Why is Harris Supporting Certain “Insurrectionists” when Democrats Jail other “Insurrectionists”?

Look at how the libs brought race into it! It’s as of no matter how inappropriate the behavior, they will defend it if the people misbehaving are black.

If it were blacks who went into the Capitol on 1/6 and were then tossed in jail, they’d be screaming racist. But because they were white, they cheer their imprisonment. Even a grandma on chemo.
Strange. I wonder wby they had to smash through outside windows and break down doors.
Did Grandma on chemo smash windows and break doors? She walked in after the Capitol police opened a door for her. Yet they tossed her white butt in jail too.
Strange. I wonder wby they had to smash through outside windows and break down doors.
Because after some were let in the doors were closed and the ruckus from the Pelosi plants started up, those outside could hear it but could no longer get in so they broke in and one was murdered.
Thank you for asking for this to be explained in detail for the 100th time
Sec 27. Any member of either House of the general Assembly, shall have liberty to dissent from, and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals.

Tennessee Constitution.
Repeating your bullshit doesn’t make it true retard. They have ZERO right to start shouting through a bullhorn, shouting down recognized speakers and generally being assholes. So much so that their party “leader” and the sergeant at arms had to be called in to restore order.
Repeating your bullshit doesn’t make it true retard. They have ZERO right to start shouting through a bullhorn, shouting down recognized speakers and generally being assholes. So much so that their party “leader” and the sergeant at arms had to be called in to restore order.
Let me repeat… they have all been reinstated. Apparently you are wrong AGAIN
Thank you...

What is this, your third time posting the Tennessee constitution, and ignored by the op, and trumpers?
Again retard, they have no right to start shouting down recognized speakers using a bullhorn and making a mess of proceedings. Of course you will ignore that inconvenient fact being the libturd you are.
Let me repeat… they have all been reinstated. Apparently you are wrong AGAIN

Let me repeat asshole. They have NO right to shout down speakers using a bullhorn LUSH. Of course you love thugs who just ignore rules and resort to bullshit because they’re intellectually stunted. Just kick their asses out again.
You people are pathetic, anti-American and anti-democracy. Seriously Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
There’s an ironic statement from a lying know nothing. So what if the assholes were black? They broke the rules and got their comeuppance. And now you want them treated special. So STFU. Them, and you, care NOTHING for kids except to use them as political pawns, no matter if they’re killed or not. You pathetic moron.
I have no idea what kind of tard you are, but suffice to say “untethered from reality” is an insufficient adjective.
Just another example of why this ^^ asshole should have been removed as a “mod” a LONG time ago. You’re nothing but an asshole, a troll, an Anti-Semite, defender of your side’s attempts to sexualize kids. Refusing to see the actions of these rule breakers and just reflexively crying “wacist!”. And wonder why people laugh at you.
There’s an ironic statement from a lying know nothing. So what if the assholes were black? They broke the rules and got their comeuppance. And now you want them treated special. So STFU. Them, and you, care NOTHING for kids except to use them as political pawns, no matter if they’re killed or not. You pathetic moron.
That’s a leftist for you. Because the assholes were black, they jump to defend them. If they were white, they’d want to see them indicted and jailed.
Again retard, they have no right to start shouting down recognized speakers using a bullhorn and making a mess of proceedings. Of course you will ignore that inconvenient fact being the libturd you are.
Censure them or take them off committees but to strip their voters of their newly elected representatives for something so small was simply absolute power, corruption and racism on display for all to see.
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Did Grandma on chemo smash windows and break doors? She walked in after the Capitol police opened a door for her. Yet they tossed her white butt in jail too.

Why is her name important?

Oh, I don't know, to determine if this is a real person.

The name of the person is Pam Hemphill. She is 69 years old, charged with tresspassing and she got a whopping 60 day sentence.

Pam Hemphill, who had flown to Washington, D.C. from Idaho on Jan. 5 to support Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, had pushed through police lines three different times as the crowd outside the Capitol grew increasingly violent. She also encouraged her fellow rioters to push their way inside the building, and she was later seen inside the Rotunda itself.

Prosecutors say that when police offered to help her, Hemphill exaggerated her injuries in an effort to distract officers from more violent protestors.

Hemphill pleaded guilty in January to one count of demonstrating, picketing, or parading in a Capitol building, a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail, a fine up to $5,000, and up to five years of probation.

She had requested a sentence of probation only. Prosecutors suggested a sentence of 60 days in jail, three years of probation, and 60 hours of community service.

At Hemphill’s sentencing hearing on Tuesday, prosecutors said that Hemphill presented herself as a frail woman who had been overwhelmed and injured by the crowd, and not as the agitator she truly is.

Prosecutor Katherine Nielsen played video during the hearing that appeared to show Hemphill interacting with police officers who were trying to help her.

The Jan. 6 melee was not Hemphill’s first time storming a government building: prosecutors say that in August 2020, Hemphill was part of a crowd that stormed the Idaho Statehouse—shattering a glass door in the process—while protesting COVID-19 restrictions.

That protest was led by anti-government militant Ammon Bundy, who has been involved in multiple standoffs with the federal government.

Speaking on her own behalf at her sentencing hearing Tuesday, Hemphill said that she “fully” regretted her actions on Jan. 6.
And how many are in jail? Remember, our idiot VP lobbied for bail to release them. In the meantime, those on the other side of the political spectrum who happened to even be in the vicinity of a protest are in jail.

Most were released because they hadn't done anything wrong. Nearly all of the arrests for violence, arson and looting were right wing thugs, anarchists and troublemakers wanting to kick liberal ass, start a race war, and generally cause trouble.

The police attacked and arrested a lot of peaceful protestors. Those people had their charges dropped and many of them have sued the police for excessive force.

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