Why is Christopher Columbus credited for discovering AMERICA?

The Chinese, King Solomon and the Egyptians found the Americas long before Columbus. The main reason Columbus was able to get funded was his backers already had maps showing the entire world; it wasn’t much of a gamble.

Columbus brought the New World to European consciousness, hence he’s credited with its “discovery”
Because he revealed it existence to the Europeans, who did not know of it at the time. You're welcome...

I tried to explain that as well, so much but some people cant grasp such a simple concept.
I'll be honest...I have great respect for native American indians and I thunk there is great wisdom in their folklore (which I love to read).

But when injuns start riding the blacks coattails on the "GIMME FREE MONEY" and "HATE WHITEY" train...you can expect a poke in the eye and nothing more!

"Great respect for native American Indians"?
They had no written language, no inkling of science.
They warred with one another, took prisoners and tortured them horrifically, kidnapped enemies women and used them for their own pleasure. Then there are the South Americans who made human sacrifices on their pagan altars.

Slavery was a worldwide practice until England, France, and the United States officially ended it by law. So now of course the Left berates the white man for slavery, when it was blacks in Africa who captured other blacks and sold them. It continues to this day.
National Geographic says there are more slaves today on earth than ever before in history.
"Great respect for native American Indians"?
They had no written language, no inkling of science.
They warred with one another, took prisoners and tortured them horrifically, kidnapped enemies women and used them for their own pleasure. Then there are the South Americans who made human sacrifices on their pagan altars.

Slavery was a worldwide practice until England, France, and the United States officially ended it by law. So now of course the Left berates the white man for slavery, when it was blacks in Africa who captured other blacks and sold them. It continues to this day.
National Geographic says there are more slaves today on earth than ever before in history.
You’re ignorant.
Humans first entered the Western Hemisphere by the Bering Straits land bridge about 18,000 years ago.
About 12,000 years ago the Bering Straits land bridge submerged due to manmade global warming (caveman SUVs).
Soooo the humans living in the Western Hemisphere were isolated from the rest of the world until Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.
The Left does not like this because the Left blames eeeevvviiillll white people for all of the world's problems.

the oldest human remains in the new world are about 18,000 years old

Laguna Woman, found in Laguna Beach in 1933 by Howard Wilson, are the oldest human remains in the western hemisphere. At 17,000 years old, Laguna Woman is the first American. The story of the discovery of the oldest human remains in the Western Hemisphere,

Laguna Woman - The FIRST american - LightHeaded



The "Oldest, Most Complete" Human Skeleton In The …

May 16, 2014 · The "Oldest, Most Complete" Human Skeleton In The Western Hemisphere Was Discovered In Mexico. The 12,000 to 13,000-year-old remains belong to a teenage girl named Naia by the team that found her. The discovery provides proof of a link between …
As to who is "ignorant" and who is not @Helbilly and pal:

Native American Indians tortured and killed their prisoners. It is an established fact.

" It was not uncommon to burn the captives. Execution of a captive, especially an adult male, could take several days and nights. "

"Nearly all the tribes tortured their captives to some degree. Some, like the Plains tribes and the Apache were especially brutal. Rape was pretty common for women as was disfigurement. "

War, Cannabalism, Torture - Native Americans Weren't The Nature Loving Doves Humanities Academics Claim

"There is ample evidence that most, if not all, of the Indians of northeastern America engaged in cannibalism and torture—there is documentation of the Huron, Neutral, and Algonquin tribes each exhibiting the same behavior. This paper will examine these atrocities, search through several possible explanations, and ultimately reveal that the practices of cannibalism and torture in the Iroquois were actually related."

I could post many other sources confirming these facts, but obviously it would do little good to Leftists who have been brainwashed and have no interest in learning or thinking.
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Native American Indians tortured and killed their prisoners. It is an established fact.

" It was not uncommon to burn the captives. Execution of a captive, especially an adult male, could take several days and nights. "

"Nearly all the tribes tortured their captives to some degree. Some, like the Plains tribes and the Apache were especially brutal. Rape was pretty common for women as was disfigurement. "
The Mystic Massacre. White people burned hundreds of native women and children alive. Inside a church.
"Great respect for native American Indians"?
They had no written language, no inkling of science.
They warred with one another, took prisoners and tortured them horrifically, kidnapped enemies women and used them for their own pleasure.

And your point is???
And your point is???

It would do little good to simplify things for you since you are contemptibly disingenuous. But for the benefit of those less contemptibly disingenuous than you are, American Indians lived in animal skin teepees, hunted with bows and arrows and were profoundly ignorant and vicious. As I demonstrated with links, they tortured and engaged in cannibalism.

They were very much like today's Democrats who butcher innocent, helpless unborn babies. I'm sure you approve of all this savagery.

ciao brutto

I'm not interested in reading any more of your nonsense.

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