Why is Heaven so desirable to so many...

They = money changers
their = jewish priests

It shouldn't have been that difficult to follow. You are just being difficult.

Oh---now I understand-----Your sunday school teachers were almost but not
quite correct. THE REALITY is that the temple courtyard was under the
control of the "authorities"-------who at that time were the ROMAN SHILL SADDUCEEAN PRIESTS (whom the Pharisees despised for being roman
shills) and the Romans. (whom the Pharisees despised for being the occupying
power) There is hope that you might come close to understanding the
situation at that time and WHY Jesus and friends despised the MONEY CHANGERS and Caiaphas and Annas
You really believe that? Really?

I know it--------the Pharisees were very LITERATE -----and productive in their
writings---very communicative-----in Aramaic. I also know that Mickey Mantle
played in the WORLD SERIES for the YANKEES against the DODGERS in 1955.
I know people who can identify the KOSHER species of grass-hoppers. You
want to ask me the RECIPE for transforming base metal to gold?
I want you to think about the ridiculousness of Romans being involved and directing Jewish religious practices.

what a joke you are-----not only did the ROMANS control just who were the "HIGH PRIESTS" ------they also appointed the HATED edomite roman shill "KING" to wit---
HEROD. As to jewish practices----there were various sectors. The Pharisees were the jews who rejected the ROMAN INFLUENCE ----there were others who tended to develop monastic style outposts in the STICKS -----as in the desert. John the Baptist was such a character (murdered by the ROMAN SHILL--HEROD) The Essenes were another group. SHEEESH -----you are dim
you got anything else to say to demonstrate your utter ignorance of the details of the Roman occupation of Judea, dingbat? Why do you
imagine that I KNOW the names CAIAPHAS AND ANNAS? you imagine I can name every
"HIGH PRIEST"? any idea what the "high priest" was that does not conform with your idiot
In the first century AD, Jews lived across the Roman Empire in relative harmony.

Protected by Rome and allowed to continue their religion, everything was fine until rebellion in Judaea led to a major change in the practice of their faith.

The Roman Empire: in the First Century. The Roman Empire. Jews In Roman Times | PBS

The name Pharisee is probably derived from the Hebrew perushim or the Aramaic perishaya, which means “the separated (ones),” though it is debated as to from what or whom they were separated. Like the Sadducees, they first made their appearance in the late second century B.C.E. under the Maccabees whom they initially supported, but from whom they later separated. After John Hyrcanus took bloody revenge on them for a Pharisee’s criticism of his mother, they once again came into their own under Queen Alexandra (76-69 B.C.E.) and gradually gained in stature. Unlike the Sadducees, most Pharisees were not priests, but lay scholars whose main influence was in their development and preservation of the oral legal tradition mentioned above. Thus, they were rooted in the synagogue and known for pious living (alms, tithing, prayer, and fasting) and interpretation of the Torah, especially in areas such as food purity, crops, Sabbaths and festivals, and family affairs. In these areas, the Pharisees “made a hedge for the Torah.” In direct contrast to the Sadducees, they accepted the larger notion of Scripture, as well as newer views such as angels, demons, and the resurrection of the dead. In the New Testament, Jesus is pictured as frequently in debate with the “scribes and the Pharisees,” the former having perhaps formed still another, separate group. The Pharisees were divided into various “schools,” the best known being those of Hillel and Shammai in the first century. Their most renowned teachers became rabbis, though the beginning of the use of this term is also debated. Unlike the Sadducees, then, many of the Pharisaic traditions have been preserved in the so-called rabbinic literature, for it was the Pharisees who survived the war with Rome and reorganized Judaism along Pharisaic lines at the coastal town of Javneh (Jamnia). Here the books of the Jewish Scriptures were decided, the oral traditions collected, and the prayer against the Christians (Nazarenes) and Heretics added to the important set of Jewish prayers, the Eighteen Benedictions. Henceforth, the heart of Judaism was the Torah, the synagogue, and the interpretation of Torah by the rabbis.

The Jewish World of Jesus: An Overview
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. The money changers worked for the priesthood, they were keepers of the Temple Mount, under the strict authority of the Priesthood, not the Romans.
2. Their job was to convert any currency to the Shekel, the local monetary currency, the Jews were required by the OT to bring in a sacrifice of i think a shekel to put into the Temple treasury.
3. It was very cheap, but the money changers were ripping the worshipers (Jews) off taking more than that was required from the worshipers other currency, in order to hand them a shekel to pay the Temple Sacrifice, which by its very implementation turned into a tax not a sacrifice which it should of remained.
4. Turned into a tax because it was required and not given as a sacrifice, no pay the tax; a shekel, no entrance.
5. The very poor didn't have even two pence.
6. A shekel of that time was like a quarter this time, not a lot of money but still more than a penny.
7. Jesus said, "The poor widow who put in ALL her living (two pennies), put in more than ALL the rich people who had put in much."
8. So there is the proof its not what you put in its where your heart is as you put it in.
9. Pearls of wisdom at times turns one away from the herd.


way off TEX-----the half shekel was a tax-----no one denied that. No one called it a SACRIFICE. The money changers accommodated VISITORS to Jerusalem who
needed local tender to function in Jerusalem-----lots of people traveled TO JERUSALEM ---especially during the Passover holiday. The
money changers were answerable to the ROMANS and their SHILLS-----the Temple was a BIG MONEY MAKER for the romans----why do you imagine the Romans WANTED
JUDEA? -------for a texas barbecue?----the issue was EXTORTION. Why do you imagine the romans APPOINTED the "high priests"?

1. Don't change the topic sure once a year,...blah, blah, blah....
2. But each Sabbath the Jews had to exchange any funds that went into the priestly treasury, on a day to day bases.
3. And that's where the money changers raked it in.
4. They were Jews working for the High Priest.
5. Most ended up rich, that's why Christ and Christ alone run them greedy money changers off!
6. And he knew it would piss off the High Priest, which he didn't care one eye lash.
7. The High Priest likely got a cut or percentage of the scam.
7. So when you understand this Rosie get back to me.

Sorry bout that,

1. One thing you should confront, point blank, is that the Jews, wanted Jesus to die, for the people, the Romans wanted him to live, so ALL the Jews, in power wanted Jesus dead, (Religious and Political), only a select few dozen Jews did not, and they didn't speak up, which they were not supposed too.
2. Jesus had to fulfill something, most don't know what, but he was on a mission, and time itself would of stopped if he didn't go to the CROSS.
3. Jesus going to the Cross was a repeal on time, time was up, time could of ended, but it was repealed, and it has kept going, till the day again that time will find an end.
4. More Pearls or clues to the blind, think about it, what if its not Bullshit eh, Rosie ole gal?

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. The money changers worked for the priesthood, they were keepers of the Temple Mount, under the strict authority of the Priesthood, not the Romans.
2. Their job was to convert any currency to the Shekel, the local monetary currency, the Jews were required by the OT to bring in a sacrifice of i think a shekel to put into the Temple treasury.
3. It was very cheap, but the money changers were ripping the worshipers (Jews) off taking more than that was required from the worshipers other currency, in order to hand them a shekel to pay the Temple Sacrifice, which by its very implementation turned into a tax not a sacrifice which it should of remained.
4. Turned into a tax because it was required and not given as a sacrifice, no pay the tax; a shekel, no entrance.
5. The very poor didn't have even two pence.
6. A shekel of that time was like a quarter this time, not a lot of money but still more than a penny.
7. Jesus said, "The poor widow who put in ALL her living (two pennies), put in more than ALL the rich people who had put in much."
8. So there is the proof its not what you put in its where your heart is as you put it in.
9. Pearls of wisdom at times turns one away from the herd.


way off TEX-----the half shekel was a tax-----no one denied that. No one called it a SACRIFICE. The money changers accommodated VISITORS to Jerusalem who
needed local tender to function in Jerusalem-----lots of people traveled TO JERUSALEM ---especially during the Passover holiday. The
money changers were answerable to the ROMANS and their SHILLS-----the Temple was a BIG MONEY MAKER for the romans----why do you imagine the Romans WANTED
JUDEA? -------for a texas barbecue?----the issue was EXTORTION. Why do you imagine the romans APPOINTED the "high priests"?

1. Don't change the topic sure once a year,...blah, blah, blah....
2. But each Sabbath the Jews had to exchange any funds that went into the priestly treasury, on a day to day bases.
3. And that's where the money changers raked it in.
4. They were Jews working for the High Priest.
5. Most ended up rich, that's why Christ and Christ alone run them greedy money changers off!
6. And he knew it would piss off the High Priest, which he didn't care one eye lash.
7. The High Priest likely got a cut or percentage of the scam.
7. So when you understand this Rosie get back to me.


Tex, I understand you very well. I served in the US Navy which is chock full of Texans. My very own CORPSman was a VERY INTELLIGENT
Texan lad. -------but even he was poisoned in his mind by SOUTHERN BAPTIST SHIT. You know NOTHING about the situation in Judea at
the time of Jesus, Nothing about the workings of
the Temple, Nothing about the roman rule and Nothing about the Sadducees and Pharisees ---UTTERLY NOTHING ( in general I do like southern Baptists-----their religious services and sermons are SO ROUSING-------HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!! btw---do you have any idea
what that word means? )
Did they mention somewhre that he ever worked and earned his livlyhood?
I don't think so.
That's not proof that he ever stole anything. People probably gave him shit. It was likely an honor to feed him. They may have even felt sorry for him. I was ugly, short, and homeless. I probably would have tossed him a loaf of bread too.
Heaven is a place where you don't grow old. You actually live forever by having immortality. You do not have to sleep or eat to get replenished with strength. It is a place where there is no such thing as murder because you cannot be killed or die. Heaven is a place where others that are there care for you and seek your eternal welfare. For those who have tasted the spirit of God in their lives, they know and understand the beauty of the joy and happiness that they can feel in the heavenly kingdom. Those who go to heaven will be able to visit their relatives and friends no matter what kingdom they are sent to. This cannot be said of those who are in lower kingdoms. Those who reach the highest degree of heaven will continue to be married or be given an eternal companion and have the power to procreate their own spirit children. Their family bonds will last forever. Greater power, knowledge, and opportunity are given to the faithful who enter the kingdom of heaven. Those in lower kingdoms cannot progress the same as those in heaven but are damned or stopped from such progressions. Heaven is just a much more heavenly place to be than to be consigned to a lower kingdom where such progressions are not found.

As teenager I read sometimes Perry Rhodan Novels.
They also supplied detailed engineering drawings of the space ships used.
Very detailed, only things is, they were pure fantasy and fictional and would never work.
Who the hell gave you the details about the heavens?

What some men consider fiction some consider the word of God. I am a believer in God and find his word to be the truth in my life.

Regarding immortality:

1 Corinthians 15:53-54
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

As an immortal you will not need to sustain life since it is part of your makeup as an immortal. Is not growing old the corruption of the body? If corruption must put on incorruption, then the body will not grow old and die. It will be immortal to live forever.

Now if people are immortal in the heavens, then how can you murder or kill these beings? You simply cannot!

The two great commandments that all other commandments are part of are:

Matthew 22:37-40
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Those who make it to heaven will live according to this law. They will love one another and because of this love they will care for one another as the gospel requires.

Mosiah 4:3
3 And it came to pass that after they had spoken these words the Spirit of the Lord came upon them, and they were filled with joy, having received a remission of their sins, and having peace of conscience, because of the exceeding faith which they had in Jesus Christ who should come, according to the words which king Benjamin had spoken unto them.

The scriptures are replete with instances of God's Holy Spirit (the Holy Ghost) coming upon people and their hearts being filled with joy and peace. If you seek after the Lord he will show you by the spirit the truthfulness of his ways. If you accept this knowledge once you receive it, you can choose to enter his church by baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost which if you stay righteous He will be a constant companion in your life.

Read Acts 8. There you will find that the gift of the Holy Ghost is conferred by the laying on of hands of those who have authority to give the gift. It is received after entering the waters of baptism and joining the church of God.

Moroni 10:5
5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

God has revealed in the Doctrine and Covenants 76 the four major kingdoms that mankind will be consigned to after this life. The highest kingdom is the Celestial Kingdom. The next highest is the Terrestrial Kingdom. The next is the Telestial Kingdom. Finally there is a place called Outer Darkness. Speaking of the Telestial Kingdom, a part of this revelation states:

D&C 76:81-88
81 And again, we saw the glory of the telestial, which glory is that of the lesser, even as the glory of the stars differs from that of the glory of the moon in the firmament.
82 These are they who received not the gospel of Christ, neither the testimony of Jesus.
83 These are they who deny not the Holy Spirit.
84 These are they who are thrust down to hell.
85 These are they who shall not be redeemed from the devil until the last resurrection, until the Lord, even Christ the Lamb, shall have finished his work.
86 These are they who receive not of his fulness in the eternal world, but of the Holy Spirit through the ministration of the terrestrial;
87 And the terrestrial through the ministration of the celestial.
88 And also the telestial receive it of the administering of angels who are appointed to minister for them, or who are appointed to be ministering spirits for them; for they shall be heirs of salvation.

Here we learn that those in the Celestial Kingdom will be able to minister to those of lower kingdoms. Those of the Terrestrial will be able to minister only to those in the Telestial Kingdom but will not be allowed in the Celestial Kingdom.

Doctrine and Covenants 131:1-3
1 In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees;
2 And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage];
3 And if he does not, he cannot obtain it.

The above verses tell us that in order to reach the highest degree in the Celestial Kingdom, one must enter into the new and everlasting covenant of marriage. This means that one must be sealed, by those who have the proper authority, to his wife for time and all eternity. By doing so your marriage will continue in the next world if you are found worthy to enter the Celestial Kingdom. By the sealing power of the priesthood of God, one can be sealed to their husband or wife and their children. These relationships continue for all eternity.

Those who reach this status in the next life will have a continuation of the seeds of life:

Doctrine and Covenants 132:19
19 And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, and it is sealed unto them by the Holy Spirit of promise, by him who is anointed, unto whom I have appointed this power and the keys of this priesthood; and it shall be said unto them—Ye shall come forth in the first resurrection; and if it be after the first resurrection, in the next resurrection; and shall inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths—then shall it be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, that he shall commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, and if ye abide in my covenant, and commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, it shall be done unto them in all things whatsoever my servant hath put upon them, in time, and through all eternity; and shall be of full force when they are out of the world; and they shall pass by the angels, and the gods, which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever.

Mark 16:16
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

What do you suppose they are damned from? They are kept back and cannot advance the same as those who believe and receive the Lord and the Kingdom of Heaven.
Mormons are long-winded.
Oh---now I understand-----Your sunday school teachers were almost but not
quite correct. THE REALITY is that the temple courtyard was under the
control of the "authorities"-------who at that time were the ROMAN SHILL SADDUCEEAN PRIESTS (whom the Pharisees despised for being roman
shills) and the Romans. (whom the Pharisees despised for being the occupying
power) There is hope that you might come close to understanding the
situation at that time and WHY Jesus and friends despised the MONEY CHANGERS and Caiaphas and Annas
I thought Jesus was pissed off because they the temple into a market. They desecrated the temple. It was supposed to be a place of worship, not commerce. So, Jesus kicked them out.

It was not political, as I understand it, but again. Pagan...:dunno:

Did my Norse Pagan Sunday school teacher get it wrong?
If there are no dogs there, it is not heaven! Even if there is nothing after, would that be so bad. You were then you were not. I do not have much of issue with that.
Actually, I am very at peace with the end being the absolute end. It's not so bad at all.
Oh---now I understand-----Your sunday school teachers were almost but not
quite correct. THE REALITY is that the temple courtyard was under the
control of the "authorities"-------who at that time were the ROMAN SHILL SADDUCEEAN PRIESTS (whom the Pharisees despised for being roman
shills) and the Romans. (whom the Pharisees despised for being the occupying
power) There is hope that you might come close to understanding the
situation at that time and WHY Jesus and friends despised the MONEY CHANGERS and Caiaphas and Annas
I thought Jesus was pissed off because they the temple into a market. They desecrated the temple. It was supposed to be a place of worship, not commerce. So, Jesus kicked them out.

It was not political, as I understand it, but again. Pagan...:dunno:

Did my Norse Pagan Sunday school teacher get it wrong?

It is difficult for your sunday school teachers to have understood------there is an ACTUAL HISTORY of that time. The people were LARGELY LITERATE----unlike the ancestors of your sunday school teachers. The fact is that the ROMANS controlled the Temple commerce via their APPOINTED "high priests" who were DESPISED by the PHARISEES who were virtually ALL LITERATE. It is important to understand that the WHOLE purpose of the ROMAN OCCUPATION was economic exploitation. ----your sunday school teachers FORGOT to mention that fact. Jesus---being a Pharisee wanted the roman bastards and their shills OUT----<<<<that is history. The most hated bastard of the roman shills was CAIAPHAS----the character most eager to GET RID OF JESUS. -----you will never get this information from your sunday school teacher------it is written in Aramaic. Christian leaders pretend this history does not exist
Oh---now I understand-----Your sunday school teachers were almost but not
quite correct. THE REALITY is that the temple courtyard was under the
control of the "authorities"-------who at that time were the ROMAN SHILL SADDUCEEAN PRIESTS (whom the Pharisees despised for being roman
shills) and the Romans. (whom the Pharisees despised for being the occupying
power) There is hope that you might come close to understanding the
situation at that time and WHY Jesus and friends despised the MONEY CHANGERS and Caiaphas and Annas
I thought Jesus was pissed off because they the temple into a market. They desecrated the temple. It was supposed to be a place of worship, not commerce. So, Jesus kicked them out.

It was not political, as I understand it, but again. Pagan...:dunno:

Did my Norse Pagan Sunday school teacher get it wrong?
I like the local Jehova witness recruiting style they send these ladies named Tabatha and Alexis tryin to recruit me. To say they are easy on the eyes is an understatement. I have nice chats with them. I know the bible, not real sure where I stand on the faith thing at the moment.
Ever notice that whenever someone dies, everybody is at the funeral and they always say, aaaaaaaw, uncle Bill is up in Heaven looking down at us smiling. They always say that. Like everybody goes to Heaven or something. You never hear anybody saying, Uncle Bill, that rat bastard is burning in Hell right now.
Ever notice that whenever someone dies, everybody is at the funeral and they always say, aaaaaaaw, uncle Bill is up in Heaven looking down at us smiling. They always say that. Like everybody goes to Heaven or something. You never hear anybody saying, Uncle Bill, that rat bastard is burning in Hell right now.
They say that at the bar after the funeral!
Oh---now I understand-----Your sunday school teachers were almost but not
quite correct. THE REALITY is that the temple courtyard was under the
control of the "authorities"-------who at that time were the ROMAN SHILL SADDUCEEAN PRIESTS (whom the Pharisees despised for being roman
shills) and the Romans. (whom the Pharisees despised for being the occupying
power) There is hope that you might come close to understanding the
situation at that time and WHY Jesus and friends despised the MONEY CHANGERS and Caiaphas and Annas
I thought Jesus was pissed off because they the temple into a market. They desecrated the temple. It was supposed to be a place of worship, not commerce. So, Jesus kicked them out.

It was not political, as I understand it, but again. Pagan...:dunno:

Did my Norse Pagan Sunday school teacher get it wrong?

It is difficult for your sunday school teachers to have understood------there is an ACTUAL HISTORY of that time. The people were LARGELY LITERATE----unlike the ancestors of your sunday school teachers. The fact is that the ROMANS controlled the Temple commerce via their APPOINTED "high priests" who were DESPISED by the PHARISEES who were virtually ALL LITERATE. It is important to understand that the WHOLE purpose of the ROMAN OCCUPATION was economic exploitation. ----your sunday school teachers FORGOT to mention that fact. Jesus---being a Pharisee wanted the roman bastards and their shills OUT----<<<<that is history. The most hated bastard of the roman shills was CAIAPHAS----the character most eager to GET RID OF JESUS. -----you will never get this information from your sunday school teacher------it is written in Aramaic. Christian leaders pretend this history does not exist
That is very interesting. Do you have some source materials I can review? I am always interested in the real history.
Ever notice that whenever someone dies, everybody is at the funeral and they always say, aaaaaaaw, uncle Bill is up in Heaven looking down at us smiling. They always say that. Like everybody goes to Heaven or something. You never hear anybody saying, Uncle Bill, that rat bastard is burning in Hell right now.

Oh---now I understand-----Your sunday school teachers were almost but not
quite correct. THE REALITY is that the temple courtyard was under the
control of the "authorities"-------who at that time were the ROMAN SHILL SADDUCEEAN PRIESTS (whom the Pharisees despised for being roman
shills) and the Romans. (whom the Pharisees despised for being the occupying
power) There is hope that you might come close to understanding the
situation at that time and WHY Jesus and friends despised the MONEY CHANGERS and Caiaphas and Annas
I thought Jesus was pissed off because they the temple into a market. They desecrated the temple. It was supposed to be a place of worship, not commerce. So, Jesus kicked them out.

It was not political, as I understand it, but again. Pagan...:dunno:

Did my Norse Pagan Sunday school teacher get it wrong?

It is difficult for your sunday school teachers to have understood------there is an ACTUAL HISTORY of that time. The people were LARGELY LITERATE----unlike the ancestors of your sunday school teachers. The fact is that the ROMANS controlled the Temple commerce via their APPOINTED "high priests" who were DESPISED by the PHARISEES who were virtually ALL LITERATE. It is important to understand that the WHOLE purpose of the ROMAN OCCUPATION was economic exploitation. ----your sunday school teachers FORGOT to mention that fact. Jesus---being a Pharisee wanted the roman bastards and their shills OUT----<<<<that is history. The most hated bastard of the roman shills was CAIAPHAS----the character most eager to GET RID OF JESUS. -----you will never get this information from your sunday school teacher------it is written in Aramaic. Christian leaders pretend this history does not exist
That is very interesting. Do you have some source materials I can review? I am always interested in the real history.

a good place to start is Josephus Flavius. A very interesting book-----but not for the weary minded is "Passover Plot"
Sorry bout that,

1. So the religious and political Jews wanted Jesus dead?
2. You really lack understanding Ole Gal.

Oh---now I understand-----Your sunday school teachers were almost but not
quite correct. THE REALITY is that the temple courtyard was under the
control of the "authorities"-------who at that time were the ROMAN SHILL SADDUCEEAN PRIESTS (whom the Pharisees despised for being roman
shills) and the Romans. (whom the Pharisees despised for being the occupying
power) There is hope that you might come close to understanding the
situation at that time and WHY Jesus and friends despised the MONEY CHANGERS and Caiaphas and Annas
I thought Jesus was pissed off because they the temple into a market. They desecrated the temple. It was supposed to be a place of worship, not commerce. So, Jesus kicked them out.

It was not political, as I understand it, but again. Pagan...:dunno:

Did my Norse Pagan Sunday school teacher get it wrong?

It is difficult for your sunday school teachers to have understood------there is an ACTUAL HISTORY of that time. The people were LARGELY LITERATE----unlike the ancestors of your sunday school teachers. The fact is that the ROMANS controlled the Temple commerce via their APPOINTED "high priests" who were DESPISED by the PHARISEES who were virtually ALL LITERATE. It is important to understand that the WHOLE purpose of the ROMAN OCCUPATION was economic exploitation. ----your sunday school teachers FORGOT to mention that fact. Jesus---being a Pharisee wanted the roman bastards and their shills OUT----<<<<that is history. The most hated bastard of the roman shills was CAIAPHAS----the character most eager to GET RID OF JESUS. -----you will never get this information from your sunday school teacher------it is written in Aramaic. Christian leaders pretend this history does not exist
Shaped by the Story: Was Jesus a Pharisee, Sadducee, or Essene?

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