Why is Heaven so desirable to so many...

he was a Pharisee------no "story"
He was neither. You're a Pharisee.

you are referring to a designation no longer in use. ~ 2000 years ago---the person called "JESUS" today---was a Pharisee jew. Pontius Pilate crucified
Pharisee jews by the thousands.
Caiphas was a despised roman appointee to the position of high priest----he hated Pharisees too. The Pharisees were despised by the Romans most vigorously by the ROMANS OF THE FIRST REICH including the emperor--Constantine The emperor of the THIRD REICH identified modern jews with the Pharisees as do you and most
catechism whores and several popes.
The emperor of the third reich was Adolf Hitler. Remember ? he said so----
Jesus had more run-ins with the Pharisees than with the Sadducees, because of the former’s giving preeminence to oral tradition.

“You ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition,” Jesus told them (Mark 7:8, NLT; see also Matthew 9:14; 15:1–9; 23:5, 16, 23, Mark 7:1–23; and Luke 11:42 ). Because the Sadducees were often more concerned with politics than religion, they ignored Jesus until they began to fear He might bring unwanted Roman attention and upset the status quo. It was at that point that the Sadducees and Pharisees set aside their differences, united, and conspired to put Christ to death (John 11:48–50; Mark 14:53; 15:1).

wrong again-----Sadducees and Pharisees never "set aside their differences"---you have INVENTED history. "RUN INS WITH PHARISEES"? when? another imaginary piece of roman shit. LOL @ "mark and matthew"----<<< both toeing the ROMAN PARTY LINE after the fact ROFLMAO @ "john"
Just to crucify Christ.
Christainity....does anyone really need an explanation?

Just the ones whose moral codes were built upon it so that they could look down upon it from their lofty perch from their high horse. :smile:
God to Mohammed: I didn't say heaven was like 72 virgins. I said heaven was like 72 holes and I was referring to golf.
But you do have to love the mindless sheep of militant atheists when they refer to religious people as sheep, amirite?

He was neither. You're a Pharisee.

you are referring to a designation no longer in use. ~ 2000 years ago---the person called "JESUS" today---was a Pharisee jew. Pontius Pilate crucified
Pharisee jews by the thousands.
Caiphas was a despised roman appointee to the position of high priest----he hated Pharisees too. The Pharisees were despised by the Romans most vigorously by the ROMANS OF THE FIRST REICH including the emperor--Constantine The emperor of the THIRD REICH identified modern jews with the Pharisees as do you and most
catechism whores and several popes.
The emperor of the third reich was Adolf Hitler. Remember ? he said so----
Jesus had more run-ins with the Pharisees than with the Sadducees, because of the former’s giving preeminence to oral tradition.

“You ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition,” Jesus told them (Mark 7:8, NLT; see also Matthew 9:14; 15:1–9; 23:5, 16, 23, Mark 7:1–23; and Luke 11:42 ). Because the Sadducees were often more concerned with politics than religion, they ignored Jesus until they began to fear He might bring unwanted Roman attention and upset the status quo. It was at that point that the Sadducees and Pharisees set aside their differences, united, and conspired to put Christ to death (John 11:48–50; Mark 14:53; 15:1).

wrong again-----Sadducees and Pharisees never "set aside their differences"---you have INVENTED history. "RUN INS WITH PHARISEES"? when? another imaginary piece of roman shit. LOL @ "mark and matthew"----<<< both toeing the ROMAN PARTY LINE after the fact ROFLMAO @ "john"
Just to crucify Christ.

for those who do not know-----which would be ONLY people who know very little about the life the times of Jesus-----Crucifixion is absolutely forbidden in jewish law for
ANY REASON-------and more importantly----the PHARISEE stance on THE DEATH
PENALTY was--------AVOID IT BY ANY MEANS. Even today the reason why Israel
does not employ a death penalty is BECAUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL RABBINICAL
STANCE ------which is---"if at all possible---avoid the death penalty---even for murder"
The story about the ADULTRESS and the "CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys
"CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys

Jesus taught that the words of the law were figurative, the subjects hidden. It was not about what you eat or wear or the sexual practices of bipeds. Nothing pharisaic about that at all.

When Jesus asked for the person who was without sin to cast the first stone he was not asking about the person who was without just any sin but the exact same sin of adultery that they wanted to stone the woman for.

They all walked away because to condemn the woman for doing what the law was not about they were condemning themselves for being guilty of violating the deeper implications of what the law against adultery is actually about according to his revelation.

Nothing pharisaic about that at all.
"CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys

Jesus taught that the words of the law were figurative, the subjects hidden. It was not about what you eat or wear or the sexual practices of bipeds. Nothing pharisaic about that at all.

When Jesus asked for the person who was without sin to cast the first stone he was not asking about the person who was without just any sin but the exact same sin of adultery that they wanted to stone the woman for.

They all walked away because to condemn the woman for doing what the law was not about they were condemning themselves for being guilty of violating the deeper implications of what the law against adultery is actually about according to his revelation.

Nothing pharisaic about that at all.

BULLSHIT the FACT is that the Pharisee stance at that time was the
the death penalty for adultery was NOT TO BE DONE. In fact---the whole
story is BS----since executions could not be determined by ANY COURT---other
than the Sanhedrin AT THAT TIME-----according to Jewish law-----the story is a SILLY SHAM of the sunday school variety

you are referring to a designation no longer in use. ~ 2000 years ago---the person called "JESUS" today---was a Pharisee jew. Pontius Pilate crucified
Pharisee jews by the thousands.
Caiphas was a despised roman appointee to the position of high priest----he hated Pharisees too. The Pharisees were despised by the Romans most vigorously by the ROMANS OF THE FIRST REICH including the emperor--Constantine The emperor of the THIRD REICH identified modern jews with the Pharisees as do you and most
catechism whores and several popes.
The emperor of the third reich was Adolf Hitler. Remember ? he said so----
Jesus had more run-ins with the Pharisees than with the Sadducees, because of the former’s giving preeminence to oral tradition.

“You ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition,” Jesus told them (Mark 7:8, NLT; see also Matthew 9:14; 15:1–9; 23:5, 16, 23, Mark 7:1–23; and Luke 11:42 ). Because the Sadducees were often more concerned with politics than religion, they ignored Jesus until they began to fear He might bring unwanted Roman attention and upset the status quo. It was at that point that the Sadducees and Pharisees set aside their differences, united, and conspired to put Christ to death (John 11:48–50; Mark 14:53; 15:1).

wrong again-----Sadducees and Pharisees never "set aside their differences"---you have INVENTED history. "RUN INS WITH PHARISEES"? when? another imaginary piece of roman shit. LOL @ "mark and matthew"----<<< both toeing the ROMAN PARTY LINE after the fact ROFLMAO @ "john"
Just to crucify Christ.

for those who do not know-----which would be ONLY people who know very little about the life the times of Jesus-----Crucifixion is absolutely forbidden in jewish law for
ANY REASON-------and more importantly----the PHARISEE stance on THE DEATH
PENALTY was--------AVOID IT BY ANY MEANS. Even today the reason why Israel
does not employ a death penalty is BECAUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL RABBINICAL
STANCE ------which is---"if at all possible---avoid the death penalty---even for murder"
The story about the ADULTRESS and the "CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.
Sorry bout that,

1. Nut i believe that ole Rosie is a flaming liberal, dying for attention, and she has con-cocked bs ideas as to what the Bible says, she is neither a Christian nor a Jew, and is only trying to troll, Troll on Littel Rosie.

you are referring to a designation no longer in use. ~ 2000 years ago---the person called "JESUS" today---was a Pharisee jew. Pontius Pilate crucified
Pharisee jews by the thousands.
Caiphas was a despised roman appointee to the position of high priest----he hated Pharisees too. The Pharisees were despised by the Romans most vigorously by the ROMANS OF THE FIRST REICH including the emperor--Constantine The emperor of the THIRD REICH identified modern jews with the Pharisees as do you and most
catechism whores and several popes.
The emperor of the third reich was Adolf Hitler. Remember ? he said so----
Jesus had more run-ins with the Pharisees than with the Sadducees, because of the former’s giving preeminence to oral tradition.

“You ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition,” Jesus told them (Mark 7:8, NLT; see also Matthew 9:14; 15:1–9; 23:5, 16, 23, Mark 7:1–23; and Luke 11:42 ). Because the Sadducees were often more concerned with politics than religion, they ignored Jesus until they began to fear He might bring unwanted Roman attention and upset the status quo. It was at that point that the Sadducees and Pharisees set aside their differences, united, and conspired to put Christ to death (John 11:48–50; Mark 14:53; 15:1).

wrong again-----Sadducees and Pharisees never "set aside their differences"---you have INVENTED history. "RUN INS WITH PHARISEES"? when? another imaginary piece of roman shit. LOL @ "mark and matthew"----<<< both toeing the ROMAN PARTY LINE after the fact ROFLMAO @ "john"
Just to crucify Christ.

for those who do not know-----which would be ONLY people who know very little about the life the times of Jesus-----Crucifixion is absolutely forbidden in jewish law for
ANY REASON-------and more importantly----the PHARISEE stance on THE DEATH
PENALTY was--------AVOID IT BY ANY MEANS. Even today the reason why Israel
does not employ a death penalty is BECAUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL RABBINICAL
STANCE ------which is---"if at all possible---avoid the death penalty---even for murder"
The story about the ADULTRESS and the "CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.

the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sorry bout that,

1. Ole Rosie, your message is nothing but lies, who has time or desire to correct are your lies.
2. Before you get corrected you will spread more lies.
3. Me thinks this troll isn't anything like she wants us to think, I think that she is a he, and he is a muslim.
4. Jesus quote "Before Abraham I am".
5. There is a Pearl swine boy.....

Sorry bout that,

1. Ole Rosie, your message is nothing but lies, who has time or desire to correct are your lies.
2. Before you get corrected you will spread more lies.
3. Me thinks this troll isn't anything like she wants us to think, I think that she is a he, and he is a muslim.
4. Jesus quote "Before Abraham I am".
5. There is a Pearl swine boy.....


from "john" the same mushroom galvanized unknown person who
generated the book of revulsions
Sorry bout that,

1. Nut i believe that ole Rosie is a flaming liberal, dying for attention, and she has con-cocked bs ideas as to what the Bible says, she is neither a Christian nor a Jew, and is only trying to troll, Troll on Littel Rosie.

She/he is an atheist. That much is clear.
Jesus had more run-ins with the Pharisees than with the Sadducees, because of the former’s giving preeminence to oral tradition.

“You ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition,” Jesus told them (Mark 7:8, NLT; see also Matthew 9:14; 15:1–9; 23:5, 16, 23, Mark 7:1–23; and Luke 11:42 ). Because the Sadducees were often more concerned with politics than religion, they ignored Jesus until they began to fear He might bring unwanted Roman attention and upset the status quo. It was at that point that the Sadducees and Pharisees set aside their differences, united, and conspired to put Christ to death (John 11:48–50; Mark 14:53; 15:1).

wrong again-----Sadducees and Pharisees never "set aside their differences"---you have INVENTED history. "RUN INS WITH PHARISEES"? when? another imaginary piece of roman shit. LOL @ "mark and matthew"----<<< both toeing the ROMAN PARTY LINE after the fact ROFLMAO @ "john"
Just to crucify Christ.

for those who do not know-----which would be ONLY people who know very little about the life the times of Jesus-----Crucifixion is absolutely forbidden in jewish law for
ANY REASON-------and more importantly----the PHARISEE stance on THE DEATH
PENALTY was--------AVOID IT BY ANY MEANS. Even today the reason why Israel
does not employ a death penalty is BECAUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL RABBINICAL
STANCE ------which is---"if at all possible---avoid the death penalty---even for murder"
The story about the ADULTRESS and the "CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.

the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.
Sorry bout that,

1. Ole Rosie, your message is nothing but lies, who has time or desire to correct are your lies.
2. Before you get corrected you will spread more lies.
3. Me thinks this troll isn't anything like she wants us to think, I think that she is a he, and he is a muslim.
4. Jesus quote "Before Abraham I am".
5. There is a Pearl swine boy.....


from "john" the same mushroom galvanized unknown person who
generated the book of revulsions
I'm surprised you weren't able to work in a few whores.
wrong again-----Sadducees and Pharisees never "set aside their differences"---you have INVENTED history. "RUN INS WITH PHARISEES"? when? another imaginary piece of roman shit. LOL @ "mark and matthew"----<<< both toeing the ROMAN PARTY LINE after the fact ROFLMAO @ "john"
Just to crucify Christ.

for those who do not know-----which would be ONLY people who know very little about the life the times of Jesus-----Crucifixion is absolutely forbidden in jewish law for
ANY REASON-------and more importantly----the PHARISEE stance on THE DEATH
PENALTY was--------AVOID IT BY ANY MEANS. Even today the reason why Israel
does not employ a death penalty is BECAUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL RABBINICAL
STANCE ------which is---"if at all possible---avoid the death penalty---even for murder"
The story about the ADULTRESS and the "CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.

the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.
wrong again-----Sadducees and Pharisees never "set aside their differences"---you have INVENTED history. "RUN INS WITH PHARISEES"? when? another imaginary piece of roman shit. LOL @ "mark and matthew"----<<< both toeing the ROMAN PARTY LINE after the fact ROFLMAO @ "john"
Just to crucify Christ.

for those who do not know-----which would be ONLY people who know very little about the life the times of Jesus-----Crucifixion is absolutely forbidden in jewish law for
ANY REASON-------and more importantly----the PHARISEE stance on THE DEATH
PENALTY was--------AVOID IT BY ANY MEANS. Even today the reason why Israel
does not employ a death penalty is BECAUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL RABBINICAL
STANCE ------which is---"if at all possible---avoid the death penalty---even for murder"
The story about the ADULTRESS and the "CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.

the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.

Josephus Flavius HAD POWER? Just what power did Josephus Flavius have in
your fevered delirium?. Just what is my "conspiracy theory"? I had no idea---
KING JOSEPHUS dingbat imagines that Josephus was JULIUS CAESAR.
For the record-----Josephus Flavius had no power at all in Judea or in Rome----he was---technically-----enslaved to the "flavius" family. He was very scholarly and wrote
books detailing the history of his time. His works are highly regarded-----try it sometime-----dingy. Maybe dingy finds it remarkable that he was LITERATE --
way back then------
Just to crucify Christ.

for those who do not know-----which would be ONLY people who know very little about the life the times of Jesus-----Crucifixion is absolutely forbidden in jewish law for
ANY REASON-------and more importantly----the PHARISEE stance on THE DEATH
PENALTY was--------AVOID IT BY ANY MEANS. Even today the reason why Israel
does not employ a death penalty is BECAUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL RABBINICAL
STANCE ------which is---"if at all possible---avoid the death penalty---even for murder"
The story about the ADULTRESS and the "CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.

the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.
Just to crucify Christ.

for those who do not know-----which would be ONLY people who know very little about the life the times of Jesus-----Crucifixion is absolutely forbidden in jewish law for
ANY REASON-------and more importantly----the PHARISEE stance on THE DEATH
PENALTY was--------AVOID IT BY ANY MEANS. Even today the reason why Israel
does not employ a death penalty is BECAUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL RABBINICAL
STANCE ------which is---"if at all possible---avoid the death penalty---even for murder"
The story about the ADULTRESS and the "CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.

the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.

Josephus Flavius HAD POWER? Just what power did Josephus Flavius have in
your fevered delirium?. Just what is my "conspiracy theory"? I had no idea---
KING JOSEPHUS dingbat imagines that Josephus was JULIUS CAESAR.
For the record-----Josephus Flavius had no power at all in Judea or in Rome----he was---technically-----enslaved to the "flavius" family. He was very scholarly and wrote
books detailing the history of his time. His works are highly regarded-----try it sometime-----dingy. Maybe dingy finds it remarkable that he was LITERATE --
way back then------
That the 24,000 written manuscripts are false. That Christianity is a fabrication.
for those who do not know-----which would be ONLY people who know very little about the life the times of Jesus-----Crucifixion is absolutely forbidden in jewish law for
ANY REASON-------and more importantly----the PHARISEE stance on THE DEATH
PENALTY was--------AVOID IT BY ANY MEANS. Even today the reason why Israel
does not employ a death penalty is BECAUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL RABBINICAL
STANCE ------which is---"if at all possible---avoid the death penalty---even for murder"
The story about the ADULTRESS and the "CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.

the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.
for those who do not know-----which would be ONLY people who know very little about the life the times of Jesus-----Crucifixion is absolutely forbidden in jewish law for
ANY REASON-------and more importantly----the PHARISEE stance on THE DEATH
PENALTY was--------AVOID IT BY ANY MEANS. Even today the reason why Israel
does not employ a death penalty is BECAUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL RABBINICAL
STANCE ------which is---"if at all possible---avoid the death penalty---even for murder"
The story about the ADULTRESS and the "CAST THE FIRST STONE" thing----actually PROVES that Jesus was a Pharisee.. Sorry folks----you been HAD---by catechism whores and dingys
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.

the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.

Josephus Flavius HAD POWER? Just what power did Josephus Flavius have in
your fevered delirium?. Just what is my "conspiracy theory"? I had no idea---
KING JOSEPHUS dingbat imagines that Josephus was JULIUS CAESAR.
For the record-----Josephus Flavius had no power at all in Judea or in Rome----he was---technically-----enslaved to the "flavius" family. He was very scholarly and wrote
books detailing the history of his time. His works are highly regarded-----try it sometime-----dingy. Maybe dingy finds it remarkable that he was LITERATE --
way back then------
That the 24,000 written manuscripts are false. That Christianity is a fabrication.

are you claiming that Josephus Flavius claimed that 24,000 written manuscripts are
false? Nope-----he does not mention 24,000 written manuscripts and he does
not mention Jesus or Christianity. He was first century---born 37 CE
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.

the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.
I don't think that proves Jesus was a Pharisee. You have to look at the whole picture. He doesn't fit into any single group. Yes, crucifixion was a Roman thing. But Jews did believe in the death penalty then and would most certainly believe anyone who claimed to be God deserving of it.

the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.

Josephus Flavius HAD POWER? Just what power did Josephus Flavius have in
your fevered delirium?. Just what is my "conspiracy theory"? I had no idea---
KING JOSEPHUS dingbat imagines that Josephus was JULIUS CAESAR.
For the record-----Josephus Flavius had no power at all in Judea or in Rome----he was---technically-----enslaved to the "flavius" family. He was very scholarly and wrote
books detailing the history of his time. His works are highly regarded-----try it sometime-----dingy. Maybe dingy finds it remarkable that he was LITERATE --
way back then------
That the 24,000 written manuscripts are false. That Christianity is a fabrication.

are you claiming that Josephus Flavius claimed that 24,000 written manuscripts are
false? Nope-----he does not mention 24,000 written manuscripts and he does
not mention Jesus or Christianity. He was first century---born 37 CE
No. I am claiming you do.
the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.
the only group he fits is PHARISEE---WHOLE PICTURE. As to death penalty---NOPE----at no point does Jesus CLAIM TO BE "GOD" ---Even making the major
leap that information one can glean from the NT is factual----the actual reality is
that the enemies of Jesus were THE ROMANS and their SHILLS---Herod and
Caiaphas. The claim that Jesus was a "threat" to the Pharisees is ludicrous. The claim that they wielded the POWER is also ludicrous. Your sunday school teacher
transmitted ROMAN INFORMATION to you because the ROMANS hated the
Pharisees and still do. An anecdote----long ago whilst wandering around the hospital
in which I then worked, I noticed a patient reading the works of Josephus Flavius. The man wore a crucifix and had a rosary tied to his bedrails. Days later I noticed
that he had abandoned his book and had been discharged. I picked it up and read the forward written by a catholic clergyman. It praised the book EXCEPT for its ONE MISTAKE----the ONE MISTAKE is that Josephus had FAR TOO HIGH OPINION OF THE PHARISEES. THE BIG MISTAKE OF JOSEPHUS. -------for me---the joke
of the day-----reminded me of conversations I had in my undergraduate days with
a divinity student from Seton Hall. That would be priest was just as brainwashed
and ill informed as are you.
Sure he made that claim and wielded the power, Rosie. Your problem is that there are more than 24,000 written manuscripts which argue against your conspiracy theory.

Josephus Flavius HAD POWER? Just what power did Josephus Flavius have in
your fevered delirium?. Just what is my "conspiracy theory"? I had no idea---
KING JOSEPHUS dingbat imagines that Josephus was JULIUS CAESAR.
For the record-----Josephus Flavius had no power at all in Judea or in Rome----he was---technically-----enslaved to the "flavius" family. He was very scholarly and wrote
books detailing the history of his time. His works are highly regarded-----try it sometime-----dingy. Maybe dingy finds it remarkable that he was LITERATE --
way back then------
That the 24,000 written manuscripts are false. That Christianity is a fabrication.

are you claiming that Josephus Flavius claimed that 24,000 written manuscripts are
false? Nope-----he does not mention 24,000 written manuscripts and he does
not mention Jesus or Christianity. He was first century---born 37 CE
No. I am claiming you do.

there are a lot more than 24,000 false documents

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