are. Yet you stay in the United States.

BTW, since both the Israelis and Chinese use the border to protect a specific people, do you advocate shipping blacks back to Africa and getting rid of all the Muslims? China is 98.5 percent Han Chinese. Maybe if America were 98.5 percent white, your ideas might work.

Inquiring minds want to know.
Says the asshole who calls me a Stalinist and a racist. I use insults because turds like you are immune to facts and logic. Now you're claiming that walls are racist, and by extension, anyone who supports them is racist. You're a dumbass, of course. None of your theories have any visible means of support. All you're doing is making excuses for the success of all the actual examples of walls.

I did not claim the wall idea is racist. But, the wall idea has been used in other countries for the deliberate purpose to separate people based upon race, religion, etc. NOBODY called you a Stalinist or a racist. Get over yourself and answer the questions.

Wait so a wall doesn't work, but segregation by zip codes work?

Did you proofread that before you submitted it? What does China's wall or the Israelis wall have to do with segregation by zip code? WTH are you talking about?

It's time for another installment of my rant:

People like you posting every day, all day about this nutty wall idea have given us many different pretexts as to WHY you think you need a wall in the first place.

One of the pretexts was sovereignty. That pretext doesn't work out unless you admit that the REAL objective is a One World Government since the sovereignty pretext means that the feds can tell states who they can and cannot do business with

Another pretext was safety. That pretext doesn't work out either considering that Benjamin Franklin once said something to the effect that those who would give up Essential Liberty of the promise of Temporary Safety deserved neither Liberty nor Safety

There were the accusations that the foreigners were taking jobs from Americans. When it was pointed out that those non-working Americans, for the most part are addicted to welfare and government handouts and / or locked out of the system by a criminal record and / or drug use. The majority of build the wall advocates don't think it's important to get Americans back into the workforce.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. That is ALL you have to offer and the countries you cite as having employed a wall usually did so to protect ONE PEOPLE. The bottom line is, our Constitution was initially designed to secure the blessings of Liberty for the white race.

You want China's wall, but don't want to answer the question as to whether you will one day advocate sending blacks back to Africa and getting rid of the Muslims, whose religion teaches that they will either convert or kill you. You are not smart enough to understand that a question is NOT an allegation NOR is it calling you anything.

You are siding with those who want to employ the laws of China, Mexico, and third world cesspools. You are on the side that invokes the names of countries that are totalitarian dictatorships, communist regimes, and countries at war. You're the one inferring you want to be like them. Trying to get the truth out of you on this issue is a chore. It would be easier to stuff hot butter up a wild cat's butt with a red hot poker than to get an honest answer from you.
NOTHING I've said has been debunked. It's the reason you've sunk to the low of throwing hissy fits and calling people names when they prove you wrong.
I use ridicule and insults because turds like you are immune to facts and logic. Only a certain about of pain will dissuade you from trying to propagate your idiocies. I attempt to make your behavior as painful as possible.

You use name calling and insults because the facts don't favor you and you are too stupid to have an intelligent conversation.

It must be Hell being you when people from both of the aisle are exposing you for what you are... and you're so delusional that you believe you have what it takes to be in the conversation. Little man, you don't pack the gear. You are the one always citing communist countries, communist solutions and telling people how great Mexico's laws are. Yet you stay in the United States.

BTW, since both the Israelis and Chinese use the border to protect a specific people, do you advocate shipping blacks back to Africa and getting rid of all the Muslims? China is 98.5 percent Han Chinese. Maybe if America were 98.5 percent white, your ideas might work.

Inquiring minds want to know.
Says the asshole who calls me a Stalinist and a racist. I use insults because turds like you are immune to facts and logic. Now you're claiming that walls are racist, and by extension, anyone who supports them is racist. You're a dumbass, of course. None of your theories have any visible means of support. All you're doing is making excuses for the success of all the actual examples of walls.

I did not claim the wall idea is racist. But, the wall idea has been used in other countries for the deliberate purpose to separate people based upon race, religion, etc. NOBODY called you a Stalinist or a racist. Get over yourself and answer the questions.

Blue cities are racist as fuck..so your answer is Cabrini green, Robert Taylor home
Segergated the black people?


If you're trying to make a point, you failed.

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